View of the Oyster River looking toward Durham from the Portsmouth side of the General Sullivan Bridge. Courtesy Elise Sullivan
The clocks "spring ahead” with the arrival of Daylight Saving Time at 2 AM on Sunday, March 12th. It ends at 2 AM on Sunday, November 5th.
DST or no, longer days mean warmer weather with spring just around the corner!
A final reminder that the town election will be held next Tuesday, March 14, 2017, at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Voters will park in reserved spaces along the front of the school and use the Multipurpose Room entrance. Items on the Town ballot include:
- Election of Town Councilors, members of the Library Board of Trustees, the Town Clerk-Tax Collector, Town Treasurer, and Trustee of the Trust Funds.
- Referendum on the funding of expansion/renovation to the police facility
Details on these items may be found below.
Candidates for elected offices
The following is a list of citizens who have filed for the Durham elected offices:
Town Council, 3 positions (3-year terms):
Katherine (Kitty) Marple
Sally Tobias
Carden Welsh
Library Board of Trustees, 2 positions (3-year terms):
Anne H. Knight
Susan Roman
Town Clerk-Tax Collector, 1 position (3-year term):
Lorrie Pitt
Treasurer, 1 position (3-year term):
Karl VanAsselt
Trustees of the Trust Funds, 1 position (3-year term):
William Cote
At the January 9, 2017 Town Council meeting, the Council voted unanimously to place the following referendum question on the March 14, 2017 Town Election Warrant relating to bonding for the expansion/renovation of the Durham Police facility:
"Are you in favor of raising and appropriating the sum of $1,960,000 for the purpose of the expansion/renovation of the Durham Police Facility, with said sum to be in addition to any federal, state or private funds made available therefor, and of authorizing the issuance of not more than $1,960,000 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provision of the municipal finance act, RSA Chapter 33, and authorizing the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon. The Council unanimously recommends this appropriation. 2/3 ballot vote required."
Built in 1950, the current police facility has served the Department since 1997. Not surprisingly, physical deficiencies and operational limitations are becoming more critical. The proposal to upgrade the facility would address these and extend the useful life of the facility by decades.
Even if the bond is not approved and there is no expansion/renovation, project architects estimate that we will need to spend $1.21 million for required compliance repairs and upgrades and to meet code.
To learn more about the proposal, click HERE.
In addition, DCAT has prepared three short videos pertaining to the proposal. These may be viewed from HERE. The videos highlight some of the critical physical deficiencies in the current facility in working areas of the department that the public rarely sees. Both Chief Dave Kurz and staff discuss these deficiencies and related operational limitations, and the Chief points out some of the benefits of starting the project soon. The videos may also be viewed at DCAT On Demand. Look for the folder titled “Durham Police Facility Expansion/Renovation.”
Durham voters and their families are welcome to tour the existing police facility during an Open House (face painting! snacks!) to be held on Saturday morning, March 11, from 9 A.M. to noon. (See details below.)
If residents who would like to see our police facility first-hand but cannot attend the Open House, please contact Chief Kurz by email at dkurz@ci.durham.nh.us or by phone at 603-868-2324, and he will be happy to arrange for a tour.
Beginning at 9AM tomorrow morning, Saturday March 11th, the Durham Police will host an open house for Durham residents to view the police facility before the March 14th Referendum. As many know the referendum will fund the proposed addition and renovations to the police facility. The open house is a family event and will include face-painting, snacks and other activities for children. For additional information please call 868-2324.
A questionnaire was sent to all candidates for the Oyster River School Board by the Oyster River Teachers' Guild. Candidates were asked by the Guild to respond to a number of questions pertaining to education in the Oyster River School District. The information provided by candidates was then compiled by the Guild into a Voter’s Guide. The information is not intended to be an endorsement of any one candidate, but rather a source of information to assist district residents in making an informed choice when voting on Tuesday March 14th.
To view the questionnaire and candidate responses, click HERE.
In a process that has taken 53 years to accomplish between Durham and UNH, the University of New Hampshire finalized a Quitclaim Deed, which Mr. Selig executed this week, transferring and accepting the parcels of land known as the "Tot Lot" and the Oyster River Park to the Town. Both parcels are within the Faculty Neighborhood.
The transaction was pursuant to a 1964 Town Meeting vote approving the acquisition of the properties by the Town of Durham, as was the intent of the parcels when the University laid out the Faculty Development as a residential neighborhood.
The "Tot Lot" is a small parcel landlocked by residential homes with an access easement. It was intended to be a neighborhood playground area for "tots," as was the practice in the 1960's.
Over the last sixteen years, the two parcels have been a topic of ongoing discussion between Durham and UNH. The most recent set of Town/Gown conversations regarding various agreements between the parties led to the fruition of the transfers approved per the 1964 Durham Town Meeting vote.
A thank you is extended to the University of New Hampshire for working closely with Durham to resolve this longstanding, outstanding issue.
Special thanks as well to former long-time Durham resident Arthur Grant, PZA Admin. Asst. Karen Edwards, now retired UNH VP for Facilities & Energy Paul Chamberlin, and current UNH VP for Facilities Bill Janelle, all of whom conducted research into the history of these parcels dating back a little over a half century .
The transferral does go to show that good things come to those who wait.
The Durham supervisors of the checklist will meet at the Durham town hall on Monday, March 6, 2017, from 7:00 – 7:30 pm, to make corrections to the checklist and to accept new voter registrations. Changes in party registration can be made at this time.
Prospective voters are required by law to show proof of identity, age (18 by the election day), domicile/residence in Durham, and U.S. citizenship. A driver’s license and a birth certificate or passport are useful. Affidavits of domicile and citizenship may be signed under oath if proofs are lacking.
Town and Campus 2017. Courtesy Todd Selig
The Town and Campus has been sold to Peter Murphy, 60 Main R.E., LLC. As most residents may already know, Peter purchased and renovated the former town-owned Grange building in 2013 to have commercial occupancy on the first floor and residential occupancy above. Town and Campus has been owned/operated for decades by Jesse and June Gangwer.
The old Pettee Block building, circa 1920, which was located where Town and Campus is now. Note the sack of flower in the window from the Swastika Flour Company of New York. Prior to World War II, the swastika was a common logo, particularly for American food companies.
Phase B of the Route 108 Project, from the Durham Town Hall to Hamel Brook Bridge, and Stagecoach Road to Newmarket, is expected to begin in April, however prior to that date, utility crews will begin working on moving poles in Durham.
NHDOT will require that the contractor maintain two-way flowing traffic during the morning and afternoon commute –one-way traffic is permitted only during the hours of 8AM – 3PM.
Durham DPW has attended preconstruction meetings with NHDOT and the contractor American Excavating. We will have direct communication with them in regards to scheduling and sharing of information. If you have questions about the project please contact Town Engineer April Talon at 603-868-5578 or via email at atalon@ci.durham.nh.us.
Persons that own property in Durham and recently installed a “solar energy system” that utilizes solar energy to heat or cool the interior of their building, heat water, or to provide electricity, may qualify for a solar exemption.
The Town of Durham has adopted the Exemption for Solar Systems per RSA 72:62 which gives qualifying residents a solar exemption from their property tax assessment.
In order to qualify for this exemption, a PA-29 exemption application must be received by the Assessing Office by April 15, 2017. Applications may be downloaded from the Town website or may be picked up at the Assessor’s Office located on the 2nd floor of the Town Hall building at 8 Newmarket Road. Applications must also include the total installation cost and a detailed list of what equipment was installed on an applicant's property.
If approved, this exemption will be applied to 2017 assessments.
Please contact the Town Assessor at 603-868-8064 with any questions regarding the solar systems exemption.
The Town of Durham will be holding a Future Land Use Community Forum on Saturday, May 13. This will be an opportunity for Durham residents to share their vision for the development of our town.
Town Council Chair, Kitty Marple, presents outgoing Council members Diana Carroll (l) and Kathy Bubar (r) with certificates of appreciation recognizing their commitment and contributions made while serving over the past three years. Courtesy Todd Selig
On April 30, 2017, terms on various Town boards, commissions, and committees will expire. In mid-April, the Town Council will begin the process for making its annual appointments/reappointments to Town boards, with appointments to take effect May 1, 2017. The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to fill these vacancies.
Citizens interested in board appointments may stop in or contact the Administrator’s office at 868-5571 and ask for a board application form. Applications are also available on the home page of the Town’s web site: www.ci.durham.nh.us at the top of the home page under “Helpful Resources”, then “Town Documents”, then “forms”, then “Application for Appointment”.
Completed applications may be mailed to the Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to jberry@ci.durham.nh.us. The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, March 24, 2017.
The Durham Energy Committee has asked us to help make residents aware of this upcoming opportunity ...
Take control of your energy future. Leverage the power of group discounts to lower your energy use, drive down energy costs and transition to clean energy at your home or business. Achieve your energy goals with: Weatherization, Solar Electricity, Heat Pumps.
Energize 360 launch event is a partnership between Seacoast Regional Energy Hub, SEAREI, ReVision Energy, Yankee Thermal Imaging and five Seacoast towns. Trusted vendors selected by an independent committee offer discounts and community project funds that increase along with participation.
Program available to residents of: Dover, Durham, Lee, Northwood and Portsmouth. Program ends June 30th. Energize 360 discount cannot be combined with other discounts.
Kindly RSVP at: http://energize360.eventbrite.com. Learn more at: http://energize360.org or call (603) 679-1777. Please bring utility bills to event.
McGregor Memorial EMS recently installed the Stryker Performance-LOAD stretcher (cot) fastening system in all three ambulances. This new loading system, coupled with their existing battery-powered Power-PRO cots, helps ensure caregiver and patient safety by guiding the cot throughout the loading and unloading process, and securing the cot during transportation.
The guided system prevents “cot drift” when the ambulance is parked on an uneven surface thus greatly reducing back injuries for the caregiver and nervousness of the patient.
This state-of-the-art equipment adheres to the latest federal crash test safety standards to provide maximum patient and caregiver safety in the event of an accident. McGregor also opted to install an inductive charging system so that battery-powered cots stay charged and changing of batteries on a daily basis becomes unnecessary.
View the informative video for further information HERE
Chief Kurz advises that the police department has had several residents contact them about continuing telephone scams. These calls are so troubling to us all but the technology and the desire to separate people from their money clearly has no bounds.
The most recent calls have been very similar in nature regarding the Internal Revenue Service.
So prevalent are these calls that most news outlets have been actively advising their viewers of this scam but once again the Durham Police want to share this information for awareness purposes and to help prevent fraud and/or identity theft from occurring during these purposely stressful telephone calls! As always the Durham Police urge residents NEVER to provide personal and/or credit card information via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or telephone solicitation. Even though these criminal enterprises appear to be centered in off-shore locations, it is requested that any suspicious solicitation activity be reported to the Durham Police for further assessment and review.
The Durham Police Department's new 2016 Ford Transit
In the 2017 Operating Budget, the Durham Police were given funds to purchase an updated parking vehicle. The vehicle is used by parking service personnel to maintain the 26 parking kiosks throughout the community. The new Ford Transit has been equipped with shelving that will allow parts, replacement paper and other material that will enhance the capacity of the parking employees. The department was able to leverage an exceptional deal by purchasing a new 2016 Ford Transit as the 2017’s were arriving at the dealership. Now that the shelves and painting is complete the economical vehicle’s carbon footprint will be greatly enhanced by replacing the 2006 Ford F150 4X4 V-8 pick-up as the primary parking services vehicle.
DCAT will be making the switch from our current On Demand to a new and improved On Demand service. Our current DCAT On Demand service will be discontinued as of today, Friday, February 24th.
What this means to users? Improved mobile browser capability, more features, security and a new modern look.
When clicking the On Demand button, or if you happen to type in the old address, no worries you will be automatically redirected to our new site.
Please let us know what you think of the new site. New site address: dcat22.viebit.com
If you have any comments/suggestions, please contact: dcat@ci.durham.nh.us
The Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications and New England First Amendment Coalition will present a discussion next month on New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know Law to include Administrator Todd Selig as a member of a panel discussion.
“The Right-to-Know in New Hampshire, in Theory and Practice” will be held at The Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications at 749 E. Industrial Park Drive in Manchester on Monday, March 13, at 7 p.m.
The event is being held in recognition of Sunshine Week, a national initiative to promote open government.
To learn more about the event, click HERE.
Delicious breakfast! - The 4th Annual Strafford County Farm Bureau Farm Style Fundraiser Breakfast will be held Sunday, March 12th from 7:30am-12:00pm (storm date March 19th ) at the Jeremiah Smith Grange Hall, 1 Lee Hook Rd Lee NH . Proceeds benefit the Strafford County Farm Bureau Youth in Agriculture Program.
Tickets $10/adult, $7/children 14 and under. Tickets may be purchased in advanced or at the door, call SCFB President Matt Scruton with questions, 603-941-4956.
The Lamprey River Advisory Committee has published its 2017 winter newsletter which is available for viewing HERE.
The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.
Agricultural Commission - Monday, March 13, 2017
Zoning Board of Adjustment - Tuesday, March 14, 2017
All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.
Administrator Todd Selig was invited to read Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a Dream" speech to 4th graders at Moharimet Elementary on Thursday this week. Courtesy Mrs. Larson-Dennen
Meet Your Town Council Candidates - Kitty Marple & Sally Tobias
This video features two of your Town Council Candidates. Kitty Marple, a current Town Council Chair, and the newest Town Council Candidate, Sally Tobias. Carden Welsh is also running for Town Council for the third of three seats. This video is available for viewing on DCAT 22 – Saturday & Sunday at 3:00 & 7:00 PM and anytime viewing On Demand. Watch the video, HERE.
Don’t miss the latest episode of “ In the Biz; Durham Business Spotlight”. This episode features Young’s Family Restaurant. Meet owner Ken Young and hear his strategy on how he keeps his restaurant on the cutting edge of the ever changing restaurant scene, he’ll also talk about how he brings his customers the freshest product available. There are a few surprises too. This video is available on DCAT 22 TV at 12:30 & 6:00 PM, DCAT on Demand, & our website. Total run time: 11 minutes
This the third video in a series of videos designed to inform residents of Durham of the reasoning behind supporting the referendum scheduled for March 14th, focuses upon the existing problems of the building that will need to be addressed regardless of the passage of the referendum. It is proposed that the renovations and addition to the existing police facility will address all of the building’s deficiencies simultaneously enabling the building to have a 30-50 year service life to the community. This 7:30 minute video can be seen on DCAT 22 @ 6:28 PM Monday – Thursday & Saturday and Sunday @ 7:30 PM. You can also view the video from the following You Tube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69uc-QG04Ms
DCAT is Live Streaming. Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: live-stream.com and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Slush Cup Pond Hockey Tournament- Saturday, March 18th. 10am at Churchill Rink. Enjoy one last hoorah of the season before ice is out with this 3vs3 cross-ice double elimination tournament! Gather a team and enter into one of our age appropriate divisions. Great prizes and family fun! $30/team or $10/player (teams can have up to 4 players per team or register as a single and get placed on a team). Register your team by March 15th.
(New Start & End Dates) After School Indoor Rock Climbing Club: 3:00-5:00pm, Fridays 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 at the UNH Artificial Climbing Wall. Durham Parks & Recreation has once again teamed up with UNH Outdoor Education for the Youth Rock Climbing Club. Team members will work closely with UNH Outdoor Education students who are also AMGA certified instructors to learn belaying skills, knots, equipment, climbing technique, problem solving skills, and more—New and experienced climbers welcome.
DPR Staff will walk students from the middle school to New Hampshire Hall. Ages 10+, $55/student, all equipment is provided. Pre-registration is required by March 26th, 2017. Min of 10, Max of 24.
Spring After School & Community Archery Clinics- Tuesdays: April 4th-May 2nd (no class on April 25th). After School Session for grades 5-12, 2:45-3:45pm. Community Session for ages 7+ (youth & adults welcome), 4-5pm at the Oyster River Middle School. $70/pp. Archery In Motion will be instructing this four-week clinic which will focus on safety, proper shooting form and developing technique to become more precise in order to enhance the archers’ abilities. Pre-registration required by February 8th. Bus #84 from Mast Way and Moharimet is available for those needing transportation to the 4pm class- Please make appropriate accommodations with school if using bus transportation.
Karate& Kobudo-A Community Martial Arts Class for youth and adults. Thursdays, March 30th-May 11th from 6-7:30pm at the Middle School-MPR. Ages 8+ (youth & adults). $60/participate. Practical self-defense through a traditional Okinawan style of karate (Shorinryu Matsumura Seito), including training with bo, sai, and kama. Pre-registration is required by March 27th.
Get On Board
Wednesdays: May 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th at Churchill Rink- Jackson’s Landing.
DPR has teamed up with Rye Airfield to offer Get On Board: A program that introduces kids to the awesomeness of skateboarding through a safe, proven program.
$50/person. Includes ALL equipment and awesome, safe instruction from fully trained and licensed Rye Airfield instructors.
Grades 5th-8th: 3:00-4:00pm (bus #38 can be used from the middle school to Jackson’s Landing)
Grades 3rd& 4th: 4:00-5:00pm
Pre-registration HERE is required by April 28th!
Other Upcoming Programs in May!
Registration will be open shortly for the following:
- After School Mountain Bike Club- Middle School Students: Mondays, beginning May 8th.
- After School Trail Running Club- Elementary Students: Tuesdays, beginning May 9th.
- After School Mountain Bike Club- Elementary Students: Thursdays, beginning May 11th.
Summer Camps Registration
Registrations for DPR Summer Camp is now open! DPR is offering a variety of weekly camps beginning June 26th (pending the last day of school) through August 25th. Campers can look forward to Wicked Wacky Lab Week, Wicked Cool Vet School, Paddle-Pedal-Peak Camp, Field Trip Week, and Rocket Science Camp! Additionally, Durham Parks & Recreation has once again partnered with the SAU to offer five weeks of R.E.A.C.H.. Students enrolled in a morning SAU camp have the option to make it a full day by joining DPR for the afternoon. We will have fun hitting up the UNH pool, adventures to Wagon Hill Farm, playing games, hiking, fishing, creating crafts, and the list of fun goes on! Five Friday field trips are also planned as part of R.E.A.C.H. to complete each week. Register HERE for summer fun!
Upcoming Events-Save The Date!!
Annual Egg Hut at Durham Town Landing-Saturday, April 15th. 9:30am.
Durham Parks & Recreation and ORPP proudly present, The 22nd Annual Egg Hunt at Durham Town Landing!!
Hunt Details
-Please arrive between 9-9:20am
-The Hunt will start promptly at 9:30am
-Age appropriate hunting zones
-Find an egg with a “Golden Ticket” and win a prize!
-Light snacks & refreshments served
-Parking available in the dirt lot off Old Landing Road
Participants should be prepared to hunt outside. The Egg Hunt will take place regardless of weather!!
WHY ROWING? Join Great Bay Rowing and find out! Junior and Adult programs available. Spring Programs are open now. More information is available HERE.
Jazz Benefit Concert with Hadacol Bouncers (including Durham's Nat Balch), Friday, Mar 10, 2017, 7PM, Community Church of Durham, . Fundraiser to benefit NAMI-NH, a grassroots non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness.
STEM program for students in grades 5-8, sponsored by the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at UNH. Tech Kid U is a new initiative in which Middle school students will have the opportunity to explore the world of science and engineering. Runs for three consecutive Saturdays: March 11, 18, & 25. Features hands-on projects and problem solving in various topics related to science and engineering. More information HERE.
Newcomers Unlimited presents "Why are We so Fascinated With Stone Walls?" By Kevin Gardner. Friday, Mar 17, 2017, 9-10AM social hour/10AM presentation, Durham Community Church. Kevin will discuss how and why New England has thousands of miles of stonewalls and will build a miniature wall, using tiny stones. Mr. Gardner is a New Hampshire Humanities speaker and the presentation is open to the public.
New Hampshire Master Gardening Association Welcome Spring Symposium, Fresh Ideas – Gardening for 2017, Saturday, Mar 18, 2017, Southern New Hampshire University Campus/Hooksett, NH. For more information and to register, click HERE.
Growing Places - Registration for Camp Cowabunga and TimberNook Summer Camp is now open. View weekly themes and registration information HERE.
Active Retirement Association March General Meeting, Monday, Mar 20, 2017, 1:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church (lower level). Program will feature Michael Fleming discussing “A Climate Change Solution Conservatives Can Love.” Come and meet new friends, sample delicious refreshments, and learn more about the ARA.
Girl Scout Troop 22916 Daycare Day with Dory Fundraiser, Friday, Mar 24, 2017, 7:30 AM-5PM, Madbury Town Hall. Games, crafts, movie, PLAY. Snack and lunch provided. Limited space available. $50/child; $90/family. Contact Jolene Shuman at kenshuman@comcast.net. Adults in attendance and ALL scouts/adults are CPR/FirstAid certified.
Oyster River Youth Hockey Boosters. The boosters are asking for help to win up to $150,000 in upgrades for Churchill Rink. Submit a short statement (2,500 characters or less) explaining why the community deserves to be the Kraft Hockeyville USA 1017 winner. Examples: favorite memory at the rink, or why our rink is important to the community. Deadline: Friday, Mar 30, 2017 at midnight. The link is HERE. Go to "Find My Rink" tab - and enter "NH" "Churchill Rink".
Marina's Miles 5K: (succeeding Todd's Trot), Saturday, Apr 8, 2017, 10AM, Oyster River High School. Fundraiser for a scholarship to celebrate the memory of former Durham resident and UNH student Marina Slavin. Door prizes! Free light refreshments (courtesy Wildcat Fitness)! Free chair massages (courtesy of Body Mind Spirit Massage Therapy). Visit http://MarinasMiles.org to register.
MainStreet Makery $5 Weekly Drop-In Craft. Design & embellish a cloth bib-style fabric apron (adult & children sizes). Hours: Tues. thru Fri. 10AM-6PM, Sat., 10AM-4PM.
Echo Thrift Shop St. Patrick's Day Sale- everything green 50% off. Spring clothes are out. Located in the back basement of the Community Church of Durham. Hours: Mon-Fri, 10AM-5PM and Sat., 10AM-2PM.
University of New Hampshire Celebrity Series Upcoming Events. View the schedule of events HERE. Tickets can be purchased on line HERE. or by calling the Box Office at 603-862-7222(PCAC). Hours: Mon-Fri, 12 - 5PM as well as one hour before each event.
UNH Museum of Art Upcoming Events. View schedule of events HERE.
Children’s and Young Adult Programs:
Lego Build-It Family Program, Sat. March 11th at 10:30 am – Like to build with Legos? Then join us this Saturday to build some awesome Lego creations. All ages and all are welcome.
YA Mondays: (Middle & High Schoolers) This week: Freaky Friday Movie & Fortune Cookies! Monday March 13th 2:45 - 4 pm - Stop by the YA room to watch the movie "Freaky Friday" (PG) Run Time 97 minutes and have some Fortune Cookies, if you are in Middle or High School. Snacks provided and all are welcome.
Storytimes - Tues. March 14th and Thurs. March 16th at 10:30 am - “Leprechauns & Silly Stories!”
Baby Lap-sit (ages 2 & under with care giver) - Weds. March 15th at 10:30 am
Knitting and Craft Club for 3rd-5th graders - Weds. March 15th 4-5 pm (register at the Children’s desk).
Join us for Lego Club (K-4th grade) - Thurs. March 16th at 3:30-4:30 pm! We will have fun weekly challenges and of course free build. This week: “Microbots?”
Fun and Games Fridays - Fri. March 17th all day! Come and create a drop-in craft and play some fun board games. All ages.
Family Movie: Storks! Sat. March 18th at 10:30 am - Join us for this fun family movie: Storks! This movie is shown upstairs in the Oyster River Room. Popcorn is served and all are welcome!
Jack & Annie Book Club (Grades K-2) Tuesday, March 21st at 4:00 – 5:00 PM - Join us for our new monthly book club made just for kids in kindergarten through 2nd grade! During our meeting we will talk about our book club book, play games, and make a craft. This month’s book is "Good Morning Gorillas" by Mary Pope Osborne. Books are available at the circulation desk. Registration is required. Please sign-up at the Children's desk!
Bookeaters, Middle School Book Group, Weds. March 29th 2:45-4:00 pm – Join us for this month’s book group. This month’s book is “Fantastic Beasts” by J.K. Rowling. Ruth Wharton McDonald is the facilitator. Books are available at the circulation desk. Pizza is served.
Teen Advisory Board Mon. April 3rd, 6:30 pm – Pizza, Games, Technology & More! The teen advisory board is open to kids in middle and high school. We want to hear from you! Tell the staff about books you would like added to the collection, activities you want to try, movies you want to watch or anything else you feel we should know. This month: Come and play some games, have pizza, do some technology and more!
Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) Tues. April 4th, 6:00 pm - Join us for Raccoon Readers, our monthly 2nd-4th Grade Book Group. This month's book is "Tombquest: Book of the Dead” by Michael Northrup. We talk about books, authors, play some games and make a craft.
Join the Patch Program! Come and join and collect your patches! This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library.
Adult Programs:
Paintings by Brad Pokorny - On View in the Gallery through March. Brad Pokorny is a professional journalist and writer living in Durham. He began painting in the early 2000s, mainly as a form of pure expression. Come view Brad's bold and colorful abstract works.
First Aid Class with McGregor Memorial EMS Mon. March 13, 6-8 pm - Contact Sean Madden 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit cprsafe.org
Oyster River ASD Friends Tues. March 14th 6:30-8 pm - Join our group for parents of teens and young adults on the autism spectrum. Conversation, resource sharing, and speakers to address how we can best encourage and support independence.
Friends Book Discussion: Please join Jennifer Lee on April 13, 10:30 as she facilitates the discussion of The Leopard by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa. Your copy awaits you at the front desk.
CPR and AED Class with McGregor Memorial EMS Mon. March 20, 6-8 pm - Contact Sean Madden 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit www.cprsafe.org
DPL Friends' Meeting, Wed. April 5, 1-3:30 pm - The Friends of the Library meet the first Wednesday of every month. All are welcome to attend. Come for social time from 1-1:30, followed by a business meeting.
The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology: computers, iPads & cell phones, eReaders (Nook, Kindle, etc.) Call to check on availability of the volunteers and set up an appointment. 868-6699 or email durhampl@gmail.com
*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.
Have a very nice weekend. And remember to move those clocks ahead by 1 hour on Sunday!
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
T: 603-868-5571
Website: https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/
Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?