Sketch of proposed expansion/renovation at Durham Police Department (Schoonmaker Architects).
See more information regarding the Durham Police expansion/renovation proposal below.
Durham made the national AMTRAK news this week. Watch the video HERE that features people along some of the local train stops including UNH Planner Steve Pesci talking about the value of the train service to Durham and the University.
The town election will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Voters will park in reserved spaces along the front of the school and use the Multipurpose Room entrance.
Items on the Town ballot include:
- Election of Town Councilors, members of the Library Board of Trustees, the Town Clerk-Tax Collector, Town Treasurer, and Trustee of the Trust Funds.
- Referendum on the funding of expansion/renovation to the police facility
Details on these items may be found below.
Candidates for elected offices
The following is a list of citizens who have filed for the Durham elected offices:
Town Council, 3 positions (3-year terms):
Katherine (Kitty) Marple
Sally Tobias
Carden Welsh
Library Board of Trustees, 2 positions (3-year terms):
Anne H. Knight
Susan Roman
Town Clerk-Tax Collector, 1 position (3-year term):
Lorrie Pitt
Treasurer, 1 position (3-year term):
Karl VanAsselt
Trustees of the Trust Funds, 1 position (3-year term):
William Cote
At the January 9, 2017 Town Council meeting, the Council voted unanimously to place the following referendum question on the March 14, 2017 Town Election Warrant relating to bonding for the expansion/renovation of the Durham Police facility:
"Are you in favor of raising and appropriating the sum of $1,960,000 for the purpose of the expansion/renovation of the Durham Police Facility, with said sum to be in addition to any federal, state or private funds made available therefor, and of authorizing the issuance of not more than $1,960,000 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provision of the municipal finance act, RSA Chapter 33, and authorizing the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon. The Council unanimously recommends this appropriation. 2/3 ballot vote required."
Built in 1950, the current police facility has served the Department since 1997. Not surprisingly, physical deficiencies and operational limitations are becoming more critical. The proposal to upgrade the facility would address these and extend the useful life of the facility by decades.
Even if the bond is not approved and there is no expansion/renovation, project architects estimate that we will need to spend $1.21 million for required compliance repairs and upgrades and to meet code.
To learn more about the proposal, click HERE.
In addition, DCAT has prepared three short videos pertaining to the proposal. These may be viewed from HERE. The videos highlight some of the critical physical deficiencies in the current facility in working areas of the department that the public rarely sees. Both Chief Dave Kurz and staff discuss these deficiencies and related operational limitations, and the Chief points out some of the benefits of starting the project soon. The videos may also be viewed at DCAT On Demand. Look for the folder titled “Police Facility Expansion/Renovation.”
Durham voters and their families are welcome to tour the existing police facility during an Open House (face painting! snacks!) to be held on Saturday morning, March 11, from 9 A.M. to noon. (See details below.)
If residents who would like to see our police facility first-hand but cannot attend the Open House, please contact Chief Kurz by email at dkurz@ci.durham.nh.us or by phone at 603-868-2324, and he will be happy to arrange for a tour.
On Saturday March 11th the Durham Police will host an open house for Durham residents to view the police facility before the March 14th Referendum. As many know the referendum will fund the proposed addition and renovations to the police facility. The open house is a family event and will include face-painting, snacks and other activities for children. For additional information please call 868-2324.
A questionnaire was sent to all candidates for the Oyster River School Board by the Oyster River Teachers' Guild. Candidates were asked by the Guild to respond to a number of questions pertaining to education in the Oyster River School District. The information provided by candidates was then compiled by the Guild into a Voter’s Guide. The information is not intended to be an endorsement of any one candidate, but rather a source of information to assist district residents in making an informed choice when voting on Tuesday March 14th.
To view the questionnaire and candidate responses, click HERE.
The Durham supervisors of the checklist will meet at the Durham town hall on Monday, March 6, 2017, from 7:00 – 7:30 pm, to make corrections to the checklist and to accept new voter registrations. Changes in party registration can be made at this time.
Prospective voters are required by law to show proof of identity, age (18 by the election day), domicile/residence in Durham, and U.S. citizenship. A driver’s license and a birth certificate or passport are useful. Affidavits of domicile and citizenship may be signed under oath if proofs are lacking.
As a follow up to a February meeting between Town representatives and officials from the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) concerning the Eversource Seacoast Reliability Project, and more specifically with regard to the portion of the Project that would impact on Little Bay, Durham has filed preliminary concerns raised by its consultants with regard to prefiled testimony and reports that have been filed by the Applicant in this matter with the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) concerning the impact on Little Bay.
As you will see in the link provided below there are a number of specific concerns with the analyses that have been done by the Applicant to date. Based on the preliminary review by our consultants, given the gaps in data as well as limitations of analysis provided so far by the Applicant, it is Durham’s position that it cannot assure the residents of Durham that there are no unreasonable adverse ecological effects or that the impact on natural resources will be manageably limited in the Little Bay, and that unreasonable adverse effects in the worst case will not migrate up north towards the mouth of Oyster River or down south beyond the mouth of the Great Bay.
Durham has arrived at this preliminary position in part because the Applicant has not provided what Durham’s consultants consider to be adequate sensitivity analysis of a set of variables that could impact the plume dispersion, refloatation of sediments and/or of contaminants within or associated with such sediments. The Applicant has done modeling only with very few "snapshot" data points for some variables it has incorporated into its modeling, and has also not incorporated some other variables at all in the modeling. Thus, a consequence of the Applicant's study so far is that it has left unresolved a very large envelope of uncertainty around potential ecological impact from a host of relevant variables.
More importantly, it appears that no one, including the Applicant, could put in place adequate control measures during cable installation and/or mitigation measures to control risks because of large uncertainties that still persist. It is Durham’s position that such uncertainties need to be reduced by the Applicant through further suggested data collection, analysis and sensitivity analysis of driving variables. Only thereafter can anyone design adequate controls and mitigation measures.
In summary, from Durham's viewpoint, there is insufficient evidence and analysis to assess potential unreasonable adverse ecological impacts, and Durham therefore lacks confidence that adequate controls/mitigation measures could be designed without first reducing the envelope of uncertainties.
The Town of Durham is submitting these comments to NHDES, making them available to the Applicant, and the service list in the SEC docket, and making them available to the public in the interest of full disclosure for our community. These comments are being provided in light of the role that the NHDES plays as a permitting authority in this process, which includes reviewing proposals, identifying issues of concern and submitting recommended draft permit terms and conditions to the Site Evaluation Committee pursuant to RSA 162-H:7 and 7-a, Admin. Rule Site 301.12, and consistent with orders issued by the SEC in this docket.
To view the extensive filings, click HERE.
Due to meetings involving all of the staff in the Planning, Zoning and Assessing office, this office will be closed on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, from 10AM - 2PM.
In last week's "Friday Updates" it was noted that Riverwoods, co-founded by Durham’s long time civic leader (and now Exeter resident) Maryanna Hatch, will be bringing forward a proposal for a Community Care Retirement Community to be located in Durham on Stone Quarry Drive, the roadway leading to our Public Works Department.
At this time, however, the Town does not have any timeline or specifics yet on this project as Riverwoods has not submitted any applications to the Town. They seem interested in proceeding so there is a good chance that they will submit something to the Town in the coming months.
A photograph of the land that ultimately was developed into the existing Mill Plaza site in the 1960's. Courtesy Julian Smith
UPDATE ON MILL PLAZA REDEVELOPMENT APPLICATION BEFORE PLANNING BOARD | Developer meets with staff to discuss project, explore feasible alternative layouts that endeavor to meet community and developer goals.
The Planning Board’s review of the proposed redevelopment of the Mill Plaza was postponed from February 22 to the board’s March 22 meeting at the applicant’s request. A reason for the delay is a result of the discussion outlined below.
On February 1st, part-time Economic Development Director Mary Ellen Humphrey, Admin. Selig, and Sean McCauley representing Colonial Durham Associates, owner of the Mill Plaza, spent 90+ minutes on the telephone discussing the redevelopment proposal for the Mill Plaza that is currently before the Planning Board.
The group discussed the history of the project in detail, the stayed court case regarding zoning density, Colonial Durham's settlement agreement with the Council, the owner’s discussions with Hannaford and Rite Aid, Colonial Durham’s perspective concerning the process, townspeople’s concerns regarding the project as expressed to the Planning Board and staff, parking, potential uses for the site, etc.
Mr. McCauley indicated that in addition to determining whether minor changes could be made to the last iteration of their plans, the Colonial Durham design team was also formulating a spread out version of the redevelopment that it believed would meet the requirements of local zoning and be appealable through judicial channels if needed, but would likely not incorporate the many changes the owner has made to the plans over many months in order to address the concerns expressed by the public through the long conceptual design process.
In the course of discussing the various designs submitted to date, excavation possibilities, alternative uses, density, relocation of project elements, Colonial Durham’s needs, the aspirations/concerns of townspeople/neighbors, the AIA 150 study, Ms. Humphrey, Mr. McCauley, and Mr. Selig endeavored to find some aspects of common ground with which to move forward in the most productive manner possible.
Mr. McCauley expressed a concern on the part of the owner that no matter what the company offered the neighbors, it felt it would never be enough. Ms. Humphrey and I indicated the public has expressed concerns as well.
Rather than the owner potentially proceeding in an “it’s either option A or option B, choose one or the other” approach, Mr. Selig suggested that he, Ms. Humphrey, and Patricia Sherman (lead architect as part of the 2008 AIA 150 Mill Plaza Design charrette process https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/planningandzoning/mill-plaza-study-2008) sit down with the Colonial Durham’s design team to problem solve through purely administrative discussions, and potentially come up with an alternate design – if that was possible – that would do what was feasible, to meet everyone’s needs.
If the group could not find such a solution, or if no one liked that solution, Colonial Durham and townspeople would just have to see how things would otherwise play out through the ongoing public land use process.
Mr. Selig believes most people in town would generally agree that the 10-acre Mill Plaza site is ripe for a value added redevelopment and is very tired indeed. What “value added” in this context means is the illusive question for all concerned.
The Colonial Durham design team indicates they are still very hopeful to find a design that meets the community's needs and is also a viable project.
A note that Mr. Selig is NOT the Planning Board and cannot bind the town to any design. Only the Planning Board can approve a design for the redevelopment of a property. And it would ultimately be up to the property owner, Colonial Durham Associates, to submit an alternative layout to the Planning Board for consideration.
Mr. Selig briefed the Town Council on this approach at the Town Council meeting on February 6th during the Roundtable discussion, and the board was unanimous in its support of this effort.
An initial meeting between Mr. Selig, Ms. Humphrey, Ms. Sherman, and the Mill Plaza design team was held on Friday, February 17, 2017 from noon to 5:30 PM. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled for Friday, March 10, 2017. The initial meeting included a productive exchange of ideas.
On April 30, 2017, terms on various Town boards, commissions, and committees will expire. In mid-April, the Town Council will begin the process for making its annual appointments/reappointments to Town boards, with appointments to take effect May 1, 2017. The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to fill these vacancies.
Citizens interested in board appointments may stop in or contact the Administrator’s office at 868-5571 and ask for a board application form. Applications are also available on the home page of the Town’s web site: www.ci.durham.nh.us at the top of the home page under “Helpful Resources”, then “Town Documents”, then “forms”, then “Application for Appointment”.
Completed applications may be mailed to the Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to jberry@ci.durham.nh.us. The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, March 24, 2017.
The Planning Board continues its public hearing on Wednesday, March 8, on a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to change the category of mixed-use residential from allowed by conditional use to prohibited in the Central Business District. A mixed-use residential building contains commercial uses on the first floor plus a multi-unit residential component upstairs (also referred to as student housing, apartments, or multifamily residential). A conditional use is a “use” or activity that is allowed only if the Planning Board determines that the proposal meets eight specific criteria. The board is also holding a public hearing that evening about adding a new use category, mixed use with elderly housing, which would be allowed in the Central Business District.
The Town of Durham will be holding a Future Land Use Community Forum on Saturday, May 13. This will be an opportunity for Durham residents to share their vision for the development of our town.
Excessive groundwater seen in sewer manhole off Bagdad Road sewer line. The Bagdad Road sewer lining project will eliminate unwanted groundwater from this section of town sewer main.
The week of March 6th, Public Works and the Wastewater Dept. will be completing a sewer lining project in the vicinity of Bagdad Rd. This will consist of installing a cured-in-place liner within the existing sewer mains to provide a new, jointless sewer main that eliminates root intrusion, water infiltration, improves flow and provides a structural sound pipe without the need for excavation. This section of sewer main was discovered to have a very high rate of groundwater infiltration, (see photo). Reducing infiltration into the sewer system is important because it dilutes the wastewater and reduces the efficiency of the treatment process at the wastewater treatment plant.
It will in no way interfere will the homeowners day to day routine. Residents may notice the presence of Town employees and contractors from Insituform Technologies on site. If you have any questions please feel free to call the Town Engineer, April Talon, P.E. at 603-868-5578 or email atalon@ci.durham.nh.us.
We thank you for your cooperation.
DCAT will be making the switch from our current On Demand to a new and improved On Demand service. Our current DCAT On Demand service will be discontinued as of today, Friday, February 24th.
What this means to users? Improved mobile browser capability, more features, security and a new modern look.
When clicking the On Demand button, or if you happen to type in the old address, no worries you will be automatically redirected to our new site.
Please let us know what you think of the new site. New site address: dcat22.viebit.com
If you have any comments/suggestions, please contact: dcat@ci.durham.nh.us
The Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications and New England First Amendment Coalition will present a discussion next month on New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know Law to include Administrator Todd Selig as a member of a panel discussion.
“The Right-to-Know in New Hampshire, in Theory and Practice” will be held at The Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications at 749 E. Industrial Park Drive in Manchester on Monday, March 13, at 7 p.m.
The event is being held in recognition of Sunshine Week, a national initiative to promote open government.
To learn more about the event, click HERE.
Ferrara platform aerial truck purchased by the Durham Fire Department
As part of the analysis on the replacement of the 1996 aerial ladder the Fire Department compared and analyzed the difference between a platform aerial and a straight aerial. The most advantageous truck for the Durham Fire Department is a platform aerial truck due to the increased firefighter safety and the operational advantages of operating a platform truck with the current staffing levels.
The cost of a new platform Aerial is over a million dollars and the department was sensitive to asking for such a purchase for the Town of Durham. At the time of budgeting the department did find a demonstration platform for the amount it had budgeted with the thought of the possibility it would still be available after the budget was approved. That platform was not available after budget was approved so the department started to write specifications for a straight aerial device with the hope of finding another opportunity of purchasing a platform aerial for that amount.
The department located a Ferrara demonstration platform aerial truck that was already spoken for by a department that has since lost its funding. This model is a 2016 model and the company reduced the price from what was originally approximately one million dollars ($1M) to a demo model price of $869,000. Durham Fire has extensively searched multiple manufacturers throughout the Unites States and has not located any platform aerial trucks either built, or under construction, available to be purchased within the approved budget amount.
Three members of the Fire Department visited the Ferrara Factory to analyze and inspect the demonstration platform to see if would fit the department's needs. After this inspection it was determined that it did fit the needs with some changes (two compartments were added). We have signed the contract for a final sale price of $872,742 and expect delivery with the next two months.
Delicious breakfast! - The 4th Annual Strafford County Farm Bureau Farm Style Fundraiser Breakfast will be held Sunday, March 12th from 7:30am-12:00pm (storm date March 19th ) at the Jeremiah Smith Grange Hall, 1 Lee Hook Rd Lee NH . Proceeds benefit the Strafford County Farm Bureau Youth in Agriculture Program.
Tickets $10/adult, $7/children 14 and under. Tickets may be purchased in advanced or at the door, call SCFB President Matt Scruton with questions, 603-941-4956.
When Friends of Oyster River Track started its fund-raising effort 19 years ago, it ran a 'Buy-a-Meter' program for members of the school district to 'purchase' a meter of the track, and promised to mount a sign recognizing major donors. A list of names has been compiled, and the Friends would like to offer those individuals the chance to check the accuracy of the spellings or other details of their listing.
The Friends of Oyster River Track have comprehensive records, but it has been a long time, and the group wants to be sure that the information is correct. If you sent in $100 (or more, as many did), you should be listed HERE. If you find an error, please email John Parsons at jparsons62752@gmail.com with a correction. And since it has been so many years, there are probably some donors who have moved away. If you happen to be in contact with anyone who has left the area, please forward to them.
The Lamprey River Advisory Committee has published its 2017 winter newsletter which is available for viewing HERE.
Google Doodle image by ORMS 8th grader in the running for national context. Courtesy Ailla Crossman
A hearty congratulations to ORMS 8th grader Ailla Crossman, daughter of Katie Ellis and Ti Crossman. She is the NH Winner of the "Doodle 4 Google" contest on this year's theme "What I see for the future…"!
Her spectacular doodle has earned her a shot at winning a $30,000 college scholarship and $50,000 for technology at ORMS! We need your help to get her there. Cast a vote ONCE A DAY from now until March 6th for Ailla’s doodle to be selected as the national winner. Her doodle is located under the grades 8/9 category and is called “Earthian’s Future.” You can vote HERE To vote, select "Grades 8-9" and vote for Ailla's from NH - it's the top-right in the "Grades 8-9" category.
There are 53 state/territory winners. Voting to select the five National Finalists is open now until March 6, 2017 at 5:00 pm EST.
Ailla submitted a terrific statement with her drawing: "In the future, there will be amazing advances in technology, but preserving nature will still be a top priority. Transportation will be like science fiction, but human locomotion will still be a trusty way to go. We may live on other worlds... but Earth will still be our home."
The FBI National Academy is a professional course of study focused upon police management. Emerging police leaders from the United States and international law enforcement organizations attend this invitation only school, which is considered to be the “Harvard for police management”. Kathryn was nominated by Chief Kurz due to her demonstrated leadership qualities and as part of the Durham Police Department’s commitment to succession planning as retirements loom in the top management of the department.
The 10-week program at the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia provides coursework in management science, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, leadership, and health/fitness. Officers participate in a wide range of leadership and specialized training, where they share ideas, techniques, and experiences with each other, creating lifelong partnerships that transcend state and national borders.
Kathryn’s application has been in the que for almost six years and when the FBI called inviting her to join approximately 220 mid-management law enforcement officers from the United States and a number of international law enforcement agencies, Chief Kurz quickly said yes, she would be attending! There is no cost to Durham for Sgt. Mone’s attendance to this “invitation only” other than transportation to and from the Richmond, VA area. She will be attending the academy from July 10th through September 15th. More information on the FBI National Academy can be found HERE.
The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.
Town Council - Monday, March 6, 2017
Durham Energy Committee - Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Town Council Nonpublic Session - Tuesday, March 7, 2017
E911 Street Addressing Committee - Wednesday, March 8, 2017 (10AM)
Planning Board - Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Integrated Waste Mgt. Advisory Committee - Thursday, March 9, 2017 (7AM - 1st Floor Conference Room)
Land Stewardship Subcommittee - Thursday, March 9, 2017 (8AM)
Conservation Commission - Thursday, March 9, 2017
All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.
Administrator Selig and his family visited the Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich, VT while on vacation this week. Pictured above is Todd trying to "bee" have while standing next to a honeybee exhibit in the museum.
The Town received notification this week from the Founder & Director of
Bee City USA & Bee Campus USA that Durham has met the standards for certification as the first Bee City USA affiliate in New Hampshire AND New England. Durham will now be listed along with the other certified cities at http://www.beecityusa.org/certified-cities.html#/news/
Meet Your Town Council Candidates - Kitty Marple & Sally Tobias
This video features two of your Town Council Candidates. Kitty Marple, a current Town Council Chair, and the newest Town Council Candidate, Sally Tobias. Carden Welsh is also running for Town Council for the third of three seats. This video is available for viewing on DCAT 22 – Saturday & Sunday at 3:00 & 7:00 PM and anytime viewing On Demand. Watch the video, HERE.
Don’t miss the latest episode of “ In the Biz; Durham Business Spotlight”. This episode features Young’s Family Restaurant. Meet owner Ken Young and hear his strategy on how he keeps his restaurant on the cutting edge of the ever changing restaurant scene, he’ll also talk about how he brings his customers the freshest product available. There are a few surprises too. This video is available on DCAT 22 TV at 12:30 & 6:00 PM, DCAT on Demand, & our website
Total run time: 11 minutes
This the third video in a series of videos designed to inform residents of Durham of the reasoning behind supporting the referendum scheduled for March 14th, focuses upon the existing problems of the building that will need to be addressed regardless of the passage of the referendum. It is proposed that the renovations and addition to the existing police facility will address all of the building’s deficiencies simultaneously enabling the building to have a 30-50 year service life to the community. This 7:30 minute video can be seen on DCAT 22 @ 6:28 PM Monday – Thursday & Saturday and Sunday @ 7:30 PM. You can also view the video from the following You Tube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69uc-QG04Ms
DCAT is Live Streaming. Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: live-stream.com and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Slush Cup Pond Hockey Tournament- Saturday, March 18th. 10am at Churchill Rink. Enjoy one last hoorah of the season before ice is out with this 3vs3 cross-ice double elimination tournament! Gather a team and enter into one of our age appropriate divisions. Great prizes and family fun! $30/team or $10/player (teams can have up to 4 players per team or register as a single and get placed on a team). Register your team by March 15th.
(New Start & End Dates) After School Indoor Rock Climbing Club: 3:00-5:00pm, Fridays 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21 at the UNH Artificial Climbing Wall. Durham Parks & Recreation has once again teamed up with UNH Outdoor Education for the Youth Rock Climbing Club. Team members will work closely with UNH Outdoor Education students who are also AMGA certified instructors to learn belaying skills, knots, equipment, climbing technique, problem solving skills, and more—New and experienced climbers welcome.
DPR Staff will walk students from the middle school to New Hampshire Hall. Ages 10+, $55/student, all equipment is provided. Pre-registration is required by March 26th, 2017. Min of 10, Max of 24.
Get On Board
Wednesdays: May 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th at Churchill Rink- Jackson’s Landing.
DPR has teamed up with Rye Airfield to offer Get On Board: A program that introduces kids to the awesomeness of skateboarding through a safe, proven program.
$50/person. Includes ALL equipment and awesome, safe instruction from fully trained and licensed Rye Airfield instructors.
Grades 5th-8th: 3:00-4:00pm (bus #38 can be used from the middle school to Jackson’s Landing)
Grades 3rd& 4th: 4:00-5:00pm
Pre-registration HERE is required by April 28th!
Summer Camps Registration
Registrations for DPR Summer Camp is now open! DPR is offering a variety of weekly camps beginning June 26th (pending the last day of school) through August 25th. Campers can look forward to Wicked Wacky Lab Week, Wicked Cool Vet School, Paddle-Pedal-Peak Camp, Field Trip Week, and Rocket Science Camp! Additionally, Durham Parks & Recreation has once again partnered with the SAU to offer five weeks of R.E.A.C.H.. Students enrolled in a morning SAU camp have the option to make it a full day by joining DPR for the afternoon. We will have fun hitting up the UNH pool, adventures to Wagon Hill Farm, playing games, hiking, fishing, creating crafts, and the list of fun goes on! Five Friday field trips are also planned as part of R.E.A.C.H. to complete each week. Register HERE for summer fun!
Upcoming Events-Save The Date!!
Annual Egg Hut at Durham Town Landing-Saturday, April 15th. 9:30am.
Durham Parks & Recreation and ORPP proudly present, The 22nd Annual Egg Hunt at Durham Town Landing!!
Hunt Details
-Please arrive between 9-9:20am
-The Hunt will start promptly at 9:30am
-Age appropriate hunting zones
-Find an egg with a “Golden Ticket” and win a prize!
-Light snacks & refreshments served
-Parking available in the dirt lot off Old Landing Road
Participants should be prepared to hunt outside. The Egg Hunt will take place regardless of weather!!
Kindergarten and New Student Registration 2017-2018, Oyster River Cooperative School District, Mast Way Elementary School, Moharimet Elementary School, March March 6 - 10, 2017, Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9:30 AM-2:30 PM, Wednesday 10:00 AM-6:00 PM, If your child turns five on or before September 30, 2017, he/she will be eligible for our Full Day Kindergarten program. More information HERE. Please call either Mast Way Elementary, 659-3001, or Moharimet Elementary, 742-2900, for further information.
Active Retirement Association Program, Tuesday, Mar 7, 2017, 1:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church. The Seacoast Memorial Lecture Series welcomes Cathleen Beaudoin, Director of the Dover Public Library, who will explore this legacy in “The Cotton Mills of Dover, New Hampshire: 125 Years of Manufacturing.” The presentation is free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome.
Jazz Benefit Concert with Hadacol Bouncers (including Durham's Nat Balch), Friday, Mar 10, 2017, 7PM, Community Church of Durham, . Fundraiser to benefit NAMI-NH, a grassroots non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness.
STEM program for students in grades 5-8, sponsored by the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at UNH. Tech Kid U is a new initiative in which Middle school students will have the opportunity to explore the world of science and engineering. Runs for three consecutive Saturdays: March 11, 18, & 25. Features hands-on projects and problem solving in various topics related to science and engineering. More information HERE.
New Hampshire Master Gardening Association Welcome Spring Symposium, Fresh Ideas – Gardening for 2017, Saturday, Mar 18, 2017, Southern New Hampshire University Campus/Hooksett, NH. For more information and to register, click HERE.
Growing Places - Registration for Camp Cowabunga and TimberNook Summer Camp is now open. View weekly themes and registration information HERE.
Active Retirement Association March General Meeting, Monday, Mar 20, 2017, 1:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church (lower level). Program will feature Michael Fleming discussing “A Climate Change Solution Conservatives Can Love.” Come and meet new friends, sample delicious refreshments, and learn more about the ARA.
Girl Scout Troop 22916 Daycare Day with Dory Fundraiser, Friday, Mar 24, 2017, 7:30 AM-5PM, Madbury Town Hall. Games, crafts, movie, PLAY. Snack and lunch provided. Limited space available. $50/child; $90/family. Contact Jolene Shuman at kenshuman@comcast.net. Adults in attendance and ALL scouts/adults are CPR/FirstAid certified.
Marina's Miles 5K: (succeeding Todd's Trot), Saturday, Apr 8, 2017, 10AM, Oyster River High School. Help raise funds for a scholarship to celebrate the memory of former Durham resident and UNH student Marina Slavin. Door prizes! Free light refreshments (courtesy Wildcat Fitness)! Free chair massages (courtesy of Body Mind Spirit Massage Therapy)! Visit MarinasMiles.org to register.
MainStreet Makery $5 Weekly Drop-In Craft. Dorothy, the Tin Man, Lion or Scarecrow. Make two of these fun classical characters, or a 2 of your own favorites. Hours: Tues. thru Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-4
UNH Museum of Art Upcoming Events. View schedule of events HERE.
Children’s and Young Adult Programs:
Dr. Seuss' Birthday Family Program!! Stories, craft and more! Saturday, March 4th at 10:30 am with Special Girl Scout Guest Reader, Camden Lee Tillinghast - Come celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday with stories, cake and a fun craft. We will also have a special visitor, Camden Lee Tillinghast, who has been working on her gold star Girl Scout Project which is a picture book and literacy kit all about the Karner Blue Butterfly. All ages and all are welcome!
McGregor EMS Babysitting Class – Sat. March 4th 10 am – 2 pm - This course is designed to certify kids ages 11 & up who are looking to, or already babysit. All students will receive a Babysitting, CPR and First Aid certification. The Community Babysitting Classes cost is $35 and payment is due upon registration. To register, visit www.cprsafe.org or call 603-862-3674
YA Mondays: (Middle & High Schoolers) This week: Collages & Hairspray Movie! Monday March 6th 2:45 - 4 pm - Stop by the YA room to create some collages and watch the movie "Hairspray" (PG) Run Time 117 minutes, if you are in Middle or High School. Snacks provided and all are welcome.
Teen Advisory Board Mon. March 6th, 6:30 pm – PicWits, Board Games and Ice Cream! The teen advisory board is open to kids in middle and high school. We want to hear from you! Tell the staff about books you would like added to the collection, activities you want to try, movies you want to watch or anything else you feel we should know. This month: Come and play some PicWits and Board Games and eat some Ice Cream!
Storytimes - Tues. March 7th and Thurs. March 9th at 10:30 am - “Lions!”
Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) Tues. March 7th, 6:00 pm - Join us for Raccoon Readers, our monthly 2nd-4th Grade Book Group. This month's book is "The Double Cross and Other Skills I Learned as a Superspy" by Jackson Pearce. We talk about books, authors, play some games and make a craft.
Baby Lap-sit (ages 2 & under with care giver) - Weds. March 8th at 10:30 am
Knitting and Craft Club for 3rd-5th graders - Weds. March 8th 4-5 pm (register at the Children’s desk).
Join us for Lego Club (K-4th grade) - Thurs. March 9th at 3:30-4:30 pm! We will have fun weekly challenges and of course free build. This week: “How Tall are You in Legos?”
Fun and Games Fridays - Fri. March 10th all day! Come and create a drop-in craft and play some fun board games. All ages.
Family Movie: Storks! Sat. March 18th at 10:30 am - Join us for this fun family movie: Storks! This movie is shown upstairs in the Oyster River Room. Popcorn is served and all are welcome!
Jack & Annie Book Club (Grades K-2) Tuesday, March 21st at 4:00 – 5:00 PM - Join us for our new monthly book club made just for kids in kindergarten through 2nd grade! During our meeting we will talk about our book club book, play games, and make a craft. This month’s book is "Good Morning Gorillas" by Mary Pope Osborne. Books are available at the circulation desk. Registration is required. Please sign-up at the Children's desk!
Bookeaters, Middle School Book Group, Weds. March 29th 2:45-4:00 pm – Join us for this month’s book group. This month’s book is “Fantastic Beasts” by J.K. Rowling. Ruth Wharton McDonald is the facilitator. Books are available at the circulation desk. Pizza is served.
Join the Patch Program! Come and join and collect your patches! This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library.
Adult Programs:
Paintings by Brad Pokorny Artist Reception Tues. March 7, 6:30-7:30 pm - Meet Durham painter Brad Pokorny and enjoy his colorful abstract works. Brad is a professional journalist and writer living in Durham. He began painting in the early 2000s, mainly as a form of pure expression. Come view Brad’s bold and colorful paintings. You can also visit his website at bradpokornycreates.com. Snow date Mon. March 8, 6:30-7:30 pm
First Aid Class Monday March 6th, 6-8pm - McGregor Memorial EMS offers First Aid Class. Contact Sean Madden 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit http://cprsafe.org
Oyster River Knitters Tues. March 7th 7-8 pm - Join in for a couple hours of knitting relaxation and conversation. This is a great time to pick up that knitting project you’ve wanted to finish. There's no need to pre-register; just show up. New participants of all skill levels are welcome!
Acoustic Open Mic with Mike Weds. March 8th 6:30-7:45 pm - All types of acoustic (non-amplified) music. First time performers and original music are particularly encouraged. Acoustic Open Mic with Mike is a welcoming supportive intimate gathering. Light refreshments are provided, held in the Library Cafe.
150 Years of UNH History Thurs. March 16th 6:30-7:30 pm - "From Plow to the Stars: 150 Years of UNH History" presented by Douglas Wheeler, Professor of History Emeritus, UNH.
Oyster River ASD Friends Tues. March 14th 6:30-8 pm - Join our group for parents of teens and young adults on the autism spectrum. Conversation, resource sharing, and speakers to address how we can best encourage and support independence.
Friends Book Discussion: Please join Jennifer Lee on April 13, 10:30 as she facilitates the discussion of The Leopard by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa. Your copy awaits you at the front desk.
Book Donation Week Feb. 27 through Mar. 4 - Accepting gently used books and DVDs. Please drop off donations in bags or containers that do not need to be returned. Thank you from the Friends of DPL!
CPR and AED Class with McGregor Memorial EMS Mon. March 20, 6-8 pm - Contact Sean Madden 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit www.cprsafe.org
The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology: computers, iPads & cell phones, eReaders (Nook, Kindle, etc.) Call to check on availability of the volunteers and set up an appointment. 868-6699 or email durhampl@gmail.com
*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.
Have a very nice weekend.
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
T: 603-868-5571
Website: https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/
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