Friday Updates - May 19, 2017








                    NEWS & HAPPENINGS...

Friday, May 19, 2017


Wagon Hill Farm - Courtesy Elise Sullivan



UNH Commencement is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, May 20th, at the new Wildcat Football Stadium.  While the photo above is not the typcial UNH image we use for commencement weekend, one can imagine the young graduates hitching up their wagons and heading out of town toward whatever their bright futures have in store.   



View the full schedule of commencement events HERE.



The UNH Commencement ceremony is this Saturday, May 20th with a change this year to the Wildcat Football Stadium rather than Memorial Field in front of the Whittemore Center. The graduates will begin lining up around 9AM to march into the field starting at 9:45AM.


Traffic in and around Durham will be extremely heavy as parents and family members arrive to enjoy the celebration. Visitors are directed to outlying parking areas for bus transportation into the stadium area. As in the past, all of the buses are escorted by marked police vehicles ensuring that they will arrive on time.


This year’s commencement speaker is General Lori Robinson, UNH Class of '81, the first woman to lead a major combatant command in the history of the U.S. Armed Forces. In 2016 Robinson took over as commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) after entering the Air Force more than 30 years earlier through the ROTC program at UNH. 


Durham residents should be aware that during the seven-hours between 7:00AM and 2:00PM, navigating Durham roadways that are in close proximity to UNH will be challenging.


It is planned that there will be a traffic pattern shift on Main Street between the Field House and Route 155A, Mast Road. Westbound traffic on Main Street will be directed to turn right onto Sage Way, (Formerly Mast Road Extension) and will follow that roadway exiting onto Main Street. All eastbound traffic will encounter a one-way pattern from the intersection of Main Street and Route 155A and remain one way until vehicles reach Main Street and Sage Way.


Once the graduation ceremony ends at approximately 12:15 PM it is estimated that traffic patterns will return to normal in approximately 2-hours as traffic leaves Durham. Durham and UNH Police will be stationed throughout the area to ensure that traffic and pedestrians traverse the area safely and as expedient as possible.


Facilitator (and resident) Emma Rous in blue sweater with one of her groups during Staurday's Future Land Use Community Forum held last Saturday.  Courtesy Phil Kincaid



The Town sponsored a very successful Future Land Use forum last Saturday. The forum was held in Holloway Commons at UNH. Just over 100 people attended! From all reports, the participants found the presentations and small group discussions stimulating and enjoyable. Kudos to the Land Use Committee for organizing an outstanding event and to our facilitators for their hard work in coordinating the discussions! And a hearty thank you to Peggy Kieschnick, who did an exceptional job as the main facilitator.


Strafford Regional Planning Commission, the Town's Master Plan consultant, and Peggy will prepare a written synopsis of the forum in the coming weeks. This document will be posted on the website when available. 



At its meeting on Monday, May 15, 2017, the Town Council adopted its list of goals for 2017-18. To view the final goals list, click HERE.


Michael Lynch last week celebrated 40 years of service with the Town of Durham as a dedicated, loyal, and hard working employee. If you happen to see Mike out and about, please be sure to tell him, “well done!”


NHDES honored the Durham–UNH Water System with its 2017 Source Water Sustainability Award at the Drinking Water Source Protection conference on May 18. Our water system was chosen for its outstanding efforts to maintain the sustainability of surface and groundwater sources through a water conservation ordinance and plan, expanded storage through artificial aquifer recharge, requirements for low-flow appliances, and promotion of water conservation with customers.



The Durham Energy Committee is asking all residents to complete a short survey (15 minutes tops) to provide feedback about their use of and understanding about renewable energy technologies from the household level to state regional questions of policy and practice. This survey helps to meet the Committee's commitment in the Town Master Plan to survey resident needs as a means to get feedback and past and future activities and plans of the Town regarding our energy use. You may have seen signs in Durham and surrounding towns promoting Energize 360 (, which is an effort undertaken by the Durham Energy Committee in collaboration with other towns' energy committees to promote a comprehensive approach to conserving energy.


Residents are guided through the process of apply energy efficiency technologies as well as generating electricity at their homes through the use of rooftop or ground mounted solar panels. We encourage you to check it out after you complete the survey. If you have any questions about either the survey or Energize 360, please contact the Energy Committee at


Take the 2017 Household Energy Survey HERE.

All Durham Town offices will be closed on Monday, May 29, 2017, in observance of Memorial Day. All Town offices will reopen for regular business on Tuesday, May 30, 2017.


Transfer Station and Refuse/Recycling Schedule Changes for the Memorial Day Holiday are as follows:


No Collection of Refuse and Recycling on Monday, 5/29 - Delayed one day all week. Monday collection on Tuesday, Tuesday collection on Wednesday, etc.


Transfer Station Closed, Saturday, 5/27


No Commercial Collection on Fri, 6/2


The Durham Town Council has committed to subsidizing resident costs for UNH Outdoor pool memberships up to a sum of $30,000. When purchasing one of the various pool pass options from the University of New Hampshire, Town of Durham residents will receive a 20% discount off the purchase price. Passes need to be purchased in person at Campus Recreation and proof of residency must be provided to receive this subsidy. Additional information and membership fees can be found HERE.


A reminder that the annual spring bulky waste pickup is now over. If residents put bulky waste curbside after DPW had already come by, they will now have to dispose of that material by bringing it themselves to Durham's LaRoche Transfer Station and Recycling Center on Durham Point Road utilizing a bulky waste coupon.


Randall Trull



Please join the Durham Fire Department in welcoming Randall Trull. Randy has joined the Department as the New Deputy Chief in charge of Fire Prevention and will start on Monday May 22, 2017. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and an Associate of Fire Science. He leaves behind a Career as Fire Chief in Berlin, New Hampshire where he spent 15 years as the Fire Chief.



The Town of Durham and the University of New Hampshire jointly support the Durham Fire Department and McGregor Memorial Ambulance, which provide emergency services to the Town and Campus. Both are currently housed in facilities on the UNH campus owned by the University. These facilities are aged and no longer well suited to support emergency services. Durham and the University have been working together to find a suitable location for a replacement fire station and potentially a combined emergency services facility that would support the Durham Fire Department, McGregor Memorial Ambulance, and the UNH Police Department. While the details are still in discussion and not resolved, the parties have developed and agreed to a set of broad principles that will guide discussions and be ultimately reflected in an amended Durham/UNH Fire Protection Service Agreement.


To view the new MOU regarding a jointly funded replacement fire station, click HERE.



On Monday, May 1, 2017, the Town Council adopted a resolution updating the Minimum Application Fees for the Planning Board and The Zoning Board of Adjustment within the Town-wide Master Fees Schedule. Fees for these two boards had not been adjusted since 2007.


View the revised Planning Board fees HERE.


View the revised Zoning Board of Adjustment fees HERE.



The social studies department at Oyster River High School is pleased to host the 10th Annual Power of One; Students Creating Change. This year, over 200 freshmen are participating in this unique assignment, which is a culminating activity for the 9th grade World Cultures class.


For this project the students have chosen an issue they are concerned about, researched the issue to better understand the root causes and impact it is having, and they have taken action to help address their issue.


The focus of their projects include local, national and global issues, and they cover a wide range of topics, from focusing on local farming and homeless veterans to explaining the perils of shark finning and raising funds to combat Haitian poverty. In the past, students raised and donated over $20,000 for local and international charities, and they educated thousands about their topics. 


The Power of One event will be held Tuesday, May 23rd from 5-6:30pm in the ORHS cafeteria. The entire event is free and the public is encouraged to attend.


This map depicts the approximate location of an upcoming oil spill boom deployment text on Little Bay.  Courtesy NHDES


On May 30th, 2017, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) will be deploying a portion of an oil spill protection strategy in Upper Little Bay as a test to improve the effectiveness of the overall strategy. The test consists of deploying 3 lengths of oil spill boom totaling approximately 1,950 feet. These lengths are part of the overall strategy, which is intended to minimize the amount of spilled oil that could be carried by the current upstream towards Great Bay.


The trial will begin at approximately 9:45 AM and continue until approximately 3:00 PM.


The river will remain open to vessel traffic under the direction of the NH DES and Newington Fire Department vessels on scene.


I’m pleased to report that the Town of Durham's application was selected to receive $6,000 in technical assistance to support the development of an extended coastal flood hazard overlay district. As far as next steps go, the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) will be contacting Durham directly in the coming weeks to refine our proposed work plan and project timeline to ensure completion by the end of February 2018. In particular, reviewers were interested in the extent of additional outreach that might be needed to support final adoption of the updated regulations and where/how our project staff from the UNH Cooperative Extension and/or Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve might best be able to assist with those outreach-related tasks.


Learn more about the NH Setting Sail grant program HERE.


MINOR TRAFFIC CHANGE ON GARRISON AVENUE – Addition of 12 Business Permit Parking Spaces to Support Downtown Business.
The Public Works Department is implementing a minor roadway/traffic change near the Middle School in order to test out a new parking configuration while school is still in session.


This morning, Durham Public Works grinded off the center line and arrows on Garrison Ave from the Dennison Road intersection by the Middle School down the hill to the Madbury Road intersection in order to install 12 new Business Permit parking spaces along this stretch of Garrison Ave on the north side (sidewalk side).


The results will be this stretch of Garrison Avenue becomes one lane exiting the Middle School front parking lot. This parking stretch will then become “ Business Permit Parking Only”. We’ll be monitoring both the morning and afternoon traffic for the first few days.



Chief Kurz received this email from Bobby Smith:


“I am Mr Bobby smith a bank internal auditor, I contacted you about $6.2 million U.S. Dollars left in the account of our late client your cousin fund, I promise you 50% as a percentage of the fund. Upon hearing from you, I will give you comprehensive details about this transaction meanwhile kindly contact me via my private email address at (”


What is helpful about this scam is that it obviously is a scam due to the poor composition, grammar, and spelling of Smith as smiteh!


This should serve to remind us all that the limitation of these scammers is without bounds if they contact ... a police department!


Wednesday night, May 17, at the regularly scheduled School Board meeting, Maria Barth, who represented the Town of Lee for the past five years on the Oyster River Cooperative School Board, resigned.


Maria served as Chair her first two years on the Board, was the Policy Committee Chair and served with a keen attention to detail. She constantly challenged the district to continuously improve by asking thought provoking questions and through her keen observations. Maria always made sure financial decisions made were in the best interest of our students and the taxpayers. She will be missed as a School Board member. She served Oyster River and the Town of Lee with distinction.


The Town of Lee has the legal responsibility to fill this vacancy. The Selectpersons of Lee will establish a process to find a candidate to complete her current term, which ends in March 2018.


The Town is planning to focus efforts over the course of the summer concerning enhancing its strategies in concert with UNH relative to the various impacts students may have upon traditional Durham neighborhoods surrounding the downtown core.

Students bring innumerable positive benefits to Durham, as does the presence of the University here for our town. At the same time, there are challenges posed. While we believe we have a pretty good list of concerns including noise, trash, intoxication, etc., we thought it made sense to ask the community for feedback.


If residents have topics they would like to share so we are sure to capture them all, please email these suggestions along to Todd Selig at



Wagon Hill Farm, the public recreation (and more!) spot at the mouth of the Oyster River in Durham that is popular for its beautiful views, dog-friendly trails and boat access. The town of Durham, which owns the property and maintains public access on the site, has had to move the fence that runs along the shoreline back 16 feet several times since 1989.


For about a year, a team of municipal staff, University of New Hampshire researchers, Strafford Regional Planning Commission planners, and NHDES staff have been working together with the goal of minimizing the erosion, restoring lost salt marsh habitat, and adapting to expected increases in water levels through the design and construction of a living shoreline, a stabilization technique that uses nature-based elements. If installed, the Wagon Hill Farm site will be one of the very first living shoreline projects in coastal New Hampshire.


This work recently got a boost when Durham was awarded a NHDES Coastal Program Design Solutions for Coastal Resilience Grant to continue to study the causes of the erosion and to develop detailed designs that incorporate living shoreline techniques along 300 linear feet of fringing marsh.


A living shoreline uses a variety of structural and natural materials such as wetland plants, submerged aquatic vegetation, oyster reefs, coir fiber logs, sand fill, and stone to reduce erosion. It can be designed to adapt to sea-level rise—naturally building elevation as water levels increase and eventually moving upland if water rises too quickly and if space allows.


The Wagon Hill Farm site will include saltmarsh habitat and provide space for the marsh to move inland as sea levels rise.


Next steps for the project team include completing final engineering designs and continuing to reach out to residents and town committees. The team showcased some preliminary conceptual options for a living shoreline to the public at Wagon Hill Farm during Durham Day in September 2016, as well as presented at a recent Town Council meeting. Students will also have the chance to get involved with plantings and monitoring at the site.


The team is currently exploring funding options for construction and hopes that construction will take place in summer 2018.


MILL PLAZA REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE – A new design is in the offing.
Since mid-November, Admin. Selig, Part-time Economic Development Director Mary Ellen Humphrey, and Lead Architect from the Mill Plaza AIA 150 Study Committee Process, Patricia Sherman, have been meeting informally with the Mill Plaza design team to determine whether a new configuration could be developed for the Mill Plaza site that would be more in keeping with the objectives of both the the Town and the Mill Plaza owner.


After many weeks of discussions we have arrived at a new design layout that integrates numerous Mill Plaza Study Process goals from years ago, and could very well be workable today for the community and the owner alike.


Given the circumstances and constraints with which the parties have had to work, the progress collectively made with the owner’s team is very promising.


The Mill Plaza team will be gearing up to return to the Planning Board in June as part of the public conceptual review process with its new design.



MUSEUM OPENING: “Everything Old Is New Again!” at the Durham Historic Association Museum

For the first time in many years the DHA Museum will be open from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Memorial Day Monday May 29th, before, during and after the Memorial Day Parade. The museum is located on the second floor of the old brick Town Hall/District Court building at the traffic light on the corner.  Come visit the new exhibit of Durham’s 400 year history.  The DHA plans to host “Summer Saturdays at the Museum”, where every Saturday afternoon throughout the summer residents may explore Durham’s history in eight chronological periods from the 17th century to the present in air-conditioned comfort.


DURHAM APPLIES FOR $140,000 GRANT TO NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION (NFWF) – “Collaborative Land Stewardship and Riparian Restoration in Durham, NH: A Model for Other Towns”

Total Amount Requested: $140,000
Matching Contributions: $141,273
Proposed Grant Period: 01/01/ 2018 - 12/31/ 2019


Ellen Snyder, the Town’s part-time Stewardship Coordinator, is doing a super job pursuing many of the initiatives we have set out for her, one of them being to search for enhanced funding opportunities to further our local stewardship efforts.

This grant application targets the NFWF priorities of “Healthy Forests and Rivers” through a collaborative land stewardship effort that will restore river connectivity, water quality and riparian habitat and create early successional and pollinator habitats on town-owned conservation lands within the Town’s three significant sub watersheds: Oyster and Lamprey Rivers and Crommet Creek.


We will focus on the following project objectives:

  1. Manage 60 acres of early successional habitats on town-owned lands
  2. Develop and implement a pollinator management plan on four Town-owned conservation areas
  3. Evaluate and implement riparian restoration along 2.25 miles of the Oyster and Lamprey Rivers
  4. Restore connectivity and river function on Littlehale Creek

We will expand capacity and focus our Town volunteers on these priority projects by partnering with The Stewardship Network: New England, located at the University of New Hampshire.


DURHAM LAND STEWARDSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE WEEKLY REPORT - Join us for a Conservation Easement Volunteer Monitoring Workshop

A conservation easement is a restriction placed on a property to protect its key resources and values. The easement deed is a binding agreement between a landowner and the holder of the easement that limits certain types of uses or prevents development from taking place on the land in perpetuity while the land remains in private hands. Durham holds a handful of such conservation easements on private lands and it is responsible for monitoring these conservation easements annually to ensure that the provisions of the easement deed are being followed. Easement monitoring often relies on volunteers.


To help volunteers in Durham and surrounding towns and others interested in learning more, we are hosting an easement monitoring workshop:


Saturday, June 3, 2017 9:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Durham Town Hall


This workshop will offer best practices for performing annual monitoring of conservation easements. We'll spend a couple hours learning indoors before heading outside to a nearby property that has a conservation easement to put our new skills to work. Please bring your lunch, plenty of water, and dress for the weather. Emma Tutein, Natural Resources & Land Conservation Field Specialist, UNH Cooperative Extension and Ellen Snyder, Durham Land Stewardship Coordinator, are leading this workshop.


The workshop is free; pre-registration is required: Sign-Up through The Stewardship Network. Download the event flyer HERE. Any questions contact


Help Durham Trails! We are still looking for volunteers to help with trail building at the Oyster River Forest on Friday, May 26th and Saturday, May 27th. Sign up HERE.




The application focuses on a section of the UNH campus adjacent to south side of Durham’s Main Street from the existing roundabout east to the Field House – by approximately 850’.


The grant will cover the design, engineering, and installation of new +/- 8’ wide sidewalk link connecting the existing sidewalk system at the roundabout with the Field House on the south side of Main Street.


The project will include necessary crosswalk(s), lighting, landscape, railing, and retention wall changes engineered in consultation with the Town of Durham to integrate with existing Town-owned streetscape.


The completion of the Wildcat Stadium and recent pedestrian/residential population growth in Durham calls for logical westward extension of the sidewalk system, which is fully consistent with Durham goals.


The stadium and fields represent large scale pedestrian access events from the main parking in Lot A. Estimated daily pedestrian trips on existing goat path are 150 during current academic weekdays but up to several thousand during stadium athletic events.

The newly expanded Wildcat Stadium has a capacity of 18,000 in addition to events at adjacent Boulder Field. An existing trail on the north side of Main Street is well used but does not adequately serve the high origin/destination demand on the south side of the street.


A known historic resource constraint in this historic transportation ROW/corridor is a single gravestone/marker on the eastern end of the facility, which will be fully reviewed and protected.


The estimated Total Project Cost and TAP request: $460,000.


Main Street is a Town-owned and maintained facility with consistent ROW in this corridor.


UNH and Durham have an existing general services agreement, which requires the University to provide year‐round maintenance of all elements outside the travel way/curb of Main Street.


The University will own and provide year round maintenance to this sidewalk facility. Durham will provide letters of support for this application referencing


Rethink your lawn: A lawn with dandelions is “Bee-utiful". Courtesy Lee Alexander


To raise awareness about the importance of protecting pollinators in our community, the Agricultural Commission invites young residents to dress in bees and pollinator costumes, such as butterflies and hummingbirds, and march with them in the May 29th Memorial Day parade.


Every youngster wearing a BEE costume and joining the commission in the parade will receive a jar of honey from Durham beekeepers. For more information, please contact Theresa Walker at, or 603-659-7226.




Are you growing fruits, vegetables, raising chickens, goats, or bees?
Do you compost your food and yard waste; manage your lawn and landscaping without chemical pesticides? If you do any of these then you have a Food Friendly Yard.


A Food Friendly Yard is a nourishing, chemical free space for people, wildlife and pollinating insects. It turns unproductive landscaping into fresh local food. The Durham Agricultural Commission recognizes these efforts with our Food Friendly Yard signs displayed around the community. They create a community of residents engaged in a common purpose, a patchwork of green spaces which becomes a quilt of restored habitat and food production.

To receive a sign and participate in promoting this program contact Ellen at


The Lamprey River Advisory Committee has published its 2017 spring newsletter which is available for viewing HERE.


With its banner proudly displayed over Pettee Brook Lane, McGregor Memorial EMS is pleased to announce that National EMS Week is from May 21st through May 27th with the theme EMS STRONG: Always in Service.


During the week, McGregor volunteer EMT’s will be conducting various public outreach programs. On May 22nd (rain date May 23rd) from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, look for our “CPR on the Street” training in front of Young’s Restaurant. Durham has been designated a Heart Safe Community and saving lives from Sudden Cardiac Arrest relies on the integration and cooperation of EMS and the general public. This training involves “Hands-only CPR” as data shows, that’s all that is needed in the critical first moments. You can easily become a part of this nationwide effort by taking part in this event. They will also be displaying Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’s) that are strategically placed around town and on campus. Also on display will be various equipment McGregor carries on each of its three ambulances.


All Parents and Preschoolers in the Durham, Lee and Madbury communities are invited to climb aboard the McGregor Memorial Ambulance ("Boo Boo Bus") this coming Monday, May 22nd at 9:30 at the McGregor Memorial EMS Station. Come see what is inside their ambulance, learn how to keep safe and healthy, and helping them take care of their stuffed animals boo boos! McGregor's station is on the UNH campus at 47 College Road in the parking lot between Zais Hall and the Durham Fire Station. There is limited parking behind the station and there is public parking on campus within walking distance.

View the UNH parking map HERE.


All of these events are being coordinated with our Community Relations Committee comprised of McGregor volunteers. 


Retired Colonel Hunt Kerrigan (l) and Dan Peterson (r) present Administrator Todd Selig with an ESGR Patriot Award. The Patriot Award reflects the efforts made by employers to support citizen warriors through a wide-range of measures including flexible schedules, time off prior to and after deployment, caring for families, and granting leaves of absence if needed.


At the Town Council meeting on Monday evening, May 15th, Administrator Todd Selig was surprised with a special recognition presented by Hunt Kerrigan from the New Hampshire chapter of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). ESGR, a Department of Defense office, which was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee's military commitment.


Durham's Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent, Daniel Peterson, nominated Mr.  Selig to receive the award.  Dan, a US Air Force Reservist, will be deployed for the next seven months. The Town has hired a temporary staff person to help fill in during Dan's absence.


We wish Dan success with his deployment, and hope to see him back in Durham safe and sound next year.  


Durham Wastwater Superintendent Dan Peterson and his wife, Siri.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Conservation Commission (Site Walk at Emery Farm) - Tuesday, May 23, 2017 (4PM)

Planning Board - Wednesday, May 24, 2017



All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


The Vietnam Moving Wall was on display at the Great Lawn in front of UNH's DeMeritt Hall from May 4, 2017 through May 8, 2017. Courtesy Phil Kincaid


DCAT 22 Studios presents a special video: The Moving Wall produced & edited by DCAT 22 Volunteer, Phil Kincade.


The University of New Hampshire, as part of a two-year program commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, hosted "The Moving Wall," May 4-8.

The Wall is a half-sized replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C featuring the names of more than 58,300 military personnel who lost their lives in Vietnam between 1959 and 1975.


Volunteers, many of them Vietnam War veterans themselves, helped set up The Wall on the Great Lawn in front of DeMeritt Hall just off Main Street. These veterans also helped provide security for The Wall that was available for public viewing 24 hours a day throughout its stay.


The Wall arrived at 8 a.m. May 4, escorted by N.H. State police, local police, and several Vietnam motorcycle groups including including the Patriots Guard Riders, US Marines, Nam Knights, Combat Warriors, and Nam Era Vets.. That afternoon, opening ceremonies featured UNH President Mark Huddleston and NH Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander Shannan Brown. Although there aren't any official attendance figures, The Wall drew steady crowds throughout the weekend.


Miniature versions of the Vietnam Memorial have toured the country since 1984. The Moving Wall that visited UNH is one of two current versions crisscrossing the country. Durham was its first stop of the 2017 season.


The visit was made possible by a number of UNH offices: the President’s Office; the Office of Military and Veteran Services; Facilities; Dining; Transportation Services; Academic Affairs; Community, Equity and Diversity; and the Student Armed Forces Association. Service Credit Union also provided support for the event.


This video is available on DCAT 22 Saturday & Sunday at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM also available on DCAT On Demand.


Don’t miss the latest episode of “ In the Biz; Durham Business Spotlight”. This episode EDC Director, Mary Ellen Humphrey visits: Diyablo Hair & Body Spa. Meet owner Tina Lee and her staff. Mary Ellen chats with Tina about her business strategy and what brought her to Durham. Watch as Mary Ellen has her hair transformed by Tina! This video is available on DCAT 22 TV, Saturday & Sunday @ 12:30 & 6:00 PM, DCAT on Demand, & our website. Total run time: 8 minutes
DCAT is Live Streaming. Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact with any questions.



Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast.

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Summer Day Camps!
DPR is offering a variety of weekly camps beginning June 26th through August 25th. Campers can look forward to Wicked Wacky Lab Week, Wicked Cool Vet School, Paddle-Pedal-Peak Camp, Field Trip Week, Adventure Paddle Camp and Rocket Science Camp! Additionally, Durham Parks & Recreation has once again partnered with the SAU to offer five weeks of R.E.A.C.H.. Students enrolled in a morning SAU camp have the option to make it a full day by joining DPR for the afternoon. (Please note, you do not need to be enrolled in a morning SAU Camp to register for the afternoon camp option.) We will have fun hitting up the UNH pool, adventures to Wagon Hill Farm, playing games, hiking, fishing, creating crafts, and the list of fun goes on! Five Friday field trips are also planned as part of R.E.A.C.H. to complete each week. To register for R.E.A.C.H. morning and afternoon camps please visit: To register for other DPR camps outside of REACH, please visit



Spring Bird Walks- Spring is finally here! Join local bird enthusiasts on a leisurely walk to seek out and identify resident and migrant birds by sight and sound. Please bring binoculars if you have them. Please pre-register with Durham Parks and Recreation prior to each walk. Insect repellent is recommended. Please carpool if possible, parking is limited. Participation is free.


Led by Kurk Dorsey
Meet at entrance on Packers Falls Rd.
Ages 13+



Women’s Pick-Up Ultimate Frisbee

Sunday mornings beginning May 7th from 8:00-9:00am at the ORHS Turf Field.
-Participation is free
-All equipment provided
-Ages 16+ welcome
-Meet at Churchill Rink during inclement weather



Youth/Adult Pick-Up Field Hockey

Sunday evenings beginning May 7th from 6:00-7:30pm at the ORHS Turf Field.

Sunday, May 21st we will play on the Middle School Field.
-Participation is free
-Players must supply their own stick and shin guards

-Mouth guards are required for those under the age of 18



Adult Summer Programs & Trips
Stay tuned for a detailed schedule of summer programs for adults!
-Pick Up Pickleball at Jackson’s Landing/Churchill Rink
-FREE Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm
-Guitar and Ukulele Lessons
-Bootcamp, Pilates, Tai Chi, Zumba, Yoga & Strength & Stretch classes.
-Stargazing at WHF
-Trips: Mt. Major Hike, Lighthouse & Lunch Tour, Franconia Notch State Park, Maine Mead Works & Old Port, Surf Nights & The Fells.


70th Annual Memorial Day Parade & Commemorative Celebration- Monday, May 29th at 10am.  Parade starts at Mill Pond Rd. and ends on Main St. in front of Memorial Park.  To participate in the 2017 Memorial Day Parade, please visit and find the participant registration form under Forms and Documents.  Please call or email DPR for more parade information: (603) 817-4074 or



Family Camp Out at Wagon Hill Farm - Saturday, June 24th-Sunday June 25th (4pm-9am)
June is National Camping Month and DPR is celebrating with a special night of camping at Wagon Hill Farm with the family!
You supply all of your camping gear and DPR will supply a BBQ dinner, (optional) scavenger hunt, craft, storytelling, and s’mores by the campfire. A camping checklist will be provided to those registered.
Pre-registration required by Wednesday June 21st. Space is limited- register early. $35/family. (Rain date: July 15th.)


The Durham Post Office letter carriers wish to thank all the residents for their generous donations to the 2017 Annual Letter Carriers Food Drive. The Durham office collected over 5.425 pounds of food, all of which was donated to the local food pantries in town which will help those residents in need. The letter carriers greatly appreciated every can and box donated. Thank you very much for making this year's food drive a success.



The Candy Bar & Creamery celebrates 5th Anniversary. Friday, May 19, 2017, 11AM - 8PM. Celebrate 5 years of gummies, chocolates, ice cream, fudge, and more. Free samples of candies and will be making Belgian Liege waffles throughout the day. Also raffles for gift cards, candies, and a gift basket.

Volunteer for the LRWA 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program.

Orientation/training for the program: Saturday, May 20, 2017, 10AM and Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 4:30 - 5:30 PM at Mill Street Bridge in Epping. This is a wonderful way to discover the watershed, learn about water quality, and help to preserve habitat. All equipment is provided. For more information, email

Annual Plant Sale - Hosted by UNH Cooperative Extension Strafford County Master Gardeners Association, Sunday, May 21, 2017, 9AM - 1PM, Durham Town Hall parking lot, 8 Newmarket Road. Locally grown annuals, herbs, perennials, trees. Free "ask a master gardener" table for garden questions. Soil testing information. Proceeds benefit community gardens and education.

Into the Woods! Musical, presented by Oyster River HS Theater Department. Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.  Performances: Thu, Fri, Sat, May 25 - 27, 2017 at 7PM. Matinees on Sat & Sun, May 27 - 28, 2017 at 1PM.  Tickets: $10 for adults / $8 for students.

Great Bay Rowing, 16th Annual National Learn to Row Day, Saturday, Jun 3, 2017, 11AM - 3PM, 31 River St., Dover. Free event. GBR also offers summer camps and rowing programs for all ages, rowing out of Jackson Landing on the Oyster River in Durham and on the Cocheco River in Dover. More information HERE.

Dennis Harrington Retirement Celebration, Sunday, Jun 4, 2017, 1-4PM, special presentation at 2:30 PM, ORHS Athletic Field. Fun, kid-centered activities, music, photos and stories, light snacks, and more. Please bring your own chairs/blankets. No childcare provided.

Silent Film Night, Silent film classic Sherlock Jr., featuring Buster Keaton. Saturday, Jun 10, 2017, 7PM, Portsmouth Music Hall. With the ORMS Jazz Band and Studio Orchestra, under the direction of David Ervin, Marc LaForce, and Andrea von Oeyen.  Tickets/$16 can be purchased at the ORMS office or The Music Hall Box Office, 603-436-2400, 28 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth.  Online purchase HERE.

9th Annual Bobcat Bolt 5K and Kids Fun Run, hosted by OR Alumni Association, Saturday, Jun 17, 2017, ORHS. 5K Run/Walk begins 9AM; Kids Fun Run (ages 10 and under) begins approx. 10:15am on the new ORHS track. Pancake breakfast from 9 - 11AM. Breakfast included with 5K & Fun Run registration and is $5 for spectators. Oyster River Middle School Jazz Band will play. Register for the 5K and Fun Run. Proceeds benefit the ORHS Josh and Nate Hardy Awards and other local Oyster River youth initiatives. Bobcat Bolt is still accepting business sponsorships. Contact Anita Mathur,

One World Language School currently accepting students to join language program that begins in October 2017. Its mission is to make foreign language learning accessible at a young age, starting as early as 5 years old. Primary languages taught include French, Chinese, German, and Spanish. Space limited to 8 students per class. Classes held after school at OR Middle School and Moharimet Elementary.  Contact Pranav Dadarwala at 207-370-8398 or email

MainStreet Makery $5 Drop in Craft. Inspiration Rocks. Hand paint a rock, add words of inspiration and use it has a paper weight, place card at the table, etc. Hours: Tues. thru Fri. 10AM-6PM, Sat., 10AM-4PM.

Growing Places Summer Programs. There are still have a few spots left. More information HERE.

UNH Summer Youth Program Registration is Open! Students explore interests while experiencing the local campus (and other sites) through UNH’s summer programs for youth. Participants learn from faculty, staff, and students with individualized instruction and have the opportunity to utilize state of the art facilities.

Programs offered for ages 6-18 in areas such as STEM, the Arts, Academic Enrichment, Athletics, and Recreational/Water programs. UNH hosts numerous programs for High School students!  View offerings by grade level.

To learn more and to register: UNH Learn for Life

University of New Hampshire Celebrity Series Upcoming Events. View the schedule of events HERE.  Tickets can be purchased on line HERE. or by calling the Box Office at 603-862-7222(PCAC). Hours:  Mon-Fri, 12 - 5PM as well as one hour before each event.
UNH Museum of Art Upcoming Events. View schedule of events HERE.




Judy Day! Stop by the Library to Say Good-bye to our Interim Director Judy Haskell on Monday May 22nd 12:00 - 6:00 pm (Library will be closing early for a staff function) - A big thank-you to Judy Haskell, our Interim Director, for all she's done for the Durham Public Library.   Stop by the library on Monday May 22nd from 12:00-6:00 pm to wish her well.  Cookies will be served.  The Library will be closing at 6:00 pm on Monday, May 22nd for a staff function.  Our new director, Rose Bebris, will start on Tuesday, May 30th.


Children’s and Young Adult Programs:

Family Movie: “Pete’s Dragon” Sat. May 20th at 10:30 am. – Join us for this fun family movie: “Pete’s Dragon!” This event is held upstairs in the community room. Popcorn is served and all are welcome.
Build A Better World, Summer Reading Program Registration begins Monday, June 12th. The program runs for five weeks from June 26th through July 28th. Great books, fun prizes, trivia, weekly challenges, guessing jars, Lots of cool programs: Kick-off with “Cactus Head Puppets”, Family Movie Nights, Summer Storytimes, 9-12 year old program, Teen program, Music on the Library Lawn, Team Art, Thursday morning specials, 6-8 year old program, Family game night, Wildlife Encounters and a finale with “Steve Corning”. Details coming soon! Don’t miss the fun!
The Patch Program will be ending on Weds. May 31st for the year and starting again on Sept. 1st. Come in and get your patches before May 31st or you’re your bookmarks for September 1st. This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library.


Adult  Programs:

DPL FRIENDS' BAG OF BOOKS SALE ONE DAY ONLY Saturday June 10, 10 am - 1:30 pm - ONLY $5 PER BAG! We have the books and the do the filling.
Durham Garden Club - Flowers of Brittany & Normandy Tuesday May 23, 6:30-8:30 - University of Maryland, University College Biology Professor Chris Wilson will discuss microclimate naturalized sub-tropical and native coastal flowers of Brittany and Normandy, France. Refreshments and social time at 6:30, followed by brief business meeting and program at 7:00. All are welcome!
Film Screening - Who Am I Going to Be? Wednesday May 31, 6:30-8 pm -
Produced in 2014 by New Hampshire filmmakers, this 45-minute documentary provides insight into the experiences of African youth and their families as they navigate the refugee resettlement process in New Hampshire. Who Am I Going to Be? follows four teenagers in depth, giving voice to the youth themselves as well as their parents, teachers and community leaders who explore the various challenges these newcomers face. Filmmaker and Durham resident Christopher Dunning will be available after the screening to answer questions.

Book Donation Week Tuesday May 30 through Saturday June 3 - The Friends of the Durham Public Library collect gently used books and DVDs the last week of every month. Please drop off books/DVDs in a bag or container that does not need to be returned. We appreciate your donations, but please no textbooks, dictionaries, or encyclopedias. Thank you!

New England Quilts and the Stories They Tell Tuesday June 6, 7-8:30 pm - Quilts tell stories, and quilt history is full of myths and misinformation as well as heart-warming tales of service and tradition. Pam Weeks of the New England Quilt Museum weaves world history, women’s history, industrial history and just plain wonderful stories into her presentation. Participants are invited to bring one quilt for identification and/or story sharing.

First Aid Class Mon. June 5, 6-8 pm - McGregor Memorial EMS offers a First Aid class. Contact Sean Madden, 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit

Oyster River Knitters Tuesday June 6, 7-9 pm - Join in for a couple hours of knitting relaxation and conversation. This is a great time to pick up that knitting project you’ve wanted to finish. There's no need to pre-register; just show up. New participants of all skill levels are welcome! Contact: Janet, 868-1142,

DPL Friends Meeting Wednesday June 7, 1-3:00 pm - The Friends of the Library meet the first Wednesday of every month. All are welcome to attend. Come for social time from 1-1:30, followed by a business meeting.

Black Bear Happenings in New Hampshire Wednesday June 7, 6:30-7:30 pm -
Wildlife Stewards Doug Whitfield and Dennis Walsh will discuss the life cycle and habits of black bears, with a focus on preventing human-bear conflicts that arise out of careless human interaction and lack of understanding about bears. This is a program of the N.H. Fish and Game Department’s Fish and Wildlife Stewards Program.

CPR & AED Class with McGregor Memorial EMS Monday June 12 6-8 pm -
Contact Sean Madden 603-862-3674. For cost and registration information visit

Oyster River ASD Friends Tuesday June 13, 6:30-8 pm - Join our group for parents of teens and young adults on the autism spectrum. Conversation, resource sharing, and speakers to address how we can best encourage and support independence. This month, Lisa Harz, Vocational Rehabilitation State Director is coming to have a conversation about VR and how it works with teens and young adults. Contact Julie, 603-767-4190,

Acoustic Open Mic with Mike Wednesday June 14, 6:30-7:45 - All types of acoustic (non-amplified) music. First time performers and original music are particularly encouraged. Acoustic Open Mic with Mike is a welcoming supportive intimate gathering. Meet in the Library cafe. Light refreshments are provided.

MUSEUM PASSES - Many of our patrons aren't aware of a wonderful perk of having a Durham Library card - free or discounted passes to 12 different museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the New Hampshire Children's Museum, and, recently added, beautiful Bedrock Gardens in Lee. All are available through the generosity of the Friends of the Durham Public Library. For more information, go to


The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology: computers, iPads & cell phones, eReaders (Nook, Kindle, etc.) Call to check on availability of the volunteers and set up an appointment. 868-6699 or email



*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.



Have a very nice weekend.  And Congratulations UNH graduates!




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
T: 603-868-5571  



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