A Brontosaurus clearing brush under a section of the Eversource transmission line right-of-way in Durham. Courtesy Joe Moore
Who would have thought that the dinosaurs would walk the earth again! According to Durham resident Joe Moore the machine pictured above is a Brontosaurus that is being used to maintain brush under a section of the Eversource transmission line ROW in Durham (between them Madbury Road substation and the Durham Lee town line on Route 155).
He reports that the Brontosaurus was invented by John Brown from Weare NH in the 1980’s as an alternative to herbicides that had been previously used to control vegetation.
The power line ROW’s provide excellent habitat for a variety of wild mammals and for songbirds, wild turkey, and birds of prey (hawks, owls, bald eagles), all of which Mr. Moore says have been seen recently. The vegetation maintenance is done on approximately four year cycles and timed to minimize impact on wildlife habitat.
Also...spring officially sprung on March 20th. In addition, hosted by the New Hampshire Maple Producers Association, Maple Sugaring Month runs March 9 through March 31, spanning four weekends of maple madness!
The 24th Annual NH Maple Weekend will be March 23 – 24, 2019.
GLASS/CANS/PLASTICS will be collected the week of March 25th. View the 2019 Recycling Collection Calendar HERE. Below is the definition of each category:
NORTHERN UTILITIES V. TOWN OF DURHAM PROPERTY ABATEMENT APPEAL – Litigation to date has cost $39,000 in legal fees and $43,932 in expert analysis/testimony.
Northern Utilities, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unitil Corporation, has been appealing its property tax assessments state wide since 2011. The reason for their appeal is because they don’t believe the methodology used by individual municipalities is consistent and equitable. Some municipalities rely on the Department of Revenue Administration utility valuations for assessment purposes, which many assessors believe is not a true reflection of market value due to the methodology used by the DRA. Other municipalities, including Durham hire an independent utility appraiser to value their utilities because they believe it is more accurate.
Of all the municipalities involved in these appeals, all but three, Durham, Salem and Seabrook settled their appeals with Northern Utilities. Durham settled the 2011 and 2012 appeals with the company for a minor abatement. Northern Utilities withdrew their 2013 and 2014 appeals with Durham because their appraiser valued their property below Northern Utilities opinion of value and below the DRA’s assessed value.
For tax years 2015 and 2016 Northern Utilities hired another appraiser who valued their property for double the amount of their previous appraiser. As a result, the Durham, Salem and Seabrook appeals were consolidated at the N.H. Board of Tax and Land Appeals leading to a seven (7) day trial which was heard over the past two weeks. A decision from the BTLA is expected by April. This is a complicated case versus a major utility. The cost to date defending Durham values has been approximately $83,000, which will be charged against the Town’s contingency line budgeted at $100,000.
Northern Utilities is not the only utility company in New Hampshire to appeal their assessments state wide over the past few years, and for similar reasons. Because of the outpouring of appeals, a committee with the N.H. Assessing Standards Board was created last year to derive a methodology that will be used consistently and equitably throughout the State. There is also a bill (HB-700) before the House, Ways and Means Committee regarding this topic. We hope it will at long last standardize the methodology for appraising utilities across the state in a fair and equitable manner.
Durham is also in litigation with Eversource/PSNH on its appeals, as well as Fairpoint. The Eversource/PSNH case will be heard before the BTLA in April/May timeframe for tax years dating to 2014. We anticipate the cost of defense will be comparable to what was experienced with the NU case.
Durham's Dylan Weglarz, son of Steve and Mary Weglarz, skied well in the 2019 US Telemark National Championships at Eldora Ski Resort, Colorado. Dylan placed 3rd in Friday's sprint classic and 3rd again in Saturday's parallel sprint.
Congratulations Dylan!
Current Use Assessment provides a property tax incentive to all qualifying landowners who agree to maintain their land in an undeveloped condition. This assessment is based on the capacity of the land to produce income in its current use-whether it is managed farm or forest, or unmanaged open space. Current Use is the cornerstone of the state's land conservation efforts, with over half the land in New Hampshire is enrolled in this valuable program.
"It is hereby declared to be in the public interest to encourage preservation of open space, thus providing a healthful and attractive outdoor environment for work and recreation of the state's citizen's, maintaining the character of the state's landscape, and conserving the land, water, forest, agricultural and wildlife resources."
- NH Current Use law RSA 79-A
(enacted July 1, 1973)
For land to qualify for Current Use it must be a tract of land or a combination of contiguous tracts under identical ownership comprised of a minimum of ten (10) acres.
When land is disqualified from Current Use due to development of the land or because it no longer meets the minimum acreage requirement, it is subject to a land use change tax equal to 10% of the full and true value of the land at the time it is disqualified.
For more information regarding Current Use, please go to the following website: http://www.revenue.nh.gov/current-use/index.htm
Per RSA 79-A, the Current Use Board has revised the Current Use value ranges for 2019-2020.
Cub 304.07 Assessment Ranges for Forest Land Categories. The assessment ranges for forest land categories without documented stewardship shall be as follows:
(a) The category of white pine shall be $118 to $176 per acre;
(b) The category of hardwood shall be $57 to $86 per acre;
(c) The category of all other shall be $38 to $57 per acre.
Cub 304.08 Assessment Ranges for Forest Land Categories with Documented Stewardship. The assessment ranges for forest land categories with documented stewardship shall be as follows:
(a) The category of white pine shall be $71 to $106 per acre;
(b) The category of hardwood shall be $34 to $52 per acre;
(c) The category of all other shall be $23 to $34 per acre.
Cub 304.13 Assessment Range for Unproductive Land. The assessment for unproductive land shall be $23 per acre.
Cub 304.14 Assessment Range for Wetland. The assessment for wetland shall be $23 per acre.
Near full moon over Durham. Courtesy Todd Selig
The 2019 approved Capital Fund Road Program includes 11 roads, 2 sidewalks and the final top coat for Cedar Point Road. This program also includes all the shoulder work, 80 catch basins, and 1500 ft of curbing.
The 2019 Capital Improvement Program also included a project for cold planning, shimming, and applying a wearing course in several different areas along Main Street as UNH’s contribution to the maintenance of Main Street per the 2018 Town and UNH Shared Services Agreement.
A request for bids was advertised in the local newspaper on January 18, 2019, and Public Works solicited nine sealed bids from paving contractors in Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. We received six bids by the February 4, 2019 deadline. Continental Paving of Londonderry, NH was the low bidder for all Town and UNH road/sidewalk work.
This year’s road resurfacing program includes an asphalt shim, 1” overlay, and shoulder gravel back-up/widening where applicable on the following Town roads:
Colony Cove Road
Rosemary Lane
Edgerly-Garrison Road
Stagecoach Road
Edgewood Ext.
Technology Drive
Ellison Lane
Thompson Lane
Faculty Road
Willey Creek Road
Longmarsh Road
DPW also sought and received permission from the Council to utilize remaining funds from the 2017 and 2018 road resurfacing programs to clean up several small paving projects listed below.
- Durham Point Road from the end of the NHDOT project to Sumners Corner
- Top coat Crommets Creek Bridge
- Rebuild the speed table on Edgewood Ext. once paving is completed there
- Cold plane 400 ft of faculty Road prior to paving
- Top coat Cedar Point Road
- Shim and top coat the Bagdad Road/Littlehale Pond/dam/culvert area
The sidewalk replacement work consists of Faculty Road and Durham Point Road and repairs to tip downs on existing sidewalks as needed.
The Town of Durham also requested bids and recommends awarding a contract to Continental Paving, Inc. for work on Main Street to be paid for by the University of NH as part of the Shared Services Agreement.
When the 2019 Capital Improvements Plan was proposed and approved the scope of work that UNH was requesting was not finalized and a proposed amount of $234,700 was approved. UNH subsequently requested additional work to be done and the usage of high strength asphalt which increased the final cost for the project to $362,682.50. UNH has committed to paying the total cost. The Town of Durham will coordinate the work and will bill UNH upon completion.
Continental Paving has successfully completed several paving programs for the Town over the past dozen years including the last eight yearly road resurfacing programs.
During the week of Mar. 18, Kyle Pimental, principal regional planner, joined colleagues Lisa Wise (NH Seagrant), Amanda Stone (UNH Cooperative Extension), and Sherry Godlewski (NHDES) to give a climate lesson to fifth grade students from the Oyster River Middle School in Durham. Amanda and Lisa, with assistance from the project team, developed an interactive presentation that provided a high-level overview of climate change science. Question and answer segments were created in order to engage the students throughout. One student also had an opportunity to put on fishing waders during a sea level rise demonstration. Following the presentation, students partnered into groups of four to complete a matching card exercise that instructed them to match photos depicting climate change to a narrative describing the topic.
Subsequent lessons facilitated by Oyster River faculty will allow students to work with their teachers on answering eight questions about climate change. The final result will be eight informational posters that when assembled together spell out "Climate!".
This is the third time this program has been implemented, and the second time SRPC has been involved; the Oyster River School District participating twice, and the Lincoln Akerman School participating once.
The Durham community is lucky indeed to have such resources at our disposal.
The Planning Board is holding a public hearing on March 27 on UNH’s planned renovation and expansion of Spaulding Hall. According to Doug Bencks, University Architect and Director of Campus Planning, the $86 million project will involve a 50,000 square foot addition and a major renovation of the existing 83,000 square feet. The project will provide state of the art biological teaching and research facilities. The USNH Board of Trustees authorized UNH to proceed and to build in phases as funding becomes available. UNH presently has $51 million in place for the full design and the expansion portion and expects the renovation portion to be funded by future State appropriations over the next 4-6 years.
State law prescribes that towns may hold a public hearing and provide only nonbinding comments on state (UNH) projects like this one. The University plans to start utility work and site preparation this summer with construction of the addition beginning this fall. The entire project is expected to be completed by December 2022. Here is an image of the proposed new south entry.
View all of the documents submitted with the project HERE.
Bear at a bird feeder. Courtesy World Wide Web
BRING IN YOUR BIRD FEEDERS! Bears are out and about...
It’s that time of year again and the bears are on the move and it is important to understand how we can limit our interactions so the bears and humans remain safe and peaceful neighbors.
According to the New Hampshire Fish and Game website, black bears are generally shy and usually avoid humans. They are opportunistic and will search for human food supplies when natural foods are not available. Maintaining a sustainable bear population in New Hampshire depends on minimizing human-bear conflicts.
It is illegal to intentionally feed bears in New Hampshire. Intentional feeding can create problems within residential areas and can result in fines. It also may threaten the life of the bear, if it becomes a nuisance animal as a result of this feeding.
New Hampshire Fish and Game understands the importance of educating the public and provide very good tips for helping to avoid conflicts with bears. You can find the following tips HERE.
Take down, clean and put away bird feeders by April 1! Store the bird feeder until late fall. (Birds will do just fine with the natural foods available.) Bear damage to bird feeders is a common and growing spring complaint.
Clean up spilled seed below feeder stations.
Keep garbage in airtight containers inside your garage or storage area. Double bagging and the use of ammonia will reduce odors that attract bears.
Garbage for pickup should be put outside the morning of collection and not the night before.
Do not place meat or sweet food scraps in your compost pile.
Do not leave pet food or dishes outdoors at night.
Clean up and/or store outdoor grills after use.Use a bear-proof dumpster.
Never intentionally feed bears to attract them to your yard for viewing.
New Hampshire Fish and Game suggests that you wait at least until December 1 to put your feeder back up. However, if we have not had several days and nights of cold weather, bears may still be active and looking for food; then you should keep your feeder down until we have had several days of cold weather.
Annually the Town compiles a list of year end gross wages for Durham employees and makes it available for public viewing.Gross wages include: overtime, special detail pay, merit pay, holiday pay, sick leave bonus pay, longevity pay, insurance credit, and miscellaneous stipends. Taxable benefits include: short and long-term disability payments, car allowance, and matching retirement deductions. While the Town is under no obligation to create a report that is not already on file, it is important to facilitate the release of this information in an easily understandable format for residents. Employee titles were added to make it easier for the lay person to understand.
The report also includes elected officials who receive a stipend for service.
View the 2018 list as of 12/31/18, HERE.
The Police Department reports that it has been a good year so far in terms of student-related issues. The department is getting ready for the busier spring season. As the weather warms, UNH students become more active Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings in our downtown from 10 PM – 2 AM.
Officer Tom Kilroy has been assigned the position of our Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Officer. Officer Katie Bolton has been assigned to the detectives division at the department. The IT Department continues to move ahead with the installation of new computer stations at the DPD.
The Durham Public Library has been working to address an issue with the heating system. It is now back up and running properly.
Fire Chief David Emanuel and Mr. Selig met with UNH staff in preparation for an upcoming meeting with UNH President James Dean regarding the identified location/project for the new combined Durham Fire/UNH Police/McGregor EMS public safety facility next to the Flow Physics Facility on Waterworks Road on the UNH Campus. Over the last several years, the site was identified as viable and a space needs analysis and preliminary design was undertaken and jointly funded by Durham/UNH. This would be a $20 million +/- facility with UNH and Durham each covering their respective share of the cost. By combining uses into one facility, overall costs come down as economies of scale and shared space utilization is realized. UNH would pay 100% for the police station portion of the facility, Durham/UNH would split the cost of construction for the Fire Department portion at our 50/50 allocation, and Durham/UNH would also pay for the EMS portion of the facility 50/50, to be subleased to McGregor. Shared spaced would be prorated accordingly. Construction is envisioned by 2024/2025. Durham and UNH share the cost of Fire Department operations and capital expenses, including a new facility, 50/50 per our Fire Agreement.
The Assessing Office and IT Departments have just completed pulling together an RFP for our parcel layer/tax map/GIS layer development.
Discussions continue between UNH and Durham relative to the expansion of the RR Depot canopy, bus terminal extension, expanded platform next to the Depot Road Parking Lot, where 6 +/- Town parking spaces may be impacted. It’s a very good project and we simply have to work through the logistics. An easement from Durham to UNH would be needed as part of the work for expansion of the bus extension into the edge of the Depot Road Lot.
The Council has asked Mr. Selig to invite the NH Department of Transportation to provide a presentation at an upcoming meeting regarding how Durham will be impacted as part of the resumption of the Route 108/Newmarket Road NHDOT project, and also as part of the Route 4/Bunker Creek project. State highway officials are planning to replace a bridge along Route 4 in the summer of 2020, but traffic impacts could begin as soon as this fall. Bunker Creek Bridge, located west of Wagon Hill Farm, is one of New Hampshire’s “red list” of bridges most in need of replacement. Construction will begin in late summer or fall of this year with single-lane closures during off-peak hours. Route 4 will be closed to traffic in both directions for five days, likely in July 2020, to allow crews to replace the entire bridge deck. Traffic will be detoured around the closure via the Spaulding Turnpike and Route 108 in Dover.
Churchill Rink has officially closed for the season. There were no major breakdowns this winter. The the final event of the season, we had 43 teams participate in the Slush Cup tournament, up from 29 teams last winter. Kudos to Durham Parks & Recreation for the successful management of the facility. A thank you as well to DPW for addressing repairs, etc.
Parks & Recreation is gearing up for the Annual Egg Hunt on April 5th at the ORHS Turf Athletic Field. To make the hunt more challenging, there are camouflage eggs to match the colors of the turf! A UNH fraternity and sorority will help stuff the 3,000 – 4,000 eggs with candy. The department is also gearing up for the Memorial Day Parade.
OYSTER RIVER SCHOOL BOARD NEWS - 3 cancellations, 7 delayed openings due to winter weather this past season. ORHS graduation set for June 7th.
ORHS graduation for the class of 2019 has been set for June 7. As of this week, the ORCSD has had 3 cancellations and 7 delays due to weather.
A community discussion on initial concepts for a proposed new middle school was held at Mast Way School on March 7. Community Q&A and comments covered a wide range of academic, planning, cost, traffic, safety, and other considerations. The next public presentation about the middle school project will be at the Moharimet Pancake Breakfast, 8-noon on March 30.
The Board also endorsed distribution of a commentary on guns in school. The Board is in favor of legislation prohibiting all but police officers and first responders from bringing guns on to school property. To date the commentary has appeared in five New Hampshire papers.
In district elections on March 12, at-large Board members Tom Newkirk and Kenny Rotner were re-elected unopposed. The 2019-2020 budget was approved 68% to 32%.
In New Hampshire, state law allows legal gun owners to carry guns into public schools. The law, as presently interpreted by the state attorney general, forbids local school boards from prohibiting anyone but students and employees from possessing a gun on school grounds.
Like many in our state, both the ORCSD and the Town of Durham had long assumed that the federal Gun Free School Zone Act worked to keep guns out of local schools. But a recent New Hampshire attorney general ruling concluded that, by virtue of a provision in the act, the GFSZA does not apply because of New Hampshire’s open-carry laws.
New Hampshire is one of only three states in the nation where guns cannot be prohibited from K-12 schools. Ironically it is the only state allowing guns in K-12 schools but where guns can be kept off university property (UNH is a gun-free school).
The New Hampshire Legislature is currently considering House Bill 564, which will generally align state and federal law in prohibiting guns in “safe school zones.” The ORCSD joins the NEA of New Hampshire and the N.H. Medical Association in advocating for the passage of this bill.
View the full Op Ed and learn more about this important issue HERE.
A brave sole ice fishing on Crommets Creek. Courtesy Firoze Katrak
On Monday, the State House of Representatives passed, along party lines, House Bill 560 (HB560), which would institute a statewide ban on the provision of single-use plastic bags by retailers in most cases, and House Bill 558 (HB558), which would limit the distribution of plastic straws by restaurants except by customer request. The bills will be taken up by the Senate in the near future (date as yet undetermined).
On March 4, the Durham Town Council unanimously adopted a Resolution in support of these bills in recognition of both the harmful effects of plastic on our environment and the cost to our Department of Public Works in the handling of single-use plastic waste. The Council vote underscored a long-held Council goal of environmental and economic sustainability. A key outcome of this legislation would be greater awareness of the impacts of unnecessary plastic use, including its relationship to global warming, in part since today's production of plastic primarily depends on petrochemicals.
To learn more about the bills, including original text and amendments, go to the website of the General Court and search by bill number (above). To read an editorial about the legislation in the Concord Monitor, please click HERE.
If you own a barn or other agricultural building that is at last 75 years old and is presently, or was formerly, in agricultural use, you may be able to reduce your taxes on the structure.
RSA 79-D, Discretionary Preservation Easement for Preserving Historic Agricultural Structures, authorizes towns and cities to grant property tax relief to building owners who: (a) can demonstrate the public benefit of preserving the structure, and (b) agree to maintain the structure throughout a minimum 10-year preservation easement. For the duration of the easement, the assessment for the structure is reduced to between 25% and 75% of its assessed value and the assessment is not increased from any new maintenance or rehabilitation work.
For more information, please contact Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner, at 603-868-8064 or mailto:mbehrendt@ci.durham.nh.us.
View the document HERE.
We've been experiencing trouble with our connection to the State of NH that is preventing the Town Clerk's Office from doing car registrations. IT Manager Luke Vincent has been trying to work with the Department of Safety team to reestablish the connection but progress was slow. So slow in fact that we resorted to reaching out the State’s Department of IT. It appears to be corrected at this point in time.
Jamie Silverstein, UNH Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life, reports that on Saturday and Sunday pending the weather the Theta Chi fraternity and the Alpha Xi Delta sorority will be out for an hour or two each day to clean up the streets in town.
The other Greek chapters have signed up for each day each weekend for the remainder of the semester.
Tuesdays, March 26th- May 7th. This program is based around the process of becoming a Knight, wherein girls and boys will explore the feudal system while learning to discern that bravery and courage can be rooted in compassion. Participants will earn the privilege of using foam swords once moving through this program from squire, to page, and finally knights! Participants will build forest fortresses and immerse themselves in this rich historical time period.
Doug Bullen, Assistant DPW Director for Operations, reports this has been the worst year in twelve for roads in town. The constant freezing and thawing temperatures are the arch enemy of roadways! In a separate conversation with the Commissioner’s Office at the NH Department of Transportation, Mr. Selig learned that the State of NH is having a dickens of a time with its roadways as well across NH.
On Tuesday DPW was out on Dame Road, one of the few remaining gravel roads in Durham, to add material to address significant pot holes.
New York Times political commentator David Brooks
DAVID BROOKS TO BE 2019 UNH COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER ON MAY 18TH - It's not every day that David Brooks comes to Durham!
UNH announced this week that journalist and political commentator David Brooks will address graduates at commencement ceremonies this year in Durham.
Brooks will address graduates in Wildcat Stadium at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 18.
Best known as an op-ed columnist for The New York Times, a position he has held since 2003, Brooks will deliver the commencement address to more than 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students. He is also an executive director at the Aspen Institute, where he leads Weave: The Social Fabric Project. He is currently a commentator on “The PBS NewsHour,” NPR’s “All Things Considered” and NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Brooks is also the author of “The Road to Character” and the upcoming book “The Second Mountain,” due to be released in April.
Every Drop is a clean water movement using marketing and outreach tools to encourage all of us living within the watershed to make small behavior changes in our lives. These small changes can make a big difference in keeping New Hampshire’s waters clean and healthy.
As New Hampshire’s National Estuary Program, it is PREP’s goal to protect and enhance our nationally significant estuarine resources. Every Drop is an opportunity to build upon PREP’S Existing programs and to expand ITS audience and reach people throughout our region.
Durham resident Rachel Rouillard is the Executive Director of PREP. Learn more about the Every Drop campaign at https://stateofourestuaries.org/everydrop/every-drop-matters/
The Planning Board is holding a public hearing on a revised draft Solar Energy Systems ordinance on March 27. The board held public hearings on two earlier drafts and has continued to revise the proposal throughout this development and review process. The original document endorsed by the Durham Energy Committee was presented to the Planning Board on April 11, 2018. Once the Planning Board completes its review, the draft will be forwarded to the Town Council for consideration.
View the proposal and also view the changes made to the prior draft HERE.
Feel free to send questions or any comments for the Planning Board to the Town Planner at mailto:mbehrendt@ci.durham.nh.us.
SOME LIGHT POLES ON SCAMMELL BRIDGE HAVE ROTTEN BASES – Lights likely to go out for a period of time during repairs
During a recent storm event, one of the attractive light poles on the beautiful Scammell Bridge blew over. This prompted NHDOT to undertake an investigation, and it was discovered that a number of the light post bases have rotted out. To correct this, NHDOT has engaged one of its contractors to work to repair the lights over the next several months. Groups of lights will be removed from the bridge, repaired, and then put back into place, and so on until the entire span of lights has been serviced. After that time, we expect the lights to be re-energized once again.
The Durham Historic Association is looking for local residents who love history and are willing to give back to our community by volunteering some of their time with the DHA. The DHA is seeking additional officers/directors on our board who will help our organization grow and help shape our future.
If you are interested, please contact David Strong at mailto:luckychuck@comcast.net
The DHA's mission is:
- To preserve the memory of events connected with the history of the Town of Durham, or of individuals who may have resided there;
- To serve as guardian of the town's history;
- To preserve the artifacts of the town's history;
- To inform and educate the citizens of Durham and others of the history of the town and how contemporary Durham arises out of its past.
The Durham Historic Association will hold its annual meeting on Sunday, April 14th at 1 p.m. in the Durham Town Hall Council Chambers. There will be a brief business meeting for the election of officers and directors for 2019-2021. Annual membership dues will also be collected at this time.
Following the business meeting, the DHA will present “The Lives and Work of Ed and Mary Scheier”.
Ed and Mary Scheier were American potters who were part of the revival of American crafts that blossomed during the mid-twentieth century. They came to UNH in 1940 to teach, and during their long tenure here became internationally famous. Their pottery is unique in the American Craft movement, and is collected by major museums. The work of these former UNH professors, Durham residents, and internationally acclaimed artists continues to be in great demand by collectors.
This program will include a short video presentation about the Scheiers and examples of their work. We also encourage you to share your own memories and stories about the Scheiers. Please feel welcome to bring your own treasured piece to share with the audience.
This event is open to the general public. Refreshments will be served.
If you own property in Durham and recently installed a “solar energy system” that utilizes solar energy to heat or cool the interior of your building; heat water or to provide electricity, you may qualify for a solar exemption. If you are already receiving a solar exemption, you do not need to reapply.
The Town of Durham has adopted the Exemption for Solar Systems per RSA 72:62 where you may qualify for a solar exemption from your property tax assessment.
To qualify for this exemption, you must submit a PA-29 exemption application by April 15, 2019. Applications are located on the Town’s website or you may pick one up at the Assessor’s Office. Your application must also include the total installation cost and a detailed list of what equipment was installed on your property.
If approved, this exemption will be applied to your 2019 assessment.
If you have any questions, please contact the Assessor’s Office at 603-868-8064.
Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?
Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Adult Field Trip to the Maine Flower Show- Thursday, March 28th, 9:00am-5:00pm.
Join Durham Parks & Recreation for a trip to Thompson’s Point in Portland to gear up for your spring and summer gardens!
Please visit https://maineflowershow.com/ for more information about the show. Pre-registration required at https://durhamrec.recdesk.com/Community/Page?pageId=9871 or (603) 817-4074. $10/person for transportation + admission cost at the door.
Saturday, March 23rd, at 10:30 am, A Special Family Program:
Wild About Turtles!
Come and learn about turtles with Project Nature. This is a fun family program with live turtles. All are welcome!
AND . . .
Device Help Offered Thursdays at 11:00 am & 11:20 am
Need help with your new phone, tablet, or other mobile device? Our Device Help staff can lend a hand with some of the basics. Stop by the circulation desk or call at 603-868-6699 to sign up for a session. We currently have two sessions available on Thursday mornings.
*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.
HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)
Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."
1905 - A defective rail caused the wreck of the St. Johns Express near the College shops. Students and faculty broke open the cars and helped the passengers escape. The badly injured were taken to the home of Dr. Grant. The B & M RR gave NHC $1000, which was used to furnish the new gym.
If you know of others who would find the weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. Folks can sign up on the Town's web site HERE on the left side of the page. Click on "Friday Updates" then enter your email address and first and last name.
Have a very nice weekend.