Friday Updates - October 23, 2015


Friday, October 23, 2015


At 14,355 square feet, it is believed that the new UNH outdoor swimming pool will be the largest outdoor pool in the State of New Hampshire. Courtesy Campus Recreation



The University was able to inform the Town this week that the new outdoor swimming pool, based upon requests from Durham, will be heated and will have internal lights which will allow the season to be extended on both ends. 


In addition, the lighting will allow extending the closing time of the pool in the evening.


Due to significant wetland permitting delays focusing on the Pettee Brook (located immediately behind/adjacent to the pool) involving required approvals by both the NHDES and the US Army Corps of Engineers, the pool opening is anticipated to be August 2016.  


UNH is funding the entire cost of the +/- $5 million project which will in large part provide a significant recreational resource for the Town of Durham.


Appreciation is extended to UNH President Mark Huddleston, UNH VP for Finance & Administration Christopher Clement, Campus Recreation Director Stacey Hall, Assoc. VP for Facilities Paul Chamberlin, UNH Architect/Planner Doug Bencks, and the USNH Board of Trustees for their perseverance and support of this important project for the benefit of the collective community despite numerous permitting delays, significant cost overruns, and myriad logistical challenges that have arisen.


To read Campus Recreation Director Stacey Hall's letter concerning pool, its configuration, schedule, etc. click HERE.



Time certainly does fly.  One year ago today, October 23, 2014, Durham’s new LEED-Silver Certified Town Hall opened for the first time.  



On Monday evening, the Durham Town Council approved the proposed solar project at the Packers Falls gravel pit by an 8-1 vote.  

As a recap, Durham and its solar partners, ReVision Energy and IGS Solar, will build a $2 million solar array on Durham-owned land at the Packers Falls gravel pit in Lee, NH.  The array will be composed of 2,100 solar panels (651 kW DC, 504 kW AC), and will generate an estimated 850,172 kWh of electricity per year.  Under the approved Power Purchase Agreement, ReVision and IGS will finance, build, own, and operate the solar array and sell the power to Durham — in other words, the town is buying the solar power, not the solar array.

  • The key terms negotiated by Durham as part of the agreement are:
  • The initial kWh starting rate for the PPA at $0.0899 for two years.
  • The annual escalator for the PPA rate:  2.25%, beginning in year three.
  • The PPA term after which the equipment is decommissioned by IGS: 20 years, with two option 5 year extensions.
  • Durham will have the option to purchase the solar array at a discounted price starting in year 7, and annually thereafter.

These terms are better than the original terms proposed in the NH PUC grant application of $0.095 per kWh and an escalator of 3% over a 20 year term with two five year extensions.  The Town of Durham, ReVision, and IGS Solar were able to negotiate these lower rates despite increasing project costs since the original proposal.

For comparison purposes, the current blended annual Eversource electrical rate is $0.09685, roughly half a cent higher than the PPA rate.  Property taxes will be paid by Durham to Lee ($6,257 annually for 20 years – totaling in aggregate approx. $125,500 over 20 years).  Lee will also receive an additional est. $10,000 payment in year one to cover building permit fees.  Property taxes paid to Lee will reduce but not in most scenarios eliminate Durham’s potential savings from the PPA.

The project will provide enough energy to power all of Durham’s municipal needs with the exception of the wastewater treatment plant and PSNH street lights.  Excess power will be absorbed by the Oyster River Cooperative School District.



As reported in last week's "Friday Updates", the Administrator and Business Manager have been developing a draft FY 2016 Budget for submission to the Town Council by October 30, 2015 in accordance with the Town Charter.


To read the article published this week in the Foster's regarding the budget process, click HERE.



At the October 19, 2015 Town Council meeting, Administrator Selig provided Councilors with a status update on the Town Council goals adopted on May 18, 2015. To view the update, click HERE.



The Durham Historical Association will hold its fall program on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 2:00 PM. The event will be held at Salty Farm, 360 Durham Point Road, and will include a history of the farm, the Rand graveyard, a cellar hole, a blacksmith site, and the boathouse on Crommet Creek. Hosts will be Joan and Frank Graf.



The Durham, New Hampshire Police Department is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Part Time Assistant Clerk.  The applicant selected to serve as Assistant Clerk will provide support services to this nationally accredited police department.  Hours for this position will be Monday through Friday, noon to 5 PM.  This position pays $14.00/hour for 25 hours of work each week. The anticipated date of hire is November 30, 2015. This is a non-benefit position.

The part-time Assistant Clerk duties will include receiving customers, typing, data entry, record keeping, telephone, some radio communications and other duties as assigned.

A qualified applicant must have demonstrable skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook. Candidates with an Associate’s Degree or equivalent credits earned are preferred. Applicants must be 21 years old by the anticipated date of appointment.  

Anticipated Hiring Date is: Monday, November 30, 2015

Females and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

Applications, Cover Letters and Resumes must be received by Captain David Holmstock by the close of business on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at:

Durham Police Department

86 Dover Road

Durham, New Hampshire 03824

Applications can be downloaded at

The Durham Police Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



Have an abundance of leaf and yard waste this season? Consider setting up a backyard composting pile! Composted organic material can be used to improve lawn soil and gardens, which reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Leaves, grass clippings as well as coffee grounds and vegetable and fruit kitchen scraps are great materials for composting. This is a great opportunity to involve children in the family by having them help carry food scraps out to the compost pile.

There are different ways to compost, including a bin, tumbler and even composting with worms. Composting can be done during the winter months when you provide some insulation such as carpet remnants and a tarp to keep the snow out. There are many resources available to learn more about composting. View the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services handout regarding Backyard Composting


FALL LEAF COLLECTION – Did You Know That Leaf Waste Can Contribute to Nitrogen Impairement In Our Local Streams and Rivers?

A reminder that this year’s fall cleanup of leaves and brush will begin on Monday November 9th. Leaves should be placed in recyclable paper leaf bags. Improper dumping of leaves and grass clippings, especially along streams and rivers, can contribute to the Nitrogen impairment of our local water resources. Please do not improperly dispose of leaves and grass clippings. Loose leaves may be brought to the Transfer Station & Recycling Center on Durham Point Road. View more information HERE.


Apple tree at Wagon Hill Farm apple orchard. Courtesy Todd Selig



This week I received feedback that many residents believe the Orion project on Church Hill (and others) received a 10-year tax exemption. This is untrue.

Only Xemed, 9-11 Madbury Road, and Sigma Beta received RSA 79-E exemptions for finite periods of time.  

RSA 79-E allows for municipalities to provide an exemption on the new value created as part of a redevelopment/improvement to support a specific public purpose.  The exemption on new value created generally lasts for up to 5 years.  After the exemption ends, the full value of the redevelopment is taxable.  The idea behind this is that absent the tax incentive, the project (and the associated pubic benefit) would not otherwise have been created due to economic constraints.

In the Sigma Beta fraternity case on Madbury Road, the public benefit generated through the granting of 79-E status was making an historic structure that was in horrific shape safe and sound once again.  

At 9-11 Madbury Road, the public benefit was to enable an additional story as a commercial use (the owner was planning to scale the building back to three stories only) and also to bury unsightly power lines at the site along Madbury Road.  

At Xemed, the public benefit was to support the redevelopment of a single family home into a business headquarters integrating research generated on campus and bringing it downtown to support the broader community.

Both the Sigma Beta and 9-11 Madbury Road 79-E exemptions end next year.  The Xemed approval lasts for another few years.  Once the exemptions end, the property, including all improvements, become fully taxable once again.


Note that there are other tax exemptions/benefits available from the Town for residents as well, notably for open space land as part of the Current Use program, renewable energy systems, for veterans, and for the elderly who meet specific income and asset limitations.



Deer hunting season is quickly approaching with muzzle loading season starting November 1st through the 11th and all deer hunting from November 12th through the 30th.  
Hunters are responsible for checking the capability of hunting on all lands. 


There is no hunting allowed on land owned by the Town of Durham (with the exception of the Oyster River Forest as a result of grant requirements from LCHIP).  State and Federal lands routinely allow hunting and it should be noted that 80% of New Hampshire's forestland is privately owned.


Generally speaking, most private lands -- especially larger tracts -- remain open to hunters across New Hampshire, unless otherwise posted against hunting. While the Durham Police and New Hampshire Fish and Game highly recommend that each hunter personally contact landowners whenever possible and seek permission to hunt, this is not always accomplished. 


It is noted that even land posted to hunting can be accessed by contacting the owner prior to hunting.  We urge all hunters to please respect all landowners wishing to keep their lands posted.   One category of current use tax reduction requires the landowner to keep their land open to public use, including hunting, in order to get an additional 20% tax reduction. Regardless, the discharge of a firearm within 300 feet of a permanently occupied building owned by another is unlawful.  If residents are concerned about any gunshots, the Durham Police are poised to respond and investigate the situation.

Residents should also be aware that the Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Newington holds a special hunt on the first weekend of the regular firearms season. The shotgun-only white-tailed deer hunt serves the dual purposes of supporting the state's effort to control the deer population while providing recreational opportunities on the 1,100-acre refuge.  A total of 40 hunters (20 each day) are selected through a free lottery for one-day hunting permits.



The Planning Department came across three old panoramic views of sections of the downtown and juxtaposed these with photographs of current development. 


Main Street

39 Main Street – asbestos siding was removed from the building and it was painted

Scorpion’s and Village Pizza

The Libby’s Building

The Pauly’s Pockets Building – still under construction


Main Street and Madbury Road

Mark Henderson’s building at 30 Main Street and 1 Madbury Road, along with the Ballard Building at the corner


Coming up Church Hill

The streetscape of the Orion project.  The two buildings in the top image with the dormers and the shutters have been renovated (second and fifth from the left in the streetscape image).

The Grange with the new rear addition.  The Grange in the top image is set back from the street.  It was moved forward for this project.


Madbury Road

The old Greens apartments and a fraternity are shown in the top image.



A reminder that this coming Monday, October 26, 2015, members of the public are invited to attend a retirement gathering for Tom from 5:30 to 8:00 PM at Bella's Restaurant in the Mill Plaza.


Thanks to the generosity of one Durham citizen, appetizers will be available at the gathering free of cost. Drinks will still be available for purchase from Bella’s. 


Cake will also be provided.



Durham's Agricultural Commission's will begin featuring a Mini Film Series in the weekly "Friday Updates".  Each week a short video on an agricultural topic will be posted that Commission members hope subscribers will enjoy and find helpful.  

This week's video is Contrasting Front Yards:  Turf only versus Wildlife Filled



Do you find yourself engaging in conversations about the recent development boom in Durham?  Are you interested in downtown revitalization, architecture, civic design, natural resource protection, economic development, promotion of social capital, transportation?  Are you game for a new challenge?  Wonderful!  We have openings for a few alternates on the Durham Planning Board, which meets two Wednesday evenings every month. 


Serving on the Planning Board is demanding but highly rewarding and endlessly fascinating.  No specific knowledge or experience is required though some relevant background is preferred. 


Please contact Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner, at 868-8064 if you would like to explore serving on the board.




Please Join the Firefighters at Libby's November 7th from 5-10 to support Operation Warm. There will be Raffles and a 50/50.

All donations go towards Operation Warm a Non-profit program to purchase coats for kids that can't afford them for free in Durham, Lee and Madbury.



The Department of Public Works has sent out its annual Fall Newsletter to all residents.  The fall cleanup of leaves and brush will begin on Monday, November 9th.  Please see the Newsletter for details.



If voters are uncertain of their current party affiliation, click HERE for more information.


If voters discover they are not listed the way they would like to be, they can change their party affiliation at the Town Clerk’s office during regular office hours, 8AM - 5PM, any time before October 31. 


The Supervisors of the Checklist will hold a special session from 7 - 7:30 PM in the Town Hall on Friday, October 30. Although the Supervisors are aware this is Trick-or-Treat night in Durham, this time is dictated by state law. This will be the last time voters can change party, although new voters can register in New Hampshire up to 10 days before the primary or at the polls on election day.


Undeclared (Independent) voters choose whether to take a Republican or a Democratic ballot at a primary and sometimes forget to change back to Undeclared.  They then find themselves having to vote in the party they did not care about.  Please do not be one of those unhappy voters.



The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Coastal Program in partnership with the University of New Hampshire, the Strafford Regional Planning Commission, and the Rockingham Planning Commission, has been awarded a competitive grant of $190,398 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office for Coastal Management.


The grant will fund a project to assess impacts from climate change on infrastructure, natural resources, and other assets in ten coastal New Hampshire municipalities. The project, called Climate Risk in the Seacoast: Assessing Vulnerability of Municipal Resources to Climate Change (or C-RiSe for short), focuses on the municipalities surrounding the Great Bay estuary, including Dover, Durham, Exeter, Greenland, Madbury, Newfields, Newington, Newmarket, Stratham and Rollinsford. More frequent and intense extreme precipitation events, coastal storms, and sea-level rise, together with expanding development and population, are already causing strain on assets like drainage infrastructure, roads, critical facilities, cultural and historic resources, and natural resources like salt marshes.


Results of the assessment will help these municipalities identify their vulnerabilities and prepare them to consider actions to address climate impacts in proactive ways that will protect the safety and well being of residents and encourage resilient communities. The project team will develop several products, including vulnerability assessments that summarize key municipal assets that are at risk from floods and sea-level rise.


As part of the vulnerability assessment, UNH researchers will conduct a detailed analysis of culvert flow capacity, function, and fish passage based on current and projected increases in precipitation. The modeling results can be used to prioritize culvert improvements. Additionally, where appropriate, the project team and municipal officials will use the assessment results to draft a report that can be included in local Hazard Mitigation Plans. Assessment results will be made available on the New Hampshire Coastal Viewer which can be accessed HERE.


Under current funding levels, the C-RiSe project is scheduled to be completed by March 2017. For more information, please contact NHDES Coastal Program Manager Steve Couture at 603-271-8801 or


Sergeant Kathryn Mone and Officer Thomas Kilroy talking with youngsters at Growing Places. Courtesy Durham PD



Sergeant Kathryn Mone and Officer Thomas Kilroy visited with a group of youngsters at Growing Places and talked about safety during the upcoming Halloween events.  The children were very interested in the officers and seeing all the equipment that they carry on their duty belts. The highlight may have been the police vehicles with their flashing blue lights!  These opportunities are wonderful for the kids and the officers to interact in a very positive way.  



Want to hear about the future of UNH from the voices of Students? Want to ask your student leaders about that future in person? Come to the First Annual Student Life Address. to be held on Friday October 25th at 6:00 PM in the Granite State Room.


Student Body President Cameron Cook and Vice President Ryan Grogan will be presenting a short address concerning Student Life address, followed by a public forum. Spread the word to all students. All students are welcome, as well as members of the community.



The Strafford Regional Planning Commission invites members of the public to a Public Visioning Session: The Mills Scenic Byway on Thursday, November 5, 2015 beginning at 6:30 PM at the Newmarket Town Hall Auditorium. Designed as a New Hampshire Scenic and Cultural Byway in 2014, this twelve mile stretch of roach brings visitors past historic mills, rolling vistas, and river crossings while revealing the unique history of the towns it passes through.


For more information, contact Sarah McGraw,, 603-994-3500.


ORMS Teacher Dave Montgomery speaks to 5th graders during Friday's Totem ceremony at WHF. Courtesy Todd Selig


Homa taka wasi! ORMS Teacher Dave Montgomery spoke to the entire 5th grade this afternoon by the water at Wagon Hill Farm during a lovely Totem ceremony in which each of the four individual classes in Grade 5 were given animal names representing that group's representative characteristics. Students learned of the Native American tradition of the Totem (a spiritual guide).



It was a beautiful day, and a lively and engaging ceremony for the children.

Otters are now - Dragonflies.

Wolves are now - Monarchs (as in butterflies, not the Manchester hockey team).

Tigers are now - Elephants.

Dolphins are now - Orcas.


The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Planning Board - Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lamprey River Advisory Committee - Thursday, October 29, 2015 (7PM - Durham Public Library)

All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website and then by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule.

DCAT Programming Schedule.



Perhaps you missed the first of the Healthy Living Series: Food Shopping for Your Health at the Durham Public Library on Wednesday, October 7th.  DCAT 22 Studios was there to record the first of the series for your viewing pleasure.  Find out why sugar isn't all that bad, give your body what it needs, and planning your supermarket visit. Presenters: Gale Carey & Kevin Pietro/UNH's Dept of Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences. Part of the Healthy Living Series in October.  This video is also available on our On Demand site.  Replay times on DCAT 22 – Saturday & Sunday @ 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM.



Don't Miss DCAT 22 Studios New Program - "In the Biz: Durham Business Spotlight with Mary Ellen Humphrey". EDC Director Mary Ellen Humphrey chats with new and established businesses in Durham. Our first show features: Rick Ouellette of Sales Goose, LLC a new business locating in Durham.  Mary Ellen asks Rick about his business and why he decided to locate in Durham.  This video is available On Demand & replaying on DCAT 22.  Show times:  Saturday & Sunday @ 1:15 PM – Monday & Wednesday @ 6:45 PM  & Friday @ 10:15 PM.  If you’d like your business recognized or have any comments, please contact:



"Julian Smith – an interview with Richard Belshaw”.  Hear Julian’s last interview before he loaded up the truck and moved to GA.  Learn a little local history from someone that’s lived in worked in Durham since 1965.  Julian will share his story about how he was “accepted” in to college, and his interesting background. This video will be available for viewing on DCAT Channel 22 & On Demand.


Join DCAT 22 Studios on a time lapse video tour of our New Town Hall.  Watch from a bird’s eye view as the Town Hall starts as the old bank and quickly transforms into our new space.   This video is only available on our On Demand site.

DCAT is Live Streaming

Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account.  You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time.  All you have to do is click and watch.  Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device.  Please contact with any questions.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Discover Durham's Trails - Presented by Durham Conservation Commission, Parks & Recreation, and Land Stewardship Committee. Get to know your trails with these once a month guided tours highlighting Durhams many trails and recreational spaces. Participation is FREE.

  • Longmarsh Preserve - Sunday, November 15th at 10AM

Contact Parks & Recreation at for more information or questions.


Participants in the first "Discover Durham's Trails" walk at Oyster River Forest on Sunday, Oct. 18.  Sponsored by the Durham Land Stewardship Committee and the Parks & Recreation Department. The walk had 7 participants, a beautiful walk, nice weather, and got to visit Spruce Hole Bog, a newly restored stream corridor, and habitat improvements for New England cottontail rabbits. Courtesy Malin Clyde


Fall Programs - Our After School Adventure group hit the trail this week for the start of a series of mountain bike clinics at Kingman Farm. A member of the UNH Men’s Mountain Bike Club along with Peter Sawtell from Seven Rivers Paddling have teamed up to lead this middle school program for Durham Parks & Recreation.



Indoor Rock Climbing will be our next After School Adventures program which will take place at UNH on the artificial climbing wall located in New Hampshire Hall. Participants will work closely with UNH Outdoor Education students, who are also AMGA certified instructors, to learn belaying skills, knots, equipment, climbing technique, problem solving skills, and more.  Stay tuned for program details and information.  Registration will open soon!


Session 2 for Coyote Club starts up November 9th and will be offered at Moharimet Elementary School from 3:30-4:45pm.  Please register by November 2nd, as space is limited.  A $10 late fee will be applied to those registered after Nov. 2nd.  Coyote Club participants will be stationed outside for the duration of this program. Please dress in or pack appropriate clothing for an active afternoon in the woods!


Save the Date!

Feather Fest - Thursday, November 26th 10am at Wagon Hill Farm. This is a collaborative event between Durham Parks and Recreation and ORPP for local children and their families. Held on Thanksgiving morning, a local parent reads a story to the kids. We follow the trail of feathers for a turkey hunt and find a sweet treat down by the bay. Send the kids with dad, bring grandma and the cousins, or join your neighbors for an outing. This is fun event that kids of all ages will enjoy!


Durham’s Annual Tree Lighting Celebration  - Saturday, December 5th 6:00-8:00pm on Main Street.  Enjoy raffles, campfire, s’mores, hot cocoa, ornament making, visit with Santa and be there as we light up the tree for the holiday season!


Parks and Recreation Committee Vacancies.  The Parks and Recreation Committee has three vacancies to fill.  If you are passionate about recreation here in Durham and would like to help support and guide the Parks and Recreation Department, please consider joining this committee.  Those who are interested should contact Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski at or committee chair, Mike Sievert at  All three vacancies are three-year terms.  


We want to hear from you!  Have a new exciting program idea?  Please be sure to share your vision with Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski.  Stop by the Recreation Department Office (2 Dover Road), or call/email the department at (603) 817-4074/



‘Dracula’ Ballet at Oyster River - Saturday, Oct 24, 2015, 7PM, ORHS Auditorium. Performed by the Northeastern Ballet Theatre. Adult $20, Child/Senior $17.50, Family Pack of Four $60. Recommended for children 10+ years. For tickets and more details, click HERE. Contact Edra Toth, Director, at 603-834-8834 or

Durham Garden Club - Presents Cathy Felton "Everything You Wanted to Know About Bulbs", Tuesday, Oct 27, 2015, 6:30 PM-refreshments; Program starts 7:15 PM following a brief business meeting, Durham Public Library. More information, contact Sheila McCurdy, 603-659-5623,

Mills Hall at UNH Halloween Extravaganza, Thursday Oct 29, 2015, 3 - 7 PM for kids of all ages. Click HERE for more details.

Bikram Yoga, 1 Madbury Road, Suite 103, is slated to open on Friday, October 30, 2015. For more information, click HERE or visit the Facebook page.
Trick-or-Treat in Durham, Friday, Oct 30, 2015, 5 - 7:30 PM.

Youth Programs for ORMS Students - Wildcat Fitness - 8 weeks; Now through November 19th 3:00 - 4:00PM; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Ages 11- 15. More information HERE.

Growing Places TimberNook Mystical Evening Camp - Saturday, Nov 7, 2014, 4:00-7:00 pm.  The evening will include a Glow-in-the-Dark Tea Party and an active game of Flashlight Firefly.  For details, click HERE.

UNH Celebrity Series presents Paul Taylor 2 Dance Company, Thursday, Nov 12, 2015, 7:00 PM, Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre. Ticket Prices:  $30 General, $10 UNH Student with ID and Youth under 18. Tickets can be purchased on line at, or by calling 603-862-7222(PCAC). Hours of operation:  Mon-Fri, Noon – 5:00pm as well as one hour before each event.
Oyster River Holiday Shopping Bazaar - Looking for vendors, craftspeople, and artisans. Saturday, Dec 5, 2015, 9AM - 2PM, Oyster River Middle School. Tables are $35.00. Event is always well attended. Contact Rebecca Throop, Space is limited.


Beginning Monday, October 26th, the Durham Public Library will be displaying, for the month of November an exhibit from the National Library of Medicine (a division of NIH) - Harry Potter’s World: Renaissance Science, Magic and Medicine



Book Donation Week Monday, Oct. 26th through Saturday, Oct. 31st
Family Storytime, Sat. Oct. 24th at 10:30 am – This week:  “Dragons” Join us for stories, fingerplays, feltboard, songs and a fun craft.  All are welcome!
Crafternoon, Sat., Oct. 24th at 12-4pm. – Come to the Storytime/Craftroom to make a fun craft to bring home.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Classical Music Mondays 4-5 pm 10/5, 10/19, 10/26 and 11/2 – Four part series. Enriches and exposes listeners to the various styles & periods of music, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary.  Presented by Patricia Terrill, Music History Master’s Degree/UNH.  No registration needed. Contact Armida Geiger
Game Afternoon Monday Oct. 26h from 2:45-4pm – For ages 10 & up – This week:  Pictionary!  Come and play some board games weekly in the Young Adult room.
Incorporating Exercise into Everyday Living, Wed. Oct. 28nd, 6:30 pm  Presenter: Dr. Shelley Mulligan/UNH College of Health & Human Services  Contact: Armida Geiger
Halloween PJ Storytime Thurs. Oct. 29th, 6-7pm Join Oyster River Parents and preschoolers (ORPP) and the Durham Public Library for our monthly PJ Storytime. This month is all about Halloween. Come in costumes to hear fun Halloween stories and make a Halloween craft. Best of all, we will trick or treat at the library! All are welcome! Snack is provided by ORPP.
Halloween Fun & Games with UNH’s Golden Key International Honour Society, Sat. Oct. 31st, 1-2pm. Play fun Halloween games and make a craft. All ages are welcome!
Harry Potter’s World Exhibit for Month of November – Beginning Monday, October 26th, the Durham Public Library will be displaying, for the month of November 2015, a remarkable exhibit from the National Library of Medicine (a division of NIH) - Harry Potter’s World: Renaissance Science, Magic and Medicine. This exhibition explores Harry Potter’s world, its roots in Renaissance science, and the ethical questions that affected not only the wizards of Harry Potter, but also the historical thinkers featured in the series.
Science of Medicine During the Renaissance Period, Thurs. Nov. 5th, 7-8pm Dr. Arthur Greenberg, Professor of Chemistry at UNH, will discuss the science of medicine as it was practiced in the Renaissance era.
YA Writing for 10+ years, Mon. Nov. 2nd 6:30-7:30pm. Join us for to write and share what inspires you. Write for our blog ‘Write-away!’ too. Contact: Megan Turnbull,
Raccoon Readers 2nd- 4th grade Book Group, Tues., Nov. 3rd, 6-7pm November Book Selection: “The Case of the Time-Capsule Bandit” by Octavia Spencer. Books are available for check out at the circulation desk.

Hampstead Stage Company presents “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” a theatrical performance, Sat. Nov. 7th, 2-4pm. Join us for this all ages, family program, generously sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library.
Bookeaters Middle School Book Group, Wed. Nov. 18th, 2:45pm - 4pm. This month’s book Selection: “The Hypnotists” by Gordon Korman. Ruth Wharton McDonald, UNH Professor of Education, leads the discussion. Enjoy pizza and drinks.
Friends’ Book Discussion Thursday, November 19, 10:30-12:00 Please join the Friends' Book Discussion of Willa Cather's, Death Comes For the Archbishop, facilitated by Jennifer Lee.
Everything You Want to Know About Bulbs- Durham Garden Club, Thurs. Oct. 27th 6:00pm – 8:30pm -: Horticulture judge and plant instructor, Cathy Felton will present an interactive program on growing, buying, and planting all types of bulbs for all types of gardens. All are welcome.
Storytimes! NO STORYTIME TUESDAY OCT. 27th Join us on Thurs. Oct. 29th, 10:30 am – This week:  Halloween! Join us for stories, finger-plays, felt board, songs and a craft.
Baby Lap-sit Weds. Oct. 29tht at 10:30 am – For ages 2 & under with their care-giver.  Mother Goose on the Loose!  We do songs, fingerplays, stories, movement and fun.  There is a time to play and socialize afterward.  Sign-up at the Children’s desk.
Knitting Club Weds. Oct. 28th from 4-5 pm – For 3rd-5th graders.  Come and learn to knit fun projects or continue on your current project. Sign-up at the Children’s desk.  
Lego Club Thursday, Oct. 30th from 3:45-4:45 pm – For K-4th graders.  Come and build with us.  Weekly challenges and free builds.

Home-schooling Group Friday Oct. 30th at 10:30 am – Geared to home-schoolers but all are welcome.  This week we are all about “Halloween!”
Tales for Tails – Have a child who needs to increase their confidence in reading?  Have them read to one of our Pet Partner dogs!  Your child will read ½ hour once a week to one of the dogs and their handlers. Sessions run for 4 weeks . Next session starts October 26th. Sign up now! Contact: Lisa Kleinmann:
Join the Reading Patch Club!  Ages 2-12 years -  Earn patches and a tote bag for hours that you read!   Program sponsored by The Friends of the Durham Public Library.
$300 Prize for Photography Contest - Need a camera to participate in the photo contest? Borrow a camera at the circulation desk.  Contestants chronicle Durham, in a series of 7 photos that express Durham’s character. Contest rules & application found on the library website

Technology Help - The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology, such as computers, iPads and phones. Call us to check on the availability of our volunteers at 868-6699 or email us at


For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.



*Academic year commenced August 28th and will be measured through graduation at UNH in May.


Have a very nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?