Friday Updates - March 24, 2017








                    NEWS & HAPPENINGS...

Friday, March 24, 2017

Sunrise on the first day of Spring taken by Old Landing Road resident Jim Munsey



There is not much nice weather in the forecast for this coming week. In a word, expect precipitation!


I’ll be leaving work at 3 PM today to attend a Billy Crystal show at the Wang Theatre in Boston with my wife this evening.



On Thursday, March 30, 2017, from 4 - 6PM, a reception will be held honoring the retirement of Jesse and June Gangwer. The Gangwer's sold Town and Campus to Peter Murphy who plans on continuing and updating the store. The Gangwer's purchased the store from the Dunfey's back in 1960.


The event will be held at Young's Restaurant with cake and refreshments. Please stop by to share stories and reminisce about the store over the years.


Please contact store manager, Richard "Stogie" Many at 603-868-9661 with any questions.



Phase B of the Route 108 Project, from the Durham Town Hall to Hamel Brook Bridge, and Stagecoach Road to Newmarket, is expected to begin in April, however prior to that date, utility crews will begin working on moving poles in Durham.


NHDOT will require that the contractor maintain two-way flowing traffic during the morning and afternoon commute –one-way traffic is permitted only during the hours of 8AM – 3PM.

Durham DPW has attended preconstruction meetings with NHDOT and the contractor American Excavating. We will have direct communication with them in regards to scheduling and sharing of information. If you have questions about the project please contact Town Engineer April Talon at 603-868-5578 or via email at


LED STREET LIGHTING - Durham moves to energy efficient lighting at substantial savings.

Beginning on Monday, the Town will start the change out of our street lights from high pressure sodium lamps to LED fixtures. This will be done by a Town employee along with a master electrician from Yates Electric here in Durham.


What you will see is the Town bucket truck and employee along with the master electrician using signs and cones where needed to complete the exchange. We will start the process in the neighborhoods vs. the main streets.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the lights, you may contact Mike Lynch at DPW, 868-5578. The project is expected to take 2-3 months.


LED lighting tends to be a whiter light than the orange light of the high pressure sodium. The new LED lights are 60 watt, LEED certified nighttime friendly, will last 100,000 hours (roughly 20 years), will average 60% energy savings, and should offer an annual savings of about $26,000 to the Town's street lighting budget.


Lastly, the Public Works Department has applied for and been approved for a $34,300 energy rebate from Eversource.




If the state does not legally ratify the votes taken at town meetings or voting days postponed because of last Tuesday’s blizzard, bonds approved by voters at those meetings will be moot, according to the leading bond attorney for New Hampshire cities and towns. Attorney David Barnes, who has served as bond counsel to many of the towns and school districts in New Hampshire for the past 35 years, testified before members of the Senate Election Law Committee on Tuesday in support of Senate Bill 248, “ratifying elections and meetings postponed due to a weather emergency on March 14, 2017.”


According to the Union Leader, despite the warnings of the NH Governor and Secretary of State, as many as 80 towns or school districts in the state moved their election or meeting dates, with many citing concerns over public safety.


After hearing from town clerks and the New Hampshire Municipal Association in support of a measure to address the issue, and the Secretary of State in opposition, the Republican majority on the Senate committee voted 3-2 to amend SB 248 to create a study committee.


Read more information about this issue HERE.


On Wednesday of this week, the Planning Board voted not to recommend the Council-initiated zoning change that would change Mixed Use with Residential (office/retail down, multiunit residential up) from conditional use to not permitted in the Central Business District.


At the same meeting, the Planning Board voted in favor of recommending adding a new definition for Mixed Use with Elderly Housing (office/retail down, elderly housing up), allowing it as a conditional use in Central Business District, and adding references to this use in Section 175-41 Central Business District and Section 175-53 B. General Use Regulations.


This morning, a protest petition was dropped off in the Administrator’s Office on behalf of the downtown business property owners relative to the proposed zoning amendment for the CBD. I have included a link, which outlines RSA 675:5, Protest Petitions, in essence requiring a super majority (or 2/3 vote) of the Council for passage of the proposed ZO change, versus a simple majority. The signatories on the petition represent the owners of 23% of the property in the CBD, exceeding the 20% requirement as outlined by statute. In addition, the petition was submitted in a timely manner.


Learn more about protest petitions HERE.


Town department heads took a tour of the Riverwoods Facility in Exeter on Tuesday this week.


On Tuesday afternoon of this week, the town’s department heads traveled to Exeter to tour the Riverwoods facilities there to become more familiar with the organization and services offered by Riverwoods. Riverwoods has expressed an interest in developing a new facility in Dover on Stone Quarry Drive.



The Town and UNH would like to inform water system users that over the next few weeks there will be minor variations in water pressure experienced system wide as we make adjustments to water storage tank levels throughout the system. If you have questions about water pressure at your home please call the Water Department at Durham Public Works at 603-868-5578.


Admin. Selig saw the orthopedic doctor this week to receive the result of an Arthrogram/MRI that was done on his shoulder following a recent ski injury.


The original diagnosis of a dislocated AC Joint stands; it was NOT a torn rotator cuff. This means 6 more weeks of physical therapy, but no surgery needed. 



The moral of the story here is that 47-year-olds should not ski over jumps in the terrain park at Gunstock!


Administrator Selig offers a Right-to-Know perspective as a municipal official.  Courtesy Nackey Loeb School of Communications



On Monday, March 13, 2017, Administrator Todd Selig and others participated in a panel discussion in Manchester, NH held by the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications and New England First Amendment Coalition with regard to New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know Law, “The Right-to-Know in New Hampshire, in Theory and Practice”. The event was held in recognition of Sunshine Week, a national initiative to promote open government.



The members of the Town of Durham’s boards, committees, commissions, Town Council, and Library Board of Trustees serve as members of public boards and are therefore responsible to act in accordance with the Right-to-Know law in the State of New Hampshire. The Preamble of the Right-to-Know law reads: “Openness in the conduct of public business is essential to a democratic society. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure both the greatest possible public access to the actions, discussions and records of all public bodies, and their accountability to the people.”


In order to ensure that the members of Durham’s public boards are given the resources they need to act in accord with RSA 91-A, a Right-to-Know law educational session has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2017, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Durham Town Hall Town Council chambers.


Attorney Laura Spector Morgan from The Mitchell Group will be present to provide an overview of the Right-to-Know law and to answer any questions that board members may have. The general public and Town department heads are invited and encouraged to attend the session, or to view it on Durham Community Access Television (Channel 22).


Oyster River School Board members are also invited to attend, as well as the Selectmen and board members from the communities of Lee, Madbury, and Newmarket.

The Town of Durham and the University of New Hampshire have retained the services or RSG of White River Junction, VT to update the 2013 Durham-UNH traffic model to current year conditions. This is the third update of the shared model which was first developed in 2008. This project, focused on the downtown and campus core, will update the current AM peak hour model to mid and/or afternoon peak hour analysis capability. The $80,000 project cost is split 50/50 between the Town and the University.

The first step in the project is the collection of traffic volume/turning movement counts at sites throughout downtown Durham and on the UNH campus. Weekday counts are being collected during a March 27 to April 7 window prior to the restart of the NH 108 corridor project. The counts are now done with automated recorders instead of tubes and in-field staff.


RSG is scheduled to deliver the updated analyses and working model by late this summer. The model will be used for analyses of traffic impacted by proposed development, street network and other traffic changes. For more information, contact Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner.


Part of mural set at Durham Post Office.  Courtesy Todd Selig



We have received follow up information from the USPS Historian, Jennifer Lynch, concerning the above, and as such, I’m attaching proposed draft interpretive text for the mural in the Durham Post Office that the USPS has developed.


Their goal is to provide educational context for the mural, especially for the controversial panel titled “Cruel Adversity.”


The USPS is very appreciative of our offering to facilitate feedback on this draft from the various stakeholders, including the New Hampshire Commission on Native American Affairs. Any suggestions will be appreciated!


Please note that the USPS is constrained somewhat by total word count. Although the attached draft is sized to fit on one page (paper size of 8 ½ by 14 inches), they will likely want to print the final text at poster size for display purposes. The USPS graphic designer advised that less text, at a larger font size, would be easier to read. Please keep this in mind during the review process.


If residents have feedback, please forward this to


Auditors from the firm of Melanson and Heath at the Town Hall this week. Courtesy Todd Selig


This week, a team of external auditors from Melanson and Heath are conducting the Town’s FY 2016 annual audit. Don’t let those smiles fool you! These folks are appropriately tough. The Business Office is understandably very busy responding to auditor queries, etc.


The Planning Board Master Plan Future Land Use Subcommittee is gearing up for a future land use community forum to be held on Saturday, May 13, 2017. The forum will be all day, and will include a special appearance from the ORMS Jazz Band.

This week, facilitators were interviewed to select a talented person to assist the subcommittee with putting on a successful forum for the community. Bob Brown, Peter Wolfe, Molly Donovan, Cynthia Copeland (SPRC), Michael Behrendt, and Todd Selig comprised the interview team. The group made a recommendation to Mr. Selig who will move forward with engaging the top candidate.


The 54-acre Thompson Forest, acquired by the town in 2016, has 2,200 feet of frontage along the Wild & Scenic Lamprey River. The property is located on Wednesday Hill Road and has a small parking lot. Removing invasive plants and creating trails are stewardship priorities for this property. Courtesy Ellen Snyder



Durham has many wonderful conservation lands, parks, and other open spaces, varying in size from the 172-acre Oyster River Forest to the 2.7-acre Town Landing. A few years ago the Conservation Commission, Parks & Recreation Committee, Agriculture Commission, and staff organized the Land Stewardship Subcommittee of the Conservation Commission to share ideas and work together on the care of these lands. As the extent of land stewardship responsibilities became more apparent, the town recognized a need for more guidance and help.


To meet this growing need, the town has hired Ellen Snyder of Ibis Wildlife Consulting on a part-time contract. Ellen will coordinate land stewardship activities, responsibilities, and opportunities on town-owned lands in collaboration with the Durham Land Stewardship Subcommittee. Members of several boards-- Conservation Commission, Parks and Recreation, Agriculture, Town Council--serve on the Subcommittee, as well as the Public Works Director, Parks & Recreation Director, and Administrator.


This focused effort to care for Durham-owned lands will include getting more people out on town properties to enjoy the trails, more help with projects (such as trail building, invasive plant removal), and more opportunities to learn about these public lands. Some of the goals for this first year are to engage and train more town volunteers to help with stewardship projects, prioritize stewardship needs for town-owned properties, and provide more information on the town website and in the Friday Update about town conservation lands and parks, especially trails. The town also holds several conservation easements on private lands, which require annually monitoring. Ellen will help develop a standardized protocol and training for easement monitoring.


Volunteers will be a key to the success of Durham’s land stewardship goals. Anyone interested in helping or learning more about these properties is welcome to attend the monthly Land Stewardship Subcommittee meetings. The Friday Update and Town website will have more information about these efforts and guidance on how everyone can help with stewardship, such as invasive plant control, in their own yards. You can also contact Ellen at if you would like to volunteer.



Mr. Selig, part-time Economic Director Mary Ellen Humphrey, and Architect Patricia Sherman will be meeting with the development team from the Mill Plaza today to continue to explore potential alternative layouts for the site.Both parties are hopeful to find a design that meets the community's needs and is also a viable project.


A note that Mr. Selig is NOT the Planning Board and cannot bind the town to any design. Only the Planning Board can approve a design for the redevelopment of a property. And it would ultimately be up to the property owner, Colonial Durham Associates, to submit an alternative layout to the Planning Board for consideration.

Mr. Selig briefed the Town Council on this approach at the Town Council meeting on February 6th during the Roundtable discussion, and the board was unanimous in its support of this effort.


An initial meeting between Mr. Selig, Ms. Humphrey, Ms. Sherman, and the Mill Plaza design team was held on Friday, February 17, 2017 from noon to 5:30 PM. A follow-up meeting was held on Friday, March 10, 2017, from noon – 4 PM. The group meets today once again from 11 AM – 3 PM.


The meetings have included a productive exchange of ideas.


This morning, both the assessing car and the code car at the Town Hall had flat tires. The matter has been referred to the Durham Police Department. The pool car had been moved to DPW for the last several snowstorms because of limited parking at the Town Hall and the temporary loss of the 10 spaces along side the former Town Office as that building is now under construction.




The Durham Agricultural Commission encourages residents to participate in home food production and small scale farming. Learn how to make your yard a nourishing, chemical free space for people, wildlife and pollinating insects.


On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 from 6:30 - 8PM at the Durham Public Library, Ag Commission member Ellen Karelitz will discuss a variety of ways to grow vegetables, introduce animals for food production, increase soil fertility and improve habitat for pollinators. Don't just grow a lawn! Make the most of your yard's potential, make it a FOOD FRIENDLY YARD!


Persons that own property in Durham and recently installed a “solar energy system” that utilizes solar energy to heat or cool the interior of their building, heat water, or to provide electricity, may qualify for a solar exemption.


The Town of Durham has adopted the Exemption for Solar Systems per RSA 72:62 which gives qualifying residents a solar exemption from their property tax assessment.

In order to qualify for this exemption, a PA-29 exemption application must be received by the Assessing Office by April 15, 2017. Applications may be downloaded from the Town website or may be picked up at the Assessor’s Office located on the 2nd floor of the Town Hall building at 8 Newmarket Road. Applications must also include the total installation cost and a detailed list of what equipment was installed on an applicant's property.


If approved, this exemption will be applied to 2017 assessments.


Please contact the Town Assessor at 603-868-8064,, with any questions regarding the solar systems exemption.



On April 30, 2017, terms on various Town boards, commissions, and committees will expire. In mid-April, the Town Council will begin the process for making its annual appointments/reappointments to Town boards, with appointments to take effect May 1, 2017. The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to fill these vacancies.


Citizens interested in board appointments may stop in or contact the Administrator’s office at 868-5571 and ask for a board application form. Applications are also available on the home page of the Town’s web site: at the top of the home page under “Helpful Resources”, then “Town Documents”, then “forms”, then “Application for Appointment”.


Completed applications may be mailed to the Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, March 24, 2017.





The DPOA will hold its annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 25, 2017 from 8 - 10AM and the Durham Evangelical Church. Proceeds benefit the Chief Ray Burrows Scholarship Fund and Durham DPOA Union. Tickets: $7/adults, $3/children. All you can eat pancakes, home fries, sausage, bacon, and eggs.  Raffle tickets available for sale at the event or from any Durham Police Officer.



The Durham Historical Association (DHA) will hold its annual meeting on Saturday April 15th at 2 p.m. in the Durham Town Hall Council Chambers.

There will be a brief business meeting, which will include the election of officers and directors for 2017-2019. Annual membership dues will also be collected at this time.

Following the business meeting, Steve Taylor from the New Hampshire Humanities will present "New Hampshire’s Grange Movement: It’s Rise, Triumphs and Decline."
Refreshments will be served. This event is open to the general public.



On Saturday, May 13, the Town is sponsoring a community forum on Future Land Use. This should be a fascinating discussion. Food will be served and there will be great music during lunch.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Parks & Recreation Committee - Thursday, March 30, 20176



All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.



Don’t miss the latest episode of “ In the Biz; Durham Business Spotlight”. This episode features Young’s Family Restaurant. Meet owner Ken Young and hear his strategy on how he keeps his restaurant on the cutting edge of the ever changing restaurant scene, he’ll also talk about how he brings his customers the freshest product available. There are a few surprises too. This video is available on DCAT 22 TV at 12:30 & 6:00 PM, DCAT on Demand, & our website. Total run time: 11 minutes

DCAT is Live Streaming. Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact with any questions.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Slush Cup Pond Hockey Tournament At Churchill Rink
The 1st Annual Slush Cup Pond Hockey Tournament took place last Saturday on the final weekend of operation this season at Churchill Rink. Thirty-two teams competed in a 3v3 cross-ice, double elimination style tournament! The rink was bustling from 10:00am-6:30pm, where teams from our six different divisions (family, youth 1, 2, & 3, teen & adult) competed to be “Slush Cup” champs!

Thank you to all of the teams who participated and spectators that cheered on throughout the day! Many thanks to the Churchill Rink staff for their hard work preparing for the event, and for all of the tournament day logistics. The ORYA Hockey Booster added to the event with a great BBQ and other snacks and goodies for the players and spectators.

The Slush Cup was a great success and a wonderful way to close out the 2016/2017 skating season. We are already looking forward the 2nd Annual Slush Cup Tournament!


Slush Cup participants. Courtesy Durham Parks & Recreation


After School Indoor Rock Climbing Club: 3:00-5:00pm, Fridays 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 at the UNH Artificial Climbing Wall. Durham Parks & Recreation has once again teamed up with UNH Outdoor Education for the Youth Rock Climbing Club. Team members will work closely with UNH Outdoor Education students who are also AMGA certified instructors to learn belaying skills, knots, equipment, climbing technique, problem solving skills, and more—New and experienced climbers welcome.
DPR Staff will walk students from the middle school to New Hampshire Hall. Ages 10+, $55/student, all equipment is provided. Pre-registration is required by March 26th, 2017. Min of 10, Max of 24.



Spring After School & Community Archery Clinics- Tuesdays: April 4th-May 2nd (no class on April 25th).  After School Session for grades 5-12, 2:45-3:45pm.  Community Session for ages 7+ (youth & adults welcome), 4-5pm at the Oyster River Middle School.  $70/pp.   Archery In Motion will be instructing this four-week clinic which will focus on safety, proper shooting form and developing technique to become more precise in order to enhance the archers’ abilities.  Pre-registration required by March 31st.   Bus #84 from Mast Way and Moharimet is available for those needing transportation to the 4pm class- Please make appropriate accommodations with school if using bus transportation.


Karate& Kobudo-A Community Martial Arts Class for youth and adults. Thursdays, March 30th-May 11th from 6-7:30pm at the Middle School-MPR.

Ages 8+ (youth & adults).  $60/participate. Practical self-defense through a traditional Okinawan style of karate (Shorinryu Matsumura Seito), including training with bo, sai, and kama. Pre-registration is required by March 27th.


“The Great American Eclipse”
Thursday, April 6th at the Durham Public Library. 6:00-7:30pm.

Durham Parks & Recreation has once again teamed up with UNH Astronomer John Gianforte, The Sky Guy to offer an interactive and detailed presentation on the upcoming total solar eclipse. This eclipse will be the first one to cross US soil in many years, and we don’t want you to miss it! Join us to learn what an eclipse is, why they are special and how you can see it for yourself this summer!
Please pre-register by Wednesday, April 5th with Durham Parks & Recreation. Participation is FREE!


April Vacation Week- Wilderness Adventure Camp! April 24th-April 28th at Heron Point Conservation Area.
Durham Parks & Recreation has teamed up with Seven Rivers Paddling to offer this new land based camp program! During this week of camp, participants will be introduced to natural history and basic wilderness skills. From fire and shelter building to identifying wild edibles, participants will learn respect and responsibility for each other and the natural world. This week is about getting unplugged and enjoying all that nature has to offer!
Where: Heron Point Conservation Area Newmarket, NH
Ages: 6-10
Time: 8am-3:30pm
Cost: $345/camper


Kids in nature. April Vacation Week- Wilderness Adventure Camp


Get On Board
Wednesdays: May 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th at Churchill Rink- Jackson’s Landing.

DPR has teamed up with Rye Airfield to offer Get On Board: A program that introduces kids to the awesomeness of skateboarding through a safe, proven program.
$50/person. Includes ALL equipment and awesome, safe instruction from fully trained and licensed Rye Airfield instructors.
Grades 5th-8th: 3:00-4:00pm (bus #38 can be used from the middle school to Jackson’s Landing)
Grades 3rd& 4th: 4:00-5:00pm
Pre-registration HERE is required by April 28th!



Upcoming Events-Save The Date!!

Annual Egg Hunt at Durham Town Landing-Saturday, April 15th. 9:30am.
Durham Parks & Recreation and ORPP proudly present, The 22nd Annual Egg Hunt at Durham Town Landing!!

Hunt Details
-Please arrive between 9-9:20am
-The Hunt will start promptly at 9:30am
-Age appropriate hunting zones
-Find an egg with a “Golden Ticket” and win a prize!
-Light snacks & refreshments served
-Parking available in the dirt lot off Old Landing Road

Participants should be prepared to hunt outside. The Egg Hunt will take place regardless of weather!!


The 2017 Annual Egg Hunt has been kindly sponsored by The Candy Bar & Creamery, Kennebunk Savings Bank, and The UNH Interfraternity Council/Greek Community.


Community Dinner and Documentary Premiere, Thursday, Mar 30, 2017, 6:30 PM, OR High School Auditorium. See more information below.



Girl Scout Troop 22916 Daycare Day with Dory Fundraiser, Friday, Mar 24, 2017, 7:30 AM-5PM, Madbury Town Hall. Games, crafts, movie, PLAY.  Snack and lunch provided.  Limited space available.  $50/child; $90/family.  Contact Jolene Shuman at  Adults in attendance and ALL scouts/adults are CPR/FirstAid certified.

A Conversation on Human Trafficking in NH, Monday, Mar 27, 2017, 7PM, Freedom Cafe, 10 Mill Road. Gain a greater understanding of the issue of human trafficking, the importance of a collaborate approach, and how to play a role individually and professionally to addressing trafficking.

Community Dinner, hosted by OR Child Nutrition and the OR High School Sustainability Club, Thursday, Mar 30, 2017, 5 - 6:30 PM, High School Cafeteria. Click HERE to sign up for dinner. The premier of the movie to follow at 6:30 PM hosted by the Oyster River Sustainability Committee: Great Bay: An Estuary in Peril.

Oyster River Youth Hockey Boosters. The boosters are asking for help to win up to $150,000 in upgrades for Churchill Rink. Submit a short statement (2,500 characters or less) explaining why the community deserves to be the Kraft Hockeyville USA 1017 winner. Examples: favorite memory at the rink, or why our rink is important to the community. Deadline: Friday, Mar 30, 2017 at midnight. The link is HERE. Go to "Find My Rink" tab - and enter "NH" "Churchill Rink".

Oyster River Folk Concert Presents The Gnomes - Global Folk Fusion, Saturday, Apr 1, 2017, 7PM, Unitarian Fellowship as a collaborative effort with the Durham Community Church. Tickets: $15/adults; $5/students. Can be purchased at the door beginning at 6:30. Visit the Gnomes website HERE.

Relay for Life Family Movie Night  (donation only), Friday, Apr 7, 2017, 7PM, Disney-Pixar "Finding Dory". Hosted by the Oyster River High School's, Relay for Life team. In the past this has been a successful and a great time for the families to bring their children to the high school auditorium.
Marina's Miles 5K: (succeeding Todd's Trot), Saturday, Apr 8, 2017, 10AM, Oyster River High School. Fundraiser for a scholarship to celebrate the memory of former Durham resident and UNH student Marina Slavin.  Door prizes!  Free light refreshments (courtesy Wildcat Fitness, Hannafords & The Works).  Free chair massages (courtesy of Body Mind Spirit Massage Therapy).  Visit to register.

Hans Christian Andersen's Classic "The Snow Queen", presented by Northeastern Ballet Theatre, Saturday, Apr 8, 2017 @ 7PM, Sunday, Apr 9, 2017 @ 2PM, OR High School Auditorium. Adults $20, children/seniors $17.50, family of four pack $60, children under 2 years FREE. Tickets available on-line or at the door. NE Ballet Theatre is a registered non-profit and professional dance company and school. More Information HERE or call 603-834-8834.

Best Buddies, Taking the "Dis" out of Disability - A panel on ability, Monday, Apr 10, 2017, 6PM, Memorial Union Building Theater II.

UNH Summer Youth Program Registration is Open! Students explore interests while experiencing the local campus (and other sites) through UNH’s summer programs for youth. Participants learn from faculty, staff, and students with individualized instruction and have the opportunity to utilize state of the art facilities.

Programs offered for ages 6-18 in areas such as STEM, the Arts, Academic Enrichment, Athletics, and Recreational/Water programs. UNH hosts numerous programs for High School students!  View offerings by grade level.

To learn more and to register: UNH Learn for Life

WHY ROWING? Join Great Bay Rowing and find out!  Junior and Adult programs available. Spring Programs are open now. More information is available HERE.

MainStreet Makery $5 Weekly Drop-In Craft. Make a Spring Treasure Bag. Find surprises for fairies & gnomes and keep them safe in your treasure bag. Hours: Tues. thru Fri. 10AM-6PM, Sat., 10AM-4PM.

University of New Hampshire Celebrity Series Upcoming Events. View the schedule of events HERE.  Tickets can be purchased on line HERE. or by calling the Box Office at 603-862-7222(PCAC). Hours:  Mon-Fri, 12 - 5PM as well as one hour before each event.
UNH Museum of Art Upcoming Events. View schedule of events HERE.


Durham Garden Club: The Right-Size Flower Garden , Tues. March 28, 6-8:30 pm Author and presenter, Kerry Mendez



Children’s and Young Adult Programs:

Family STEAM Program: Crazy Face Art Collage! Sat. March 25th at 10:30 am - Join us for this fun family art program. Come and make some crazy face art collages. Be creative with lots of fun art materials. All ages and all are welcome! Sat. April 1st at 10:30 am – Puppet Making!
YA Mondays: (Middle & High Schoolers) This week: Take Apart Monday! Monday March 27th 2:45 - 4 pm - Stop by the YA room to take apart some small appliances to see how they work if you are in Middle or High School. Snacks provided and all are welcome.
Storytime - Tues. March 28th - “Sheep!” NO STORYTIME THURS. MARCH 30TH CHILDREN’S LIBRARIANS ARE AT A CONFERENCE. See you on Tues. April 4th and Thurs. April 6th at 10:30 am where we will be all about “The Zoo”.
Baby Lap-sit (ages 2 & under with care giver) - Weds. March 29th at 10:30 am
Bookeaters, Middle School Book Group, Weds. March 29th 2:45-4:00 pm – Join us for this month’s book group. This month’s book is “Fantastic Beasts” by J.K. Rowling. Ruth Wharton McDonald is the facilitator. Books are available at the circulation desk. Pizza is served.
Knitting and Craft Club for 3rd-5th graders - Weds. March 29th 4-5 pm (register at the Children’s desk).
NO LEGO CLUB ON THURS. MARCH 30TH. CHILDREN’S LIBRARIANS ARE AT A CONFERENCE. SEE YOU ON Thursday, April 6th 3:30-4:30 pm - Join us for Lego Club (K-4th grade Registration required at the Children’s Desk) - We will have fun weekly challenges and of course free build. April 6th: “Spinning Tops”.
Fun and Games Fridays - Fri. March 31st all day! Come and create a drop-in craft and play some fun board games. All ages.
Teen Advisory Board Mon. April 3rd, 6:30 pm – Pizza, Games, Technology & More! The teen advisory board is open to kids in middle and high school. We want to hear from you! Tell the staff about books you would like added to the collection, activities you want to try, movies you want to watch or anything else you feel we should know. This month: Come and play some games, have pizza, do some technology and more!
Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) Tues. April 4th, 6:00 pm - Join us for Raccoon Readers, our monthly 2nd-4th Grade Book Group. This month's book is "Tombquest: Book of the Dead” by Michael Northrup. We talk about books, authors, play some games and make a craft.
Family Movie: “The BFG!” Sat. April 15th at 10:30 am. – Join us for this fun family movie: “The BFG!” This event is held upstairs in the community room. Popcorn is served and all are welcome.
Jack & Annie Book Club (Grades K-2) Tuesday, April 18th at 4:00 – 5:00 PM - Join us for our monthly book club made just for kids in kindergarten through 2nd grade! During our meeting we will talk about our book club book, play games, and make a craft. This month’s book is "Twister on Tuesday" by Mary Pope Osborne. Books are available at the circulation desk. Registration is required. Please sign-up at the Children's desk!
Pajama Storytime - Magic! Thursday, April 20th at 6:30PM - Join Oyster River Parents & Preschoolers (ORPP) at the Durham Public Library for our monthly evening storytime for preschoolers! This month we will be all about "Magic". Come hear Magic stories, do the feltboard, sing some magical songs, and make a fun Magic craft. Snack provided by ORPP and all are welcome!
Join the Patch Program! Come and join and collect your patches! This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library.



Adult  Programs:

Friends Book Discussion: Please join Jennifer Lee on April 13, 10:30 as she facilitates the discussion of The Leopard by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa. Your copy awaits you at the front desk. For more information click HERE.
Paintings by Brad Pokorny - On View in the Gallery through March. Brad Pokorny is a professional journalist and writer living in Durham. He began painting in the early 2000s, mainly as a form of pure expression. Come view Brad's bold and colorful abstract works.
Book Donation Week, Mon. March 27 to Sat. April 1 - This is the week to donate your gently used books and CDs.
Durham Garden Club: The Right-Size Flower Garden Tues. March 28, 6-8:30 pm - The Right-Size Flower Garden: Exceptional Plants and Design Solutions for Time-Pressed and Aging Gardeners. Author and presenter, Kerry Mendez. Books available for signing and purchase. Snow date March 29.
SELMA - Film viewing and discussion Thurs. March 30, 6-8:30 pm - Join us for this award winning film, a chronicle of Martin Luther King's campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. Sponsored by Seacoast Women's Action Network.
First Aid Class with McGregor Memorial EMS Mon. April 3, 6-8 pm - Contact Sean Madden 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit
Oyster River Knitters Tues. April 4, 7-9 pm - Join in for a couple hours of knitting relaxation and conversation. This is a great time to pick up that knitting project you’ve wanted to finish. There's no need to pre-register; just show up. New participants of all skill levels are welcome! Contact: Janet,, 603-868-1142
The Great American Eclipse Thurs. April 6, 6-7:30 pm - An Interactive Presentation given by John Gianforte on the total solar eclipse coming this August. Prepare yourself to view the first total solar eclipse to cross U.S. soil in many years! Contact: Rachel Gasowski 817-4074
CPR and AED Class with McGregor Memorial EMS Mon. April 10, 6-8 pm - Contact Sean Madden 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit
DPL Friends' Meeting, Wed. April 5, 1-3:30 pm - The Friends of the Library meet the first Wednesday of every month. All are welcome to attend. Come for social time from 1-1:30, followed by a business meeting.
Acoustic Open Mic with Mike Wed. April 12 6:30-7:45 pm - All types of acoustic (non-amplified) music. First time performers and original music are particularly encouraged. Acoustic Open Mic with Mike is a welcoming supportive intimate gathering. Light refreshments are provided, held in the Library Cafe.


The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology: computers, iPads & cell phones, eReaders (Nook, Kindle, etc.) Call to check on availability of the volunteers and set up an appointment. 868-6699 or email


Sunset last weekend behind pond at Allen Farm on Packers Falls Road. Courtesy Todd Selig




The 2017 Maple Weekend is March 25th and 26th. This is a great opportunity to get out and visit your local sugar house and support your NH Sugar Makers.


Have a very nice weekend.   




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
T: 603-868-5571  



Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?