Picking up apples at Wagon Hill Farm after the pruning. Courtesy Ellen Karlitz
Visitors may have noticed how nicely pruned the old apple trees are at Wagon Hill Farm. Generously, a Town resident paid for a professional arborist to prune these trees. Not only do the trees look much better, removing the deadwood from the trees reduces the risk of falling branches and improves the health of the trees for the long-term.
We are fortunate to have such a beautiful property in our community to enjoy and likewise fortunate to have citizens that care about the stewardship of the property. Thank you!
This morning, Assistant Fire Chief David Emanuel and Administrator Selig participated in a conference call hosted by the New Hampshire Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for Emergency Management Directors throughout the state relative to Hurricane Joaquin.
Directors were advised that Hurricane Joaquin is not expected to impact New Hampshire as the latest computer model shows it tracking out to sea. However, residents are encouraged to continue following Joaquin's progress as a precautionary measure should the situation change.
UNH HOMECOMING WEEKEND HAS ARRIVED! -- Activities Begin Friday, Oct. 2nd thru Sunday
Extensive planning has gone into this weekend event including significant traffic pattern alterations for Tailgating at Boulder Field on Saturday (11:30 AM) that occurs before the football game (UNH v. Elon University), scheduled start time 3:30PM.
Much of Main Street between the Field House and Mast Road will become one-way traffic depending upon the traffic demands entering the Tailgating.
Heavy traffic, both vehicular and foot will be prevalent in the downtown area throughout the weekend events.
UNH has been very cooperative in working with Durham Police and Fire as part of the planned homecoming activities.
Residents can follow the events HERE.
All Town offices will be closed on Monday, October 12th for the Columbus Day holiday.
Although the offices will be closed, there will be NO CHANGE TO REFUSE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION. PLEASE HAVE ALL ITEMS OUT BY 7AM AS ALWAYS. View the Holiday pick-up schedule HERE.
We are pleased to announce the adoption of an entirely new set of Site Plan Regulations.
A committee of four – Kathy Bubar, Robin Mower, Peter Wolfe, and Michael Behrendt, Town Planner – spent many months researching and writing a state-of-the-art document which the Planning Board then revised and adopted on September 9, 2015, after a year-long review.
The site plan regulations lay out the rules for developing a site. While the regulations are quite detailed, there is also some built-in flexibility. It is hoped that the clarity of detail and format will enhance the quality of development and facilitate the review process.
To view the new regulations, click HERE.
Front view of proposed eldercare/assisted living facility at the Durham Business Park
The Planning Board has accepted an application from John Randolph for an eldercare/assisted living facility at the Durham Business Park site. Mr. Randolph would continue to operate Harmony Homes, his current facility on Newmarket Road in Durham.
The project would be built out in three phases with three 20,000 square foot buildings, parking, and associated improvements. There would be paths leading toward the Oyster River, which would be open to the general public.
Mr. Randolph has agreed to execute a conservation easement to preserve the field along Route 4, where he plans to keep several horses. The site is fairly open to both Route 4 and the Oyster River so the Planning Board and the Durham Business Park Architectural Design Committee are working to ensure this low-profile building will fit appropriately into the landscape. The buildings will be set back a 1,000 feet from Route 4.
Mike Sievert of MJS Engineering is the engineer and McHenry Architecture is the building designer. When the Town of Durham sold the land to Eric Chinburg it incorporated a covenant requiring that a design committee approve any development of the site to ensure harmony with the natural setting (This review is conducted separately from the Planning Board’s review).
The design committee members are Town Councilor Kitty Marple, Planning Board member Peter Wolfe, Town Planner Michael Behrendt, and Mr. Selig. Barbara Dill and Steve Roberts are Planning Board alternates. The committee has met with the applicant and his design team several times and the plans have evolved nicely.
At its last meeting, the committee endorsed the architectural plans below, subject to some final changes that have not yet been made.
Here is the most recent iteration of the front elevation.
The initiative of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been a national success where the previous events occurring in New Hampshire have taken in an astounding 276 tons of unwanted or expired medications in years past.
So resounding was the success to fill this void that last year Chief Kurz decided to provide the program on a continuous basis to the residents of Durham. Numerous residents participated by dropping off a significant amount of unwanted or expired prescriptions at the police facility. Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM, residents can drop off their unused, unwanted, or expired medications at the Durham Police facility on Dover Road for no cost and it’s all anonymous!
Doing so prevents prescription drug abuse as six out of ten teenagers who have taken prescription narcotics state that they get them from their parents or relative’s medicine cabinets. Additionally, using this service keeps trace drugs out of our lakes, streams and estuaries as Wastewater Treatment Plants cannot remove many of the compounds found in medications; so when flushed or put in a landfill, drugs are discharged into our surface and ground water and consumed by fish and wildlife.
If anyone has any questions about this service, please call the Durham Police during business hours Monday through Friday.
In July this year long-time Code/Zoning/Building/Health Officer Tom Johnson gave formal notice of his plans to retire at the end of December.
On Monday, October 26, 2015, members of the public are invited to attend a retirement gathering for Tom from 5:30 to 8:00 PM at Bella's Restaurant in the Mill Plaza.
Appetizers and drinks will be available for purchase from Bella’s.
Cake will be provided.
The Town’s contractor will begin night work on repairs to the underside of Main St. Railroad Bridge at the train station and UNH Dairy Bar starting this Sunday night October 4th from approximately 7pm – 7am through the night of October 12th tentatively. Passenger train service will not be impacted.
If you have any questions about this project or would like more information, please call or email Durham Town Engineer April Talon, P.E. at 603-868-5578, atalon@ci.durham.nh.us.
HHWD was last Saturday, the 26th of September. It was a successful event, DPW had 60 people initially sign up to drop off, 4 cancellations, 4 no shows, ending up with 52 participants. Thanks to all for their cooperation and a big thank you to Clean Harbors company for their friendly and efficient staff.
The Department of Public Works sent out its annual Fall Newsletter this week to all residents. The fall cleanup of leaves and brush will begin on Monday, November 9th. Please see the Newsletter for details.
CLUB UNH - A new physical activity/recreational program offered to Durham, Lee, and Madbury 3rd and 4th grade students
UNH Physical Education (PE) students will offer a social/recreational program designed to enhance skills in the areas of physical and social skill development. Students will engage in team building and cooperative activities leading to use of the indoor climbing wall in New Hampshire Hall. This program is being offered to students who may want extra time working on social skills where each student learns to trust their abilities and those in the group.
The program can effectively accommodate 15 students and registration is on a first come/first serve basis. The program will run on Tuesday afternoons for the following dates: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/10 from 3:45 - 5:00 PM in New Hampshire Hall at UNH. There is a suggested donation of $40.00 to support the professional development of our PE students.
For more information or to register your child, contact Michelle Grenier via email at: michelle.grenier@unh.edu or phone 603-862-1835. This program is a collaborative effort between the Departments of Kinesiology, Occupational Therapy and Education.
The Hands Free law has been in effect since July! The law was created for many good reasons since during the past 4 years there have been 116 fatal car crashes in New Hampshire that have been attributed to “distraction”. Research states that a texting vehicle operator is 23 times more likely to crash. The law prohibits the use of hand held electronic devices capable of providing voice or data communication while driving or temporarily halted/stopped in traffic for a stop sign, traffic signal or other momentary delays. An electronic device includes cell phones, GPS, tablets, iPods, iPad or other devices that require data entry. Of course, any call being made to 911 or other public safety entity will not be a violation.
It is important to understand that the ban would apply while drivers are stopped temporarily, such as at a red light, but not if they have pulled-over and are stopped off the side of the roadway. Vehicle operators can answer the phone but not holding it to the ear or typing emails or other messages. It also does not allow programming GPS systems unless drivers are pulled off the road.
Drivers can use a variety of ways to comply with the law and still talk on their phones. For example, drivers can attach a Bluetooth device to an older car’s sun visor and sync it to their cellphone. Many newer cars can also make hands-free calls through Bluetooth integrated into the car’s system. If anyone is confused or would like to speak with an officer about the law, please call the Durham Police @ 868-2324
Some communities throughout the state have begun conducting undercover sting operations targeting drivers that violate the law. The City of Somersworth conducted a "hands-free" sting this week. To read the Foster's Daily Democrat article, click HERE.
Durham Sergeant Mike Bilodeau spoke to the seniors at Spruce Woods about some of the scams developed to separate them from their money. Courtesy DPD
As noted previously, there is an emerging population of active retired persons coming to Durham to live in order to enjoy all that the community has to offer. Sadly this same population is a target for many financial crimes that routinely fall under two general categories: fraud committed by strangers, and financial exploitation by relatives and caregivers.
Durham Sergeant Mike Bilodeau spoke to the seniors about some of the scams developed to separate them from their money. Topics regarding prizes, sweepstakes as well as charity donations, home and automobile repairs as well as frauds where the caller represents themselves as a person in authority demanding payments are all occurring to residents of Durham. To be forewarned provides this important segment of the population with confidence to ask some of the important questions.
Often staying in contact with Town activities is an important attribute and when it was discovered by Sgt. Bilodeau that many did not have access to the “Friday Updates” email, he arranged with the staff at Spruce Woods to print out the Updates and have them readily available at the front desk!
If voters are uncertain of their current party affiliation, click HERE for more information.
If a voter discovers they are not listed the way they would like to be, they can change their party affiliation at the Town Clerk’s office during regular office hours, 8AM - 5PM, Monday-Friday any time up to 90 days before a primary. The Presidential Primary is scheduled for February 9, so this deadline will be in early November.
Undeclared (Independent) voters choose whether to take a Republican or a Democratic ballot at a primary and sometimes forget to change back to Undeclared. They then find themselves having to vote in the party they did not care about. Please do not be one of those unhappy voters.
The Durham Historical Association will hold its fall program on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 2:00 PM. The event will be held at Salty Farm, 360 Durham Point Road, and will include a history of the farm, the Rand graveyard, a cellar hole, a blacksmith site, and the boathouse on Crommet Creek. Hosts will be Joan and Frank Graf.
Durham Bike & Sports, located at 72 Main Street, will hold a one year grand opening on Saturday, October 10, 2015. The event begins at 1:00 PM.
The event will include:
DEMO DAY - Fat bikes, Electric bikes and Vintage bikes
Bikes 50% off
Pre-owned Bikes 20% off
Bike accessories, (helmets, shirts, shorts, tools, lights.......) 25-35% off
Swim suits 50% off
Longboards 25% off
INTRODUCING Supreme Audio Experience Products!
SKULLCANDY, Hesh 2, Headphones, Sony Active Sports Headphones, Skullcandy Smokin Buds 2,
Bluetooth Fit Sport, Skullcandy INK'D Microphone & Remote, 3' & 6' power adapters for charging iPhones, iPods and iPads
The Whiskey Barrel Band is playing outside the shop from 5-7 PM.
Join us for a good sound and refreshments!
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEETING - Special Guest Presentation on October 20th
Economist Brian Gottlob will be presenting an economic analysis for the Town of Durham at the 7PM Economic Development Committee meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday, October 20, 2015.
Mr. Gottlob specializes in identifying, understanding, and communicating emerging economic, fiscal, demographic, energy, labor market, real estate, and public policy trends. He offers thoughtful insights about the intersection of private sector activity and government policy, where public sector action or inaction can significantly impact the growth, development, and profitability of individual businesses, industries, not-for-profit organizations, and geographic regions.
His presentation will also be available on DCAT. Brian is the author of "Trend Lines" a policy and economics blog that can be viewed at www.briangottlob.com
The Durham Professional Firefighters in conjunction with Durham, Lee, and Madbury Fire Departments, have partnered with Operation Warm, a national non-profit organization committed to providing brand new, American-made, winter coats to children in need for free.
They seek support from interested community members. Beyond warmth, a new coat positively impacts a child’s school attendance, self-esteem, and overall health and well-being.
This is not a coat drive. The DPFFA will gratefully accept monetary or in-kind donations to fund this initiative. All monies raised will stay local, helping children in grades K-8.
For more information visit Operation Warm.
Don't Miss DCAT 22 Studios New Program - "In the Biz: Durham Business Spotlight with Mary Ellen Humphrey". EDC Director Mary Ellen Humphrey chats with new and established businesses in Durham. Our first show is currently in production, and expected to air next week, it features: Rick Ouellette of Sales Goose, LLC a new business locating in Durham. If you’d like your business recognized or have any comments, please contact: dcat@ci.durham.nh.us
New Video: “Julian Smith – an interview with Richard Belshaw”. Hear Julian’s last interview before he loaded up the truck and moved to GA. Learn a little local history from someone that’s lived in worked in Durham since 1965. Julian will share his story about how he was “accepted” in to college, and his interesting background. This video will be available for viewing on DCAT Channel 22 & On Demand.
Join DCAT 22 Studios on a time lapse video tour of our New Town Hall. Watch from a bird’s eye view as the Town Hall starts as the old bank and quickly transforms into our new space. This video is only available on our On Demand site.
____________________________ DCAT is Live Streaming
Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: live-stream.com and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Residents who turned out for Durham Day last Saturday enjoyed guided boat tours of the bay. Courtesy P&R
Durham Day 2015
We had a perfect fall day to celebrate Durham Day last Saturday. Hundreds of people, young and old came out and enjoyed the company of their neighbors, took in the beautiful setting of Wagon Hill Farm and enjoyed a full slate of festivities that made this event so special! The day included: guided boat tours of the bay, a free community BBQ, interactive exhibitor displays, guided kayak tours by Seven Rivers Paddling, crafts with the Durham Public Library, live music by the Drew Yount Band, a display of antique cars, fresh made smoothies by Wildcat Fitness, exploration of the ambulance and police cruiser, face painting, lawn games, and a Sugar Coated Shakespeare performance wrapped up the day. Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the day!!
Many thanks to those who contributed in various ways making Durham Day 2015 a success!
Durham Fire Department/Durham Professional Firefighters Local 2253 *Durham Public Works *Durham Police *Hannaford *Kenny Rotner *UNH Dining & Food Services *Wildcat Fitness *Kappa Sigma *Alpha Chi Omega *Durham Energy Committee *UNH Marine Docent Family Boat Building Program *Cedar Point Shellfish-Boat Tours *NextGen Climate Action *Durham Historic Association *Edward Jones *Durham’s Land Stweardhsip *Ray Belles-Boat Tours
*Kennebunk Savings Bank *Choice Oysters *McGregor Memorial EMS
Fred Hochgraf-Boat Tours *Durham Public Works *Friends Forever: World Peace Grown Locally *Seven Rivers Paddling *Drew Yount Band *Theatre Under the Stars *Dr. William Lenharth- Antique Cars *Friends of Durham Public Library *One Word Language School *Ready Rides *Durham Public Library
*Lamprey River Advisory Committee
Discover Durham's Trails - The Conservation Commission, Land Stewardship Committee, and Parks & Recreation have put together a “Get To Know Your Trails" once a month guided tours highlighting the many trails and recreational spaces in Durham. Participation is FREE. Trails to be explored in October and November are :
Oyster River Forest - Sunday, October 18th at 10AM
Longmarsh Preserve - Sunday, November 15th at 10AM
Fall Programs - We have A LOT going on this fall! Please view all of our program offerings including detailed information on each program in our Fall Programs & Events Guide.
Fitness Classes: Bootcamp, Pilates, Strength & Stretch, Zumba, Yoga, Gentle Yoga/Flow & Yoga Hikes.
Tai Chi & Tai Ji Quan will begin in October.
Pick up Pickleball and Pickleball Clinics- (9/29, 10/13, 10/20)
Dirt Divas-woman’s meet-up mountain bike group
After School Programs- Coyote Club, Drums Alive Classes, Paddling & Mountain Biking Adventure Programs
Youth Programs- Teeter TOTers Parent-Child Playgroup & Children’s Yoga
Save the Date!
Spooktacular Day - Friday, October 23rd 3pm-5pm at Jackson’s Landing. Durham Parks & Recreation invites you to Jackson’s Landing to enjoy pumpkin & cookie decorating, face painting, crafts & activities and a costume parade! FREE skating at Churchill Rink for those in costume! Spooktacular snacks and refreshments will be served!
Feather Fest - Thursday, November 26th 10am at Wagon Hill Farm. This is a collaborative event between Durham Parks and Recreation and ORPP for local children and their families. Held on Thanksgiving morning, a local parent reads a story to the kids. We follow the trail of feathers for a turkey hunt and find a sweet treat down by the bay. Send the kids with dad, bring grandma and the cousins, or join your neighbors for an outing. This is fun event that kids of all ages will enjoy!
Parks and Recreation Committee Vacancies. The Parks and Recreation Committee has three vacancies to fill. If you are passionate about recreation here in Durham and would like to help support and guide the Parks and Recreation Department, please consider joining this committee. Those who are interested should contact Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski at rgasowski@ci.durham.nh.us or committee chair, Mike Sievert at mikesievert@mjs-engineering.com. All three vacancies are three-year terms.
We want to hear from you! Have a new exciting program idea? Please be sure to share your vision with Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski. Stop by the Recreation Department Office (2 Dover Road), or call/email the department at (603) 817-4074/ rgasowski@ci.durham.nh.us.
A work day at the Stolworthy Sanctuary will be held on Saturday, October 10th to clean out invasive plants. More information is provided below. Above, volunteers participated in a previous work day effor at Doe Farm. Courtesy Malin Clyde
Oyster River Folk presents South Carolina Singer/Songwriter Angela Easterling in Concert, Saturday, Oct 3, 2015, 7PM, Durham UU Fellowship, 20 Madbury Road. Tickets available at the door starting at 6:30. Children under 12 free. More information HERE.
Youth Programs for ORMS Students - Wildcat Fitness - 8 weeks; Now through November 19th 3:00 - 4:00PM; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Ages 11- 15. More information HERE.
Harvest Dinner - A Celebration of healthy, local foods, Thursday, Oct 8, 2015, 5 - 6:30 PM, ORHS, Individual $7 - Family $15. More information HERE.
Volunteer Work Day at Beard's Creek, Saturday, Oct 10, 2015, 9 - 11 AM, to help restore nature in this area. Volunteers needed at the Stolworthy Sanctuary and surrounding lands. Meet at the back of the Oyster River Middle School, Durham. Will be hand-pulling invasive plants using unique tools. Fun and good exercise. No experience needed Groups and families welcome. Wear long pants and sleeves, and bring water and work gloves (some will be available if needed). Pre-registration is requested HERE. More information HERE. Annual Leif Ericson Day Parade, Sunday, Oct 11, 2015, 6:00 AM. Please come to the world’s shortest parade in Durham, NH. Participants gather at the Launder Center on Main Street in Durham at 6:00 AM. For the 39th time, the parade begins promptly at 6:30 AM following the usual 25 foot route to Young’s Restaurant for breakfast and festivities with marchers cheering, as they go, “For noble deeds and daring done, we all salute Leif Ericson.” Wear your best Scandinavian sweater or costume and come celebrate this early explorer to these shores. More information HERE.
ChildVoice’s Million Bubble Mile Fundraiser, Sunday, Oct 11, 2015, 1:00 PM, UNH Indoor Track. ChildVoice's, a Newmarket-based, non-profit organization, will host this one mile bubble-walk fundraiser. Walk or dance through this music pounding adventure while raising money for war-affected children. This family-friendly event features children’s activities, an African Bazaar, and refreshments. More information HERE. University of New Hampshire Celebrity Series - Pavel Haas String Quartet. - Sunday, Oct 18, 2015, Paul Creative Arts Center's Johnson Theatre. Since winning the Paolo Borciani competition in Italy in Spring 2005, the Pavel Haas Quartet has established itself as one of the great chamber ensembles of today. Tickets: $30 General, $10 UNH Student with ID and Youth under18. Tickets can be purchased on line HERE, or by calling 603-862-7222(PCAC). Hours: Monday – Friday, Noon – 5:00pm as well as one hour before each event.
‘Dracula’ Ballet at Oyster River - Saturday, Oct 24, 2015, 7PM, ORHS Auditorium. Performed by the Northeastern Ballet Theatre. Adult $20, Child/Senior $17.50, Family Pack of Four $60. Recommended for children 10+ years. For tickets and more details, click HERE. Contact Edra Toth, Director, at 603-834-8834 or northeasternballettheatre@gmail.com
Mast Way School Holiday Shopping Bazaar - Openings for Vendors. Do you want your small home business or hobby to earn you some extra cash this holiday season? Sell your wares in a friendly environment that has lots of shoppers looking to cross items off their holiday shopping list. The Shopping Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, Nov 21, 201, 9AM - 2PM. SPACE is going FAST. Contact Tonya Carlton, tonya@mvst.com or 659-8373.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Classical Music, Oct 5 - Nov 2 at the Durham Public Library
Family Storytime, Sat. Oct. 3rd at 10:30 am – This week: “Alphabet”! There will also be a special Girl Scout visitor, Emily Shuman, who will be presenting her alphabet book to the library! Emily is earning her Girl Scout Silver Award. Join us for stories, fingerplays, feltboard, songs and a fun craft. All are welcome! Crafternoon, Sat., Oct. 3rd 12:00-4:00 pm. – Drop by to make a fun craft in the storytime room. All are welcome. Unraveling the Mysteries of Classical Music Mondays 4-5 pm 10/5, 10/19, 10/26 and 11/2 – Four part series. Enriches and exposes listeners to the various styles & periods of music, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary. Presented by Patricia Terrill, Music History Master’s Degree/UNH. No registration needed. Contact Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nh.us Food Shopping for Your Health, 10/7 @ 6:30 pm (Healthy Living Series) Wednesdays 10/7, 10/21,10/28 @ 6:30-8 pm - No registration needed. Healthy food give-a-ways! An interactive workshop designed to equip you with tools to food shop your way to health! Come learn efficient ways to plan your meals, make grocery lists, navigate the grocery store and read food labels – and how all of this can impact your health and the health of your family. Presenters Gale Carey, Ph.D. and Kevin Pietro, Clinical Asst. Prof. are from UNH's Dept. of Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences. True or False? Diet Myth & Folklore Wed. Oct. 21, Presenter: Dr. Jesse Stabile Morrell/UNH's Dept. Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences, Incorporating Exercise into Everyday Living Wed. Oct. 28, Presenter: Dr. Shelley Mulligan/UNH College of Health & Human Services. Contact Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nh. Book Donation Week Sept. 28th through Oct. 3rd at the Durham Public Library.
Game Afternoon Monday Oct. 5th from 2:45-4pm – For ages 10 & up – This week: Jungle Speed and Spoons! Come and play some board games weekly in the Young Adult room. Young Adult (ages 10 & up) monthly writing group will begin Monday, Oct. 5th at 6:30 pm – Like to write? Join us. We do writing exercises, talk about your writing and add to our blog “Write-Away”. This month: “Fortune & Luck!” All are welcome. Storytimes! Tues. Oct. 6th and Thurs. Oct. 8th, 10:30 a.m. – This week: Music! Join us for stories, finger-plays, felt board, songs and a craft. Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) Book Group will begin on Tues. Oct. 6th at 6:00 pm – This month’s book is “The Tale of Despereaux” by Kate DiCamillo. We will talk about the book, author, play some games, do some puzzles and make a craft. Book is available at the check-out desk. First Aid Class Tues. Oct. 6, 6-8 pm - McGregor Memorial EMS offers AHA Heartsaver First Aid Class. Fee $20 To register visit http://cprsafe.org Oyster River Knitters Tues. Oct. 6, 7-9 pm - Welcome crocheters & knitters for an evening of company & fun! Meet every first Tues. of the month. Contact Amanda 603-312-1036 tintin59@hotmail.com Baby Lap-sit Weds. Oct. 7th at 10:30 am – For ages 2 & under with their care-giver. Mother Goose on the Loose! We do songs, fingerplays, stories, movement and fun. There is a time to play and socialize afterward. Sign-up at the Children’s desk. Knitting Club Weds. Oct. 7th from 4-5 pm – For 3rd-5th graders. Sign-up at the Children’s desk. Come and learn to knit fun projects or continue on your current project. Lego Club Thursday, Oct. 8th from 3:45-4:45 pm – For K-4th graders. Come and build with us. Weekly challenges and free builds. Home-schooling Group Friday Oct. 9th at 10:30 am – Geared to home-schoolers but all are welcome. This week we are all about “Art”! Acoustic Open Mic Wednesday, October 14, 6:30-8 pm - Come to listen, come to perform. The hootmeisters are Peg Chaffee and Cheryl Sager of "Nice and Naughty" fame. Food, drink and live music. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library and held in the Durham Public Library Cafe. Friends’ Book Discussion, Weds. Oct. 15th at 10:30 am - Please join Jennifer Lee for the Friends' book discussion of On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan. Your copy awaits. Tales for Tails – Have a child who needs to increase their confidence in reading? Have them read to one of our Pet Partner dogs! Sessions run for 4 weeks . Your child will read ½ hour once a week to one of the dogs and their handlers. Bookeaters, Middle School Book Group will begin on Weds. Oct. 14th at 2:45-4pm – This month’s book is “The Mark of the Dragonfly” by Jaleigh Johnson. Walk from the Middle School! Ruth Wharton-MacDonald is the facilitator. Pizza is served and books are available at the circulation desk. All are welcome. Join the Reading Patch Club! Ages 2-12 years - Earn patches and a tote bag for hours that you read! Program sponsored by The Friends of the Durham Public Library. $300 Prize for Photography Contest - Need a camera to participate in the photo contest? Borrow a camera at the circulation desk. Contestants chronicle Durham, in a series of 7 photos that express Durham’s character. Contest rules & application found on the library website www.durhampubliclibrary.org Technology Help - The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology, such as computers, iPads and phones. Call us to check on the availability of our volunteers at 868-6699 or email us at durhampl@gmail.com.
For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.
*Academic year commenced August 28th and will be measured through graduation at UNH in May.