Friday Updates - March 4, 2016


Friday, March 4, 2016


Thompson Hall at sunset. Courtesy Julie Alexander



A final reminder that the 2016 Town Election will be held next Tuesday, March 8, 2016, at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Voters will park in reserved spaces along the front of the school and use the Multipurpose Room entrance.



In fall 2015, representatives for the University of New Hampshire and the Town of Durham began the negotiation process for review of the various decennial agreements that exist between Durham and UNH and which expired on December 31, 2015.  Town representatives included Administrator Todd Selig, Town Councilors Jim Lawson, Firoze Katrak, Carden Welsh, and Kenny Rotner, Business Manager Gail Jablonski, Director of Public Works Mike Lynch, Fire Chief Corey Landry, Town Engineer April Talon, and WWTP Superintendent Dan Peterson.


Summary of Agreements...

The seven agreements recommended by the Administrator for approval by the Council are outlined below:

  1. School Agreement:  This agreement provides for UNH to fully reimburse Durham for  the costs associated with sending Durham children residing in the UNH-owned tax exempt property to the Oyster River Cooperative School District. This cost is determined by the ORCSD school funding formula, which allocates the cost of the school district to the three member communities – Durham, Lee, and Madbury.  The total estimated annual payment to Durham for the 7 children currently attending ORCSD from the UNH campus will be $119,702 under the new agreement. This agreement replaces the prior School Agreement, which expired December 31, 2015.  Under the more complicated calculation of the old agreement, UNH reimbursed Durham $82,665 for the 7 children attending ORCSD during the school year 2015-2016.   The agreement is for a 10-year period.
  2. Transfer of Real Property Agreement: Transferring UNH’s ownership of the Tot Lot and Oyster River Park to the Town of Durham.  This agreement addresses the intent of the parties to transfer the aforementioned two parcels from UNH to Durham as evidenced by historical records and a 1964 Town Meeting vote. 
  3. Fire Protection Services Agreement:  Providing fire protection services to UNH students, staff personnel, and buildings located within the corporate boundaries of the Town.  UNH continues to support 50% of the cost of operational and capital costs associated with the Durham Fire Department.  The 2015 UNH contribution to Durham for the Fire Department operation and capital budgets totaled: $1,739,263.  The agreement is for a 10-year period.
  4. Second Amendment of Lease Agreement (related to the Fire Protection Services Agreement):  Adjusts the term of the lease of building space from UNH for exclusive operation of the Fire Department to align with the term of the Fire Protection Service Agreement.  Modifies the previous lease to provide that the Town or University may terminate this lease at any time by mutual agreement.  The annual increase charged for the space leased to the Fire Department will be limited to no more than 3% annually. 
  5. Jackson’s Landing Boat Launch Agreement:  A continuation of the existing agreement for a 1-year period for use by UNH of the UNH-owned boathouse at the Town-owned Jackson’s Landing property.  The extension enables the parties to undertake additional planning and fund raising relative to the boathouse. 
  6. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the University Outdoor Swimming Pool:  Provides for resident parking and use by Durham residents of the new UNH-owned outdoor pool.
  7. Water and Wastewater System Agreement:  Renews a similar agreement that expired December 31, 2015.  The Durham/UNH Water and Wastewater utilities each operate for all intents and purposes as single unified systems to obtain maximum efficiency, conservation, resiliency, and redundancy for both parties.  The new agreement details system assets (owned individually and/or jointly), responsibility for system operation and maintenance, future system capital improvements, daily operational responsibilities, budget process, and cost sharing of the Durham-UNH joint water system and wastewater. 

The existing water and wastewater cost allocation between Durham-UNH for both operational and capital costs is 1/3 Durham and 2/3 UNH based on usage data from the parties dating back over a decade.  The cost share allocation was intended to be periodically updated based on actual usage data audits but logistical challenges precluded this from occurring until recently. The new agreement continues to rely upon usage data as well as peak demand information.  Capital cost sharing for both water and wastewater will be fixed at 1/3 Durham and 2/3 UNH for the life of the 10-year agreement. This cost share is based on the estimated ratio of the peak water use between Durham and UNH since peak demand determines the capacity needed in the water and wastewater systems and thus the capital investment required. System operational and maintenance cost sharing for both water and wastewater will be based on a three-year rolling average of actual metered usage phased in over a four-year timeframe.  Utilizing best available data, the parties anticipate the new allocation to be approx. 40% Durham and 60% UNH, which reflects the current ratio of metered water use.   


The financial impact to the Durham water/wastewater system is approximately $390,000 annually once fully phased in beginning in 2019.  We estimate the average water/wastewater user (based on 3,000 cubic feet of water/yr.) will see an increase of $111.30 in their annual bill when fully phased in (or approx. $37.20 more per year annually in 2017, 2018, and 2019).  (See attached Water & Sewer – 3 Year Cost Out Data sheet for more detail.)


A jointly funded Water Capital Reserve Fund is created per the new water/wastewater agreement.  A jointly funded Wastewater Capital Reserve Fund was established previously under the prior agreement and continues under the terms of this proposal.  


The new UNH Water Treatment Plant and recoating or removal of the Edgewood Tank will be borne 100% by UNH.  Anticipated repairs to the Wiswall Dam to secure the structure to bedrock and repair the spillway will be borne 100% by Durham.


As part of the discussions, UNH and Durham have developed two new agreements.  First, a Letter of Intent commits that the parties will commence good faith negotiations leading to renewal of the still in effect Municipal Services Agreement, (which currently provides compensation to the Town for costs such as maintaining the road systems, traffic control, and policing ) which expires on December 31, 2018. Second, a Memorandum of Understanding relative to Long-Range Planning Coordination and Communication, updating a prior 2002 “Process for Coordination and Communication between UNH and Durham.” These will be signed by Administrator Selig and UNH Vice President for Finance and Administration Christopher Clement as part of the package of agreements resulting from this round of discussions. 


Financial Details...

Relevant financial information is contained within the various prospective agreements.  


In addition, the matrix below shows actual FY 2015 receipts from UNH, as well as projected receipts for 2016 based upon the annual budget process. 



* 2016 revenue numbers are taken from what was projected as part of the approved FY 2016 budget.


To view the package of agreements recommended to the Council by the Administrator for adoption Monday evening, click HERE.



On April 30, 2016, terms on various Town boards, commissions, and committees will expire. In mid-April, the Town Council will begin the process for making its annual appointments/reappointments to Town boards, with appointments to take effect May 1, 2016. The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to fill these vacancies.

Citizens interested in board appointments may stop in or contact the Town Administrator’s office at 868-5571 and ask for a board application form. Applications are also available on the home page of the Town’s web site: in the green area located at the right. Click on “Forms”, then “Application for Appointment”.

Completed applications may be mailed to the Town Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, March 25, 2016.




A questionnaire was sent to all candidates for the Oyster River School Board by the Oyster River Teachers' Guild. Candidates were asked by the Guild to respond to a number of questions pertaining to education in the Oyster River School District. The information provided by candidates was then compiled by the Guild into a Voter’s Guide.  The information is not intended to be an endorsement of any one candidate, but rather a source of information to assist district residents in making an informed choice when voting on Tuesday March 8th. 


To view the questionnaire and candidate responses, click HERE.  



On Tuesday, March 8th residents of the Oyster River Cooperative School District will have the opportunity to approve Warrant Article #3 which would authorize the district to do a complete athletic facilities upgrade at Oyster River High School.  If 60% of the district’s voters approve, Warrant Article #3 would install an artificial turf rectangular playing field, an all-weather track with 8 sprint lanes and reconfigure the baseball and softball fields for safer play.  Under this proposal the ORCSD indicates athletic programs throughout the district would receive significant benefit.

The ORCSD indicates the total cost of this project is $2.2 million dollars.  Article #3 asks Oyster River taxpayers to approve a 10-year bond of up to $1.5 Million to fund the majority of the costs for this athletic facility upgrade project at the high school.  The remaining balance of the project would be covered by $300,000 that has already been raised and $400,000 from the year end fund balance.  

In addition to including an all-weather track, an artificial turf playing field and reconfiguring both the baseball and the softball fields the 2016 proposal also includes an environmentally friendly infill for the turf field.  The ORCSD indicates the benefits include increased safety, improved drainage for the entire facility, reduced runoff into Beard’s Creek, and increased field access which will reduce the need to rent UNH fields.   

In recent months the field project has received the endorsement of the Oyster River Youth Association and the Durham Parks and Recreation Commission.  

A similar proposal was made last year in order to address the long-standing need for improved athletic facilities in the school district.  Because the project involves bonding a 60% majority is required.  Last year 56% of the voters supported the project. 


Given that the vote was close last year the school board authorized the creation of an Ad Hoc Athletic Fields Committee charging it with identifying the key issues of concern to the voters of the district and to make recommendations to the board for modifications to the proposal.  After months of work the ad hoc committee made two key recommendations for this project.  The first recommendation was to remove tire crumb rubber infill from the project and replace it with an alternative called EPDM which eliminates the health concerns raised last year.  The second recommendation was to reduce total bonding by $200,000 which also reduces the tax impact from the previous proposal by more than 10 percent.  

For more information on the ORCSD Athletic Fields Project, click HERE.



The Durham Energy Committee is asking residents to take 10 minutes to complete this year's Household Energy Survey HERE. The Committee seeks to gather information about the use of energy among both homeowners and renters in Town. The results of this survey will be presented to the Town Council and also included in a future "Friday Updates".

The Energy Committee's last survey, which asked questions of the community about transportation behavior, provided valuable information to the Town Council as it deliberated on priorities for bike lanes, signage, and sidewalk upgrades.

Completing the survey is quick, it's fun, and it will help the Durham Energy Committee better understand and respond to the energy needs of the community.


Any questions or issues about the survey can be directed to DEC at We hope you will participate!



The Town of Durham and Strafford Regional Planning Commission, the Town's Master Plan consultant, have submitted a joint application to the New Hampshire Planners Association to select the 2015 Durham Master Plan as the NH Plan of the Year.  The winner will be selected in the next few months and the award presented in May.  One part of the application can be viewed HERE, addressing eight criteria for the nomination.


Matthew Temple has been arrested in connection with burglaries in Durham this past




During the month of January, Durham experienced three daytime burglaries into residential homes.  Burglaries into homes is a relatively rare event in Durham as police patrol coupled with actively engaged residents curtail the perception that Durham is the place to commit a home burglary.  Shortly thereafter, Durham Police became aware of an arrest by Portsmouth Police of Matthew Temple for a home burglary after residents returned to their home and found him inside.  

A subsequent search of the Temple’s apartment in Rochester found items stolen from all three residences in Durham.  Additional investigation from Durham detectives at a Lowell, MA pawnshop allowed additional property to be recovered. 


Complaints and warrants are currently pending from the Durham cases, including additional burglaries in Dover and Rochester.


Residents are reminded that if they see something that seems out of place or odd, please contact the Durham Police as they will gladly respond and investigate the issue.



Durham Police Chief Dave Kurz was invited to write an article on a topical issue to policing for the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). 


His short article “Enhancing the Agency’s Reputation”, was published in the most recent monthly newsletter “E-Communique” and can be viewed HERE.


Position Description: Creative, patient, friendly person needed to join a dedicated staff in the Durham Public Library’s busy Children’s & Young Adult Department.

Candidate must enjoy working with children; have good communication skills, both oral and written; be computer literate, comfortable assisting patrons, able to lead programs such as storytimes for children and events and activities for teens. Must be familiar with children’s and teen literature, social media, and computer technology.

Hours:  Mondays and Wednesdays:   2:00-8:00 p.m., and

             Alternating Saturdays:  10:00-5:00 p.m.

For the complete job description, click HERE.


Position open until filled. Send resumes to, Attn: Lisa Kleinmann


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - Give Ready Rides a try!  Ready Rides gives rides to residents that need help getting to their much needed Doctors Appointments.

Don't have a lot of time, no worries, drivers can pick and choose when and where they want to drive.  Drivers choose from a shared computer program the rides that fit into their schedule.  It could be once a week, once a month or once in a blue moon.  Mileage reimbursement is available.

Join Ready Rides at Nottingham Town Hall, Stage Road, Route 152, Notthingham on March 1st at 1:00 PM.  Please call Meri at 244-8719 to register.



Join community members working to improve trails at Durham’s Oyster River Forest! We’re hosting a kick-off event on Saturday, March 5 at 10 a.m. at the parking area near the corner of Packer’s Falls and Mill Roads. Hear more about plans for new trails and an exciting opportunity to help make it all happen in 2016.


Read a description of the Oyster River Forest Trails Initiative HERE.


Bring snow shoes or boots depending on conditions, rain or shine.  Questions? Contact initiative chairperson Malin Clyde, or 603-767-3054.


FARM STYLE BREAKFAST - Co-sponsored by the Durham and Lee Agricultural Commissions and the Strafford County Farm Bureau

A farm style breakfast will be held on Sunday, March 13, 2016 from 7:30 AM to 12:00 Noon at the Jeremiah Smith Grange in Lee. Proceeds benefit the Strafford County Farm Bureau's Youth in Agriculture Grant Program. 


Featuring eggs, french toast, plain and blueberry pancakes, home fries, baked beans, bacon, sausage, rhubarb sauce, maple syrup, coffee and juice, made with many locally raised products.  So delicious you will not be disappointed! 


Reserve your tickets by contacting Erick Sawtelle, 234-7907,, or Laura Gund, 659-2044,


Tickets can also be purchased at the Lee Town Hall or Lee Library.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Town Council - Monday, March 7, 2016

Zoning Board of Adjustment - Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Planning Board - Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Conservation Commission - Thursday, March 10, 2016

Parks & Recreation Committee - Thursday, March 10, 2016 (7PM, Town Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room)


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website and then by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule.

DCAT Programming Schedule.



Join host, Mary Ellen Humphrey, EDC Director, in DCAT 22 Studios latest, In the Biz: Durham Business Spotlight series.  Mary Ellen talks with the District Manager & General Manager of Tacomano a Mexican eatery that has been a Durham business for just over a year.  I’m sure you’ll be surprised to see how much effort goes into bringing diners the freshest ingredients on a daily basis.  This video is available On Demand and replays on DCAT 22 at 1:00 PM & 5:30 PM, Saturday & Sunday.



The Durham Agricultural Commission is working with farmers and gardeners in the area to give you a behind-the-scenes video tour of local farms and gardens.  The videos are produced by Durham resident & DCAT 22 Volunteer, Phil Kincade and present a seasonal look at our working landscape.  This video is currently only available for viewing on DCAT On Demand (DCAT 22 Studios folder).



Durham Public Library special programming, “Words & Music for the Senses”, with featured Poet, Abigail Carroll, UNH poets and musical performance by the NH Notables, UNH a cappella group.  DCAT 22 Studios was there to record this well attended event.  Replays on DCAT 22 at 1:30 & 4:00 PM on Saturday & Sunday.  Also available On Demand.



The "Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Presents SOCIAL MEDIA: A Predators Playground" presented at the ORMS on Monday, December 7th. The presentation was recorded by DCAT 22.  This presentation was offered in conjunction with the ORMS PTO, Durham Police Department, and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.  Learn about the dangers that face teens every day. In doing so, we’ll discuss how computers, cell phones, IPads, digital cameras, gaming systems, social networking applications, and Internet blogs all play a role in placing students and families at risk. This 1.5 hour presentation is specifically geared towards parents and educators who looking to better understand the technology available to teens today and the way in which child predators use it to exploit them.

DCAT 22 replay times: Saturday & Sunday @ 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM

Also available on DCAT On Demand

Run time: 1:22


DCAT is Live Streaming

Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account.  You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time.  All you have to do is click and watch.  Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device.  Please contact with any questions.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Annual Egg Hunt:  Saturday, March 26th – 9:30am at Old Landing Park



2016 Summer Day Camps with Durham Parks & Recreation

Durham Parks and Recreation is offering nine exciting weeks of Summer Day Camps beginning June 27th- August 26th 2016!


Full or half day options available along with a five-week partnership camp with ORCSD Camp R.E.A.C.H.  DPR provides an afternoon camp option to each of their morning camp sessions! Camp R.E.A.C.H. will run weekly from July 11th-August 12th Monday- Thursday with an optional Friday Field Trip.  Scheduled trips include, Jenness Beach, Water Country, an Island Kayak Adventure, Blitz Air Park & Mini Golf, and Hampton Beach & Ice Cream!!!


DPR also has some great fun-filled and educational camp options before the July 11th start of Camp R.E.A.C.H. and after R.E.A.C.H concluded on August 26th.  Campers can look forward to Wicked Gross Science Camp, Super Hero Physics Camp, an Adventure Paddle Camp, Extreme Earth Camp and Wicked Cool Med. School Camp!!


Registration is open for any of our camp weeks!  Call or email to register now!!  For more information please visit us HERE.



Discover Durham’s Trails

Participants had a great trek on the Sweet Trail on Sunday, February 21st.  The group picked up the Sweet Trail off Dame Road, and trekked to the Lubberland Creek Preserve parking area in Newmarket, then returned back on the Sweet Trail to our starting point.


Durham Conservation Commission, Parks & Recreation and the Land Stewardship Committee are offering once a month guided treks for community members to get to know the trails and recreational spaces in Durham.  These treks will take place the third Sunday of each month at 10am. Participation is FREE!
Join us for our next scheduled trek:

Sunday, March 20th: Wagon Hill Farm Trail


Volunteers Wanted

Are you interested in being a Field Trip Leader to lead or co-lead a trek for Discover Durham’s Trails?  We would love to have you!! Please contact the Parks & Recreation Department for more details on this volunteer position.

Volunteers who are looking to develop new skills or brush up on leading a group in the woods can take advantage of this great workshop, Field Walk 101: Volunteer Training. The Stewardship Network of New England is offering a fun and interactive volunteer training workshop on Friday, March 25th from 1-4:30pm.  This FREE training will provide volunteers with the basics of planning and executing a guided walk.  Those interested will need to register for this training as space is limited.


Save the Date !!

Bus Trips- March 16th- Boston Flower and Garden Show

                 March 16th- Boston Celtics Game

                 March 18th- No School Ski Day to Gunstock Mtn. Resort


FREE Balance Workshop with Sally Baker, PT

Better balance prevents falls and injuries. Join Sally Ann Baker PT from Durham Physical Therapy as she shows you easy balance exercises, which will help restore some of the flexibility, and strength you remember.

As we get older, falling can result in more than the bruises we might have experienced in our youth; it can rob us of our independence.  Every year thousands of older people experience broken hips and head injuries. Don’t join this group!

Join Sally Thursdays at 12pm at the Durham Recreation Parks & Recreation building located in the old court house on 2 Dover Road, for a half hour of fun, gentle, preventive exercise, a no sweat approach, which will arm you against the uneven surfaces and black ice of New England.

Call the Durham Parks & Recreation at 817- 4074 or email at for more information about this ongoing FREE program beginning Thursday, January 28th at 12:00pm.  Or just join us!


Mommy Tummy Post Partum Pilates With White Lotus Physical Therapy

Strengthen you core while bonding with baby to protect your joints as your body heals from delivery.

When: Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00pm. Session 1 begins March 2nd

Where: Durham Parks & Rec. building

Who: Moms at least 4 weeks postpartum with non-mobile babies

Cost: $48 for 4 weeks, $15 drop in

Register at  or (603) 817-2180


We want to hear from you!  Have a new exciting program idea?  Please be sure to share your vision with Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski.  Stop by the Recreation Department Office (2 Dover Road), or call/email the department at (603) 817-4074/



Grace Lin


Grace Lin - Award-Winning Children's Author & Illustrator, Monday, Mar 7, 2016, 5 - 7:00 PM, OR Middle School Cafeteria (lower parking lot). An evening of presentation and draw-along for children (grades 1-3), followed by a special session for adults and teens on Grace's path as a multicultural writer.  Chinese buffet dinner provided. Free childcare w/Chinese cultural activities during the adult session. RSVP by Saturday, Mar 5th HERE. Sponsored by the Oyster River Chinese Program, an afterschool Chinese program for Oyster River elementary students in partnership with UNH's Confucius Institute and ORCSD, with support from Mei Wei restaurant. More information HERE or email Yusi Turell,

FREE Oyster River Girls Hockey Night, Friday, Mar 18, 2016, 5:30 -7:30 PM, Churchill Rink, Durham. Hosted by the OR Middle & High School Girls Hockey Teams. Equipment available to borrow. Girls will have the ice from 6-7:00. Pizza, drinks, & dessert served after.  Girls of any age interested in giving hockey a try are welcome. Questions, please contact Rebecca Kell, 603-285-1561,

Oyster River Community Dinner, Thursday, Mar 24, 2016, 5 - 6:30 PM, Oyster River High School. More information HERE.

One World Second Semester Sign Ups, French, German, Spanish, and Chinese classes still available for grades k-5. Classes held on Thursdays at 3:45 PM and 4:15 PM at Moharimet elementary school. More information on pricing, and other times and locations HERE or email
ECHO Thrift Shop. Now open 5 days/week and Thursday evenings. Check out sales and new spring merchandise. New hours: 10AM-5PM, Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri;  10AM-7PM, Thu; 10AM-2PM, Sat.


DPL Artist in Residence Roberta Shea will conduct a children's printmaking workshop on Saturday, March 5th @ 10:30AM



DPL Artist in Residence Roberta Shea exhibits “Saol: Prints and Paintings from Ireland and Beyond” during the month of March - Printmaker and painter, Roberta Shea, showcases pieces from her residency in County Kerry, Ireland in the library’s upstairs gallery.  To learn more about the artist, visit:
Printmaking for Children, Sat. March 5th, 10:30am – Enjoy a great experience working with Roberta Shea, DPL’s Artist-in-Residence. Free workshop, registration requested. Open to children 6+ years. Register at the children’s desk or via e-mail with Ms.Lisa at
Starting Seeds Seminar, Wed. March 9th, 7pm – Hear from Jeremy DeLisle, UNH Cooperative Extension. Sponsored by the Durham Agricultural Commission and DPL. No Registration needed.
S.T.E.A.M. Program, Sat. Mar. 12th, 10:30-11:30am. Next theme: Weather with Rain Clouds in a Jar – Join us every Saturday for S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) activities in the Storytime/Craftroom. All ages welcome!

Durham Garden Club - Johnathan Ebba to present “Orchids: Their Cultivation and Care”, Tuesday, Mar 22, 2016, 6:30 PM (social); 7:15 PM program begins.

Johnathan Ebba, Facility Manager for the UNH Thompson School Greenhouses, will join members and guests of the Durham Garden Club for a hands-on lesson on how to select, care for and repot orchids suitable for home culture.  We will also discuss some of the history and lore of this amazing family. Jonathan Ebba has been a greenhouse grower for over 18 years.   At UNH he is also an instructor in greenhouse management and production.

K.D. Mason/Author Talk, Tues., March 29th 7pm – All invited to meet and hear from local author, K.D. Mason. Whether it is mystery, adventure, love or sailing, you might get hooked on his series. Check out one of his books at the DPL. Contact: Armida Geiger,
Game Afternoon will resume on April 4th, 2:45-4pm, For ages 10 & up – Come and play some fun games and have a snack too.
Storytimes! Tues. March 8th and Thurs. March 9th, 10:30am, This week’s theme: Wind/Kites! Next week’s theme: St. Patrick’s Day & Spring Join us for stories, finger-plays, felt board, songs and a craft.
Baby-Lapsit, Wed. March 9th 10:30-11:30am - For children & their care-givers, infancy to age 2.  Songs, stories, movement, rhymes & socializing afterward.
Acoustic Open Mic, Wed. March 9th, 6:30-8pm – Come to listen, come to perform. Hootmeisters, Peg Chaffee & Cheryl Sager. Food and event funded by the Friends of DPL. Contact: Nancy Miner # 603-868-6699,
Lego Club (K-4th grade) Thurs. March 10th  3:30-4:30pm, theme: Zoo Animals – Like to build Legos? Join us to do Lego challenges and build cool structures. Please note the new start time.
Homeschoolers Group, Fri. March 11th 10:30am, Theme: Ireland/St. Patrick’s Day– Join us for books, games, and a craft. This group is geared toward homeschoolers, but all are welcome.
Oyster River ASD Friends, Tues. March 8th, 6:30-8:30pm – Contact Julie Smith:
CPR/AED Class, Tues. March 15th 6-8pm – Offered by McGregor Memorial EMS. Register at:
Friends of the DPL, Book Discussion Wed. March 30th 10:30am-12pm – Book title: “Arthur and George” by Julian Barnes. Books soon to arrive for check-out at the circulation desk.
Friends of the DPL, Book Donations, Feb. 29th- March 5th – Collecting gently used books and DVDs.
YA Tech Club, Tues. March 29th, 6”30-7:30pm; this month: Virtual Reality with Google Cardboard (bring a smartphone if you have one!) – Join us in the Young Adult room for our monthly tech club (ages 10+ years. Come and experience some cool, tech toys.
PJ Storytime, Wed. March 30th, 6pm, this month: Move and Groove –Come wearing your PJ’s! Stories, song, feltboard, and a Chinese inspired craft. Snacks provided by ORPP. All are welcome!
Raccoon Readers, 2nd- 4th grade, Tues., April 5th, 6-7pm - Discuss a book & author, games and a craft. Books available at the circulation desk.
Tales for Tails – Have a child who needs to increase their confidence in reading?  Have them read to one of our Pet Partner dogs!  Your child will read ½ hour once a week to one of the dogs and their handlers. Sessions run for 4 weeks. Current session in progress now. Call the Children’s Dept.#868-6699 to sign up now!
Join the Reading Patch Club!  Ages 2-12 years - Earn patches and a tote bag for hours that you read! Program sponsored by The Friends of the Durham Public Library.


Armida Geiger, Adult Program Coordinator is looking for owners of classic and antique autos. In June, DPL will host its first “Ol’ Time Auto” event. Please contact via e-mail

For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.



*Academic year commenced August 28th and will be measured through graduation at UNH in May.


Have a very nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?