Friday Updates - October 10, 2014


Friday, October 10, 2014


View of the Lamprey River above Wiswall Dam - Courtesy Bernie Casey



All Town offices will be closed for the Columbus Day holiday on Monday, October 13, 2014 and will reopen for business on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 8:00 AM. Please note there will be NO CHANGE TO THE REFUSE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION.  Please have all items out by 7am as always.  



UNH Homecoming is this weekend. There will be traffic changes on Main Street between the Field House and Mast Road.  For more information, see below.




All Town Hall offices will be CLOSED beginning next Friday, October 17, 2014 through Thursday, October 23, 2014 in preparation of, and moving to the new Town Hall facility across the street at 8 Newmarket Road. 


All offices will reopen for business on Friday, October 24, 2014.



The regular meeting of the Durham Town Council for Monday, October 20, 2014 has been CANCELLED.  The next regular meeting of the Council will be held on Monday, November 3, 2014, 7:00 PM, Council chambers at the new Town Hall, 8 Newmarket Road



Because of the migration over to the new Town Hall building, the following meetings in October will be held at the Durham Public Library.  Unfortunately, it may take several days until we are able to broadcast live via DCAT during the move to the new facility as the cable connection must be reestablished as a result of the move.  In addition, this week a new live cable feed was installed along the telephone poles between the new Town Hall and the new Durham Public Library to allow for future live broadcasting on DCAT from the library.  


Planning Board -Wednesday, October 8 and October 22, 2014

Zoning Board of Adjustment - Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Economic Development Committee - Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Courtesy UNH Media Services



Extensive planning has gone into this weekend event including significant traffic pattern alterations for Tailgating at Boulder Field (11:30) that occurs before the football game, scheduled start time 3:30PM.  Much of Main Street between the Field House and Mast Road will become one-way traffic depending upon the traffic demands entering the Tailgating.  Heavy traffic, both vehicular and foot, will be prevalent in the downtown area throughout the weekend events. Residents can follow the events HERE.


Durham Police and Fire will be very active this weekend addressing any issues that may arise.



While Einstein is attributed to this famous quote Chief Kurz realized that responding to the same locations for noise complaints had a similar trait!  Even with landlords working diligently in partnership with the Durham Police to quell or reduce the need for police intervention the fact is that Durham’s student population changes every academic year and what every graduating Senior knows, the incoming Freshman has no idea!  With this reality in mind the Durham Police secured a Federal grant to fund a Problem Oriented Police (POP) officer that would focus upon off-campus student housing and some of the issues that often creates a negative connotation for this housing.

Officer Steve Misek has been assigned to the POP position and his goal is to address conditions that create problems and work towards resolving the underlying problems that equate to more than quick fixes.  In essence the concept that the Durham Police are embracing places a high value on new responses that are preventive in nature, that are not dependent solely upon adding more police officers to the department but will engage other public agencies such as Code Enforcement, Durham Fire Department and early in the process, the Durham Planning Board.  

The early findings of the POP initiative have some promising indicators as noted in the chart below which depicts noise complaints at off-campus student rentals for the month of September for the past four (4) years.  While the complaints are down from previous years, the truly positive aspect is that subsequent or repeat calls to the same property have diminished to “none” this September.  Chief Kurz believes this is due in large part to the POP initiative that requires the POP officer to visit each rental property the day after police have responded to a complaint.  The POP officer then has an opportunity to sit down with the residents and educate them to the positive attributes of being a good neighbor without the enforcement mantra of responding officers in the middle of the night!


If this strategy proves effective, the police will need to respond to fewer calls of this nature and can focus upon more pressing issues.  Further reports will be forthcoming as the initiative progresses.



The Durham Police want to inform residents that there is a mailing being sent by HomeServe USA Repair Management Corp., which is a sales pitch for "water service line” (insurance) coverage.  Other Seacoast communities are receiving similar mailings and while the letter looks official it is a sales pitch to sell insurance for your water pipes.  Durham Police did a quick Internet search which shows that this company has been investigated for deceptive business practices in several states, including Massachusetts, Ohio, and Kentucky. Several residents in Durham also received the mailing this week which states that "Durham homeowners may not be aware that they are responsible for the water service line on their property." The mailing also informs residents that "your water company is responsible" for installing and maintaining water mains up to property boundaries and that homeowners are responsible for plumbing on their own property which could "fail without warning,' requiring "expensive" repairs which "typically" aren't covered by homeowners insurance.  The company then pitches its insurance for that purpose at a cost of $65.88 a year.

In Durham the Town is the "water company" providing water service to approximately 2000 residences and businesses. Durham Police suggest that residents check their Home Owners insurance carrier to determine coverage limitation and options for additional coverage if necessary.  

According to the Better Business Bureau, there have been 314 complaints filed against HomeServe, 98 of which were about "advertising sales issues," while the BBB gives the company a rating of A-. Included in the the BBB report is a notation that the state of Massachusetts reached "an assurance of discontinuance" with HomeServe, that was a settlement containing allegations that "HomeServe designed and mailed solicitations and renewal notices to 946,000 National Grid customers in Massachusetts that gave the impression the notices were bills from the utility itself, rather than solicitations for optional repair service contracts."

"The settlement also contained allegations that the solicitations gave false impressions about repair costs, as well as whether the repairs are the responsibility of the utility company, the homeowner, or the homeowners insurance company," according to the BBB Web site.



The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours are 7AM to 7PM. Volunteers are needed the day of the election. Residents interested in volunteering may contact Supervisor of the Checklist Ann Shump, 603-868-1342, shump@comcast. net, or Moderator Chris Regan, 603-868-2414.


To view the election ballot or to obtain an absentee ballot for the General Election, click HERE.


Call the Town Clerk's Office at 603-868-5577 with questions regarding absentee ballots.



All party changes that were made on or after the State Primary have been made by the Supervisors.  Please check to make sure you are listed the way you wish to be.  A new checklist has been published and is available to view at the Durham Post Office and at the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. You may also simply double-check at the General Election on November 4.  There will not be another Primary election until the Presidential Primary in January 2016.  Parties can be changed any time up to 90 days before that Primary.


Amtrak Downeaster



Seacoast Online posted an article on October 7, 2014 regarding a fare special that the Amtrak Downeaster is offering throughout October. Information provided in the article is below. To read the entire article, click HERE.


Beginning Monday, October 6, 2014, the Amtrak Downeaster is offering weekday (Mon-Fri) $5 one-way adult fees for travel between Exeter and Brunswick, Maine or points in-between for a limited time this fall season. Up to two children, ages 2 to 12, can ride for half price ($2.50) with each adult fare. The fare special is good through the month of October.


To view an Amtrak schedule, click HERE.

Tickets for the reduced fares can be purchased online at, at, by calling 1-800-USARAIL, or through the Quick Track machines There is one at the train station in Exeter.

The offer is for trains #681 and #688 only, and is valid for coach seats only; no business class upgrades permitted.



When you use your toilet, shower, washing machine or dishwasher, wastewater leaves your home through pipes that connect to the Town sewer system.

Many materials frequently flushed or poured down the drain can harm the pipes that connect to town as well as the town sewer system. Every property owner connected to the town sewer system can be a potential contributor to sewer problems, and a potential victim of those problems. Putting the wrong items down the drain can damage the sewer system, cause sewer backups in your home, and sewer releases to the environment.


Product labels can be misleading. Some items that claim to be "flushable" can clog sewer and septic systems and can end up costing property owners a pretty penny. "Disposal" items are NOT flushable and should be placed in the trash.


The DO NOT FLUSH list:

  • Diapers
  • Ciagarettes
  • Paper Towels
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Tampons
  • Condoms
  • Dental Floss
  • Facial Tissues
  • Wipes




The Durham Historic Association Fall program is a Tour of the Meader-Emerson Farm on Sunday, October 19th from 2-4 PM. The farm is located at 184 Piscataqua Road.  Join Diane Newick and Janet Mackie to learn the history of one of Durham’s oldest farms. The Sunday afternoon schedule allows visitors to see the house, barn, fields and graveyard all overlooking Little Bay. Directions:Take Piscataqua Road (Route 4) heading east toward Portsmouth, then TURN RIGHT at the second dirt driveway after Wagon Hill Farm.



Over the last four weeks, Business Manager Gail Jablonski has organized budget meetings with each of the Town’s department heads to enable herself and Administrator Selig to meet with departments and better understand their budget requests, as well as their Capital Improvement Program requests.  Members of the Town Council have been notified of each of these meetings and have been invited to attend if they have an interest in doing so.  Typically one to four members of the Council have been able to attend each such budget meeting.  

One of the Town’s Council’s approved goals for FY 2014-2015 states:  “Develop operating budgets that limit growth in the Town's portion of property taxes by the rate of inflation plus new additions to the Town's taxable base. This goal is for both the near and longer term.”

Mr. Selig is endeavoring to accomplish this goal.  It will mean that not all departments, boards, committees, and commissions will receive everything that has been requested.

At this time, the requests received stand at an increase of $1,263,874 or 9.61% over FY 2014.  The approved FY 2014 Operational Budget was $13,155,029.  

Per Town Charter, the Administrator is charged with the development of the annual budget and CIP program.  The proposed annual budget must be submitted to the Town Council by the last business day in October.  The Town Council by Charter then has until the last business day in December to adopt a budget or the Administrator’s budget becomes the budget of the Town by default.  



Effective immediately, Administrator Selig and Business Manager Gail Jablonski have placed a freeze on all non-essential budget purchases. This is being done in anticipation of cost overages at the new Town Hall project, the majority of which have been reported previously. This freeze may be lifted before the end of the year once we have a complete accounting of the project cost.

To view a listing of Town Hall project expenditures from mid-September, click HERE.



Since late 2014, part of the Town's energy has been generated locally—as in, right here in Durham. Solar panels installed on the public library, the Churchill Rink, and the police station are up and running.

To see how the solar arrays have been performing at the library and at Churchill Rink during 2014, visit the web page Solar Power in Durham and download the graphs.

Want real-time data? Want to know what it means in terms of environmental impact? Then go to this Solectria website. To see an overview for each facility's energy production, type in one of the following site names:

  • Durham Public Library
  • Durham Churchill Ice Rink

Choose the Site Analytics tab to gain access to all historic generation data from all three projects. These reports can be easily downloaded. (Note: The police station data is not available; those arrays were installed, and continue to operate, at no cost to the Town.)



Public Works is quickly wrapping loose ends up at the new Town Hall site. Courtesy Craig Stevens


Workers help move the Town Hall storage array to the new building. Courtesy Luke Vincent



The Durham Police routinely conduct “compliance checks” of vendors who are licensed to sell alcoholic beverages in Durham.  The department’s goal remains constant in the area of alcohol sales as Chief Kurz wants to assure the community that businesses are properly confirming the age and identity of those persons attempting to purchase alcohol. 


Each alcohol vendor in Durham is aware of the problem illegal alcohol possession, consumption and intoxication poses to the Durham community and it is our goal to confront this concern on multiple levels. 


Last week during the evening, an underage student, working in conjuncture with the Durham Police attempted to purchase alcohol at every location where alcohol is served including Bella’s, Libby’s Bar and Grill as well as convenience stores such as Irving’s, Store 24 and Rite Aid.  We specifically seek to confirm that the business is properly requesting the young person’s identification and when provided, ensuring that the identification verifies they are of the legal age of 21.  

Durham’s underage volunteer is trained and certified by the New Hampshire Liquor Commission to perform these compliance checks.  The volunteer provides their personal New Hampshire license indicating they are in fact under the age of 21, which should result in an immediate refusal.  The volunteer never deceives and answers all questions posed by the store truthfully.  Chief Kurz was pleased to report that all fourteen locations in Durham performed as they should and refused the requested sale.

To highlight the positive, the Chief sends each conveyor of alcohol who appropriately refused the sale of alcohol, a letter designed to reinforce their success and remind them to remain vigilant.  



During the past 4 years there have been 116 fatal car crashes in New Hampshire that have been attributed to “distraction”. 


Research states that a texting vehicle operator is 23 times more likely to crash. 


These are some the realities that have led to the new law that on July 1, 2015, will be the enactment date in NH that will prohibit the use of hand held electronic devices capable of providing voice or data communication while driving or temporarily halted/stopped in traffic for a stop sign, traffic signal or other momentary delays.  An electronic device includes cell phones, GPS, tablets, iPods, iPad or other devices that require data entry.  Of course, any call being made to 911 or other public safety entity will not be a violation.  

It is important to understand that the ban would apply while drivers are stopped temporarily, such as at a red light, but not if they have pulled-over and are stopped off the side of the roadway. Vehicle operators can answer the phone but not holding it to the ear or typing emails or other messages. It also does not allow programming GPS systems unless drivers are pulled off the road.

Drivers can use a variety of ways to comply with the law and still talk on their phones. For example, drivers can attach a Bluetooth device to an older car’s sun visor and sync it to their cellphone.  Many newer cars can also make hands-free calls through Bluetooth integrated into the car’s system. 


Join the Durham Conservation Commission and wildlife consultant Ellen Snyder on Tuesday, October 21st from 2-5 pm to enjoy one of Durham’s newest conservation areas—the 170-acre Oyster River Forest—while helping to restore habitat for bees, bugs, butterflies, and bunnies and enhance the site for existing and future walking trails for people. We will hand pull invasive glossy buckthorn seedlings and flag areas of native plants. Learn about restoration of the fields and habitat for New England cottontails. Click HERE to sign-up to volunteer. Questions about the event? Contact Ellen Snyder at


The two interpretative panels installed at the Wiswall recreation area, along with the new sign naming the park after the late John Woodsum Hatch. Courtesy Richard H. Lord



The public is cordially invited to celebrate the dedication ceremony naming the John Hatch Park at Wiswall Falls on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 2:00 PM at the Park.


In September 2009, the Wiswall Historic Interpretation Committee (WHIC) was formed by the Town of Durham to fulfill the requirements of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Town, the Federal Emergency Management Administration, the New Hampshire Division of Historic Resources, and other parties for historic mitigation for the removal of the former stone bridge abutments during the reconstruction of the Wiswall bridge.  

The primary task of the committee (co-chaired by Richard H. Lord & Howard Burrows), as defined in the MOA, was to work with a graphic arts firm to develop an informational display to be located at John Hatch/Wiswall Park that would tell the story of the historic mills on the site and its relationship to the neighborhood and the Town.  A graphic arts firm was selected and subsequently in the fall of 2010, the interpretative panels were installed. A new panel has been installed dedicating the park to John Hatch. A new sign "John Hatch Park" has also been added.

Richard H. "Dick" Lord, stands next to the newly installed panel at the Wiswall recreation area dedicating the park to the late John Woodsum Hatch. Courtesy Richard H. Lord


Durham is a community that encourages bicycling along its entire roadway system especially many of our rural more scenic areas.  Wherever there is a designed/sanctioned road race, the organization must complete a Special Events form which is then reviewed and signed by each applicable Department Head such as police, the fire department, or public works, etc.  Each department reviews the event from their perspective gleaning issues that must be addressed by the applicant prior to permission being granted.  On several occasions there have been concerns expressed about large amounts of bicyclists traversing along various roadways in Durham.  While the police are aware that there are no special event permits, it appears that various bicycle clubs meet in Durham for breakfast and then head out for a ride through the area.  This activity does not require a permit and is perfectly legal as long as the bicyclist obeys the rules of the roadway.  Of course, vehicle operators have laws that they must adhere to also.  If there is an issue that concerns you, please contact Chief Kurz via or 868-2324.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Zoning Board of Adjustment - Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 7:00 PM (Durham Public Library Community Room)


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at


Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.


DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.



Smith Chapel Open House, short video, Run Time: 00:2:00 Minutes

Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday@ 6:58 PM; Thursday @ 7:58 PM

Enjoy a short slide presentation of the celebration of the Smith Chapel Open House.  This video slide show and music was produced and edited by Andrea Bodo. The video is also available on the Town’s On Demand Site.





Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.

Volunteers celebrate after a hard day of work on the Sweet Trail.   Courtesy of Carrie Deegan


Sweet Trail Workday

On Saturday, October 4th, 37 volunteers from 7 different towns came out to The Sweet Trail to assist with the repair of bog bridges along the 4-mile trail. The day started with an hour-long training in basic trail maintenance skills, followed by the work day.  Volunteers also cut brush, hauled supplies, replace trail signs, and remove trash.  Ranging in ages from 5 to 80, they racked up a total of 112 hours of service!  The volunteer day was a partnership between The Town of Durham, New Hampshire Fish & Game, Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, The Nature Conservancy, Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership, The Stewardship Network, and the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension.  If you’re interested in learning more information about the Sweet Trail click HERE.  To view more pictures visit us on FACEBOOK! To find out about other service opportunities, visit:


Volunteers repaired bog bridges on Saturday October, 4th. Courtesy of Stefanie Frazee


Spooktacular Day in Durham - Spooktacular Day in Durham will take place on Friday, October 24th from 3-5pm.  Join us at Jackson’s Landing for pumpkin and cookie decorating, crafts, games, refreshments, and more!  Costumes welcome!  This is a FREE event!

Kids decorate cookies at the 2013 Spooktacular Day in Durham.  Courtesy of Stefanie Frazee


Mad Science is Back! Join us on Tuesday, November 11 from 9:30am-12:30pm at Oyster River Middle School.  Students will be exposed to the science of natural and synthetic materials, light, and color through a series of hands on activities, inquiry-based discussion, and demonstrations. Limited Space available!  Register HERE!


Churchill Rink – 2014/15 Season

Firland Management is a Lewiston, Maine based ice rink management company with rinks in the Midwest and Northeast.  We are excited to add the Churchill Rink to our portfolio. We would like to thank the Town of Durham Recreation Department for their commitment to making the Churchill rink a unique destination for hockey and skating enthusiasts.  For more information on our company, please visit:


Tentative Opening Day: October 16th

New Website: (coming soon)

Hours: Monday- Friday 9am-10:30pm, Saturday & Sunday 8am-10:00pm


Advertise with us! Dasherboard advertising available for the 2014-2015 season. Please contact us for further pricing and information. Call us at 603-868-3907 or

Public Skating:

Monday , Wednesday, Friday- 2:00-3:20pm

Tuesdays: 12:00-4:20pm

Thursdays: 12:00-1:50pm

Saturday: 2:00-3:45pm

Sundays  12:00-1:45pm

Open Hockey:

Open Stick & Puck- Sunday –Friday 11:00-11:50am

Adult Pick Up Hockey:

Monday & Wednesday: 12:00-1:20pm

Fridays: 12:00-1:20pm and 8:00-9:20pm

Sundays: 9:30-10:50am


Family Pond Hockey: Saturday 7:00-8:30pm

Birthday party packages:

Public session- Just $10 per person, includes, public skate admission, 2 pizzas and soda for your party. Bring your own cake and decoration a locker room for your party. Minimum of 10 participants.


Private ice parties also available - please contact us 603-868-3907 or


Advertise with us! Dasherboard advertising available for the 2014-2015 season. Please contact us for further pricing and information. Call us at 603-868-3907 or


Learn to Skate-   

Sat Oct 25-Sat Dec 13

Registration on starting Oct 15.

Lessons offered in partnership with the ORYA.


More information on special events coming soon!


Fall Hours: Please note that some class times and locations have changed for the fall. View our weekly calendar and class descriptions HERE!
Drop in to most of our fitness classes for only $10!



Save the Date
Spooktacular Day in Durham- October 24, 2014 (3-5 pm) at Jackson’s Landing Playground. A FREE event, featuring treats, activities, crafts, and more Halloween Fun!



Mast Way PTO Sports Consignment Sale, Saturday, Oct 11, 2014, 8AM-12PM. Drop off and tag consignment items on Friday, Oct 10, 2014, 4-8PM at Mast Way School or come shop on Saturday. Consigners receive 50% of their proceeds. Checks will be mailed after the sports sale. Do not have to be at the sale to sell items.
Oyster River Folk, Saturday, Oct 11, 2014, 7PM, Durham Universalist Unitarian Church, 20 Madbury Road, featuring Blanca and Chuchi, a guitar and fiddle duo from Northern Spain. Tickets at the door. Kids are free.

Active Retirement Association Art Expo, Tuesday, Oct 14, 2014, 1:30-3:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church. Enjoy a broad range of art and craft work. Click HERE for more information.

Annual Leif Ericson Day Parade, Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014, 6:00 AM. Please come to the world’s shortest parade in Durham, NH. Participants gather at the Launder Center on Main Street in Durham at 6:00 AM and thence parade 25’ to Young’s Restaurant for festivities. Wear your best Scandinavian sweater or costume and come celebrate this early explorer to these shores. Call 603-817-9549 with questions. Check out the parade's Facebook account.

A Father’s Journey, A Personal View From Sandy Hook, Connecticut w/David Cole Wheeler, Wednesday Oct 15, 2014, 7PM, Granite State Room, UNH MUB. Mr. Wheeler is a graduate of the Oyster River School system. His son, Benjamin Andrew Wheeler, was one of twenty first-graders murdered on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School. 

Bella's Casual Dining Airs New Commercial on NHPTV. Bella’s Casual Dining, located in the Mill Plaza, offers traditional meal selections.  Some fall specials can be accessed at Bella's website or on its Facebook page. On Wednesday, Oct 15 and 22, 2014, Bella’s will offer specials from 5-7PM featuring Jacko Traveler Shandy Seasonal. Bella’s also just finished 30-second commercial with NHPTV that will be airing on Saturdays between some cooking shows.

Southeast Watershed Alliance Meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014, 6:30 PM, Room 306, Dover City Hall, Dover, NH.  Will include discussion of Senate Bill 408-FN-L with Senator Martha Fuller Clark.. Public is invited to attend.Additional information will be posted on the SWA website.

Newcomers Unlimited Meeting, Friday, Oct 17, 2014, Durham Community Church. Coffee & conversation 9:00Am; meeting & speaker at 10:00AM. Stanley Stephenson, a volunteer AARP Fraud Fighter, will talk about how to protect yourself from fraud and scams. Please park in the lower lot. Dues: $20. Mail checks to Kathy Hall, 11 Perley Lane, Durham, NH 03824. New members welcome.

Lamprey River Watershed Association Annual Meeting, Friday, Oct 17, 2014, 6PM, Jeremiah Smith Grange Hall, Lee Hook Rd, Lee. “Keeping our water clean is everyone’s responsibility” theme with speaker Peter Wellenberger, Great Bay Stewards.Raffle items from local businesses. Spaghetti supper with homemade desserts. Tickets $10/person. Register at 659-9363 or email
UNH Celebrity Series Presents Gallery Voices, Sunday, Oct 19, 2014, 7PM, Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre. Prices: $30 General,, $10 UNH Student with ID and Youth under 18. Purchase tickets on line or by calling 603-862-7222(PCAC).  Hours are Mon-Fri, 10AM-5PM, as well as one hour before each event.

Halloween Party, hosted by Oyster River Parents & Preschoolers, Saturday, Oct 25, 2014, 1:00-4:00 PM, Madbury Town Hall. Open to all Durham, Lee, and Madbury residents with at least one child aged 0-6. Come in costume if you like, enjoy festive treats, crafts, games, etc. More information, contact Christie Rice,

Family Fall Fun Day at Coppal House Farm Corn Maze, Sunday, Oct. 26, 3-5PM. Durham residents are invited to spend an afternoon at The Coppal House Farm in Lee making their way through the tandem corn maze, enjoying children’s activities, sipping warm cider, and saying hello to all of the farm animals! More information or to purchase tickets, click HERE.

Durham Garden Club Presents "Fabulous Fungal Fruitifications", Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014, 6:30 PM, Durham Public Library. Dr. Van de Poll, principal of Ecosystem Management Consultants of Sandwich, NH, will speak about the fascinating Fifth Kingdom, the Fungi!  More information, contact Sheila McCurdy 603-659-5623

Halloween Event, hosted by Harmony Homes,Thursday Oct 30, 2014, Trick-or-Treating from 5-7PM. Featuring a haunted barn from 6-9PM.All welcome to join. Free admission. If you would like volunteer contact 603-292-6087,

Scott Noyes training for parents and educators on "Understanding the Words we Use with Children" Tuesday, Nov 4, 2014, 6:15-8:15 PM, Moharimet Elementary School. This workshop looks at ten common expressions adults use with kids. Discovering language flaws, and finding ways to better express ourselves supports healthy relationships with children. Cost: $10/person.  Call Wendy at 603.868.1335 to register. Limited Space Available.

Amanda Ripley, Time Magazine Journalist and Author of "The Smartest Kids in the World", Thursday, Nov 6, 2014, 6:30-8:30 PM, ORHS Auditorium. Contact More information, contact Carolyn Eastman, 603-868-5100 x 2007,

Self Defense Classes at Wildcat Fitness, Mill Road shopping plaza, Monday & Wednesdays, Oct 6-Nov 19, 2014 (14 classes), 7PM. Cost: $129 ($149 non-members). Open to the public. Don't be a victim, learn life skills from skilled instructors. More information, call 603-397-3200 or visit website HERE.

Club UNH, physical activity/recreational program offered through UNH Department of Kinesiology for 3rd & 4th grade students. Click HERE for more  information or contact Michelle Grenier, 603-862-1835,

Echo Thrift Shop will be featuring "Stuff a Bag for $5.00" the last Friday of the fall and winter months. Stuff a grocery sized bag with clothes and shoes for $5.00. Month of October, all black and orange item are 50% off.



Thank you to the Friends of the Library for the beautiful flowers gracing our front porch, and for their continued support for the Open Mic nights and other programming.


Pete the Cat!  Family Storytime, Sat., Oct. 11th at 10:30 a.m. – Come hear stories about your favorite cat!  Join us in the storytime room for stories, movement, and a craft.  
Crafternoons, Sat., Oct. 11th 1:00-4:00 p.m. – Join us in the storytime room for a fun craft.
The Library will be closed on Monday, Oct. 13th in observance of Columbus Day.
Food Event – FREE  – FREE Recipes & Tastings – FREE Parking. Julie Salvato, owner of Happy Veg Head presents Green Smoothies on Oct. 15 at 6:30-8:00 PM. Mary Ann Esposito, American Chef and TV Host of Ciao Italia with Mary Ann Esposito presents Pantry Staple Essentials on Nov. 19 at 6:30-8:00 PM. Charlie Caramihalis, Chef and UNH Professor presents Fresh New England Fish on Dec. 17 at 6:30-8:00 PM.   Trudy Higgins Brown, owner of Obsessive Compulsive Gingerbread OCG presents Cooking and Art with Gingerbread on Jan. 14, 2015 at 6:30-8:00 PM. Holding a food collection at each of the FOOD EVENTS. The food donations will be distributed to the local food pantries.  Contact Armida Geiger 603-868-6699 or email
Storytimes: Tues. Oct. 14th and Thurs. Oct. 16th at 10:30 a.m.  This week: Turtles!  We read stories, do fingerplays, feltboard and a craft.  
Bookeaters:  monthly Middle School book group starts Weds., Oct. 15th at 2:45 p.m.  This month’s book is “Gregor the Overlander” by Suzanne Collins.  Walk from the middle school.  Ruth Wharton-MacDonald is the facilitator and pizza is served.
Lego Club, Thurs. Oct. 16th at 3:45 p.m. and we’ll be building catapults. For k-4th graders.
Homeschoolers Activity Hour, Fri., Oct. 17th at 10:30 a.m.  This week: Cartoons and Jokes!
Lindsay and Her Puppet Pals, Sat. Oct. 18th at 10:30 a.m. - Join us for a fun interactive puppet show with Lindsay and Her Puppet Pals.  Lindsay is a very talented puppeteer.  All are welcome.  This performance is generously sponsored by The Friends of the Durham Public Library.
Family Movie, “Casper”, Sat. Oct. 18th at 2:00 p.m. – Join us for this month’s movie “Casper”.  Popcorn is served and all are welcome!
Game Afternoon: ages 10 & up, Mon., Oct. 20th at 2:45 p.m. -   This week’s game is:  "Forbidden Island"
Libros Lovers:  monthly High School book group starts Weds,. Oct. 22nd at 2:45 p.m.  This month’s book is “If I Stay” by Gayle Forman.  Ruth Wharton-MacDonald is the facilitator.  Books are available at the library and pizza is served.
Bicycle Trip 13,000 KM in 21 months... on a bicycle! Thurs. Oct. 23rd, 7:00-8:00 p.m.  Local resident, Gary Hochgraf will make a presentation on his recent trip by bicycle to Patagonia. But this presentation will not be a story of sights and staged cultural events, but one of people, generosity, and humanity. Contact: Armida Geiger   603-868-6699  
Free Movies for October & November – Casper (1995) Rated PG, Oct. 18 Sat. 2:00PM, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) Oct. 24, Fri 2:00PM, The Americanization of Emily (1964) Rated NR, Oct. 27, Mon. 6:00PM, Divergent (2014) Rated PG 13, Nov. 13 Thurs. 6:00 PM, Muppets Most Wanted! Rated PG, Nov. 15, Sat. 2:00PM, African Queen (1951) Rated PG Nov. 21 2:00PM. Movies are shown in the Oyster River Room. Movie snack provided.
In the Gallery... Art exhibit inspired by the poetry of Robert Frost - View over 20 paintings in the lobby display case and the upstairs gallery. Artists are Ingeborg V. Seaboyer, Judy Krassowski and Corinne Dodge. Images in pen and ink, watercolor, acrylics and oils are accompanied by a selected verse that inspired each individual work.  
Patch Club:  reading incentive program for ages 2-12 years.  Sign-up at the Children’s Desk!
Tales for Tails:  Read to a trained therapy dog K-4th grade - sign-ups have begun.
Join the Durham Public Library Birthday Book Club.  Celebrate a child’s birthday in a unique way with a gift of a book to the library.  Talk to the Children’s Librarian at the children’s desk for more details.


Visit the DPL website for more information.



*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.


FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association
1899 - Water rights on the Lamprey River were sold to James Burnham, who established the Newmarket Light, Heat & Power Company. The first electric lights were at homes of the Griffiths borthers, James Burnham, and Sarah Woodman. The concrete dam and head gates were built in 1912.


Please have a nice weekend. 




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


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