Autumn foliage in Durham. Courtesy Todd Selig
Given the numerous issues associated with the pandemic and its impacts far and wide, economic and social, combined with myriad other challenges across the world and facing our nation and local community, we’ll begin this week’s “Friday Updates” with a thoughtful reminder from Jimmy Carter, 39th US President and Nobel laureate.
“A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It is a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.”
In Durham, we endeavor to follow the path President Carter outlines every day. We don’t always get it right, but we try. The 2020-21 Town Council goals include Core Values as outlined below
- Embrace openness in the transaction of public business while conducting Town affairs in a manner that is just and best demonstrates a genuine respect for different ideas, opinions, and perspectives.
- Honesty and integrity.
- Excellence in all endeavors.
The State of New Hampshire has shut down the online burn permitting system until further notice. No burn permits are currently being issued due to elevated fire danger.
Per the State of New Hampshire Department of Natural and Cultural Resources:
It is important to note that even with moderate and extreme drought conditions currently affecting our state, the fire danger will continue to fluctuate with changing weather conditions. This fluctuation should not be interpreted to mean that the effects of drought on wildfire potential have been abated, even when the fire danger periodically drops to low or moderate. It simply is a rating of the potential for fires to ignite, spread and require suppression action. Please understand that current fire restrictions imposed at the state level must remain in effect to protect the state’s citizens and natural resources until conditions improve reducing the threat of wildfire.
As residents know, it has not rained in quite some time. As of the 16th of September, the State of New Hampshire has posted a high fire danger condition and the Durham FD has stopped issuing burn permits. BRUSH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED at the Town Transfer Station until there is a change in the fire conditions. Although currently we are not allowed to burn or collect the material at the Transfer Station, DPW still plans on conducting Fall Cleanup of brush and leaves in November, more details to follow on those dates in the coming weeks.
If you have already requested your absentee ballot, they were mailed out by the Town Clerk on Tuesday, September 29th.
If you want to vote by absentee ballot and you have not requested a ballot please come into the Town Hall, fill out the request and we can hand you your ballot. If you would like to print the request form from home, you can print the form from our website, http://www.ci.durham.nh.us/. You can return the form by fax 603-868-1858, by email mailto:lpitt@ci.durham.nh.us or mail and we will mail the ballot to you.
When receiving your ballot, please note there is no “WARD” in the Town of Durham, please leave this line blank. Make sure to sign your affidavit envelope. If you are voting by absentee due to Covid-19 you will sign the affidavit that states physical disability. Make sure to put your ballot in the signed affidavit envelope, seal and then put this envelope in the return envelope with name and address. If you are mailing back your ballot, you just need to put one forever stamp on the envelope for postage. When filling out your ballot, please use a blue or black pen, do not use a marker. Fill in the oval that corresponds with your ballot choice for each position listed.
Please mail, or return your ballot in person to the Clerk’s Office. All absentee ballots should be returned in person by 5:00pm on November 2nd or by mail Election Day, November 3rd. If you have concerns about your ballot getting here on time, please return as soon as possible. If you have changed your mind, and want to vote in person on Election day, please come to the polls between 7:00am and 8:00am before the absentee ballots have been processed, and ask to speak to the moderator to vote in person.
If you have any questions, please call 603-868-5577 or mailto:lpitt@ci.durham.nh.us
NHPR’S 2020 ELECTIONS GUIDE: How to Vote Absentee or at the Polls in N.H. During COVID-19
Whether you plan to cast an absentee ballot or plan to head to your local polling place on Election Day, or even if you haven’t yet finalized your voting plan and need more information to help make up your mind, NHPR can help. Check out their recent story HERE.
HALLOWEEN PLANNING IN DURHAM (Trick-or-Treating, etc.)? - What's the scoop?
As we formulate our planning around Halloween in Durham (and across the Oyster River School District) as a result of the pandemic, we are reaching out to Madbury, Lee, and the ORCSD to formulate a plan. At this point, after sitting in on a NH Department of Public Health/NH Municipal Association conference call with guidance on Sept. 30th, we’re planning to proceed with Halloween trick-or-treating on Oct. 30th (from 5 - 7 PM) as usual but with a variety of CDC pandemic-related recommendations in place such as mask wearing (facial coverings versus costume masks), avoiding large gatherings and parties, practicing frequent hand cleaning/sanitizing, maintaining physical distancing, staying home if not feeling well, etc. Lee and Madbury are moving in this direction as well. If neighborhood homes want to participate, turn the porch light on. If not, turn the porch lights off.
Parks & Rec. Director Rachel Gasowski is looking at the CDC and state recommendations around Halloween and will be putting together a flyer for the community. In addition, Durham Parks & Rec. is developing some other ideas for the community that will be of interest when they are fully fleshed out. (Pardon the Halloween pun!)
The following items can be composted at the transfer station. You only need to put them in a compostable bag (sold on line and at some local stores).
meat **
meat bones **
fruit (stickers removed)
veggies(stickers removed)
Brown paper towels and napkins
Flowers & floral trim
Dairy **
Shellfish **
Coffee grounds & filters
Teabags (staples removed)
Certified BPI Product/ 7PLA (like take out food containers at The Juicery and Emery Farm ) **
Pizza boxes **
**PLEASE NOTE:some items like meat, meat bones, dairy and shellfish cannot be composted in your backyard compost bin. Backyard composting is still beneficial, but because the transfer station sends collected compost to Mr Fox, a commercial composter, they can accept a larger variety of items.
BUDGET DEVELOPMENT FOR FY 2021 CONTINUES – A number of challenges identified…
Business Manager Gail Jablonski and Administrator Selig are drilling down into the budget and so far (recognizing there is a great deal more work to do in evaluating and analyzing figures/requests/assessments/revenues/estimates over the next 4 weeks) some concerns/issues have been identified on the horizon. Here are some early challenges we are collectively facing…
Challenge 1. The pandemic is slowing down the entire process! With remote working for some staff at different times/days of the week, the inability to meet in person as we have traditionally done, and numerous pandemic-related big issues pulling at everyone’s time, etc. things are simply moving slowly.
Challenge 2. There is just not a lot in the hopper in terms of big ticket development projects for next year to add to the tax base over the next 12 months (and unfortunately beyond at this point in time). We’re realistically looking at somewhere between $8 – $12 million in increased assessed valuation (though we are still drilling down on this number). For the second year in a row, the only significant potential addition to the Durham tax base would be as a result of the Eversource Seacoast Reliability Project, projected by Eversource in 2016 of having an investment value in Durham of around $43 million ($84.3 total investment value across 4 towns) as part of the NH Site Evaluation Committee process, yet we will not have a clear idea of how much the Durham infrastructure will be valued at and attributed to 2021 until our contract utility appraiser provides additional information. As you know, Eversource property assessments in Durham (and in municipalities across much of NH) dating back several years are under appeal by the utility.
Challenge 3. General Fund projected revenues for 2020 (our current fiscal year) are down at this point by about 1% or ($115,000) mainly due to a loss of revenue when we shut the parking kiosks down for a few months at the start of the coronavirus (and continued weak demand for downtown parking during the pandemic). We are projecting for 2021 that our revenues will remain at this lower amount.
Challenge 4. Expenditure requests are for 2021 are up by about. $800,000 over 2020 (versus $1.4 million requested by departments at this time last year). Expenditure requests from departments and boards/committees/external entities can be categorized as generally reasonable requests and represent good initiatives that ideally we would undertake as a Town if resources were not a factor – but of course available resources are a factor – and it’s a pandemic.
Challenge 5. With our best information to date (realizing this could change based on further evaluation/analysis/review), even if we kept spending constant with FY 2020, in essence cutting all $800,000 requested, with a weakening projected assessed valuation and estimated revenues, we’d still see a 1.11% increase in the tax rate for FY 2021. Not good.
Challenge 6. About $600,000 of our cost increase is contractually driven by collective bargaining agreements or required by other factors generally outside of our control (increase in insurance costs, service contracts, etc.). This would put us at about a 7.33% increase in next year’s tax rate alone.
Mr. Selig and Ms. Jablonski don't yet have firm solutions at this time. Departments are actively in the process of prioritizing budget requests, and we continue to evaluate, problem solve, and whittle down requests. More to come...
Budget season is upon us in Durham and as such, Administrator Selig is actively working with the Business Office and our various department, boards, committees, and commissions in formulating a proposed budget for consideration by the Town Council. By Town Charter, Mr. Selig has until the last business day in October to propose a budget to the Council. The Council then has until the last business day in December to adopt a budget of its own, or the Administrator’s proposed budget becomes the FY 2020 budget by default.
At this time of year, Mr. Selig is in constant budget meetings, in additional to normal responsibilities, and as such responding to correspondence is typically delayed. Urgent matters should be sent to the attention of Administrative Assistant Jennie Berry, mailto:jberry@ci.durham.nh.us
READY RIDES: Are you looking for a way to help those in need during this Crisis? Or are you someone in need?
Ready Rides is a non-profit organization providing rides for Seniors and physically challenged neighbors in Strafford, Barrington, Northwood, Nottingham, Durham, Lee, Madbury, Newfields and Newmarket who need transportation to medical, physical therapy and dental appointments. The program depends on volunteer drivers and we are always looking for more drivers. We provide training programs for new drivers and mileage reimbursement. Ready Rides makes sure all PPP are taken and every driver and rider wears a mask. To request information about registering as a rider or volunteering as a driver, please email us at http://info@readyrides.org or call 603-244-8719. You can also register online to be a driver or passenger at http://readyrides.org/.
On September 23, 2020, the Planning Board voted to establish a short-term formal subcommittee to focus on color and minor architectural features relative to the Colonial Durham Assoc. application for redevelopment of the Mill Plaza in downtown Durham and asked Administrator Selig to designate members (with the concurrence of Planning Board Chair Paul Rasmussen), which he did.
The Subcommittee includes architect Patricia Sherman (engaged by the Town of Durham), Planning Board member Barbara Dill, residents Andrea Bodo, Beth Olshansky, and resident and downtown business owner Molly Molloy (Even Better Now). Planning Board Chair Paul Rasmussen and Mr. Selig will sit in on these meetings and help facilitate discussion and ideas as needed. Based upon the availability of the applicant’s team, Architect Pat Sherman, and Subcommittee members, the group will meet on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, from 2-4 PM via Zoom. It is possible that some members, perhaps even a majority of them, may meet physically in person in the Town Council Chambers at the Town Hall, 8 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH to view color swatches, etc. in natural light and would participate via Zoom from that location.
The charge from the Planning Board was not 100% clear as there were many topics being discussed at the meeting but Paul Rasmussen and Admin. Selig have determined that the purview of the subcommittee will be to work with the applicant in honing the color and material choices for the project, as well as minor architectural features, although it will ultimately be up to the applicant to determine what the final architectural design will be that it will formally propose to the Planning Board.
The Planning Board plans on October 14th to continue with its application process regarding these topics.
Victoria Parmele will be available to take minutes during the meeting.
Meetings of the Subcommittee will be held and recorded on Zoom. Members of the public are welcome to view the meetings (prior registration required) HERE, and to submit comments to the Subcommittee through the Planning Department at mailto:kedwards@ci.durham.nh.us
Information materials regarding the redevelopment application can be found on the Planning Board’s web page HERE.
During Fall Cleanup, Public Works picks up brush (natural material from trees) first followed by the collection of leaves. Fall Cleanup is separate from your regular curbside collection!
- Leaves should be placed in paper leaf bags (remember, plastic bags are not recyclable and will not be picked up). Paper bags may be purchased at Aubuchon Hardware and stores such as Lowes or Home Depot. Loose leaves will not be accepted but may be brought to the Transfer Station & Recycling Center on Durham Point Road.
- Brush should be placed in one direction, bundled and tied with string (no wire please).
- Brush and limbs must be no greater than 5 feet in length and 5 inches in diameter. No stumps will be accepted.
- The amount of brush and limbs is limited to ONE TRUCKLOAD PER HOUSEHOLD.
- Cutting off small limbs from branches will help maximize each load.
- Remember, backyard composting of your leaves and brush reduces the flow of waste, while at the same time, produces valuable organic matter for the soil. It improves your soil and the plants growing in it.
Honey for sale at Garden Lane from the beehives they have in their backyard. Courtesy John Pacheco
A resident in Durham let us know that they had seen some folks dump leaves from their lawn into the river last fall. Residents who live along the Oyster River or Lamprey River may be unaware that their actions are harmful for the river.
State law (RSA 482-A:3) “prohibits filling streams and wetlands with waste materials, including yard waste.” The law specifically states, “No person shall excavate, remove, fill, dredge, or construct any structures in or on any bank, flat, marsh, or swamp in and adjacent to any waters of the state without a permit” from the state.
Doing so causes decomposing yard waste to use oxygen that aquatic wildlife needs to live. It blocks sun and smothers plant life that’s food for animals including turtles, ducks, chipmunks and deer, the city reports.
Yard waste can also stimulate algae and other nuisance weeds that form foul-smelling, green mats on the water surface and degrade water quality.
UNH OFFERS “HOT LINE” TO REPORT CONCERNS AROUND PANDEMIC – Available for use by community members as well.
The University is very concerned about student behavior that may affect the health, safety and welfare of the Durham and UNH community, specifically as it relates to COVID-19. An on-line reporting form is where UNH students, staff, and faculty, as well as members of the Durham community, can report the following concerns:
Students not wearing masks.
Students not properly social distancing.
Parties or large gatherings where students are not wearing masks and/or social distancing.
Students who refuse to put on mask or properly social distance after being asked.
This form is not for reporting emergencies or reporting incidents to the police. If there is an emergency or you want to report an incident/issue to the police, please call 911 or Durham Police at 603-868-2324.
Access the form HERE.
The Durham Police Department has recently responded to several vehicle break-ins at Wagon Hill Farm. Chief Kelley would like to remind citizens to take their personal items out of the vehicle or hide them prior to leaving the vehicle unattended in a public place. Be aware of any suspicious activity when walking to and from your vehicle. If you feel something is suspicious, you can reach the department at 868-2324. If you feel what you are observing is an emergency, please call 911.
Another busy week at the ORMS construction site was highlighted by the first lost production day due to bad weather. Wednesday’s rain and high winds prevented steel erection from occurring … but one lost day in five months is pretty good! The steel erector hopes to make up the lost time on Saturday.
After a near flawless erection of the second mega-truss last Friday, work continued on the steel throughout the week with 2/3 of the steel erection being slated for completion by the end of the week. All decking is on site and this will help in keeping the work on schedule. The topping off date (placement of the final beam) is scheduled for October 23rd. Students at ORMS will all have the opportunity to sign the last beam over the next few weeks as part of the event.
Under slab piping and conduit work is continuing in various areas along with the final preparation work of placing insulation, vapor barriers, and reinforcing mesh in the front portion of the building prior to next week’s scheduled first floor slab pour. Major concrete pours on the second section of erected steel are planned for early next week as well.
Spray on fireproofing of the steel has begun this week and the first exterior metal studs began going up on Thursday.
The Durham Town Council passed regulations regarding the need for owners to “clean-up” after their pet. The ordinance requires that any person having custody of a dog cannot be on any public property without having in their possession a device such as a mechanical device such as a pooper scooper, a trowel, a shovel, a plastic bag or other appropriate container to remove excrement/feces and to subsequently dispose of the waste in a trash receptacle.
As the Durham Police patrol the community they have been monitoring if the dog walker is observed with such devices. If not they have been provided with a warning of the ordinance and encouraged to abide by the new law with the knowledge that we seek compliance, not the issuance of a summons.
The importance of such an ordinance is to keep sidewalks, playgrounds, and other public areas free of such debris.
Additionally many people may not be aware that dog feces contain zoonotic pathogens that endanger human health and pathogens that endanger the health of other pets including E.coli and Salmonella bacteria, Hookworm, Roundworm and Whipworm.
Additionally dog (animal) feces is a leading cause of stormwater pollution, and the Town of Durham’s 2017 MS4 Stormwater Permit requires that the community be informed of the proper management of pet waste, including citing existing ordinances where appropriate.
We’re sorry to have to share this announcement from UNH Hospitality Services but effective immediately the UNH Dairy Bar restaurant is closed due to operational challenges related to accommodation of staff and customers as the cooler weather approaches and impacts the outdoor-only sales required for COVID adaptation. This closure will likely be through the UNH winter break.
The Amtrak Downeaster ticket vestibule will remain open daily during Downeaster service hours for access to the Amtrak Quik-Trak machine and ATM.
High tide at Wagon Hill Farm. Courtesy Nick Isaak
Turf Pro, a Certified Pesticide Applicator, will be spraying herbicide on invasive plants at Doe Farm on October 7 - 9, 2020. This is a continuation of work at Doe Farm to create a healthy, naturally regenerating forest. The application of herbicide is done carefully and safely by the contractors with the use of some equipment and machinery. Although the application is safe, it is recommended that visitors avoid visiting Doe Farm on those days, to allow the contractors to complete their work safely.
NO CALL IS TOO SMALL – Just a friendly reminder that if you see something wrong, odd, or not quite right, please call the Durham Police.
With the beginning of the UNH academic year it is a great time to remind all that the very essence of community policing is that our community and the police work together to confront crime and the fear of crime.
The vast majority of Durham residents understand that the police cannot be everywhere simultaneously to observe criminal or suspicious activity as it occurs. The department finds it difficult to patrol residential areas with the frequency residents, businesses and the police prefer. Chief Kelley urges you to contact the police at 868-2324 or 911 if you see, hear or sense something is not quite right. An officer will respond quickly and resolve what may or may not be criminal activity.
When law enforcement works directly with residents and businesses we collectively are going a long way toward reducing crime, improving quality of life, and enhancing public safety. While we are all concerned about a person’s privacy, if you see something, say something, the Durham Police want you to know that no call is too small.
The Holiday Season is approaching quickly. Below is the 2020 Curbside Holiday Schedule for your convenience.
Amazing fungi in Foss Farm. Courtesy Carol Birch
“DRUG TAKE BACK" PROGRAM AT DURHAM POLICE UNDER WAY - A great way to safely dispose of old drugs/medicine.
Just a friendly reminder that Durham residents can drop off unwanted or expired prescriptions at the Durham Police Station Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM for no cost and it’s all anonymous. Doing so prevents prescription drug abuse as six out of ten teenagers who have taken prescription narcotics state that they get them from their parents or relative’s medicine cabinets. Additionally, using this service keeps trace drugs out of our lakes, streams and estuaries as wastewater treatment plants cannot remove many of the compounds found in medications; so when flushed or put in a landfill, drugs are discharged into our surface and ground water and consumed by fish and wildlife. If you have a question about this service that is provided to Durham residents only, please call the Durham Police during business hours Monday through Friday at 603-868-2324.
REMINDER- Household Hazardous Waste Day- Morning of Saturday October 24, 2020
Household Hazardous Waste Day will be conducted this year with restrictions due to Covid- Masks will be required, residents are asked to stay in cars and all Covid safe social distancing and safety protocols will be in place. The 2020 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive. As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only, between 8-11:30AM. To register, you must call the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 or e-mail mailto:publicworks@ci.durham.nh.us. Remember - The MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS FIVE GALLONS.
Consider reducing your purchase of products with hazardous ingredients; read labels thoroughly. Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accidents at home. Never store hazardous products in anything other than their original containers and never remove labels. Never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become un-recyclable. Remember to follow any instructions for use and disposal provided on product labels.
NOT ACCEPTED AT HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY- LATEX AND OIL BASED PAINTS , MOTOR OIL, AND ANTI-FREEZE. These items can be brought up to the Transfer Station with your permit throughout the year. Latex paints must be dried out first, motor oil, antifreeze, and oil based paints can go up as is. Typically, hazardous waste is categorized as toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise hazardous. Please check the manufacturer’s label.
STORMWATER MS4 NPDES PERMIT – Year 2 Annual Report is due Monday September 28th.
Durham Public Works is coordinating engineering services to perform dry and wet weather outfall monitoring and enhanced system mapping as required in the Year 3 permit, which began on July 1, 2020. The public is encouraged to review the Town’s stormwater management plan and associated documents HERE. Comments about Durham’s stormwater program can be sent to mailto:ATalon@ci.durham.nh.us.
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County (CAPSC) would like the Durham community to be award of several programs they offer that may be helpful, especially as the weather gets colder and days shorter.
Housing Relief
Governor Sununu's office created the NH Housing Relief Program which opened on July 1st to assist any New Hampshire resident having trouble paying their rent, mortgage or other housing expenses, due to COVID-19. This program is open to ALL NH residents with no income limitations. Residents can access the application at http://www.capnh.org/, find CAPSC's link, and apply. If someone does not have access to the web (the application also works on smart phones and tablets), they can request a paper application or an application over the phone by contacting our COVID Response Team at mailto:COVID19@straffordcap.org or (603) 435-2448.
Since July 1st, CAPSC has helped over 130 households in Strafford County with over $413,000 in housing assistance. The agency strongly encourages anyone with a COVID-related income loss who is at risk of housing instability, to contact their office before it is too late.
Fuel Assistance
CAPSC's Fuel Assistance program is open, but the process looks a little different this year due to COVID. It will now be moving most of its program applications from paper to electronic forms using the DocuSign program. The early application window is NOW OPEN for people over 60, those with children under six, or those who are disabled.
To access online forms, clients take the following steps:
- Visit the CAPSC website at http://www.straffordcap.org/.
- On the home page, click on the link for fuel assistance to request an application.
- Once a request is received, clients will be sent a secure link with their application and document upload.
This process allows clients and staff to enroll participants while limiting exposure to COVID-19 for high risk groups. Clients may still schedule an appointment which we will conduct on the phone, via Zoom or Google Teams. For fuel emergencies, CAPSC will schedule an in-person appointment, with PPE for both clients and staff to wear. Please contact Fuel & Electric Assistance Manager, Heidi Clough at http://hclough@straffordcap.org or 435-2500 ext. 8152 with any questions.
CAPSC's nutrition program was incredibly busy beginning in March as schools closed and the Governor's stay-at-home order was implemented. With the switch to remote learning, CAPSC partnered with five school districts to use our Summer Meals program model to ensure meals continued to be delivered to families with children learning remotely. The program began seven weeks earlier than usual and ended two weeks later with the change in district schedules this summer. Now that school is back in session, CAPSC will be augmenting the school lunch programs in the county with a dinner and snack program starting October 5th at Amazon Park (Rochester), First Church Congregational (Rochester) and North Dover/Strafford Farms parking lot. Menu and times are being finalizing but these will be available in the late afternoon/early evening for families to pick up. CAPSC is working on additional sites in other communities but these are the state approved sites at this time.
Please note: this program is only available until December 31st or when the money runs out, whichever one comes sooner. CAPSC hopes to have this program in place until December but it has been advised by the NH Department of Education that they must end when the program funding is gone.
Senior Transportation
The suspension of CAPSC's senior shopping bus and pivot to emergency deliveries was one of the hardest decisions the agency had to make. For many, the bus was not only the way to purchase food and other necessities, but it is what helped them remain independent and aging in place, as well as a social time for seniors that would have otherwise been alone all day. CAPSC is happy to announce that it will be resuming its senior transportation services in October, in a brand new bus they received, thanks to NH DOT. Their bus puts on over 10,000 miles a year with riders from all over the area. Bus routes will be revised to ensure the best coverage as well as implementing strict hand sanitizing and mask requirements for riders and drivers. CAPSC is also working with COAST to clean and sterilize the bus for rider safety.
CAPSC continues to offer Weatherization, Housing Support, Head Start, Home Visiting, two Food Pantries and Homeless Outreach services, in addition to the programs outlined above. CAPSC knows residents who were able to get by over the summer are now impacted by the challenges of remote learning and/or continued loss of income due to COVID. They do not want these residents to be left in the cold. If any Durham resident has a concern, chances are CAPSC has a program that can help or they can connect them with the right person in a partner agency or municipality.
Four volunteers from the UNH PrOVES Program did a clean-up of the flagpole garden at the Town Cemetery on Friday, September 25th. Part time DPW worker Ian Moore assisted as well. Thank you for doing a fantastic job!
Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?
Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Come participate in Durham Days throughout the month of October featuring a number of activities that can be viewed HERE.
The Library is open for 20-minute visits to the Library for quick browsing and checkouts and the use of computers, printer, and copy machine. Notary services are available by appointment only. Meeting rooms and the Cafe will remain closed until further notice.
During this phase of reopening, we are limiting the number of patrons in the building to no more than 50% of our normal comfortable browsing capacity on the main floor. We also request that anyone using the Library do so wearing a cloth mask or face covering. Masks will be available to patrons who request them. Currently, we ask that patrons not gather or congregate in the Library. Our contactless “Library to-go” services continue.
ILL is now available! The State Library has been able to resume ILL delivery service and our patrons are once again able to make requests, either through the ILL page on our website or directly through the NHAIS ILL System.
October is almost here! Stop by or visit our website to see what you can discover at the Library!
Visit the Upcoming Events page on our website for fall virtual programming and register fall programs. Register for Beginning Guitar Courses with Scott Sutherland beginning on Wed., and plan early for Thanksgiving with New Traditions and Turkey Talk from Chef Liz Barbour.
There are also many great resources to be discovered on the DPL website at any time! Stream movies and music, check out ebooks and audiobooks, take professional development and language courses, get live device help each week, research with EBSCO and explore Novelist, Consumer Reports, Explora, and more! Questions? Contact us at 603-868-6699. We are happy to help!
***Coming up: Keep an eye out for more resource tutorials, meditative yoga, adult crafts and holiday fun!
Youth Services Fall Virtual Programs have begun!
Programs include Zoom Storytimes, Baby Lap-sit, STEAM crafts to go, Young Adult Compassion Project, Crafts, Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) book group, Patch club and more.
Don't miss our Joint library program with the Durham, Lee and Madbury Libraries, "Creatures of the Night" an on-line visit from Squam Lake Science Center on Saturday, October 17th at 10:30 am.
Youth Services October Calendar
*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.
HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)
Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."
1655 - A meeting house was built on the south side of the river by Valentine Hill. The town lot consisted of 60 acres and contained a parsonage and burial ground. A 4-rod road was allowed through it, as this was the fording place at low tide for crossing from Dover to Exeter.
Have a very nice weekend.
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA
t: 603.868.5571 | w: www.ci.durham.nh.us
He/him/his pronouns
Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?