
The Sweet Trail. Courtesy Jane Hillyard
The Sweet Trail begins at Longmarsh Road preserve in Durham and ends on Bay Road in Newmarket, across from the Nature Conservancy.
A final reminder to residents that this year’s fall cleanup of leaves and brush will begin on Monday, November 9th. Leaves should be placed in recyclable paper leaf bags. Please do not improperly dispose of leaves and grass clippings. Loose leaves may be brought to the Transfer Station & Recycling Center on Durham Point Road.
View more information HERE.
If you find the "Friday Updates" of benefit, please be sure to share the weekly email with others from the community (or elsewhere) who may also benefit from the work. Signup is available right on the Town's Home Page.
The "Friday Updates" list server also doubles as Durham's Emergency Broadcast System.
Membership is largely by word of mouth. At present, we have around 3,100 active subscribers.
We received an inquiry this week from a resident encouraging us to include how large the new UNH Outdoor Pool will actually be. At 14,355 square feet, Durham and UNH officials had believed that the new swimming pool would be the largest outdoor pool in the State of New Hampshire.
Administrator Selig wanted to be sure, however, so he contacted Tim Wilson, Public Pool and Spa Program Coordinator for the NH Department of Environmental Services.
Mr. Wilson responded as follows: "Indeed the new pool remains king of pools in NH both in surface area and volume."
All Town offices will be closed in observance of Veterans Day next Wednesday, November 11, 2015. There will be NO CHANGE TO THE REFUSE AND RECYCLING SCHEDULE that week. As always, please have all items out by 7AM.
With many holidays coming up, residents should refer to the 2015 Holiday Schedule for refuse and recycling schedule information.
The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) is reaching out to Durham residents for them to consider hosting international students/scholars for Thanksgiving dinner this year.
Currently UNH has about 1,100 international students and 150 international scholars. About 300 students and 30 scholars are in the United States for the first time and most have no local connections.
OISS would like to continue the growth of their Thanksgiving program. Last year about 30 Durham community members, faculty, and staff graciously hosted about 65 international students. The feedback was highly positive from both sides.
Please consider inviting some of these students/scholars into your home to experience a unique American holiday. It is highly likely that you and the students/scholars will be enriched by this joint experience.
If interested in hosting one or more students/scholars at your Thanksgiving dinner, please register online HERE.
The deadline to register is Friday, November 6.
If you have any questions, please contact Thuy Nguyen (thuy.nguyen@unh.edu) and Sara Miller (sara.miller@unh.edu).
This fall a collaborative stewardship project was conducted by volunteers from the Town of Durham, teachers, students, and parents from the Oyster River Middle and High Schools, and community volunteers from UNH and Durham. To learn more about this effort, click HERE.

On Monday this week, Planning, Zoning, and Assessing Administrative Assistant, Karen Edwards, turned the Big 5-0! Her office was appropriately decorated for the occasion, and on Tuesday afternoon Town Hall employees joined Karen in celebrating her birthday with cake and ice cream in the Council chambers. She was also presented with a red hat, a tradition of the Red Hat Society, an international social organization originally founded in 1998 in the United States for women age 50 and beyond, but now open to women of all ages. Today, there are over 20,000 chapters in the United States and over 30 other countries
The proposed FY 2016 Budget and 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan were presented to the Town Council on Monday evening, November 2nd.
This year’s budget cycle has resulted in a proposed 2016 General Fund budget totaling $14,054,442 -- a spending increase of $268,975 or 1.95% compared to FY 2015. Non-property tax revenues are expected to decrease in FY 2016 by $57,908 or (1.0%) to $5,804,528 as a result of less building permit revenue as active downtown development from 2015 trails off. In total, this year’s budgetary proposal is projected to keep the 2016 local municipal portion of the tax rate unchanged at $8.48.
Revenue projections do continue to include an annual $245,973.00 payment from UNH to Durham, which began in 2009 to compensate the community for the University’s financial impact upon the Town in areas such as roadways, traffic, and policing services. At this time, UNH also supports 50% of the Fire Department operational and capital budgets, 2/3 of the cost of joint water projects, and 2/3 of the cost of the municipal wastewater system. Budgetary projections take into account this revenue, growth in the tax base as a result of economic development efforts, setting Overlay at $125,000 to address potential abatement requests, no use of fund balance, and recommended expenditures.
The proposed Sewer (Wastewater) Fund budget reflects a 6.68% increase in user fees in 2016 (a rate of $7.29 per hundred cubic feet), while the proposed Water Fund budget carries an anticipated 10.9% increase in user fees (a rate of $5.35 per hundred cubic feet) for FY 2016. Water and Sewer rates in Durham continue to be extremely competitive when compared to the region.
The twelve-month September 2014 to September 2015 Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) numbers are: U.S. City Index – 0%, Northeast Urban – (0.1%) and Boston-Brocton-Nashua-MA-NH-ME-CT – 0.3%.
A listing of highlights from the proposed FY 2016 budgets follows:
General Government
1. An increase in the non-union personnel co-pay toward monthly insurance premiums from 10% to 15% over the next two years – 12.5% in 2016 and 15% in 2017. Unionized personnel are also in the process of transitioning (or have already transitioned) to a 15% or 20% co-pay on insurance.
2. A 2% increase has been budgeted for non-union, non-library personnel in 2016, contingent upon successful performance evaluations.
3. Two of four collective bargaining agreements remain outstanding for 2016: DPFFA representing Durham’s firefighters and AFSCME representing public works personnel.
4. In FY 2001, the Town had 85.6 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. Despite the implementation of new programs and initiatives since that time, we were successful over the years in identifying strategies to increase efficiencies and trim our workforce. Staffing had decreased to 82.8 employees by 2009. However, additional programmatic demands over time had necessitated adding additional personnel. The FY 2016 budget includes 89.2 FTE’s, down two positions from 91.2 in both 2014 and 2015. The two positions eliminated in this budget were the Assistant Engineer and the Assistant Building Inspector.
5. For many years, the Town had provided a $20,000 payment to the University to support the operation of the UNH Outdoor Pool. The subsidy was provided in the form of a $45 voucher for Durham youth and seniors off the list price of an annual pool pass. When the pool was closed in 2014, Durham eliminated this allocation from its budget. In 2016, the pool is scheduled to reopen and at present we do not know whether UNH will ask Durham to continue to provide a voucher or some other allocation toward the annual ongoing operational cost of the pool. Note, the entire +/- $5 million cost of pool construction is being borne by UNH. At this time, there is no money included as part of the proposed FY 2016 budget for this purpose.
6. The Contingency account this year is funded at $250,000, an increase of $150,000 over the usual annual allocation. It is comprised as follows: $100,000 to protect against unanticipated/unforeseen general operational expenditure requirements and as a way to sustainably increase unassigned fund balance over time. (If not expended, this appropriation lapses and monies are transferred to fund balance.) An additional $150,000 from the 2016 road program (which had been earmarked for the resurfacing of Mill Road) has been moved to this line as well in the event it is needed in the defense of the Town as part of the Colonial Durham Associates v. Town of Durham case presently in Superior Court. If the funds are not needed, they will be transferred out to allow for Mill Road repaving.
7. The Town had aggregated the cost of cell phones from all departments into the Emergency Management budget years ago to address communications shortcomings. For 2016, the Administrator has decentralized this cost and allocated it out to the various departments so that staff will need to balance the cost of cell phone use with other competing priorities within each operational function.
8. In 2015, $15,000 had been added to the Administrator’s budget by the Council to move forward targeted bicycle improvements. Numerous improvements were implemented in 2015 to include additional “share the road” signs, new bike lanes, additional street print, etc. For 2016, these funds have been eliminated due to budget constraints.
9. The Town increased staffing in the Building Department by 1 FTE Assistant Code Officer two years ago in order to stay on top of a construction boom while also remaining able to stay vigilant per Council goals concerning the impact of student housing within Durham’s traditional neighborhoods. With construction now trailing off, we plan to drop back to a single inspector in the department thereby reducing staffing by 1 FTE ($81,060) for 2016.
10. With the level of activity presently experienced by the Town, the Administrator has considered the benefits of recommending the addition of an Assistant Town Administrator position. However, due to funding constraints this position is NOT included as part of the proposed 2016 budget.
11. $30,000 for continued Master Plan update work (Future Land Use Chapter) was cut from the Planning Department budget due to budget constraints leaving this effort unfunded for 2016. This decision is a result of budget constraints but also in recognition of the fact that our various boards are all but burnt out in dealing with Master Plan work. In addition, the Administrator would like the community to have a chance to thoughtfully evaluate how new development in downtown Durham impacts our quality of life over the next 12 months before taking further steps in the area of visioning.
12. $17,000 for the purchase of new downtown holiday wreaths was cut by the Administrator due to budget constraints.
13. $42,300 was cut by the Administrator for the development of a PM traffic model and the update of our existing AM traffic model for the downtown core. The full cost of this effort would have been around $84,000 with UNH paying half. While recommended by the Planning Board, funding constraints led to this cut.
14. $15,000 for July 4th fireworks was cut by the Administrator due to budget constraints.
15. IT had requested an additional $95,578 for 1 FTE to provide improved support for Town operations. Due to budget constraints, this was not funded and instead an additional $50,000 was allocated to contract out additional support for this function. Expanding the contract will provide more consistent service to internal departments by tracking and improving resolution times through a new service level agreement that provides additional structure around perceived departmental expectations. By applying new remote tools and enhanced documentation in a targeted fashion we free up IT management to work on larger strategic IT goals and projects within the organization, such as software acquisition, fiber deployment, master planning, and infrastructure changes. In no way are we equating this enhanced agreement to adding a 2nd staff position. Our current external contractor’s staff lack internal organizational knowledge to make unilateral decisions. Additionally, they remain incapable of offering same-day onsite service or round the clock helpdesk service.
16. The DCAT department will be moved under IT in 2016 allowing for greater coordination and focus of Town resources.
17. The Town has employed the services of a part-time Economic Development Director for 1.5 years and the program has proven very successful. Costs for this function are 100% offset through our UDAG grant account, which must be utilized only for economic development purposes. This budget anticipates continued part-time ED services for 2016.
Social Service Agencies
18. $21,750 has been included to provide ongoing support for area social service agencies serving Durham residents in need of assistance. This is $11,616 less than requested.
19. $20,000 been budgeted within the Welfare Budget to provide public assistance to eligible Durham residents. This level is up $5,000 over 2015.
Police Department
20. A $125,000 Federal COPS Grant was awarded to the Town in 2014 to partially offset the cost of hiring a 20th police officer to be utilized as a Problem Oriented Policing (“POP”) officer. The POP officer program has been very successful and we plan to continue to utilize the position after the grant ends in 2016.
21. Ongoing replacement of two of the department’s 8-cylinder Crown Victoria Police Interceptor vehicles with more fuel-efficient 6-cylinder vehicles is budgeted in 2016 at a cost of $64,000. (For planning purposes we annually target two police vehicles for replacement allowing our six front-line marked cruisers to be rotated every three years. Police vehicles are driven under the most strenuous conditions, 24 hours daily. Vehicles are then downshifted to command and detective personnel, and then ultimately transferred for Town Office and Public Works Department use with mileage generally within the 130,000 to 200,000 level. The more efficient vehicles are effectively driving down fuel consumption and cost at the department.)
22. $45,000 was budgeted in 2015 to support the cost of a Police Department building needs analysis/design for an addition to the facility. Durham Architect Bill Schoonmaker is currently finalizing a design proposal, which we anticipate receiving shortly. The cost for the addition will likely be +/- $1 million. Because the Administrator did not have a formal design in time for this budget submittal, the project is currently scheduled for a 2017 construction date, however, the Council may choose to move forward sooner if the ultimate design and cost makes good fiscal sense for the community.
23. $3,500 has been included to replace the 6 patrol vehicle radar units used by the department, 2 annually.
24. Operationally, the DPD will be sending its vehicles to Dover Public Works for routine repairs, rather than to Durham Public Works. This will allow Durham DPW to focus more attention on backlogged maintenance needs of the Town equipment, which has been steadily falling behind in terms of repairs.
25. In reviewing the Police Department and Parking Fund budgets, it became apparent that around $9,118 in costs allocated to the Parking Fund should instead be charged to DPD. The Parking Enforcement Officer devotes a portion of her time to evidence management at the police facility. This has been corrected.
Fire Department
26. In accord with our Kaizen efforts, the Fire Department, in conjunction with representatives from the Town and UNH, was able to develop an innovative long-term funding solution to address the department’s 25-year capital item replacement program by calculating a yearly contribution to the Fire Equipment Replacement Capital Reserve Fund. This annual contribution eliminates the need to bond department-wide capital items (exclusive of a new station or new fire trucks) thereby eliminating approximately $80,000 in annual debt service cost, enhancing predictability in our funding stream, and eliminating the peaks and valleys associated with the long-term capital needs of the department – a win/win arrangement for both Durham and UNH (which supports 50% of the cost of the department). $40,000 is proposed in 2016, which will adequately meet the program’s needs.
27. See CIP Program for detailed description of items included as part of the Fire Department’s 2016 Capital Fund Budget including: Aerial Ladder Repair ($60,000) and a replacement of the Chief’s vehicle ($45,000) (an Explorer).
28. The Fire Department has discussed the need to add an additional staff position to focus on training/safety but this position is NOT included for 2016.
29. $3,750 has been added to the Fire budget for additional Legal services. This is a contract negotiation cycle and additional funds were necessary.
Public Works
30. While $542,000 was originally requested by Public Works, the road program is proposed by the Administrator to be funded through the operating budget at $344,000 for FY 2016. (Note, $150,000 of this sum for Mill Road repaving is being carried within the Town’s Contingency account as described above if necessary to defend the Town as part of the Colonial Durham Associates v. Town of Durham suit filed by the owner of the Mill Plaza.) Targeted roadways include a 1” overlay for the asphalt portion of Cedar Point Road ($12,033), Watson Road ($29,824), and Mill Road (including targeted reclamation). Four roads recommended by Public Works were postponed by one year by the Administrator for cost savings reasons: Old Landing Road ($26,385), Simons Lane ($46,971), Strout Lane ($11,409), and Spinney Lane ($15,669).
31. $173,745 was budgeted in 2013 (to be funded 100% through grant funds if they could be found) in the past to replace the Town’s 351 Cobra Head Style inefficient high-pressure sodium and metal halide municipal streetlights with energy efficient L.E.D. street lighting. Despite our efforts, no grant monies have been found to date. For 2016, $4,200 is included in the operating budget to address the replacement of 12 lights per year with L.E.D. as existing older fixtures fail.
32. $81,500 has been included for Mill Road sidewalk improvements.
33. $325,000 is included for culvert and outfall improvements at the Littlehale Pond on Bagdad Road near Emerson Road.
34. $132,000 is included to address neighborhood drainage issues at McGrath Road & Thompson Lane.
35. $142,000 is included for the replacement of a 35,000 lb. GVW Public Works dump truck with flow body, side wing, and front plow. Truck #31 is a 2004 Ford Sterling with 2,918 hours and 60,453 miles. It is a front line piece of snow fighting apparatus.
36. $368,250 is allocated for a Wagon Hill Farm shoreline erosion mitigation project. Funding is as follows: $170,000 tentatively from the Eversource Seacoast Reliability Project as wetland mitigation, $115,350 from WHF – L. Brown Trust Fund, and $82,900 from bonding. The shoreline at the property is failing and erosion control measures should be undertaken in the next few years.
37. $21,200 for Town Hall air handlers replacing 1980’s equipment that is not performing adequately to meet the building’s needs.
38. $86,475 for improvements to Old Landing Park to include: stone wall masonry repairs ($38,500), wooden dock replacement and other repairs ($22,045), replacing railing along shoreline/parking area ($3,030), rehabilitation of lawn area ($10,900), possible demolition of unused sewer pump house ($12,000). Note, discussion will need to occur with the Heritage Commission prior to any final decisions concerning demolition of the sewer pump house.
39. $18,020 to replace a 2005 one-half ton pickup truck (Ford Ranger) used by the Building and Grounds Division with 90,441 miles. Durham will take advantage of State of NH bid pricing.
40. The Town in practice dropped from two engineers within DPW to one in 2015. This reduction in staffing is now formally reflected as part of the proposed FY 2016 budget.
41. With new Federal stormwater requirements in the offing as part of the Town’s pending MS-4 permit, it is anticipated there may be a need in the future for an additional staff position to address these requirements. However, this position is NOT included as part of the proposed FY 2016 budget.
42. With the existing demands on the department, staff are struggling to keep up with work. One area that has fallen behind is in the area of vegetation management along public roadways. In addition, the Town is increasingly looking to DPW to address expanded needs within our various parks and tracts of open space land. We believe there would be a real benefit to the addition of a staff position focusing jointly on these two areas. However, due to budget constraints, this position has NOT been included as part of the proposed FY 2016 budget.
43. $15,000 has been added to the traffic control budget to more effectively and regularly repaint roadway lines, bicycle markings, crosswalks, etc. on an annual basis. This is a result of Council goals focusing on bicycle and pedestrian friendliness.
44. $4,275 was included for a replacement mower at DPW.
45. $22,500 to purchase three replacement roll off containers for the LaRoche Transfer Station & Recycling Center.
46. A 3% increase has been budgeted for library personnel. In the next several years we hope to make progress in making our library wages more competitive.
47. A note that the Town only funds half the cost of collection acquisitions at the library – the other half is raised by the Friends of the Library and the Library Trustees. Long-term, the Town should consider how to fully fund such acquisitions.
Water Fund
48. It is recommended that ratepayers review the long-term CIP and fiscal forecast for the Water Fund within this budget document to take account of projected rate increases dependent upon anticipated project implementation timeframes. (See note #52 below as well concerning staffing needs in the department.)
49. Funding sources for joint capital projects within the Water Fund have historically been shared 2/3 UNH, and 1/3 Durham. Note, however, that Durham and UNH cost sharing agreements are up for renegotiation in 2016.
Sewer Fund
50. It is recommended that ratepayers review the long-term CIP and fiscal forecast for the Sewer Fund within this budget document to take account of projected/recommended projects and associated rate increases dependent upon anticipated project implementation.
51. For 2016, sewer projects included in the Capital Fund budget include: Wastewater Facilities Plan improvements ($425,000), Old Bagdad Road sewer improvements ($200,000), Collection system upgrades ($30,000), WWTP Major Components Contingency ($50,000), and Engineering for the 18” Force Main Replacement ($50,000). Funding sources for most items in this fund have historically been shared 2/3 UNH, and 1/3 Durham. Note, however, that Durham and UNH cost sharing agreements are up for renegotiation in 2016.
52. With additional Federal and state demands on the Town’s water/wastewater systems, additional connections to the system, and the need for quarterly water/wastewater billing per the state, DPW anticipates there may be a need to add an additional position to be split between the water/wastewater budgets. However, due to budget constraints, this position has NOT been included as part of the proposed FY 2016 budget.
Hard copies of the proposed FY 2016 budget and CIP books are available for review at the Durham Public Library and at the Durham Town Hall in the Business Office.
The proposed budget and CIP can also be viewed on line in the “What’s New” section of the Town home page.
On Monday evening, Nov. 9th, the Council will hear from the Police Department, IT/DCAT, Library, and the Public Works Department concerning budget items at a special budget worksession.
A public hearing on the proposed budget will be held on November 16th.
To read an article from Saturday in the Foster’s Daily Democrat on the proposed 2016 budget, click HERE.

The interesting antique car pictured above was parked in front of the Town Hall on Tuesday morning this week, generating curiosity as to its make, model, and year. If anyone knows the answer to this question, please go to the Town of Durham's Facebook Page and post a comment. Courtesy Todd Selig
The 2015 second half tax bills went out Monday, October 26th, and will be due DECEMBER 1, 2015. The bills were mailed out this year substantially earlier than they have been in many years, and residents may wonder why. The process is complicated, but simply stated, the town, school, and county must submit tax- setting information to the State Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) where the tax rate is set. This is done in October. Once all the information is received, a date is scheduled with the DRA to set the rate. The tax warrant is then prepared and goes to the Town Council to be officially approved. The bills are then produced and mailed. December 1st is the earliest taxes will be due.
There are many reasons for delays during this process: starting the process late, DRA backlog, missing information, Town Council meeting calendar, etc. For many years now the Town has been late in getting the tax rate set.
If the rate is set after November 1st the bills will be due 30 days after the approval date, hence the due date can fluctuate greatly in December. For many years the due date has been well into December and one year into January. This year, all the stars were aligned and Durham was among some of the first municipalities in the state to have the rate set.
Remember, if you are having difficulty paying your tax bill don’t wait until you have the entire amount, it is to your advantage to pay as much as you can, as often as you can. This will reduce the amount of interest you will have to pay.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Town Clerk-Tax Collector's Office at 603-868-5577.
The town of Durham has received Federal funding to help purchase 43 acres of land for a town forest along the Lamprey River.
On Monday, Nov. 2nd, the Town Council held a public hearing on whether the town should move forward with acquiring a $150,000 Land and Conservation Fund grant that would allow it to purchase the Thompson Forest. Upon acquiring the land, the town would permanently conserve the land by granting a conservation easement to the Southeast Land Trust.
After presentation, public hearing, and discussion the Council unanimously approved moving forward with the project.
ONLINE BANKING USERS - Paying Durham Bills Online
The Town Clerk-Tax Collector's Office receives a lot of payments from online banking services. It is quick, easy, and convenient but it is important for residents to remember that in the absence of their bill stub to include some information to assure their payment is properly applied.
Bill numbers change every billing cycle, so the best information residents can use when paying a Water/Sewer bill is their account number. Enter the number into the memo section, and it will not have to be changed each time.
When paying Property Taxes, the best information to use is the map & lot number. Again, enter it into the memo section and it will not need to be changed each time.
All Town Offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday, November 26 and 27, 2015. All offices will reopen for business on Monday, November 30, 2015 at 8:00 AM.
There will be no collection on Thanksgiving day. Thursday's collection will occur on Friday (Nov 27).
There will be no commercial collection on Friday (Nov 27).
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no "Friday Updates" on November 27th. The next "Friday Updates" publication will be on Friday, December 4, 2015.
Durham was featured this week in La Nacion, Argentina’s leading conservative paper. This resulted from one of the many US Department of State visits to the US (and in NH to Durham) through the World Affairs Council of NH, by an Argentine delegation.
The original article in Spanish can be found HERE.
A translation in English can be found HERE.

At the Town Council meeting on Monday evening, November 2nd, Durham Police Department employee Jennifer Johnson was presented with a Certificate from Town Council member Jay B. Gooze acknowledging her twenty years of dedicated service. Also pictured is Police Chief David Kurz. Courtesy Todd Selig
On Friday, November 13, 2015 AT 2:00 PM, the Town and UNH Officials will hold a Spruce Hole Well/Artificial Recharge Basin opening event.
This event will take place at the Durham Gravel Pit on Packers Falls Road located in Lee. The entrance to the Durham Gravel Pit is located approximately 200ft South of the intersection of Packers Falls Road and Jenkins Road. Parking is available in the gravel pit floor near the entrance and around the base of the access road that leads up to the pump house. Please do not drive up the access road because there is limited parking/turn around space. Please wear sturdy walking shoes.
The project team, including Underwood Engineers, will also be present and will be available to answer questions and to operate the artificial recharge basins. Interested members of the public are invited to attend the opening.
Beginning the week of November 9, 2015, the Public Works Wastewater Department will be conducting sewer inspections in the vicinity of Bagdad Road. This will consist of putting robotic, televised cameras in the main lines for analysis and possible future upgrades.
It will in no way interfere with the homeowners day-to-day routine. Residents may notice the presence of Town employees and contractors from Ted Berry Construction on site from time to time.
Please feel free to call the Wastewater Treatment Plant at 868-2274, anytime from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM, Mon – Fri with any questions. Ask for Dan Peterson or Max Driscoll.
The Department thanks residents for their cooperation.
Have an abundance of leaf and yard waste this season? Consider setting up a backyard composting pile! Composted organic material can be used to improve lawn soil and gardens, which reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Leaves, grass clippings as well as coffee grounds and vegetable and fruit kitchen scraps are great materials for composting. This is a great opportunity to involve children in the family by having them help carry food scraps out to the compost pile.
There are different ways to compost, including a bin, tumbler and even composting with worms. Composting can be done during the winter months when you provide some insulation such as carpet remnants and a tarp to keep the snow out. There are many resources available to learn more about composting. View the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services handout regarding Backyard Composting
At the October 19, 2015 Town Council meeting, Administrator Selig provided Councilors with a status update on the Town Council goals adopted on May 18, 2015. To view the update, click HERE.
The Durham, New Hampshire Police Department is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Part Time Assistant Clerk. The applicant selected to serve as Assistant Clerk will provide support services to this nationally accredited police department. Hours for this position will be Monday through Friday, noon to 5 PM. This position pays $14.00/hour for 25 hours of work each week. This is a non-benefit position.
The part-time Assistant Clerk duties will include receiving customers, typing, data entry, record keeping, telephone, some radio communications and other duties as assigned.
A qualified applicant must have demonstrable skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook. Candidates with an Associate’s Degree or equivalent credits earned are preferred. Applicants must be 21 years old by the anticipated date of appointment.
Anticipated Hiring Date is: Monday, November 30, 2015
Females and Minorities are encouraged to apply.
Applications, Cover Letters and Resumes must be received by Captain David Holmstock by the close of business on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at:
Durham Police Department
86 Dover Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Applications can be downloaded at https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/jobs
The Durham Police Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Durham Winter Parking ban commences Sunday November 1st and will be in effect through April 1, 2015. As many know, parking on Main Street, Jenkins Court and any Town owned parking lot is prohibited between 1:00AM and 6:00AM throughout the year. But the Winter Parking ban prohibits parking ON ANY STREET from November 1st to April 1st between 1:00AM and 6:00AM. As the ordinance states, “Any vehicle so parked during the prohibited hours and dates shall be subject to being towed away at the owner’s risk. The owner or owners shall be required to pay all towing costs and a fine before the vehicle is released.”
For the first week, the Durham Police will endeavor to issue warnings designed to remind everyone of the Winter ban but were a surprise snowstorm to occur next week, there should be an awareness that vehicles may be towed to allow for Durham Public Works to more effectively plow the streets and roadways of Durham.
There have been a limited number of occasions where hikers encounter persons hunting in Durham. While the Durham Police have indicated this is a rarely reported event, it does occur on occasion, especially during deer season which allows for muzzle loaded only from November 1st through the 11th and all deer hunting from November 12th through the 30th. Duck season often results in walkers encountering hunters who may be in boats along the Wagon Hill walking trails when the Coastal Zone waterfowl season is open October 3rd through October 14th and then reopens November 16th through January 3rd of next year. Several people have inquired, after seeing duck hunters in boats off the shoreline of Wagon Hill, whether this is a legal activity. Under New Hampshire hunting regulations it is lawful as the “coastal hunting zone” includes the Great Bay as well as the various inlets including the Oyster River.
The only reference to hunting in Durham’s Town Ordinance is found in Article II section 63 entitled “Shooting” which states that “Shooting of any kind is prohibited at any time on town property, including the town dump and the town gravel pit.” The ordinance goes on to define shooting as, “The ejection, propelling or driving forth of any object, such as but not limited to a bullet or arrow, by any force whatsoever, including but not limited to a sudden release of tension, as in a bowstring, or an explosion or expanding gases, as in a rifle or other firearm, or by any other means.”
If residents walking or hiking encounter hunters, it certainly is wise to advise of your presence. As always, if anyone is concerned about the activity they see and desire clarification, the Durham Police can be contacted at 868-2324 or via 911.
NEW SCAM IMPACTING DURHAM The Durham Police have received several calls from residents stating that they had received a recorded message from a person identifying themselves as from the IRS. The call indicated that they needed to immediately call a number and address outstanding tax issues. The recording further stated that if the person being called did not address this issue immediately, that legal action would commence immediately.
The concerned residents called Durham PD and a detective called the number noted by one of the residents. A male answered as though he was at the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) but he feigned a foreign accent that became more pronounced as the call went on. He identified himself as an IRS agent while the detective pretended to be the recipient of the IRS call. The detective/employee was instructed to purchase “Green Dot Paks” at Rite Aid and use these in paying the outstanding bill. The detective asked why Green Dot to pay the IRS and he responded the billing service that the IRS routinely used was not in operation and this was an alternative that would clear up the bill. The Durham detective engaged the man for a lengthy period of time until the detective identified himself. The “IRS” worker immediately hung up!
Durham residents should be aware that no Federal entity will operate via a telephone call for such serious matters. Neither banking institution nor credit card company operates in this manner either and no reputable company will use these tactics! Hang up and notify the Durham Police of the incident as it is a scam!
One common denominator are the “Green Dot Paks” which are technically referred to as Green Dot MoneyPak cards which are reloadable debit cards, available in many businesses that can be used to pay your phone, cable, or credit card bills. They're typically for people who don't have, or want, bank accounts. The scam works in the following way. The phone caller demands payment for some seemingly reasonable thing and instructs the person to go to any number of stores, including Rite Aid, to purchase a loaded Green Dot MoneyPak card with an amount of cash. The person is then given a call-back number, as in the Durham incident, and instructed to scratch off the back of the card where a number is reveled. Once the call is accomplished and the number revealed to the “debt collector” the number is used over the Internet and all the funds on the card are immediately removed. Green Dot MoneyPak cards are not linked to bank accounts - the money is on the card. Anyone you share your card number with has instant access to your cash and can siphon the card dry.
While most of these cases are virtually impossible to resolve as they routinely operate from foreign third-world countries, reporting is important as it allows the Durham Police to alert you to ongoing frauds/scams that are being experienced in Durham.
Durham's Agricultural Commission's has begun featuring a Mini Film Series in the weekly "Friday Updates". Each week a short video on an agricultural topic will be posted that Commission members hope subscribers will enjoy and find helpful.
This week's video is Backyard Chickens: How to Keep Your Chickens in Winter.

Please Join the Firefighters at Libby's November 7th from 5-10 to support Operation Warm. There will be Raffles and a 50/50.
All donations go towards Operation Warm a Non-profit program to purchase coats for kids that can't afford them for free in Durham, Lee and Madbury.
Durham Bike & Sports is offering a special close-out sale Wednesday, November 11, 2015 from 10AM to 4PM on: Bikes, 50% off, to make room for 2016 models.
Swim practice & racing suits $15 - $40 (Speedo, TYR, Nike) and $3 skate sharpening. Click HERE for more details.
Perhaps you missed the first of the Healthy Living Series: Food Shopping for Your Health at the Durham Public Library on Wednesday, October 7th. DCAT 22 Studios was there to record the first of the series for your viewing pleasure. Find out why sugar isn't all that bad, give your body what it needs, and planning your supermarket visit. Presenters: Gale Carey & Kevin Pietro/UNH's Dept of Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences. Part of the Healthy Living Series in October. This video is also available on our On Demand site. Replay times on DCAT 22 – Saturday & Sunday @ 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM.
Don't Miss DCAT 22 Studios New Program - "In the Biz: Durham Business Spotlight with Mary Ellen Humphrey". EDC Director Mary Ellen Humphrey chats with new and established businesses in Durham. Our first show features: Rick Ouellette of Sales Goose, LLC a new business locating in Durham. Mary Ellen asks Rick about his business and why he decided to locate in Durham. This video is available On Demand & replaying on DCAT 22. Show times: Saturday & Sunday @ 1:15 PM – Monday & Wednesday @ 6:45 PM & Friday @ 10:15 PM. If you’d like your business recognized or have any comments, please contact: dcat@ci.durham.nh.us
DCAT is Live Streaming
Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: live-stream.com and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions.

Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Fall Programs
After School Adventures –Indoor Rock Climbing started this week with 20 middle school students in attendance. This program is taking place at UNH on the artificial climbing wall located in New Hampshire Hall. Participants are working closely with UNH Outdoor Education students, who are also AMGA certified instructors, to learn belaying skills, knots, equipment, climbing technique, problem solving skills, and more. This group will meet once a week for the next five weeks to improve and develop their skills while learning more about this technical sport.

Save the Date! Feather Fest - Thursday, November 26th 10am at Wagon Hill Farm. This is a collaborative event between Durham Parks and Recreation and ORPP for local children and their families. Held on Thanksgiving morning, a local parent reads a story to the kids. We follow the trail of feathers for a turkey hunt and find a sweet treat down by the bay. Send the kids with dad, bring grandma and the cousins, or join your neighbors for an outing. This is fun event that kids of all ages will enjoy!
Durham’s Annual Tree Lighting Celebration - Saturday, December 5th 6:00-8:00pm on Main Street. Enjoy raffles, bonfire, s’mores, hot cocoa, ornament making, visit with Santa and be there as we light up the tree for the holiday season!

Parks and Recreation Committee Vacancies. The Parks and Recreation Committee has three vacancies to fill. If you are passionate about recreation here in Durham and would like to help support and guide the Parks and Recreation Department, please consider joining this committee. Those who are interested should contact Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski at rgasowski@ci.durham.nh.us or committee chair, Mike Sievert at mikesievert@mjs-engineering.com. All three vacancies are three-year terms.
We want to hear from you! Have a new exciting program idea? Please be sure to share your vision with Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski. Stop by the Recreation Department Office (2 Dover Road), or call/email the department at (603) 817-4074/ rgasowski@ci.durham.nh.us.

Dr. Dante Scala will speak on "The 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary" during a public event hosted by the Active Retirement Association on November 18th. See more information below. Courtesy ARA
UNH Celebrates International Education Week (IEW), November 2 - 8, 2015. Community members are welcome to participate in all events. The full schedule can be found HERE.
Growing Places TimberNook Mystical Evening Camp - Saturday, Nov 7, 2014, 4:00-7:00 pm. The evening will include a Glow-in-the-Dark Tea Party and an active game of Flashlight Firefly. For details, click HERE.
UNH Celebrity Series presents Paul Taylor 2 Dance Company, Thursday, Nov 12, 2015, 7:00 PM, Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre. Ticket Prices: $30 General, $10 UNH Student with ID and Youth under 18. Tickets can be purchased on line at www.unharts.com, or by calling 603-862-7222(PCAC). Hours of operation: Mon-Fri, Noon – 5:00pm as well as one hour before each event.
Durham Garden Club Annual Potluck Supper and Roundtable Discussion, Tuesday, Nov 17, 2015, 5:30 PM, Durham Public Library. The Public is cordially invited to attend. Potluck supper contact: Sue Keener, 603-397-5572;
shkeener@gmail.com. Dr. Dante Scala on "The 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary", Wednesday, Nov 18, 2015, 1:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church, 114 Dover Road. Dr. Scala is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of New Hampshire and will be discussing and analyzing the 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary. Event is free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome.
"Nutcracker Tea" Hosted by Northeastern Ballet - Saturday, Nov 21, 2015, 11AM, Three Chimney’s Inn. Meet the enchanting ‘Clara’ and glittering ballerinas from the ‘Land of Sweets’ while savoring a selection of tea sandwiches and other treats and beverages. Family event for all ages. Tickets/$30 per person. Purchase on-line
Oyster River Holiday Bazaar - Saturday, Dec 5, 2015, 9AM - 2PM, Oyster River Middle School. Entrance to Bazaar is through the cafeteria in back of the school. Over 40 artisans and vendors participating this year.
“The Nutcracker” Ballet Hosted by Northeastern Ballet, Sat., Dec. 5, 7PM and Sun., Dec. 6, 2015, 2PM, ORHS auditorium. Tickets: Adult/$20, Children/Seniors $17.50, Family of Four/$60. Group rates available. Purchase on-line. Book early as these family-friendly shows have sold out the last two years. Call 603-834-8834 or e-mail northeasternballettheatre@gmail.com.

Thanks to the Durham Public Library Friends who planted 250 Dutch Master daffodils. The Friends in the photo from left to right: Ann Windsor, Johanna Gwinn, Nancy Schieb, Jan Roberts, Roni Pekins, Mary Bersch, Van Gsotschneider.
The Library will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day. Thank you to Durham Public Works Department for installing the new flag pole.
Hampstead Stage Company presents “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” a theatrical performance, Sat. Nov. 7th, 2-4pm. Join us for this all ages, family program, generously sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library. Congratulations to the Friends of the DPL on a successful membership drive! 250 Dutch Master's daffodils have been planted on the library grounds by an energetic group of women gardeners. Just wait till spring to see your daffodil poke its lovely head through the frosty ground. A beautiful reminder that you are a Friend of DPL! Thank you to all who supported the Friends in this effort.. The Adventure of Two Lifetimes, Thurs. Nov. 12th, 3:30-5:30pm - Bryant Gumbel interviewed them on the Today Show and now they are here at DPL! 2016 marks the 60th Anniversary of June's epic trip and the 20th for daughter Peggy & husband Brian. An afternoon of slides, videos & excerpts from the 2001 mother/daughter memoir, "The Adventure of Two Lifetimes" by Durham residents June Meyer Newland and Peggy Newland Goetz. Contact: Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nh.us Wellness through Ayurveda & Yoga, Mon. Nov.9th, 6-7pm – Free, open to all. Family Storytime, Sat. Nov. 7th at 10:30 am – This week: “Messy” Join us for stories, fingerplays, feltboard, songs and a fun craft. All are welcome! Game Afternoon Monday Nov. 9th from 2:45-4pm – For ages 10 & up – This week: Ticket to Ride! Come and play some board games weekly in the Young Adult room. Bookeaters Middle School Book Group, Wed. Nov. 18th, 2:45pm - 4pm. This month’s book selection: “The Hypnotists” by Gordon Korman. Facilitated by Ruth Wharton MacDonald and pizza is served. Books are available for check out at the circulation desk. November in Gallery – An exhibition about the historical roots of the modern literary sensation, HARRY POTTER. Friends’ Book Sale Sat., Nov. 14th, 10am -2:30pm – Excellent books! Friends’ Book Discussion Thursday, Nov. 19th, 10:30-12:00 Please join the Friends' Book Discussion of Willa Cather's, Death Comes For the Archbishop, facilitated by Jennifer Lee. Storytimes! Join us on Tues. Nov. 10th and Thurs. Nov. 12th, 10:30 am – This week: Magic! Join us for stories, finger-plays, felt board, songs and a craft.
Lego Club Thur., Nov. 12th from 3:45-4:45 pm – For K-4th graders. Come and build with us. Weekly challenges and free builds. Home-schooling Group Fri. Nov. 13th at 10:30 am – Geared to home-schoolers but all are welcome. This week: “Food/Cooking.” Special Family Storytime, “Land of Sweets” Sat., Nov. 14th at 10:30 am – ‘Clara’ and her ‘candy canes’ from the upcoming Northeastern Ballet Theatre “The Nutcracker” production will join us for stories, crafts, and dancing. All ages welcome! Babysitting Class, Sat. Nov. 7th, 10:30am-3pm - Offered by McGregor Memorial EMS. Designed to certify kids ages 11 & up. Cost $35. Register: www.cprsafe.org or call 603-862-3674. First Aid Class, Tues. Nov.10th at 6-8pm- McGregor Memorial EMS will offer a First Aid Class. Register at http://www.cprsafe.org Free Ancestry.com at the library – Select the new Genealogy and Local History tab on the website homepage http://durhampubliclibrary.org It will lead you to many helpful links for your research. The HeritageQuest module can be accessed from your home computer; just call DPL 603-868-6699 for the password. The Ancestry.com site is a special library edition, and can be opened from anywhere in our building. Other links take you to cemetery sites, census records, Latter-Day-Saints database, National Archives and many other digitized resources. Local history links take you to the relevant sections of the UNH catalog and other collections of local interest. Tales for Tails – Have a child who needs to increase their confidence in reading? Have them read to one of our Pet Partner dogs! Your child will read ½ hour once a week to one of the dogs and their handlers. Sessions run for 4 weeks. Next session began October 26th. Sign up now! Contact: Lisa Kleinmann: ekleinmann@ci.durham.nh.us Join the Reading Patch Club! Ages 2-12 years - Earn patches and a tote bag for hours that you read! Program sponsored by The Friends of the Durham Public Library. Technology Help - The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology, such as computers, iPads and phones. Call us to check on the availability of our volunteers at 868-6699 or email us at durhampl@gmail.com.
For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.

*Academic year commenced August 28th and will be measured through graduation at UNH in May.