Friday Updates - March 7, 2014


Friday, March 7, 2014



Waiting for the Amtrak Downeaster early one morning in February. No sitting outside with ice cream anytime soon!  Courtesy Jenna Roberts



Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 9th, so don't forget to "spring" your clocks forward!


Residents Kathy Bubar, Julian Smith, and Kitty Marple participated in a Town Council Candidates Forum on Monday evening this week, hosted by the Durham Business Association and moderated by Town Moderator Chris Regan. The forum will broadcast on Channel 22 Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 PM. Courtesy Craig Stevens



The 2014 Town Election will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Voters will park in reserved spaces along the front of the school and use the Multipurpose Room entrance.

The following is a list of citizens that have filed for the Durham elected offices:


Town Council:  Katherine (Kitty) Marple, Julian Smith, Katherine Bubar

Library Board of Trustees:  Susan Roman, Dianne Thompson

Supervisors of the Checklist:  Ann Shump

Town Clerk-Tax Collector:  Lorrie Pitt

Treasurer:  Karl VanAsselt

Trustees of the Trust Funds:  Bruce Bragdon


To view the candidate biographies, click HERE.



The following is a list of individuals that have filed for the ORCSD elected offices (All are for at-large positions) as of mid day, Friday:


Michael Williams – Durham

Denise Day – Durham

Sarah Farwell – Lee



A questionnaire was sent to all candidates for the Oyster River School Board by the Oyster River Teachers' Guild. Candidates were asked by the Guild to respond to a number of questions pertaining to education in the Oyster River School District. The information provided by candidates was then compiled by the Guild into a Voter’s Guide.  The information is not intended to be an endorsement of any one candidate, but rather a source of information prepared by the Teachers' Guild to assist district residents in making an informed choice when voting on Tuesday March 11th.  To view the questionnaire and candidate responses, click HERE



The Oyster River Cooperative School Board set a goal for the 2014-15 budget that it was not to grow beyond 2%. The proposed budget being presented to the voters on March 11, 2014 is 1.7%, below the goal established by the Board and below inflation.

The budget process begins in December, involves the Advisory Budget Committee, staff and the public through many meetings and hearings. The process culminates in Deliberative session and public vote.

SAU 5 ORCSD voters, in a delayed, but well attended Deliberative Session on February 7, 2014, approved all warrants as presented by the School Board for a District-wide vote on March 11, 2014. It was greatly appreciated that so many gave up a Friday evening to share their thoughts regarding the proposed 2014-15 school year budget.

Article 3 pertains to the collective bargaining agreement between the Oyster River Teachers’ Guild (Guild) and the Oyster River School Board. The Guild and the Board agreed to a three year salary increase agreement with 2% the first year and 1.5% for both the second and third year. In addition, they agreed to $295,000 decrease in the cost of health insurance by changing to a less expensive plan with greater member copay on pharmacy and office visits. Citizens in attendance at deliberative Session overwhelmingly supported Article 3. The $319,827 needed in year one of this contract would increase the budget by .08%.

Article 4 of the proposed 2014-15 budget asks voters to approve a cafeteria for Moharimet, the only school in the District that does not have a dedicated space for children to eat. The funds for this project are available as a result of a lawsuit filed by schools and towns throughout New Hampshire against the Local Government Center. Oyster River received $688,000 of which $188,000 belongs to our employees. The School Board is asking that the remaining $500,000 be used to fund the cafeteria project. An amendment was made at the Deliberative Session to add an additional $45,000 to more accurately reflect the estimated cost of the project. The amendment was approved. Article 4, as amended, asks the voter to approve $545,000 for the addition of a cafeteria with that amount coming from the LGC lawsuit. ORCSD voters in attendance at Deliberative Session supported Article 4 as amended. The $545,000 request reallocates funds from the current budget so no new tax dollars are required to support the cafeteria.

Article 5 asks voters to transfer authority from the voters to the School Board to expend from the Facilities Capital Reserve Fund which has a balance of $98,289. This article requires no new taxpayer funds. These funds would be used to cover any additional costs related to the Moharimet cafeteria or other capital needs in the District. The voters at Deliberative Session supported Article 5.

Article 6 asks the voters to approve a tuition agreement between the Barrington School District and the Oyster River Cooperative School District. This is a ten year agreement that charges Barrington $14,000 per student with an automatic increase based upon the increased cost of operating the ORHS. It also includes annual student growth goals related to the number of students from Barrington per year over a five-year period. Currently, the district has 70 Barrington students with a goal of increasing student attendance to 125 Barrington students within the next five years. Barrington also guarantees revenue at 95% of the agreed to student numbers should they not meet a given years goal. Once the 125-student level is reached, ORCSD agrees to be a school of record, which means the ORCSD acts like Dover High School, as if ORCSD was Barrington’s High School. Finally, the maximum number  of Barrington students is established at 200 students with a growth rate of 20% per year. The voters at the Deliberative Session supported Article 6.

Article 7 is the summative article that requests the voters to approve an operating budget of all funds in the mount of $39,325,985. Should this article fail the default budget would be $37,511,593.

In addition, this article shares with the voters the estimated funds to be expended in Fund 21, Food Service of $603,361, Fund 22 of $655,000, federal and special expenditures, and Fund 23 of $6,000, as pass through funds. Fund 21, 22 and 23 are not impacted by the vote on the general fund budget/Fund 10.

The Oyster River Cooperative School Board’s proposed budget supports student needs while keeping costs down. The Oyster River Cooperative School District asks voters on March 11, 2014 to vote in the following locations:

  • The Town of Durham Oyster River High School 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • The Town of Lee Lee Safety Complex 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • The Town of Madbury Madbury Town Hall 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Two At-Large seats are open on the ORCSD School Board with three members of the community running for these seats. They are Denise Day of Durham, Sarah Farwell of Lee, and Michael Williams of Durham.

Dr. Morse wishes to take this opportunity to thank them in advance, win or lose, for their commitment to the Oyster River Cooperative School District


Amtrak Downeaster pulling into Durham's station. Courtesy Todd Selig


UPDATE on the New ORCSD Cable Channel 95

On February 26, 2014, ORCSD moved to a new channel number. “Cable Channel 95”  Originally the channel number was going to be 97, Comcast made a last minute change to ’95’. All ORCSD programming will only be available for viewing on Cable Channel 95.  ORCSD programming will no longer be available on DCAT Cable Channel 22.  This is the culmination of a long process between Durham, the ORCSD, and Comcast to activate the ORCSD broadcast signal. 


If you have any questions please contact: Craig Stevens, DCAT Coordinator @ 868-5571 or



The Durham Business Association recently organized a forum with Assessor Jim Rice and Administrator Selig focusing on the 2013 revaluation statistical update and its implications for downtown commercial properties.  


To view the February 20, 2014 forum on DCAT On Demand, click HERE.  



On April 30, 2014, terms on various Town boards, commissions, and committees will expire. In mid-April, the Town Council will begin the process for making its annual appointments/reappointments to Town boards, with appointments to take effect May 1, 2014. The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to fill these vacancies.

Citizens interested in board appointments may stop in or contact the Town Administrator’s office at 868-5571 and ask for a board application form. Applications are also available on the home page of the Town’s web site: in the green area located at the right. Click on “Forms”, then “Application for Appointment”.

Completed applications may be mailed to the Town Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, March 28, 2014.

Conservation Commission:  4 regular vacancies; 1 alternate vacancy
Durham Agricultural Commission:  2 regular vacancies; 2 alternate vacancies
Durham Energy Committee:  3 regular vacancies
Economic Development Committee:  1 regular vacancy
Historic District /Heritage Commission:  2 regular vacancies
Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee:  2 regular vacancy; 1 alternate vacancy
Oyster River Management Advisory Committee:  2 members
Parks and Recreation:  2 regular vacancies
Planning Board:  2 regular vacancies; 1 alternate vacancy
Strafford Regional Planning Commission MPO Policy Committee:   1 vacancy
Zoning Board of Adjustment:  1 regular vacancy; 2 alternate vacancies



The Durham Police have been a nationally accredited law enforcement agency since 1999.  To maintain that status, every three years assessors visit Durham and inspect the policies and procedures to ensure that the agency has established best practice standards and equally as important, that the agency is adhering to them.


The assessors will inspect protocols related to directives pertaining to organization, management, personnel administration, law enforcement operations, support staff, traffic law enforcement, detainees and other technical services are all encompassed in the program.


The process of accreditation strengthens the Durham Police Department’s accountability, both within the community and the agency through a continuum of standards that clearly define authority, performance, and responsibilities. 


Chief Kurz has long recognized that accreditation can limit an agency’s liability and risk exposure because it demonstrates that internationally recognized standards for law enforcement have been met, as verified by the teams of independent CALEA assessors who conduct the inspections. 


Another of the benefits due to the Durham Police being accredited is that our insurance carrier Primex reduces the Town’s premium for police liability by 10% each year.

Chief Kurz will provide more specific information regarding the pending accreditation assessment in upcoming "Friday Updates" to ensure that citizens can participate and/or render feedback.


To find out more information about the process, click HERE.


Foundation work below what will be the lobby of the new Town Hall is pictured above.

Courtesy Mike Lynch



Framing started this week at the new Town Hall project. This photo is of the basement storage area which is located in the middle of the new construction between the existing building and new Council Chambers. 



What do the library, police station, and skating rink have in common? Solar energy systems installed by ReVision Energy. Up and running since late December, collectively they can generate up to 120 kw. (That's like powering about 25 average households.) Celebrate Durham's commitment to reducing costs and fossil fuel use!

March 9 at Churchill Rink: Community Free Skate — Hosted by ReVision Energy, from 12pm-1:45pm.  Skate rentals are limited, so please try to bring your own. Coffee, hot chocolate, and pastries will be provided. See the flyer.

An RSVP to Kimry Corrette at ReVision Energy will help in planning, but don't let that keep you from deciding at the last minute to join us. Contact her at
or 603 679 1777.

(Did you know... As you drive around town, you've probably noticed an increase in rooftop solar panels in the last few years. The Open PV Project of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory shows that 27 installations have been registered in our zip code, mostly residential but also including the Town's own three, plus one at the Durham Boat Company. If you've got solar panels but haven't yet registered your project, please sign up to raise Durham's profile!)


Signs of spring at Liberty Hall Farm on Bennett Road. Courtesy Theresa Walker



Farm Style Breakfast, featuring locally grown and produced food - Sunday, March 9th, 8am - Noon, Jeremiah Smith Grange, Lee, 1 Lee Hook Road (intersection of Rt. 155).

The Durham and Lee Agricultural Commissions and the Strafford County Farm Bureau invite you to join us for a hearty, great tasting breakfast featuring scrambled eggs, French toast, many varieties of pancakes, home fries, baked beans, bacon, sausage, maple syrup, coffee, milk, and juice, and more! 


Tickets at the door are $10/adult, $7/kids under twelve.  Advanced tickets are available for $8/adult and $5/kids under 12 by contacting members of the Lee Agricultural Commission: Laura Gund, 659-2044 ( or Erick Sawtelle, 659-8106 (  Proceeds from the breakfast will be donated to the local chapter of Future Farmers of America (FFA).



UNH offers numerous and varied summer programs for youth in K-12 within the Durham/Lee/Madbury community and beyond: from academic enrichment, to the arts, to athletics, to traditional camps and water activities.
Most programs are held on the UNH campus in a supportive, safe, and fun environment.


Instructors are University professors and staff, high school teachers, and college students. State-of-the-art facilities and equipment are utilized to maximize the learning experience. Encourage your child to explore individual interests and talents. Most programs are currently accepting registrations.

Learn more about all of the UNH programs and join an email list for updates at or contact Cathy Leach at


For details on the schedule, please go to or call the rink at 868-3907. 


Public Skate Schedule:

Sundays:  12:00 - 1:45pm

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 2:00 - 3:20pm

Tuesdays:12:00 - 4:20pm

Thursdays: 12:00 - 1:50pm

Saturday:  2:00 - 3:45pm

Open Stick & Puck (unstructured hockey)

Sunday thru Friday:  11:00 - 11:50am

Adult Drop In

Sundays:  9:30 - 10:50am

Monday & Wednesday:  12:00 - 1:20 pm

Fridays:  12:00 - 1:20pm AND 8:00 - 9:20pm

Family Pond Hockey (Helmet required)

Saturday nights, 7:00 - 8:30 pm (except for Dec 28th)


For more information, contact Gary at Rink Services Group, 603-868-3907,


The Return of Music to the Bulletin Board System

Where is the music coming from on the bulletin board?  After many years of the bulletin board being silent, music has returned! DCAT has added Pandora Live Streaming Commercial Free music to the bulletin board system.  The music that’s playing is at the discretion of the DCAT Coordinator, but that doesn’t mean suggestions are not welcome.  For the next week a combination of Lite Rock & Pop Hits Radio will be playing, in the cue; Jazz & Easy Listening.  If you have any suggestions, please contact: Craig Stevens, DCAT Coordinator –


The Quotable Eleanor Roosevelt, Sundays @ 1:30 PM, Run time: 44 Minutes

Learn about one of the most fascinating first ladies this country has ever had: Eleanor Roosevelt. Author Michele Albion brings Mrs. Roosevelt to life in an interactive discussion about the inspirational and aspirational woman.   This video is also available for viewing on the Town’s On Demand site.


Bicycling Through Europe: One Durham Family’s Adventures

Sundays @ 5:55 PM, Run time: 1:10

Think about it: imagine packing up your family, notifying teachers, renting your home, hugging your friends good-bye and setting off on a bicycle tour of Europe! One Durham family did just that. Last year, Chris and Wendy Brooks decided to bring their children on a sight-seeing adventure through Europe. They will tell you the story, share their pictures, and perhaps inspire you to take your own journey.  This video is also available for viewing on the Town’s On Demand site.


Strafford Regional Planning Commission presents: Mills Scenic Byway -Run time: 1:02 - Sundays @ 8:30 PM

Join your hosts, Kyle Pimental, Senior Regional Planner & Todd Selig, Durham Administrator for a presentation on the Mills Scenic Byway. The proposed Mills Scenic Byway is a 12.1 mile route that travels through the Towns of Newmarket, Durham, Madbury and Rollinsford. This route offers a clear depiction of small, yet vital communities, located along the coastal shores of the Lamprey, Oyster, Bellamy, Salmon Falls, and Cocheco Rivers. This public hearing is required in order for the Cultural Byway Council to officially designate the Mills Scenic Byway as a state byway. This video will also be available on the towns On Demand site.  This is a production of DCAT 22 Studios.


Mill Pond Dam Centennial Celebration - Sundays @ 10:30 AM & 7:30 PM - Run time: 30 Minutes

Sit back and enjoy the latest production from DCAT 22 Studios. Enjoy some of Durham’s beautiful scenery, hear a this history of the Mill Pond Dam. Who is Congreve Hamilton Quinby? Did Humpty Dumpty actually make an appearance at the celebration? You’ll only find the answers to these questions by watching the video. 


These videos are also available for viewing on the Town’s On Demand site.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below.


Agricultural Commission - Monday, March 10, 2014. To view agenda and other information, click HERE.

Zoning Board of Adjustment - Tuesday, March 11, 2014. To view agenda and other information, click HERE

Planning Board - Wednesday, March 12, 2014. To view agenda and other information, click HERE.

Conservation Commission - Thursday, March 13, 2014. To view agenda and other information, click HERE.

Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee - Thursday, March 13, 2014 (Durham PD Community Room, 7AM). To view agenda and other information, click HERE.


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at  by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at


Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.


DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Family Fun Day at Wagon Hill Farm – Tomorrow!

Join us for a day of sledding FUN!  Enter our FREE raffle for your chance to win some WILD WINTER prizes!  Warm up with complimentary hot chocolate, shoot a family photo by the wagon, and take a hike around the property rated New England’s “Best Hilly Retreat” by Yankee Magazine. No snow? No worries, we’ll still be on site with goodies!
When: Saturday, 3/8 (12-3PM)
Where:  Top of the Hill  - Wagon Hill Farm

DPR Climbing Club - REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  March 10th. Find out more HERE.


Archery - NEW! - REGISTRATION DEADLINE:   March 10th.  Find out more HERE. We’re excited to offer this new 8-week, instructional program for ages 10-15.  All equipment, setup, and training will be provided.  Archers will learn the basics of target practice and safety, while also being introduced to both vintage and Olympic competition equipment!

New Coyote Club Dates - REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  March 14th Find out more HERE. (Please note program fee and time changes)

BALANCE – Martial Arts for Women – NEW! - Shaolin Kung Fu is a form of martial arts that promotes self-defense techniques along with the cultivation of overall physical conditioning, and spiritual well-being.  The class begins with a light warm-up and stretch, progressing to single technique forms (basic punch, kick, blocking). To learn more Email: to put your name on the mailing list.

A Jumpstart to Your Week -

Yoga:  Every Monday 6-7AM.

Pilates:  Every Monday 9-10AM

OR pick another class that FITS your schedule HERE.

Senior Trips – Are you interested in taking a trip to places like Boston, New York, Foxwoods, etc.? Email: to put your name on the mailing list.

Tai Chi - Beginners.  Find out more HERE.

Volunteer With DPR - Do you like being outdoors?  Do you have a group looking for ways to be more involved and give back to the community?  Contact: to learn about local volunteer opportunities. Find out more HERE.


Save the Date:

  • Annual Egg Hunt - Saturday, 4/19 (Rain Date: Sunday, 4/20)
  • Memorial Day Parade - Monday, 5/26.  If you would like to be involved with this year's parade, please email the Parks & Recreation Director:
  • Summer Kickoff Party - Saturday, 6/26
  • Music by the Bay Summer Concert Series - July, August
  • Durham Day - Saturday, 9/27


Active Retirement Association - ARA will hold two public events during the week of March 17th:  "Expand Your World!" and "Hillary Clinton's Formative Years at Wellesley College". For additional information, visit the ARA website at or contact Carol Caldwell at 603-343-1004.

Snow White Ballet, ORHS, Saturday, Mar 29 @ 7PM and Sunday, Mar 30 @ 2PM, ORHS auditorium. Limited ticket availability will be at the door and on-line purchasing (recommended) at

Echo Thrift Shop - Luck of the Irish Sale. Green items 50% off, March 5-21.

Support Oyster River High School 2014 Project Graduation.  Raffle tickets are being sold for a month-long calendar of donations from local businesses, as well as raffle tickets for two tickets to a pre-season Patriots game or two tickets to a Red Sox game.  Contact Fran Mandeville ( or any ORHS senior parent for more information.



Baby Lap-Sit Begins again Saturday, March 8th at 10:30 a.m. (ages 2 & under with care-giver) – Join us for stories, songs, fingerplays and a time to socialize afterwards.  You will receive a ring to add fingerplays on each week you attend!
Affordable Health Care Act registration Enrollment Specialist available on March 15 - Open enrollment for the ACA ends on March 31st, so let Mary Moynihan help you sign up here at the library between the hours of 10 and 2 pm on Saturday March 15th. Just sign up at the circulation desk or call 603-868-6699 to register.
Chess and Board Game Afternoon (ages 10 & up), Monday March 10th 3:00-4:00 p.m. – Join us every Monday afternoon now in the Young Adult room for a game of chess (or other board games).
Pre-school Storytimes:  Tues.  March 11th and Thurs.  March 13th at 10:30 a.m. –The theme is:  Leprechauns and Rainbows!
McGregor Memorial EMS First Aid Course, Tues. March 11th, 6:00-8:00 p.m. – to register, visit or call 603-862-3674.
Bookeaters, Middle School Book group, Weds. March 12th 2:45-4:00 p.m. – Walk from the Middle School.  This month’s book is “Graceling” by Kristin Cashore.  Ruth Wharton-MacDonald is the facilitator.  Pizza is served and all are welcome.  Books available at the library.
Lego Club, Thurs. March 13th at 3:45-4:45 p.m. – Join us Thursdays to make Lego creations. Lego Club is in need of Lego Donations!  Have any Legos that you would like to donate to the library?  They will be put to good use at our very popular Lego Club.
Homeschoolers Activity Hour, Friday March 14th, 10:30 a.m. – This week:  Biographies!  We will hear books, play some games, do some puzzles and make a craft.  This group is geared to home-schoolers but all are welcome.

Crafternoon – Fri. March 14th 3:00-4:30 p.m. – Stop by the Children’s craft room on Fridays for a fun craft.
Family Movie Afternoon “Horton Hears a Who”, Saturday, March 15th 2:00 p.m. – Join us for this fun family movie.  Popcorn is served.
Northeastern Ballet Co. presents “Snow White” Ballet at the library, Monday, March 17th, 6:30 p.m. – Join us for this fun family program.  Dancers will present small scenes from the Northeastern Ballet’s original production of “Snow White”.  Don’t miss it.
Friends Book Discussion: "The Love of a Good Woman" Wednesday, April 16 at 10:30 a.m. - Join us for April's Friends book discussion. Jennifer Lee will lead us through three stories from The Love of A Good Woman by Alice Munro: the title story, "The Children Stay" and, "Before the Change."  The books are in and your copy awaits...
Tales for Tails sign-ups happening now.  Contact the Children’s desk to register.
Patch Club! Earn patches and a library bag for your reading time.  Register at the children’s desk.


Visit the DPL website for more information.


FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association

1755 - The Parish of Madbury incorporated from Dover and Durham, 12 years after petitioning for separation, and was empowered to raise money for paupers, preaching and schools. The boundaries of the 3 towns come together at Cedar Point at the joining of the Bellamy River and Little Bay.


Have a nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?