Friday Updates - September 18, 2020


Friday, September 18, 2020



Last Sunday, an informal Celebration of Life ceremony was held in memory of the late Dr. Kenny Rotner at Wagon Hill Farm down by the water. The Reverend Larry Brickner-Wood facilitated the ceremony with approximately 200 people in attendance. Read more about the ceremony published in the Foster's HERE.


At last Monday night's Town Council meeting, the Council appointed former Council member Carden Welsh to replace Councilor Rotner. Councilor Welsh will serve until the March 2021 Town Election at which time the position will be placed on the ballot.


Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at sundown this evening.


The Autumnal (Fall) Equinox begins September 22nd.


While it’s still September and the leaves are only just beginning to turn, we have begun to receive inquiries about plans for Halloween trick-or-treating in light of the pandemic. The answer at this time is that we do not know! Town/City Managers from the Seacoast have had some initial discussions and we believe the state may offer some guidance/suggestions at the end of the month for consideration by municipalities. Traditionally, Durham/Lee/Madbury have hosted trick-or-treating on the night before Halloween. More to come in the weeks ahead.  



This is a very concerning time in our history and many members of the community have real concerns about how the pandemic is impacting public health in Durham, particularly as the host to the state’s flagship public university. The good news is that a lot of minds have been working tirelessly for many months to ensure the public’s health and safety locally. Durham and UNH officials have been meeting since spring on a regular basis to identify and implement strategies to accomplish this.  


Where do Durham residents get Covid-19 tests if they believe they’re warranted? 

It’s important to note that private citizens in NH do have access to Covid-19 testing at no cost if they are concerned about their health status. This is available largely through both private health providers and stand-alone entities like Convenient MD, as well as sites that have been periodically set up by the state.  


Why can’t UNH test all Durham residents for Covid-19? 

The University’s first responsibility in terms of pandemic testing is to its campus community. UNH has also been asked by the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) to provide testing for other USNH students (Keene, Plymouth, Granite State College, etc.), a request which UNH is not at this time able to accomplish. Whatever the merits of testing Durham residents might be, UNH simply does not have the capacity to do this. On a positive note, however, UNH is providing Covid-19 testing for all of Durham’s first-responders (police, fire, etc.). In addition, our understanding also had been that ORCSD faculty/staff are able to be tested at UNH per direct discussions between the school district and UNH. School staff should check with ORCSD about this possibility when warranted.  


Is UNH responsible for bringing Covid-19 to Durham? 

No. It’s not accurate to assume that UNH students, faculty, and staff brought Covid-19 to town. As part of the UNH protocols around reopening that the University put in place in consultation with Durham officials, every single student, staff member, faculty member, and contractor was tested before the semester started. Anyone who tested positive was not allowed on campus. Unfortunately, Covid-19 is out and about across NH and the nation. It's just silent and we can't see it without widespread, ongoing testing.


How often is the UNH community tested for Covid-19? 

UNH faculty, staff, and contractors coming to the Durham campus continue to be tested weekly. All UNH students are tested 2x per week on an ongoing basis. Individuals with positive test results are quickly quarantined (within a matter of hours) and removed from circulation amongst society. In fact, UNH has dedicated two residence halls as Covid-19 wards, where students may be isolated and quarantined for as long as needed. May students who test positive return home to mom and dad.  

How does UNH’s mandatory Covid-19 testing program compare to the testing (or lack thereof) across NH municipalities or when compared to other colleges/universities? 

UNH has continued to test people at a rate as high or higher than any university in the country, or any other community in NH. UNH is taking its responsibility seriously. As of this week, UNH’s aggregate positive rate was around .15 percent, or 15 positives per 10,000 tests. That’s a very low result.  


Keep in mind that UNH is testing on a mandatory basis more than 25,000 individuals per week for Covid-19. No other community in NH is accomplishing anything near that level. If all NH municipalities were conducting mandatory testing of all citizens, we’d in all likelihood see increasing numbers across NH as well. It’s not that Covid-19 is not present in other communities; it’s that from a public health infrastructure we don’t have the testing capabilities or protocols to test, identify, and isolate it as UNH does. In fact, the NH Department of Public Health advises that citizens should assume that everyone we come into contact with may be an asymptomatic carrier of Covid-19. The vast majority of those testing positive as part of the UNH program are asymptomatic carriers.  

How do NH DHHS Covid-19 statistics square with the daily Covid-19 dashboard produced by UNH? 

All positive Covid-19 tests identified at UNH (or anywhere in NH for that matter) are reported to NH Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health (NH DHHS) and are sorted based on contact tracer efforts and other relevant data as determined by the Department of Public Health staff. NH DHHS is the only place where HIPPA and other data are able to be confidentially reviewed and sorted appropriately by public health staff. That will be the best source of real-time Covid-19 active cases within the overall Durham community – off campus and on, students and non-students alike. NH DHHS is very guarded about reporting data on any granular basis beyond town by town. And testing at UNH covers students, faculty, staff, contractors, etc. (in Durham, UNH Law, UNH Manchester) who may not necessarily live/sleep in Durham. The NH DHHS dashboard will likely be the best source of information for residents tracking Covid-19 cases locally. It can be viewed HERE.

Is there a public health concern in Durham? 

This is not to say that there is no public health concern in Durham. There is here and there is in every community in NH and across the country. Please know, though, that UNH is working hard to safely accomplish in-person learning in Durham, and Town officials are actively conversing with UNH on how to do so in a manner that also takes into consideration the general safety of the broader Durham community.

We will continue to strive to keep the community up to date on pandemic-related issues in town.



If you’ve been following New Hampshire’s COVID-19 numbers closely, like we have, you might have noticed something that looks a little troubling. The state used to be averaging about 20 new cases a day, well below the 100 cases or more the state was seeing back in May. But now, we’re closer to 35 new cases a day. Does this represent a new surge in COVID-19? 

According to WMUR, state health officials say no, it’s not. What the state is seeing is a surge in its testing capacity. As students returned to schools and, especially, colleges (such as UNH), they have been tested, often multiple times, for COVID-19. Colleges and universities were particularly interested in catching cases in students as they returned to campus. 

And a big driver of the new testing has been the University of New Hampshire, which has conducted more than 86,000 tests since July.

All those tests are driving the percentage of tests coming back positive to less than 1%, health officials said. That’s a good place for the state to be. So far, all the precautions people are taking, including wearing masks and maintaining distance, are keeping the coronavirus in check in New Hampshire. How will we know if it’s truly surging? If cases start increasing exponentially or if hospitalizations start increasing dramatically, that will be the time to be concerned.


SECOND UNH CLUSTER NOT TIED TO ANY ONE EVENT, HEALTH OFFICIAL SAYS - Former Durham resident dissatisfied with information being provided to public by Town/University officials.

A second cluster of COVID-19 cases at the University of New Hampshire in Durham has been identified at the Gables, a five-building complex, but cannot be traced to any one event, according to school and state officials.

“There’s not any one single event, I think, that we found that we believe has contributed to transmission within the apartment complex unit, but as with any on-campus housing, there’s certainly many opportunities for social mixing and social gathering, which is likely why we have a number of cases now and a number of people infected with COVID-19 at the apartment complex,” state Epidemiologist Benjamin Chan said during Gov. Chris Sununu’s briefing on Thursday.

Medical Director Peter Degnan of UNH Health & Wellness and Chief of Police Paul Dean told the campus community on Wednesday evening that there were still 10 active cases at the apartments. Any students who tested positive were required to isolate immediately for at least 10 days and close contacts were notified and placed in quarantine for 14 days.

According to numbers released Thursday by UNH, 27 of 37 active cases are students, and 10 are faculty or staff. The 27 students are in isolation with the disease, and another 143 students are in quarantine.

The persistence of COVID-19 at UNH alarms some.

Portsmouth resident Matt Komonchak, who grew up in Durham and who has family still living in the community, said he is worried about the risk of community transmission.

Komonchak said he has been trying to post news articles about COVID-19 and college communities on the town of Durham’s Facebook page, but the articles are routinely removed by administrators.

Komonchak has been told by Administrator Todd Selig that his opinions can be expressed in the comments section of posts that the town initiates, which does not sit well with Mr. Komonchak.

According to the Union Leader, Komonchak said last week that both UNH and Durham are misleading the public by offering a “sanitized” version of what is happening.

“If there was ever a time when Durham residents need news and facts, rather than self-serving omission and propaganda, it’s now during a pandemic. Durham’s administration is a corporate-style public relations program run amok,” Komonchak said.

Luke Vincent, Durham’s manager of information technology, said the town retains editorial control of its social media and does not allow anyone to post directly to the Facebook page. It re-posts items it receives if they contain information related to the town, he said.

Read a full article on this topic in the Union Leader HERE.


UNH OFFERS “HOT LINE” TO REPORT CONCERNS AROUND PANDEMIC – Available for use by community members as well.

The University is very concerned about student behavior that may affect the health, safety and welfare of the Durham and UNH community, specifically as it relates to COVID-19. An on-line reporting form is where UNH students, staff, and faculty, as well as members of the Durham community, can report the following concerns: 

Students not wearing masks. 

Students not properly social distancing. 

Parties or large gatherings where students are not wearing masks and/or social distancing. 

Students who refuse to put on mask or properly social distance after being asked. 

This form is not for reporting emergencies or reporting incidents to the police. If there is an emergency or you want to report an incident/issue to the police, please call 911 or Durham Police at 603-868-2324.

Access the form HERE.


Administrator Selig and Business Manager Gail Jablonski, along with Councilors Jim Lawson and Carden Welsh, met with Durham PD staff this week to discuss the department's proposed budget.


Budget season is upon us in Durham and as such, Administrator Selig is actively working with the Business Office and our various department, boards, committees, and commissions in formulating a proposed budget for consideration by the Town Council. By Town Charter, Mr. Selig has until the last business day in October to propose a budget to the Council. The Council then has until the last business day in December to adopt a budget of its own, or the Administrator’s proposed budget becomes the FY 2020 budget by default.

At this time of year, Mr. Selig is in constant budget meetings, in additional to normal responsibilities, and as such responding to correspondence is typically delayed. Urgent matters should be sent to the attention of Administrative Assistant Jennie Berry,



Business Manager Gail Jablonski and Administrator Selig will attend the Planning Board meeting next Wednesday, September 23, to discuss projects that have been proposed for consideration by departments, boards, committees, and commissions as part of the 2020-2029 Capital Improvements Program. The September 23 Planning Board meeting is shaping up to be a busy one so this may push some or all of the CIP discussion out to October.

This is an excellent opportunity for Mr. Selig and Ms. Jablonski (along with DPW Dir. Rich Reine and Fire Chief David Emanuel who will accompany them) to obtain the guidance of the Planning Board as part of the process of formulating a Capital Budget for the Town Council to consider later this fall.

The Durham Town Charter, Section 5.8 "Capital Improvement Plan", requires that "The Town Administrator, after consultation with the Planning Board, shall prepare and submit to the Council a capital improvements plan at least one (1) month prior to the final date for submission of the budget."

The Council receives the draft plan (including all requests) at this time (2 months prior to receiving the budget) and the formal proposed CIP at the same time as the budget in the beginning of November.


DURHAM PLANNING BOARD UPDATE - Draft CIP, Mill Plaza, draft Zoning Amendments for CBD, and more...

The proposed Capital Improvements Program (CIP) will be presented for comments, Mill Plaza will be reviewed, and the continued public hearing for zoning amendments initiated by the Town Council will be held. The proposed amendments would allow an additional story in the Central Business District by conditional use, change the configuration of uses in a mixed-use building in the Central Business District, allow drive-through facilities in several districts, and change the method for measuring building height. Click HERE and then on “Proposed Changes” to see the draft. Feel free to email any comments to the Town Planner at


Sidewalk project by field house. Courtesy Todd Selig


Construction began the last week of August upon receipt of NHDOT authorization to proceed on this project which has been 18 months in design. 

The project will result in a new sidewalk on the south side of Main Street from the Field House to the roundabout along with enhanced lighting, fencing and landscape. The $450k construction project is supported with 80% USDOT/Federal Highways funding through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). UNH is managing this project on behalf of the NHDOT.



BY THE NEW PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER THE OYSTER RIVER - Private contributions sought to support the project.

At its September 14 meeting the Town Council unanimously approved three resolutions. The first authorized Todd Selig to sign the construction contract required to finish the bridge. The second approved the town’s acceptance of an $80,000 grant offered by the state to pay part of the construction expenses. The third started the process of officially naming the bridge in recognition of Kenny Rotner’s 30 years of service to the region as a physician, educator, and public servant. 

The Town of Durham’s Patron’s Trust has received more than 140 donations totaling over $95,000. Efforts are continuing to secure the remainder of the funds.

All required permits, studies, and engineering designs have been completed and paid for. Every new contribution will therefore be used solely to finance the construction work. Every gift will be effectively doubled by a matching fund provided for that purpose. Please help us complete the project through a donation by check or by credit card. We plan to complete the bridge before the end of this year. 


Corn is in at Tecce Farm! Courtesy Todd Selig


DID YOU KNOW? - How to take advantage of food scrap composting.

Durham offer bins for you to drop off compost at the transfer station. 

If you want to compost but don’t have a backyard spot for composting DONT WORRY! You can compost with a small kitchen compost container, store the container under your sink and bring your compost to the transfer station. Several online sites and local businesses sell small compost containers and compostable bag liners. It’s very easy!

If you choose to compost at the transfer station, food scraps (including meat, dairy, coffee grounds and filters, etc.) can be included. You can even compost pizza boxes!

Mr. Fox, a local compost business, services the transfer station (as well as our schools, etc.) and they have provided a list of potential items that can be viewed HERE.

In addition, the IWMAC and Durham Parks and Recreation will be hosting a Compost Challenge from October 5-November 14.If you are interested in being a part of this challenge, please learn more and sign up (by September 25) HERE.



DPW staff along with the ORHS Facilities Department worked jointly to set up for the 2020 State Primary elections. This year’s election posed several challenges due to the pandemic. The election served as a good opportunity to review and revise operations prior to the presidential election in November.


ELECTION SIGNS/POLITICAL ADVERTISING - Election signs should begin to come down unless the candidate is a primary winner.

As a reminder to all the volunteers that supported candidates in the recent elections, according to RSA 664:17 Placement and Removal of Political Advertising, all political advertising shall be removed by the candidate no later than the second Friday following the election unless the election is a primary and the advertising concerns a candidate who is a winner in the primary.

The second Friday is today! Please take a look around town and remove any signs that do not meet the requirements above, we appreciate it!



Chief Kelley would like to remind everyone to remain vigilant against Phishing Scams when using their computers. According to the Federal Trade Commission, Phishing is a type of online scam that targets consumers by sending them an e-mail that appears to be from a well-known source – an internet provider, a bank, or a mortgage company for example. It asks the consumer to provide personal identifying information. The scammer uses the information to open new accounts or invade the consumer’s existing accounts. 

What to know: 

  • Look out for misspelled words and incorrect grammar – this is often an indicator of a phishing email. 
  • Pay attention to the sender’s email address and verify that it is indeed from a trusted sender – check the sender email address and see if the one that pops up matches. 
  • If it contains an offer that sounds too good to be true, it most likely is! Delete it. 
  • Verify links and attachments BEFORE opening them – they may contain malware such as credential hacking or account hijacking software. 
  • An email requiring personal information is often a tip-off. Always verify before sending any personal information by email. 
  • Remember YOU are the first line of defense. 


CONSERVATION COMMISSION UPDATES - Proposed ped bridge over Oyster River, wetland/shoreland application reviews, selecting a new Chair.

The Conservation Commission is meeting this coming Thursday, September 24. View the agenda for the commission meeting HERE. The commission usually meets on the fourth Monday of each month but the meeting was rescheduled from September 28 because of the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur (The holiday actually ends just after nightfall when many members of our community will be happily breaking their fast noshing on bagels, lox, and cream cheese). 

Dennis Meadows will give an update to the commission on the proposed pedestrian bridge over the Oyster River, which will lead from Thompson Lane to the new Stevens Woods. The commission will continue its discussion about application materials for projects located in the wetland and shoreland overlay districts. Finally, the commission will elect a new chair since the current chair Bart McDonough is relocating to Kittery, Maine where he works as the Town Planner (more on that later).


View of Dining Commons looking west. Courtesy Lavallee/Brensinger Architects

ORMS CONSTRUCTION UPDATE - 920,000 pounds of steel has been set in place so far. Yikes! :)

Jeremy Hiltz Excavating, site work contractor, is concentrating on bringing areas within and surrounding the building up to final grades in preparation of the first slab on grade pour late next week. He is also working with the Daniels Electric, the electrical contractor, to bring conduit from the new utility pole set on Coe Drive into the building’s electrical room. 

Steel erection is continuing with half of the building’s 920 tons (that’s 920,000 pounds of steel so far!) having gone up to date. We are anticipating delivery of the second “megatruss” next Thursday and being lifted into place Friday. Keep your eyes open if you’re in the area.

Concrete flatwork, being performed by Premier Concrete, is progressing with the third floor slab on deck being pumped, placed, and finished earlier this week and the fourth floor scheduled to be done this Friday.

The first of the four stair systems (A) serving the four floors of the building is underway. Rose Steel is erecting both the building and the stair systems for Novel Iron Works. Once complete, they will allow much easier access for workers and visitors to the building.

Next week, the process will begin of having all attending students at ORMS sign one of two steel beams as part of the future “topping off” ceremony associated with the placing of the final piece of steel in the structure’s frame.


SAU Office on Coe Drive Friday morning. Courtesy Todd Selig


Oyster River Students, Staff, and Families are wrapping up an orientation period with schools moving to a more consistent academic schedule starting Monday, September 21. 

Between the Middle and High Schools, over 400 student athletes are playing fall sports. This will be an abbreviated regular season, with HS competition only in the Seacoast region, and the MS sports primarily intramural, as schools around us also adjust their athletic programs.

The opportunity to add solar photovoltaic to the new middle school building was reviewed. This investment would enable the new middle school to be nearly "net-zero" energy consumption, meaning over the year, the solar panels would produce as much energy as the building uses. The school board is expected to decide on this aspect of the project on October 7.

Finalists for the school board seat formerly held by Kenny Rotner will be interviewed by the school board at a special meeting on September 30, with a final selection on September 30 or October 7.

The school reopening models used for the first quarter of the academic year will be reviewed by the school board on October 21. Please continue to send your suggestions, comments, and concerns to the superintendent and school board: Please address specific student concerns to your teachers and principals.



CAI Technologies of Littleton, New Hampshire has completed the Base Map and Preliminary Record Research phases of the tax map project. The Base Map phase of the project consisted of an aerial “flyover” of Durham which provided orthophotography for the development of a planimetric base map. The Preliminary Record Research phase of the project included initial deed review and gathering available survey plans from the Strafford County Registry of Deeds and from the Town’s archives. All plans gathered during this phase have been inventoried, scanned and indexed.

CAI staff are now moving into the Digital Compilation Phase of the project. This phase includes compiling the information gathered during the Preliminary Research phase onto the planimetric base map. During this phase, CAI may have questions regarding specific property boundary lines.  If your property was one of those, you may be able to help.

Over the next several months, CAI Technologies will be mailing letters to those property owners asking for information such as a survey, sketch or written physical description of the physical evidence indicating your property lines. Your assistance and cooperation will assure the Town of the most accurate and meaningful maps possible. Also, it is to your advantage that your property is correctly delineated on the revised tax maps.            


AMTRAK DOWNEASTER - Strategies to promote physical distancing on the train.

Amtrak is implementing a new step to ensure customers can easily distance themselves from each other on the Downeaster (and all trains on the Amtrak network). Effective Sept. 14,

customers who purchase multi-ride tickets (including Downeaster Six-Tix)

must confirm their travel on a specific train on a specific date using the new Amtrak RideReserve TM tool on the Amtrak app or before departure. RideReserve confirmations will allow Amtrak to properly manage the seating inventory and limit sales to provide sufficient distancing for the safety of our Along with requiring face covering use, the Downeaster currently limits seat sales to 50% of seating capacity to ensure required distancing. The Downeaster operates four daily roundtrips between

Boston(North station and Brunswick Maine.

It is finally a reality!! As of today, passengers are able to travel with their bicycle between ANY Downeaster station!! You want to board with a bike in Durham and go to Freeport to ride around downtown – you can! Want to get on in Exeter with a bike and go to Wells to ride the Eastern Greenway- you can!


AMTRAK DOWNEASTER – To-From any station with a bike!  

Amtrak and a coalition of States have worked together over the last 3+ years to develop and fund the necessary equipment modifications to allow for the safe transportation of bikes within the passenger coaches. Utilizing newly installed luggage racks that convert to bike racks, the expanded bike program will allow the Amtrak Downeaster to provide storage space for up to four bikes per departure. Standard full-size bicycles may be carried onboard, as long as the front wheel is removed, and stored in bicycle racks. Passengers must add on the bike reservation to their ticket to make use of this expanded service.

Few specific notes:

  • When booking a ticket on or via the Amtrak App, an icon with the number of spaces available will display if bike space is available.
  • Proceed to ‘Add Ons’ step to add a bike to the reservation.
  • A bike reservation can be added to an existing reservation by calling 1-800-USA-RAIL.
  • Bike reservations are not available through the Quik Trak machines.
  • All panniers and bags attached to the bicycle need removed and consolidated before boarding.

Currently, the bike reservation is a flat $8 across the Downeaster route but the Northern NE Passenger Rail Authority asked Amtrak to make modifications to this fare based on the city pair combination. This is still in the works.


Beautiful giant sunflowers grow alongside the UNH Dairy Bar as masked diners wait for their orders on Friday afternoon in Durham. Courtesy Todd Selig


Rail Station Enhancements deferred until 2021: $974,000 for platform, site and structure improvements. UNH hopes to release a design & engineering RFP mid-winter following FTA award execution. Construction to begin spring 2022 with completion goal of late fall 2022 - the 112th birthday of the relocation and construction of the station at this site.



DPW crews excavated a vitrified clay pipe sewer main to repair a damaged line on Madbury Court last week after it was identified during routine maintenance operations. Several DPW operators from each division worked together to expedite the repair. This emergency operation was completed in less than one day while having minimal effect on abutting properties. Adjoining sections of this vitrified clay sewer main are scheduled to be replaced as part of the Madbury Road roadway and watermain project. 



A chronic in-plant reuse water leak at the wastewater treatment plant was identified and repaired by DPW crews. The Repair effort took two days to complete and involved coordination from both the Highway, Water and Wastewater Divisions. Utilizing the expertise of DPW crews to locate and repair this leak resulted in substantial savings for the wastewater program.



The Durham Police Department has recently responded to several vehicle break-ins at Wagon Hill Farm. Chief Kelley would like to remind citizens to take their personal items out of the vehicle or hide them prior to leaving the vehicle unattended in a public place. Be aware of any suspicious activity when walking to and from your vehicle. If you feel something is suspicious, you can reach the department at 868-2324. If you feel what you are observing is an emergency, please call 911. 


Zipcar at Madbury Commons


UNH has extended the ZipCar contract through July 2021. Current fleet on campus and in Durham is two-three cars depending on service week/days. Cars are located at the Dairy Bar/train station and Garrison Avenue at Paul College. UNH is working with Zipcar to restore the Madbury Road pod. Student memberships are available for $25/year. Staff and community memberships are available thru monthly and annual membership. Memberships allow use of Zipcars worldwide at varying hourly rates that include fuel and basic insurance.


Recently completed paving on Old Piscataqua Road. Courtesy Todd Selig


Repaving work has begun on Old Piscataqua Rd. to restore the roadway following the completion of the Dover Road Force Main Sewer Project. The roadway is undergoing a reclaim and pave treatment to enhance drainage and overall roadway condition. After reclamation, the roadway will be paved with a 2-inch asphalt binder coarse. This first pavement layer will remain in place until spring of 2021 to allow for settlement at which time a top coarse of asphalt will be applied.


SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL LIBRARY CARD SIGN UP MONTH - If you don't yet have a card, now's the time to get one! Come one, come all...

All ORCSD staff, UNH staff, Town of Durham employees, and Durham business employees are eligible for library cards at the Durham Public Library.


Bring your picture ID and proof of employment to the circulation desk.

Durham Public Library

49 Madbury Rd, Durham NH - 603.868.6699



Durham resident Wes Smith let Administrator Selig know at the polls last week that the USPS offers a service “USPS Information Delivery,” where an image of each piece of mail and packages being delivered daily is digitally scanned and emailed to subscribers in the AM. Check the USPS Website for additional information. Thank you, Wes Smith!

Learn more about this very helpful program HERE.


WITH UNH BACK IN SESSION, INCREASED FLOWS AT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – Did you know that all WW flow from Durham AND UNH comes to the Durham WWTP on Rt. 4?

After a week plus of UNH students being back on campus, it was determined that the second aeration treatment system would be placed online to address increased flows. Overall wastewater flows and loading coming into the treatment plant have increased from 430,000 Gallons per Day to 740,000 Gallons per Day. 

This represents approximately 250,000 gallons per day less than historical flows during this period of time.



The Holiday Season is approaching quickly. Below is the 2020 Curbside Holiday Schedule for your convenience.  



Due to health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fire Department suspended non-essential inspections in March 2020 and has continued to take a conservative approach to date regarding conducting interior inspections in order to protect both our customers and personnel.

The Fire Prevention Bureau has also been challenged with staffing changes in 2020 as Inspector Wilder transferred back to operations in January, Deputy Powers left the department in March, and Inspector Plante accepted a position in Newington in August. The Fire Prevention Bureau and is currently being staffed by Firefighter Brendan O' Sullivan who is acting in a temporary service out of rank capacity of Fire Marshal. The department is actively working to advertise and hire a fire inspector, but cannot adequately address all of the code review, inspection activities, and fire prevention workload with its current staff at this time.

In light of these current circumstances, Fire Chief David Emanuel recommended to Administrator Selig that the Town suspend the Housing Standards Ordinance's inspection program through December 31, 2020. Administrator Selig concurred with this recommendation.


 “DRUG TAKE BACK" PROGRAM AT DURHAM POLICE UNDER WAY - A great way to safely dispose of old drugs/medicine.

Just a friendly reminder that Durham residents can drop off unwanted or expired prescriptions at the Durham Police Station Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM for no cost and it’s all anonymous. Doing so prevents prescription drug abuse as six out of ten teenagers who have taken prescription narcotics state that they get them from their parents or relative’s medicine cabinets. Additionally, using this service keeps trace drugs out of our lakes, streams and estuaries as wastewater treatment plants cannot remove many of the compounds found in medications; so when flushed or put in a landfill, drugs are discharged into our surface and ground water and consumed by fish and wildlife. If you have a question about this service that is provided to Durham residents only, please call the Durham Police during business hours Monday through Friday at 603-868-2324.


REMINDER- Household Hazardous Waste Day- Morning of Saturday October 24, 2020

Household Hazardous Waste Day will be conducted this year with restrictions due to Covid- Masks will be required, residents are asked to stay in cars and all Covid safe social distancing and safety protocols will be in place. The 2020 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive. As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only, between 8-11:30AM. To register, you must call the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 or e-mail Remember - The MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS FIVE GALLONS.  



Consider reducing your purchase of products with hazardous ingredients; read labels thoroughly. Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accidents at home. Never store hazardous products in anything other than their original containers and never remove labels. Never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become un-recyclable. Remember to follow any instructions for use and disposal provided on product labels.

NOT ACCEPTED AT HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY- LATEX AND OIL BASED PAINTS , MOTOR OIL, AND ANTI-FREEZE. These items can be brought up to the Transfer Station with your permit throughout the year. Latex paints must be dried out first, motor oil, antifreeze, and oil based paints can go up as is. Typically, hazardous waste is categorized as toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise hazardous. Please check the manufacturer’s label. 



As part of the Wastewater Division’s preventative maintenance program, the Sodium Hydroxide chemical feed piping was removed and replaced within the chemical building at the WWTP. Over time this additive used for pH adjustment has the potential to slowly degrade PVC glued pipe joints and can begin a slow weep.



The first round of monthly bacteria samples for the water system has been completed as required to maintain regulatory compliance. In addition, Durham’s Water System Chief Operator continues to coordinate with UNH Water Operations around water quality and demand management. It’s a collaborative effort between Durham and UNH as with so many things.  


DURHAM FARMERS' MARKET - Each Monday Afternoon in the Sammy's Downtown Lot off Pettee Brook Lane

The Durham Farmers' Market is now open again this season on Monday afternoons through Monday, October 5, 2020 from 2:15- 5:30, closing 1/2 hour earlier than previous years. Vendors will adhere to predetermined sanitation and Covid 19 prevention standards.

Customers are requested to wear masks, maintain 6’ distance from others, and send only one person per household to shop if possible.  

The market has several new vendors participating this year and they are pleased to have prepared food, maple products (including ice cream!), garden plants, and assorted vegetables available.  

One positive aspect is that folks can walk downtown to access the market and while they are there, shop/eat in other downtown establishments. 



The Oyster River End 68 Hours of Hunger program provides children with food 

to fill the 68 hour weekend gap between the weekday school meal program. 

Each Friday, we send bags of easy to prepare food home with Oyster River children who would otherwise be hungry over the weekend. 

If this is a service that your children need, please contact: 

Doris Demers by email at: or phone (603)389-3310



Community Action Partnership of Strafford County (CAPSC) would like the Durham community to be award of several programs they offer that may be helpful, especially as the weather gets colder and days shorter.


Housing Relief

Governor Sununu's office created the NH Housing Relief Program which opened on July 1st to assist any New Hampshire resident having trouble paying their rent, mortgage or other housing expenses, due to COVID-19. This program is open to ALL NH residents with no income limitations. Residents can access the application at, find CAPSC's link, and apply. If someone does not have access to the web (the application also works on smart phones and tablets), they can request a paper application or an application over the phone by contacting our COVID Response Team at or (603) 435-2448.  


Since July 1st, CAPSC has helped over 130 households in Strafford County with over $413,000 in housing assistance. The agency strongly encourages anyone with a COVID-related income loss who is at risk of housing instability, to contact their office before it is too late.

Fuel Assistance

CAPSC's Fuel Assistance program is open, but the process looks a little different this year due to COVID. It will now be moving most of its program applications from paper to electronic forms using the DocuSign program. The early application window is NOW OPEN for people over 60, those with children under six, or those who are disabled. 


To access online forms, clients take the following steps: 

  • Visit the CAPSC website at
  • On the home page, click on the link for fuel assistance to request an application. 
  • Once a request is received, clients will be sent a secure link with their application and document upload. 

This process allows clients and staff to enroll participants while limiting exposure to COVID-19 for high risk groups. Clients may still schedule an appointment which we will conduct on the phone, via Zoom or Google Teams. For fuel emergencies, CAPSC will schedule an in-person appointment, with PPE for both clients and staff to wear. Please contact Fuel & Electric Assistance Manager, Heidi Clough at or 435-2500 ext. 8152 with any questions.



CAPSC's nutrition program was incredibly busy beginning in March as schools closed and the Governor's stay-at-home order was implemented. With the switch to remote learning, CAPSC partnered with five school districts to use our Summer Meals program model to ensure meals continued to be delivered to families with children learning remotely. The program began seven weeks earlier than usual and ended two weeks later with the change in district schedules this summer. Now that school is back in session, CAPSC will be augmenting the school lunch programs in the county with a dinner and snack program starting October 5th at Amazon Park (Rochester), First Church Congregational (Rochester) and North Dover/Strafford Farms parking lot. Menu and times are being finalizing but these will be available in the late afternoon/early evening for families to pick up. CAPSC is working on additional sites in other communities but these are the state approved sites at this time.  


Please note: this program is only available until December 31st or when the money runs out, whichever one comes sooner. CAPSC hopes to have this program in place until December but it has been advised by the NH Department of Education that they must end when the program funding is gone. 


Senior Transportation

The suspension of CAPSC's senior shopping bus and pivot to emergency deliveries was one of the hardest decisions the agency had to make. For many, the bus was not only the way to purchase food and other necessities, but it is what helped them remain independent and aging in place, as well as a social time for seniors that would have otherwise been alone all day. CAPSC is happy to announce that it will be resuming its senior transportation services in October, in a brand new bus they received, thanks to NH DOT. Their bus puts on over 10,000 miles a year with riders from all over the area. Bus routes will be revised to ensure the best coverage as well as implementing strict hand sanitizing and mask requirements for riders and drivers. CAPSC is also working with COAST to clean and sterilize the bus for rider safety.


CAPSC continues to offer Weatherization, Housing Support, Head Start, Home Visiting, two Food Pantries and Homeless Outreach services, in addition to the programs outlined above. CAPSC knows residents who were able to get by over the summer are now impacted by the challenges of remote learning and/or continued loss of income due to COVID. They do not want these residents to be left in the cold. If any Durham resident has a concern, chances are CAPSC has a program that can help or they can connect them with the right person in a partner agency or municipality.  





Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.



The Library is open for 20-minute visits to the Library for quick browsing and checkouts and the use of computers, printer, and copy machine. Notary services are available by appointment only. Meeting rooms and the Cafe will remain closed until further notice. 

During this phase of reopening, we are limiting the number of patrons in the building to no more than 50% of our normal comfortable browsing capacity on the main floor. We also request that anyone using the Library do so wearing a cloth mask or face covering. Masks will be available to patrons who request them. Currently, we ask that patrons not gather or congregate in the Library. Our contactless “Library to-go” services continue.

ILL is now available! The State Library has been able to resume ILL delivery service and our patrons are once again able to make requests, either through the ILL page on our website or directly through the NHAIS ILL System


Fall has arrived at DPL! Stop by or visit our website to see what you can discover at the library! 

Registration has begun for some of our adult programs. Visit the Upcoming Events page on our website for fall virtual programming and register for NH Legends & Ghosts, New Traditions for Thanksgiving cooking course, and unlimited access to using your library resources! There are also many great resources to be discovered on the DPL website at any time! Stream movies and music, check out ebooks and audiobooks, take professional development and language courses, get live device help each week, attend guided meditation, research with EBSCO and explore Novelist, Consumer Reports, Explora, and more! Questions? Contact us at 603-868-6699. We are happy to help! 

***Coming up: Keep an eye out for more resource tutorials, meditative yoga, adult crafts and holiday fun!


Youth Services Fall Virtual Programs have begun!

Programs include Zoom Storytimes, Baby Lap-sit, STEAM crafts to go, Young Adult Compassion Project, Crafts, Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) book group, Patch club and more. Don't miss our Joint library program with the Durham, Lee and Madbury Libraries, "Creatures of the Night" an on-line visit from Squam Lake Science Center on Saturday, October 17th at 10:30 am.

Check out our Storywalk book, Waking Dragons by Jane Yolen in the rain garden behind the library. There will be a new, Fall Storywalk book starting the week of Sept. 21st.

Youth Services September Calendar

Youth Services October Calendar



*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1649 - The Moat is a 2-acre island in the Lamprey River, and has long been a deed landmark. Included in the 6-acre farm owned by the Doe family since 1706, it was willed to the Town in 1909 by Olinthus Doe. The farm is now managed as a forest.



If you know of others who might find Durham's weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. It's possible to sign up for them HERE.

Have a very nice weekend.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA

t: 603.868.5571 | w:

He/him/his pronouns

Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?
