Friday, November 20, 2020
Shoreline at Wagon Hill Farm in Durham. Courtesy Todd Selig
A reminder that the Durham Parks & Recreation will hold its annual Feather Fest event at Wagon Hill Farm on Thanksgiving morning, November 26th, from 10AM to 11:30 AM.
Join in for some FUN and fresh air before the feast! Follow the (self-guided) trail of feathers to the waterfront for a sweet treat and a take-it to make-it craft! Participation is Free, but please pre-register online at http://durhamrec.recdesk.com/ so staff can best prepare for the event.
Participants will need to practice social distancing while on the trail. Masks are required when picking up the craft and sweet treat, and when social distancing cannot be maintained.
The Town of Durham was notified this week that the NWFW Board of Directors has approved $257,000 in grant funding for the Living Shoreline Stabilization for Communities and Tidal Wetlands in the Great Bay Estuary (NH) project, pending successful completion of a NFWF programmatic and fiscal review process. This grant funding will allow for the development of 50% engineering designs for a subset of 3-4 sites. Matching funds will allow for the completion of living shoreline work at Wagon Hill Farm and inform additional sites selected for living shoreline stabilization.
The Town of Durham, in partnership with the NH DES Coastal Program, the University of New Hampshire, the Stafford County Regional Planning Commission, and the NH Fish and Wildlife Department Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve/Great Bay Stewards, submitted this grant request to create a pipeline of living shoreline erosion management and asset protection projects that enhance resilience of salt marsh habitat and coastal community assets and avoid future hard shoreline stabilization in the City of Dover, Town of Durham, and Town of Newmarket along the Great Bay Estuary (GBE) of New Hampshire.
Building on the 2019 Wagon Hill Farm Living Shoreline erosion management installation, the project will implement additional Living Shoreline treatment along an eroding fringing salt marsh and coastal bank. In addition, the project will address Wagon Hill Farm stormwater and trail/bridge maintenance improvements which contribute to the deterioration of the shoreline and Great Bay Estuary. The project will create a project pipeline for Living Shoreline efforts that protect salt marsh and communities from erosion and sea-level rise in the Great Bay Estuary.
The Town of Durham and project team is excited to move forward with design and construction improvements. We are extremely grateful that the NFWF Board selected the “Scaling Up Living Shoreline Stabilization for Community Protection and Tidal Wetland Habitat in the Great Bay Estuary” for project funding.
NH DHHS Covid-19 active case map for southern NH as of 11/19/20. Courtesy NH DHHS.
Gov. Sununu announced yesterday afternoon that he has signed an emergency order instituting a statewide mask mandate in NH as 529 new cases were announced — the state’s highest single-day total to date.
The mask mandate takes effect today (Friday) and will remain in effect through Jan. 15. NH is the last NE state to impose a mandate for masks.
The governor indicated the state’s positivity rate is about 4.5%, 75% of NH towns have active COVID cases, and there is substantial spread in all 10 NH counties. He said there are currently 11 long-term care facility outbreaks; more than 70% of the state’s hospitals and long-term care facilities have staff shortages; and the two-week hospitalization rate is up 100%.
Beginning Nov. 20, all persons over age 5 within New Hampshire must wear mask or cloth face coverings over their noses and mouths any time they are in public spaces, indoors or outdoors, where they are unable to or do not consistently maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from persons outside their own households.
Per the order, the term “public spaces” includes any part of private or public property that is generally open or accessible to members of the general public. Public spaces include, but are not limited to, lobbies, waiting areas, outside plazas or patios, restaurants, retail businesses, streets, sidewalks, parks, beaches, elevators, restrooms, stairways, parking garages, etc.
Outbreaks and rising numbers as reported in Seacoast Online.
State epidemiologist Benjamin Chan announced 529 new cases of COVID-19 for a total of 4,006 active cases in the state.
Of the newest cases with complete information, 49 are under age 18. The cases are in Rockingham (144), Hillsborough County other than Manchester and Nashua (98), Merrimack (52), Strafford (28), Belknap (25), Grafton (15), Carroll (7), Cheshire (6), Coos (5), and Sullivan (3) counties, and in Manchester (79) and Nashua (36).
Chan said 98 people are hospitalized due to COVID-19, which is twice the number from two weeks ago. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 16,277 cases of COVID-19 diagnosed with 826 (5.1%) of those having been hospitalized.
Beth Daley, chief of the DHHS Bureau of Infectious Disease Control, said the state expects to receive the vaccine as early as December. She said the state will take a phased-in approach to distributing the vaccine. The first phase will include high-risk health care workers, long-term care facility residents and staff and first responders, she said, and the state will spend the first few months vaccinating those in the first phase. Distribution to the general public could begin in the spring.
Seacoast cases
Durham has the most active cases with 133, followed by Dover (83), Portsmouth (71), Hampton (69), Rochester (65), Seabrook (31), Exeter (30), Somersworth (20), Epping (15), Stratham (14), Newmarket and Barrington (13), Rye (9), North Hampton (6) and Madbury (5). The remaining communities have zero to 4 cases. Of note, Raymond is up to 47 active cases.
Manchester has the most active cases in the state with 507, followed by Nashua with 413.
UNH classes transition to virtual only and the majority of UNH students have already begun to return home for the Thanksgiving holiday. UNH classes will not resume until the beginning of February.
Read a more complete account in Seacoast Online HERE.
Read the Governor’s emergency order HERE.
Bryan Bessette and Cindy Racic. Courtesy Pam Appleton
Bryan Bessette of the Freedom Cafe presented Cindy Racic of the St. Thomas More food pantry with a check for more $1200 from Oyster River Gives Back! The funds will be used to support the ongoing efforts of the pantry. In the background are bags of goods which families will pick up as part of their visit to the pantry. The pantry is open from 4-6 on Thursdays. In addition, this past weekend, the pantry distributed close to 50 Thanksgiving baskets.
Cindy and her dedicated team of volunteers continue to work tirelessly to support local families . Cindy is so friendly and welcoming that food pantry patrons will often let her know how much she is valued. She is an unsung hero during these challenging times.
- Continue to wear a mask, wash hands frequently, and maintain physical distancing of six feet or more;
- Avoid large gatherings;
- Limit your close contacts. A close contact is defined as someone who was within six feet of an infected person for at least 10 minutes starting from two days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic cases, two days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. Reducing close contacts decreases the likelihood of contracting COVID-19;
- If you are in quarantine, follow the rules and stay in quarantine.
Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, fatigue, chills, muscle aches, loss of taste and smell and, in severe cases, difficulty breathing, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. For more about the symptoms of COVID-19, go to CDC COVID-19 FAQs.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no "Friday Updates" publication next Friday, November 27th.
In addition, due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, there will be no "Friday Updates" publication on Friday, December 25th and Friday, January 1, 2021.
Mr. Selig has presented to the Town Council for review and consideration the proposed Administrator's 2021 Budget, which includes the General Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Library Fund, Parking Fund, Depot Road Lot Fund, Churchill Rink Fund, and Downtown TIF Fund budgets, as well as the Administrator’s proposed 2021-2030 Capital Improvement Plan incorporating the FY 2021 Capital Fund budget utilizing a ten-year time horizon. The proposed budget again allocates limited resources and supports funding for some targeted initiatives consistent with Town Council goals, to the extent it has been possible to do so responsibly while still meeting the budgetary needs of departments in order to safely and reliably meet the basic needs of the Durham community based on historical levels of service delivery and evolving challenges/opportunities.
In light of the all-encompassing Covid-19 pandemic, which has thrown many of our 2020 plans and revenue/expenditure estimates to the wind, this is generally intended to be a steady state budget to ensure our operations remain ready to accomplish needed tasks as efficiently, effectively, and healthfully as possible for a community of our size and demographics, taking into consideration the reality that Durham hosts UNH, the State of New Hampshire’s flagship public university, and that the national emergency pandemic situation continues and will likely extend until at least mid-2021.
After many discussions and much analysis, the budget projects $13 million in new value; an increase of only 1%. To offset the natural growth in municipal expenditures, we would ideally bring on an additional $20 – $30 million annually. For comparative purposes, between 2008-2012, Durham saw average annual valuation increases around $6 million. During the recent development experienced in Durham between 2014-2017, we saw average annual increases of $28 million. It was this new development combined with ongoing careful budgetary management that allowed Durham to keep the local/municipal portion of the tax rate flat for four years in a row in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
General Fund revenues, driven by widespread impacts from the pandemic, are down by about $150,000 from what was projected for 2020, representing a significant negative impact to the Town’s bottom line. Revenue projections continue to include an annual $145,000 payment from UNH to compensate the community for the University’s financial impact upon the Town in the area of policing services, plus certain actual roadway costs associated with the upkeep and maintenance/resurfacing of Main Street running through the UNH campus between Pettee Brook Lane and the Rt. 155A intersection. UNH also supports 50% of the Fire Department operational and capital budgets, 2/3 of the cost of joint water and wastewater capital projects, and a pro rata (rolling 36 mo. average) share of the shared water and wastewater operating budgets for Durham and UNH (currently at 59% UNH and 41% Durham for Water; and 57.7% UNH and 42.3% Durham for Wastewater). These and other revenue numbers are helped by a projected $676,700 per year in revenue (an increase of $302,700 over 2020) from our PILOT with Riverwoods Durham ($850,000 payment minus Riverwoods Durham’s bond payment for water/wastewater utility extensions totaling $173,300), which began in 2019. The Riverwoods PILOT payments to Durham will incrementally increase over the next few years.
Three factors impact the tax rate: spending (carefully designed to meet goals/community programming expectations), revenue (through user fees, grants, motor vehicle registrations, permits, etc.), and assessed valuation (derived through new development, new construction, or changing real estate market conditions). If spending goes up and revenue plus increased valuation cannot offset those increases, the tax rate must go up. Unless new revenue sources or additional means of financing the requirements of NH local government can be found, this burden will continue to increase for Durham property owners, especially amidst a general environment of downshifted costs from the state, additional Federal regulations, and limited revenue streams available to New Hampshire municipalities, along with a potential further reduction in state revenues as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Fiscal Year 2021 Budgetary Proposal
This year’s budget cycle has resulted in a proposed 2021 General Fund budget totaling $16,966,000 -- a spending increase of $151,940 or .9% compared to FY 2020. Non-property tax revenues are expected to decrease in FY 2021 by approx. $150,000 or -1.94% to $7,347,600. In total, this year’s budgetary proposal is projected to increase the 2021 local municipal portion of the tax rate by 3.83% from $7.79 to $8.09, an increase of 30 cents. The tax rate had remained at $7.37 (formerly $8.48 but adjusted due to 2018 statistical revaluation update) for 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The proposed increase would cost the average Durham property taxpayer with a home valued at $350,000 an additional $105.00 in taxes for 2021.
The proposed Sewer (Wastewater) Fund budget reflects a 0% increase in user fees in 2021 (a rate of $8.97 per hundred cubic feet), while the proposed Water Fund budget carries an anticipated 5.4% increase in user fees (a rate of $7.74 per hundred cubic feet) for FY 2021.
The twelve-month August 2019 to August 2020 Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) numbers are: U.S. City Index – 1.3%, Northeast – 1.1%, and Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH – 0.6%.
Budget highlights include the following:
- Due to the downturn in the recycling market as a result of China’s National Sword policy, the new contract between Durham and Waste Management effective Nov. 2020 has seen substantial increases in the processing of all recyclables – a $30,000 impact.
- The part-time Economic Development Director position is reduced from 24 hrs/wk to 16 hrs/week.
- One of two fire inspector positions is eliminated for 2021 resulting in the complete pause of Housing Standards Ordinance inspections. It is recommended that the Council revisit in 2021 whether it desires to resume the Housing Inspection program in 2022 or beyond.
- $25,000 has been added to the Town’s Contingency line, bringing this item to a proposed budget of just $125,000 or .7% of the Town’s General Fund budget. Historically we have targeted 1%, which would be $167,500. Given the pandemic, we wanted additional flexibility to cover unanticipated cost drivers.
- The 20th police officer position at the DPD will remain vacant through March and the 21st officer position will remain vacant though September 2021.
- $2,500 has been included to add to the fund (an initial $2,500 deposit was made in 2020) to purchase new TBD festive lighting decorations for downtown to add to/enhance the existing holiday decorations at the request of the Council.
- $3,500 is included to support the planting of shade trees as part of our Tree City efforts.
- $6,950 has been included for a new tent for Parks & Rec. to support outdoor programming, both during and beyond the pandemic.
- $4,000 is included to support Historic District Commission member educational participation in the CAMP program.
- $13,000 is allocated to replace the air conditioning/ventilation system on the second floor of the Historic Building. The existing system is now inoperable.
- $25,000 is included to cover the cost of anticipated retirements in 2021.
- The annual $100,000 contribution (funded 50/50) between Durham/UNH to replenish our Fire Equipment Capital Reserve Fund intended to cover the cost of expensive equipment items at the DFD in a predictable, sustainable manner over time to avoid lulls and valleys in our funding reserve has been cut to $0.00 for 2021. Certainly not an ideal scenario.
- McGregor Memorial EMS support is up $6,300 to reflect increased/improved space need allocations at Putnam Hall versus the historic General Service Building location.
- While Durham is very resilient when compared to communities across NH, more can and should be done locally to make the Town more resilient in the face of a changing climate. In this endeavor, there is a great deal of opportunity and benefit in continuing to do so in collaboration with UNH. While the opportunities are numerous, the resilience assessment undertaken in summer 2019 suggested some immediate actions: a) Work with the UNH Sustainability Institute to complete municipal (complete) and community (ongoing) greenhouse gas emissions inventories; b) Hire a sustainability coordinator; c) and Join the Global Covenant of Mayors, a coalition of cities that are working to cut GHG emissions and adapt to climate change (evaluation ongoing). To this end, the FY 2021 proposed budget will include approximately $15,000 in funding to continue to work with the UNH Sustainability Fellowship Office to bring on a Graduate Student for the spring/summer/fall 2021 semesters to continue/drive forward our sustainability efforts in Durham in support of the Energy Committee and Council goals.
- As a follow up to the assessment reports from Aaron Sturgis of Preservation Timber Framing received in early 2020 for both the Wagon Hill Farm farmhouse and the Old Town Hall/Courthouse, funds are included in 2021 for engineering services ($43,000 – farmhouse, $37,000 Courthouse) to design and create bid specifications for significant improvements to both facilities in 2022, in conjunction with the Heritage Commission’s assistance in envisioning and seeking grant dollars to leverage both projects. Limited funding is also included in the DPW facilities budget for minor improvements/repairs in both facilities to carry us through to 2022 construction as necessary.
- As part of the approved FY 2020 budget, a full-time GIS Manager position was budgeted to begin 7/1/20. Due to the pandemic, this program was put on delay and is recommended to be reinstituted beginning March 1st 2021.
- $6,000 was cut, which will bring the amount budgeted for the Durham subsidy for residents who desire to obtain a pass for the UNH Outdoor Pool to $0.
- $5,000 requested by Oyster River Womenade for the first time was not included in this budget proposal.
- $52,400 requested by the Oyster River Youth Association as a subsidy to offset the organization’s administrative operations (and indirectly the participation of youth from Durham as part of ORYA programming) was not included in this budget proposal. The Council has discussed phasing out funding entirely for several years. $14,000 had been budgeted for ORYA in 2020, down from the prior year.
- A new DPW Projects Engineer is included in this proposal to both keep up with workload, monitor compliance with numerous Federal/state permits, and to help the department become more proactive in its efforts, potentially saving capital project monies and increasing efficiencies over the long-term.
- $118,000 has been included to cover the cost of two replacement police vehicles (hybrid) in 2021.
- $435,000 is included for roadway resurfacing in 2021 with cash to appropriate treatments for the following roadways: Bartlett Road, Fogg Drive, Fogg Lane, Kelsey Drive, Mathes Cove, Meserve Road, Moharinet Way, Sullivan Falls, Tall Pines Road, Woodridge Road.
- Sidewalk work totaling $36,000 will allow for the reconstruction of 2011 ft. of sidewalk along Dover Road from the intersection of Rt. 108 to the Dover Road pump station.
- $90,000 is budgeted through debt to purchase 120 kw in solar panels from ReVision Energy associated with PPA1, the Power Purchase Agreement associated with our 99 kW array on the Churchill Rink, 15 kW on the Library, and 6 kW at the Police Department. This is a recommendation both of the Energy Committee and the work of our UNH Sustainability Fellow from summer 2020.
- $1,385,000 is budgeted ($720,000 DFD/$665,000 DPD) through debt for necessary upgrades to our radio simulcast system for the Land and Mobile Radio system servicing Durham’s emergency responders.
- $ 275,000 is budgeted through debt to proceed with engineering/design services to move forward a TBD solution for the ailing Mill Pond Dam on the Oyster River. Once the Council determines a future course with regard to this structure, funding can be fine-tuned for 2022/2023.
- $640,000 is included through debt to design/engineer roadway, sidewalk, and drainage improvements necessary for Madbury Road. Construction cost anticipated for 2023 is $2,485,000. An associated Madbury Road water line replacement project within the Water Fund will coincide with this effort budgeted at $500,000 for engineering in 2021 and $2,205,000 for construction in 2023.
- $425,000 continues to be budgeted annually within the Wastewater Fund to address the ongoing need to update major components within our WWTP infrastructure.
- $63,200 is included through debt for the Churchill Rink in 2021. This will add to the $650,000 budgeted in 2020 for planned improvements that were put on hold due to Covid-19. A new, updated plan is being developed to include enclosure of the building envelope, insulation, dehumidification system, a new Zamboni/mechanical/storage room, addition of southwest side, fire suppression/alarm system, CO2 monitoring exhaust fan system in playing area, further repairs to dasher boards, low emissivity ceiling, and LED Lighting. Design will continue into 2021 and expenditure of funds will be contingent upon final Council approval of a plan moving forward.
- $2,100,000 is budgeted (awaiting updated appraised value for parcel from UNH) for the Town to acquire 66 Main St. from UNH in 2021 utilizing approximately $750,000 in bonding (paid for through the TIF), $750,000 in parking impact fees, and $600,000 in TIF dollars.
- $175,000 is budgeted (payment 2 of 3) to support the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) CArE (Critical Advances for our Estuaries 2020-2022) initiative, made possible 100% through the funding collaboration between Eversource and Durham (with Durham’s $525,000 in SRP settlement funds for the Estuary). It’s worth noting that the Environmental Business Council of NE’s Nicholas Humber Award for Outstanding Collaboration was awarded in 2020 to the Eversource SRP Little Bay Submarine Cable Crossing. Sometimes contentious projects, with targeted and informed feedback from Durham, can become successful projects in the end.
Because Durham has carefully set aside monies within its undesignated fund balance that are well-within the Town’s designated parameters, and due to anticipated monies Durham will receive as reimbursements as part of Covid-19 relief, the Council is evaluating drawing down anticipated fund balances in 2021 as an offset to one-time revenue losses generated by the pandemic, combined with the deferral of several initiatives, to bring the tax rate impact down to between .5% and 2%. The public hearing on the budget will be held on November 30th at 7 PM. In addition, the Council will accept feedback from the public at the start of each scheduled budget work session in the coming weeks.
The Durham Town Council will hold a public hearing on the Administrator’s proposed FY 2021 Operating, Capital, and Special Fund Budgets on Monday, November 30, 2020, at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held remotely via Zoom teleconferencing.
Copies of the proposed FY 2021 Budget, as well as the proposed 2021-2030 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), are available for viewing at the Business Manager’s Office on the first floor of the Durham Town Hall located at 8 Newmarket Road, and at the Durham Public Library located at 49 Madbury Road. Questions regarding these documents may be addressed to Business Manager Gail Jablonski at 603-868-8043, mailto:gjablonski@ci.durham.nh.us.
Interested citizens are invited to express their views. Written comments may be mailed to the Administrator’s Office at 8 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824 or sent by electronic mail to mailto: jberry@ci.durham.nh.us
Moving old pumpkins to the garden. Courtesy Todd Selig
The Land Stewardship Sub-Committee (LSC) and the Trustees of Trust Funds (TTF) will be conducting a salvage harvest of the red pine stand in the Doe Farm forest during either December 2020, or January or February 2021. During active harvest operations the Doe Farm will be closed to visitors. The closure is expected to last one to two weeks, depending on weather and presently unforeseen events/conditions. The closure dates will also depend the logger’s schedule, which will also be impacted by weather. Every effort will be made to provide as much advance notice to the public as possible of actual closure dates.
This cutting will be a salvage harvest because the red pine stand at Doe Farm is infested with red pine scale, an insect infestation which will kill every red pine in the stand – in fact, most of the red pines are already dying. We need to harvest these red pines this winter or lose a substantial part of them as timber due to rot and secondary insect infestation. The Land Stewardship Subcommittee received an excellent briefing on red pine scale by Kyle Lombard, Program Coordinator of the Forest Health Program, Division of Lands and Forests, NH Department of Cultural and Natural Resources at its meeting on 19 November 2020, which can be viewed on DCAT HERE.
Red pine scale forced a similar salvage harvest at Bear Brook State Forest in the past couple of years. Leaving the dead trees standing will increase the risk of trees falling on visitors, of forest fires, and make invasive species control extremely difficult. Charlie Moreno, Licensed Professional Forester, who will be managing the harvest for the Town, noted during the LSC meeting that there is a good growth of naturally occurring seedlings/saplings on the ground in most of the forest which will regenerate fairly quickly when given more light. The light will also encourage the growth of invasive species, which will have to be controlled to allow the forest regeneration to be successful. Both Mr. Lombard and Mr. Moreno feel the salvage harvest is really our only option.
The LSC and TTF will organize a tour of the Doe Farm forest in the very near future for residents interested to see the effects of the red pine scale for themselves. We will also post interpretive signage to assist visitors in understanding the impact of red pine scale on Doe Farm.
You can compost your pumpkins and all of your Thanksgiving food items. This includes turkey innards, bones and all. You can bring all of these items to the transfer station and put them in the compost bins available.
Pumpkins will not need to be put in compostable bags. However, all other smaller items will need to be disposed of in compostable bags, which can be bought at Hannaford supermarkets and online.
On November 17th Water Division Chief Operator, Dwight Richard, found the alternating relay at the Madbury Road station to be faulty requiring replacement. The alternating relay signals the two booster pumps to alternate back-and-forth based on pressure readings and programmed sequence. When pressure drops to 65 PSI the number one pump initiates and pumps to 75 PSI and then stops at which time the number two pump initiates when pressure drops. This sequence continues cycling back-and-forth between to pump systems.
AMTRAK THANKSGIVING TRAVEL UPDATE - Downeaster to operate regular schedule through Thanksgiving holiday period with enhanced safety and cleaning measures in place
The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA), has announced that the Amtrak Downeaster will operate a regular full schedule, which currently includes four daily round-trips between Brunswick and Boston, throughout the upcoming holiday travel period including Thanksgiving Day.
Enhanced safety and cleaning measures remain in place. In past years, an abridged holiday schedule was offered, but the full schedule provides more options for travelers this year and supports social distancing. Customers are encouraged to book tickets early to guarantee availability.
Downeaster trains are sanitized daily and deep-cleaned between round-trips, face coverings are required for all passengers and crews on board and at stations, and the number of passengers per train is limited to 50% of available seating capacity to allow for more physical distancing. All trains are equipped with onboard filtration systems with a fresh air exchange rate every 4-5 minutes.
To view a schedule and fare information, click HERE.
As 2020 comes to a close, we recognize that this year has presented many of us with unique and unusual challenges. As the holidays fast approach, there are many families in need and requests for assistance have begun to come in. Seacoast Area Firefighters, including members of the Durham Professional Firefighters Association, are busily preparing for the collection of donations to be distributed to families in need.
All donations are appreciated and the areas of greatest need are:
- New, unwrapped toys (for ages newborn to 14 years).
- Gift certificates.
- Monetary donations. Please make checks payable to the Durham Professional Firefighter’s Association and include “Toy Bank”, “Coat Fund” or “Hardship Fund” in the memo of your check. Checks may be mailed to the DPFFA at 51 College Road, Durham, NH 03824.
A toy donation box has been set up at the Durham Public Library and will also be set up at the Town Hall for anyone wishing to drop off a toy. For our community partners who may wish to host a donation box or to submit a request for assistance, please contact the Durham Fire Department by email mailto:durham.fire@unh.edu or by phone (603) 868-5531 or (603) 862-1426.
Please see https://www.facebook.com/SeacoastToyBank/ for further information. Donations from the local drive will be distributed to needy families in the Oyster River School District with any remaining donations being sent to other parts of the state to help those in need.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Cement pumping operations for the “ footings “ for the new Thompson Lane footbridge. Courtesy Max Driscoll
Public Works crews removed four high hazard trees located within the Town Right of Way on Sunnyside Drive and in an area adjacent to the Smith Chapel property. These trees posed a significant threat to public and private property and were removed prior to failure occurring.
WINTER PARKING BAN - Now in effect
The Durham Winter Parking ban commences Sunday November 1st and will be in effect through April 1, 2021. As many know, parking on Main Street, Jenkins Court and any Town owned parking lot is prohibited between 1:00AM and 6:00AM throughout the year. But the Winter Parking ban prohibits parking ON ANY STREET from November 1st to April 1st between 1:00AM and 6:00AM. As the ordinance states,
“Any vehicle so parked during the prohibited hours and dates shall be subject to being towed away at the owner’s risk. The owner or owners shall be required to pay all towing costs and a fine before the vehicle is released.”
For the first few weeks, the Durham Police will endeavor to issue warnings designed to remind everyone of the Winter ban but were a surprise snowstorm to occur during this period, there should be an awareness that vehicles may be towed to allow for Durham Public Works to more effectively plow the streets and roadways of Durham.
DPW submitted grant applications to provide supplemental funding for the planned replacement of older diesel equipment. The DERA program funds grants and rebates that protect human health and improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines.
The new replacement screen for the Huber screw press was received at the treatment plant and is currently being installed by the manufacture’s representatives with assistance from Wastewater Division operators. This critical equipment in the treatment process filters out the liquids from the wastewater solids. Due to the complexity, size, and weight of the various components, the project is expected to require four days for completion.
The DBA will be safely judging Durham's business windows and will present the winners with a trophy as well as a Visa gift card:
*1st place $100 *2nd place $75 *3rd place $50
2020 information and guidelines are:
- effectiveness of lights creating the display
- placement and uniformity of the lights
- the use of design and color to create the decorations
- the use of special lighted display
- the ingenuity, originality, and creativity exercised in the decorations
Judging will take place Wednesday, December 2, 2020 beginning at 5:30 pm. Winners will be announced by December 4,2020.
Please contact Gina DeNuzzio for questions at
mailto:gdenuzzio@firstseacoastbank.com or mailto:durhambusinessassociation@gmail.com
The seasonal collection of leaf and yard waste has been completed with Durham Public Works crews collecting approximately 8 tons over the course of two weeks. The program began this year on November 9th and continued for a 2-week duration with brush being collected first, followed by leaves in week two.
The New Hampshire Children’s Trust has released the Kinship and Relative Caregiver Guide, which helps connect grandparents and other caregivers raising children who are not their own to free, community-based services.
In New Hampshire and across the United States, grandparents and other relatives play a critical role in the prevention of unnecessary entries into foster care. Despite this, these kinship caregivers often experience significant challenges and barriers to their caretaking role. With this in mind, New Hampshire Children’s Trust is working in collaboration with NH Family Resource Centers to expand formal support services for grandparents and relative caregivers across the state via the Kinship Navigation Program.
Rooted within NH’s Family Resource Centers, the Kinship Navigation Program links grandparents and other relative caregivers, both inside and outside of the formal child welfare system, to the services and supports specific to their family’s needs. Kinship Navigators provide emotional support, education and guidance to relative caregivers, and offer information, referral, and follow-up services to promote independence and enhance the well-being of the families they serve.
To view the Kinship and Relative Caregiver Guide, click HERE.
These children took part in Three Rivers Stocking Association’s stocking of trout in the Lamprey River at Packers Falls. So important that they understand ecology and the environment. Courtesy Bill Cote
“DRUG TAKE BACK" PROGRAM AT DURHAM POLICE UNDER WAY - A great way to safely dispose of old drugs/medicine.
Just a friendly reminder that Durham residents can drop off unwanted or expired prescriptions at the Durham Police Station Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM for no cost and it’s all anonymous. Doing so prevents prescription drug abuse as six out of ten teenagers who have taken prescription narcotics state that they get them from their parents or relative’s medicine cabinets. Additionally, using this service keeps trace drugs out of our lakes, streams and estuaries as wastewater treatment plants cannot remove many of the compounds found in medications; so when flushed or put in a landfill, drugs are discharged into our surface and ground water and consumed by fish and wildlife. If you have a question about this service that is provided to Durham residents only, please call the Durham Police during business hours Monday through Friday at 603-868-2324. If you have prescription creams or ointments, please call your local pharmacist, as many drug stores will dispose of them for you properly.
ILLICIT DISCHARGES TO SEWER SYSTEM PROHIBITED BY RESIDENCES/BUSINESSES - A contamination was identified this week at Dover Rd. pump station as a result of an as yet unidentified illicit discharge.
On Saturday November 14th, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) personnel encountered a strong petroleum-based odor surrounding the WWTP. After further investigation there appeared to be no visual signs of contaminants entering the plant.
Samples were collected and indicated no interference or upset with the treatment process and all discharge parameters remained in compliance. Following continued monitoring, personnel encountered a similar odor at the Dover Road Pump Station and determined that the material could potentially have been home fuel oil in the pump station wet well.
Durham Fire Dept. was dispatched, at which time the DFD deemed the area to be safe and the incident was reported to the NHDES. Environmental spill contractor, Clean Harbors, was contacted to remove approximately 15-20 gallons of remaining liquid that was on the surface of the wet well. Public Works continues its investigation to determine the origin of this unauthorized disposal.
Illicit discharges or unauthorized connections to the sewage system, including basement sump pumps, are illegal, and penalties are assessed when violations are encountered.
Proper use of child safety seats can help keep our children safe but, do you know whether your child’s car seat has been properly installed? According to the Safe Ride 4 Kids website, car crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages 3 to 14 in the United States. Many deaths and injuries can be prevented by proper installation of age and size-appropriate car seats and booster seats.
Firefighter Warren Kadden of the Durham Fire Department recently attended a certification-level course to become a certified car seat installer. He joins Fire Marshal Brendan O’Sullivan at the Durham Fire Department who is also a certified car seat installer.
The car seat inspection/installation service is offered to community members at no charge. To schedule a car seat installation or car seat safety check with Warren or Brendan, please call the Fire Department at (603) 862-1426 or (603) 868-5531.
Mill Pond Dam. Courtesy Todd Selig
The Durham Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM to receive input on the Oyster River Dam at Mill Pond Feasibility Study, which includes options for addressing water quality impairments and stabilizing or removing the Oyster River Dam at the Mill Pond located on the Oyster River along Route 108/Newmarket Road in Durham. The meeting will be held completely on-line using Zoom teleconferencing.
The public is invited to provide written questions and/or comments on the Feasibility Study by Friday December 4, 2020. Comments can be emailed to Town Engineer April Talon at mailto:atalon@ci.durham.nh.us or via mail to Durham Public Works, 100 Stone Quarry Drive Durham NH 03824.
Prior presentations on the Feasibility Study can be found here. The full report including appendices is posted at the link below on the Town’s website HERE.
Your comments and feedback are welcome.
View a summary matrix of options and cost implications HERE.
DPW officials recently met with a subcommittee of the Integrated Solid Waste Committee and coordinators of the Swap Shop to evaluate the possibility or re-opening. The consensus was to continue to keep closed. A poll was taken of the volunteers to determine if there was any interest in opening and found that concerns over Covid including possible spikes in the fall and winter remained and people felt it was a better approach to keep closed until spring. We will keep updating the community as things change.
The Holiday Season is approaching quickly. Below is the 2020 Curbside Holiday Schedule for your convenience.
High school teacher Jon Bromley, who is developing a model for a Capstone Program at ORHS while on a half-year sabbatical, presented on the background, framework, and progress to date. About 20 students and several faculty have volunteered to participate in this process.
ORHS and ORMS will offer winter sports with additional precautions and modifications. Athletic Director Andy Lathrop started the discussion recognizing student athletes' and coaches' commitment to adhering to precautions during fall sports seasons and the success teams had on fields, trails, courses, and courts.
The School Board broadened the scope of the committee to investigate concurrent learning to include all potential ways to improve instruction. This committee will include representation from parents, the teachers' union, administration, and school board, and will report to the school board on at least a monthly basis.
Oyster River is recruiting bus drivers and paraprofessionals. The ORCSD Transportation Department will provide paid training for new drivers in obtaining state certification.
The DPW Fall newsletter is now on its way to all residents. It can also be reviewed on the DPW website page HERE.
DURHAM POLICE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM NOTICE - Citizen Assistance Request Program during Covid-19 Pandemic
Chief Kelley would like to remind our citizens that the Citizen Assist Request Program remains active during the duration of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The purpose of this program is to provide assistance to elderly members of the community and other members that may be in need obtaining food or medication due to illness, medical condition or other needs not readily identifiable. Due to the nature of the Covid-19 Pandemic, private citizens and Durham Police Officers will coordinate efforts to procure and deliver needed services to community members.
Citizen Requesting Services
- Call the Durham Police Department at 603-868-2324 between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm.
- Provide your name, address and phone number, location of item to be picked up and indicate if it has already been paid for.
- Wait for a volunteer or Durham Police Department member to contact you. Officers have been instructed to wait no longer than 30 minutes to contact a volunteer before calling you back and providing you direct assistance.
It’s time to prepare the yard for winter! Courtesy Todd Selig
Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?
Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Happy Thanksgiving from Durham Public Library! We are thankful for our patrons!
Thanksgiving Hours: The Library will close on Wednesday, Nov. 25th at 3:00 pm and remain closed on Thursday, Nov. 26th and Friday, Nov. 27th.
The DPL Board of Trustees Annual Appeal is underway! Please consider giving this season by clicking HERE or visiting our website at mailto:www.durhampubliclibrary.org. The Library is currently open for 20-minute visits to the Library for quick browsing, checkouts and the use of computers, the printer and copy machine. Notary services are available by appointment. Meeting rooms and the Cafe remain closed. At this time, we are limiting the number of patrons in the building to no more than 50% of our normal comfortable browsing capacity on the main floor. We request that anyone using the Library do so wearing a cloth mask or face covering and masks are available to patrons who request them. We ask that patrons not gather or congregate in the Library and for those uncomfortable coming in, our contactless “Library to-go” services continue!
Sign up for Youth Services Programs in November and December!
See what’s new in Youth Services! Register for Magnificent Monster Circus with Cactus Head Puppets on December 5th at 10:30; a joint library program with the Lee and Madbury Libraries! Register for Virtual Cooking Classes with Misa’s Kitchen in December! Sign up for regularly-scheduled programming including Zoom Storytime, Baby Lap-sit, STEAM crafts to go, YA Zoom Activity Night, Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) book group, Patch club and more! Or download the complete November and December calendars!
Upcoming Virtual Events and Digital Resources at Durham Public Library!
Be sure to take a look at some great virtual programs coming to DPL from the New Hampshire Humanities Council including Wit & Wisdom: Humor in 19th Century New England and Life Downstairs: British Servant Culture in Fact, Fiction and Film in December with a full lineup beginning in January! We will also be holding career services programming including employment specialist and career coach Gary Gekow to present Changing Careers: Reinventing Oneself in Today's Job Market. Or try out our new adult BookCraft for November and December! There are many great resources to be discovered on the DPL website on your own and at any time! Stream movies and music, check out ebooks and audiobooks, take professional development and language courses, get live device help each week, research with EBSCO and explore Novelist, Consumer Reports, Explora, and more! Questions? Contact us at 603-868-6699. We are happy to help! Also…Interlibrary Loan is now available! The State Library has been able to resume ILL delivery service and our patrons are once again able to make requests for personal or book group use, either through the ILL page on our website!
*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.
HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)
Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."
1689 - "James Huckins was slain, his garrison taken and 18 persons killed and carried away." The men were working in the field but the garrison was defended by 2 boys, who surrendered on the Indians' promise to spare their lives. Huckins' widow was recovered.
Have a very nice weekend, as well as a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble, gobble.
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA
t: 603.868.5571 | w: www.ci.durham.nh.us
He/him/his pronouns
Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?