Friday, September 19, 2014
Durham residents Julian and Monica Smith. Courtesy Terry Dickson
Councilor Julian Smith and his wife Monica, known as Hannah, have owned a second home beside a tidal marsh on Saint Simons Island, Georgia, for more than twenty years. They were recently featured in the Georgia edition of The Florida Times-Union. To read the article “St. Simons Island couple asks county to help protect the view of historic Bloody Marsh”, click HERE.
On March 4, 2013, the Council voted to approve a Purchase & Sale Agreement between the Town of Durham and Scott Mitchell Real Estate, LLC, for the current Town Hall property located at 15 Newmarket Road (Tax Map 5, Lot 4-10) and authorized the Administrator to sign the P&S Agreement on behalf of the Town and bring this matter to closing. On October 21, 2013, the Council subsequently approved an amendment to the P&S Agreement. The sale price in the Purchase & Sale Agreement is 1.3 million dollars, contingent on permitting approval.
Since that time, Scott Mitchell has been working toward the redevelopment of the current Town Office site as a pharmacy. It should be noted that when the Town Council approved the P&S with Scott Mitchell, Councilors specifically indicated that the HDC would have to do its due diligence with respect to the application and should not feel pressured by the financial obligations of the Town.
The Councilors wanted a high quality application for the site and at that time it was not definitely known whether Mr. Mitchell would have been able to reuse the existing building, or elements of it, as part of the pharmacy development.
At the October 4, 2014 Historic District/Heritage Commission meeting, Mr. Mitchell stated that he was unable/unwilling to reuse the Town Office structure as part of his proposed development. NOTE: Minutes of prior HDC meetings for July 10, August 7, and September 4, 2014 when this subject was discussed are available on the Town’s web site.
From my perspective as Administrator, it is not the role of the HDC to worry about the finances of the Town. The HDC’s role is to impartially administer the provisions of the Historic Overlay District. The finances of the Town are the purview of the Town Council.
The HDC received significant public feedback at its October meeting regarding the developer's proposal for demolition of the existing Town Office building, the majority of which was negative.
On Thursday, September 11, 2014, residents Malcolm and Nancy Sandberg undertook a walk-through of the current Town Hall building, accompanied by Arron J. Sturgis of Preservation Timber Framing, Inc. Mr. Sturgis provided a letter detailing his assessment of the potential for the redevelopment of the current Town Hall, which is available for viewing at the link provided below.
Status of P&S Agreement with Scott Mitchell for the Town Office Site
The purchaser of the 15 Newmarket Road site, Scott Mitchell, had until September 1, 2014, to obtain the permits necessary to redevelop the site. To date, he has not been able to meet this condition.
In addition, Mr. Mitchell had been working with Rite Aid (presently located at the Mill Plaza) to move to the 15 Newmarket Road location but Rite Aid informed him on September 1st that it will remain in its present location desiring to be part of a redevelopment at the Mill Plaza instead which is presently under development by the Mill Plaza owner. Mr. Mitchell has approached other pharmacies with whom he does business to find another user for the site. It will take time for Mr. Mitchell to gain approval from another pharmacy for a project on the site.
At Monday night’s meeting, Council members will discuss whether to extend the P&S with Mr. Mitchell or instead go out to the market once again with a new RFP making clear the old Town Office site must remain as part of a new development. An alternative approach for the Town would be to evaluate the site for another municipal use such as a Police Station or Fire Department.
Administrator’s Recommendation:
At this juncture, given that Mr. Mitchell has definitively stated he is uninterested in reutilizing the existing Town Office building at 15 Newmarket Road in any way whatsoever, combined with the fact that his arrangement with the intended pharmacy user has come to an unexpected end and a potential new user agreement would be many months away from fruition, and the realization (much clearer today than in early 2013 -- see 9/4/14 letter from NHDHR provided in the link below) that tearing down the Town Office structure will very likely disqualify the district from its National Registry status, it is my recommendation that the Town Council not extend the P&S Agreement, and instead go out to the market with a new RFP for the reuse of the 15 Newmarket Road site that makes clear and unambiguous the old Town Office structure must be retained as part of any redevelopment.
To view the original Purchase & Sale Agreement, Amended Purchase & Sale Agreement, letter from the NH Department of Historic Resources, and letter from Arron J. Sturgis, click HERE.
For those who may not be aware, the Durham Public Library has a bulletin board dedicated just for posting information on Town issues. Upon entering the Library's main entrance, the bulletin board is located on the right, below the stairwell. There are currently renderings of the Orion student housing project on Main Street, as well as the Madbury Commons project. Information regarding the Mark Henderson project will be posted in the near future.
Due to the very dry weather over the past month and the subsequent receding flows in local rivers, the managers of the UNH/Durham Water System (UDWS) are officially declaring a Stage 1 Water Conservation Alert. Durham receives most of its drinking water from the Oyster River and the Lamprey River, and therefore the amount of river water available for water supply becomes limited during dry spells. According to the UDWS Water Conservation Plan, Stage 1 Water Conservation Alert calls for all community members to implement the following voluntary measures:
Limiting the watering of gardens, landscaping and lawns to the hours of 8 PM and 7 AM.
Refraining from washing vehicles and non-essential equipment (boats, motorcycles, etc.), or washing of pavement.
Refraining from filling swimming pools, or other outdoor recreation that uses water.
Generally limiting all unnecessary outdoor water use.
Check all indoor and outdoor water fixtures to ensure they are leak free.
Community members are also encouraged to conserve on indoor water use where possible such as only doing full loads of laundry, reducing length of showers, etc. The UDWS’s goal for Stage 1 is to maintain water demand at constant rate for at least a two week period following its implementation. If this dry weather continues, the UDWS may be considering a Stage 2 alert within the next 10 days.
The Durham Historic District Commission will hold a site walk of the Town Hall property at 15 Newmarket Road on Thursday, September 25, 2014, at 4:00 p.m. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Building Inspector, Tom Johnson, and Director of Public Works, Michael Lynch, will be leading the site walk. Members of the public wanting to attend should be aware that there will be climbing of stairs as part of the site walk.
The three-dimensional topographic map created by the late John Woodsum Hatch, currently located in the Town Hall lobby at 15 Newmarket Road.
At the Town Council meeting on Monday evening, September 22nd, Council member Robin Mower will present to the Council a framed historical note to accompany the three-dimensional topographical map created by John Woodsum Hatch and donated to the Town in 1965, which will be displayed in the new Town Hall at 8 Newmarket Road.
The three-dimensional map of Durham facing the entry of Town Hall was created as a planning aid by local artist and UNH professor John Woodsum Hatch (1919-1998). He and his wife, Maryanna Hatch, both served as volunteers on Durham’s land use boards and recognized the value of the visual presentation of information. John donated the map to the Town of Durham in 1965. The map has provided a focal point for visitors to the Town offices ever since.
As the town developed over the decades, John updated the map several times, most recently in 1991. Following his death, periodic conversations about further updating the map have all concluded that it is now in essence a work of art. Even so, current members of Town land use boards occasionally refer to the map to refresh their memories about the Town’s geography.
To date, it has only been by word of mouth and the sharing of imperfect institutional knowledge that staff and visitors to the Town offices have learned any details about the map. For example, few know of its 1974 role in helping to defeat a proposal to build an oil refinery on Durham Point. It thus seemed appropriate to provide a note that accorded the respect due both to Durham’s land use history and to the artist.
To view the historical note, click HERE.
At its meeting on April 2, 2012, the Durham Town Council passed a motion to support the Strafford Regional Planning Commission’s application for State Scenic Byway designation of the proposed “Mills” Scenic Byway Corridor and to support the preparation and submittal of associated application materials to initiate the corridor management planning process.
The Town has received official notification from New Hampshire Department of Transportation that the New Hampshire Scenic & Cultural Byways Council voted on May 10, 2014 to designate the Mills Scenic Byway. The Mills Scenic Byway now joins the 17 other state and federally designated scenic and cultural byways in the State of New Hampshire. To view the notification letter and the April 2, 2012 Council communication, click HERE.
The Town has been issued a new Water Quality Certificate# 2001-001 from the NH Department of Environmental Services for the Town of Durham withdrawal at Lamprey River. The new document replaces the certificate issued on April 3, 2001. To view the certificate, click HERE.
The selection committee for the vacant Town Engineer position at the Public Works Department completed interviews of finalists this week. The next phase will proceed with the committee narrowing down only a few candidates for final interviews in the next week or two.
The public is invited to an Open House on Sunday, October 5, 2014 from 12 - 2:00 PM, at the Smith Chapel. The Open House is sponsored by the Durham Historic District/Heritage Commission, Durham Parks & Recreation, Durham Historical Association, and Three Chimney's Inn.
An 1892 prayer service will be given by the Reverend Michael Bradley, Rector, St. George's Episcopal Church. Music, history, a tour, and refreshments will be provided.
"Gates of Paradise" window by Redding Baird, Boston altar backdrop, south wall. Courtesy Andrea Bodo
The police department has been contacted by several residents about a continuing scam. It is clear that the desire to separate people from their money has no bounds as scammers become very innovative in attempting to do so! The calls have been very similar in nature with a foreign sounding voice contacting the persons at work and advising them of an outstanding warrant for their arrest. The residents are advised that they can contact a telephone number, one was in Florida and the other was in Texas to find out how much the “fine” is!
What is adding a thread of fear to these calls is that in both incidents the residents were contacted at work! While the Durham Police are not absolutely positive how the victim’s work information is being obtained, there is a hypothesis that some Facebook and/or LinkedIn sites have such information and may be used in this manner.
The Durham Police is sharing this information for awareness purposes and to help prevent fraud and/or identity theft from occurring during these purposely stressful telephone calls! As always the Durham Police urge residents NEVER to provide personal and/or credit card information via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or telephone solicitation. It is requested that any suspicious solicitation activity be reported to the Durham Police for further assessment and review.
The initiative of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been a national success where the previous events occurring in New Hampshire have taken in an astounding 276 tons of unwanted or expired medications in years past. So resounding was the success to fill this void that last year Chief Kurz decided to provide the program on a continuous basis to the residents of Durham. Numerous residents participated by dropping off a significant amount of unwanted or expired prescriptions at the police facility. Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM, residents can drop off their unused, unwanted, or expired medications at the Durham Police facility on Dover Road for no cost and it’s all anonymous!
Doing so prevents prescription drug abuse as six out of ten teenagers who have taken prescription narcotics state that they get them from their parents or relative’s medicine cabinets. Additionally, using this service keeps trace drugs out of our lakes, streams and estuaries as wastewater treatment plants cannot remove many of the compounds found in medications; so when flushed or put in a landfill, drugs are discharged into our surface and ground water and consumed by fish and wildlife. If anyone has any questions about this service, please call the Durham Police during business hours Monday through Friday.
Residents Tim, Jacqui, Parker, and Forrest Spinney are the new owners of Durham Bike and Sports. Courtesy Craig Stevens
Tim, Jacqui, Parker, and Forrest Spinney are the new owners of this family run business on Jenkins Court. Bikes and Bike Service is the main feature followed by long boards, swimwear/accessories and packs for bike and swim. In October skate sharpening services and hockey accessories will be available. Ski and Snowboard Services (sharpening and waxing) will begin in December. Visit Durham Bike and Sports on Facebook. (The Sheltie on the shop steps is named Willow). Open everyday except Monday.
Durham Bike and Sports is holding Sunday Fun Rides leaving at 8AM and returning at approximately 9:30-10:00 AM. Beginner to Intermediate cyclists and families are welcome. Rides will include 10-15 mile loops starting and ending at Durham Bike and Sports at 12 Jenkins Ct off Main Street in Durham. Sunday Fun Rides are designed for riders who want to get out and enjoy a morning ride with other cyclists. No pressure to go fast. Meet other riders from the Oyster River area and start your day with some fun exercise!
The first "Fall Ride" will be held this Sunday, September 21, 8:00 AM. Local coffee available at 7:45
The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.
Town Council - Monday, September 22, 2014.
Economic Development Committee - Wednesday, September 23, 2014.
All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.
VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at http://www.ci.durham.nh.us/ by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at http://dcat.pegcentral.com/.
Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.
DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.
Planning Board member David Williams (right), along with DCAT 22 Studios, recorded the second episode of “Town Conversations” featuring Police Chief David Kurz. Please check the DCAT schedule for a full description of the show along with the replay times. Courtesy Craig Stevens
Town Conversations with David Williams - Saturday & Sunday @ 9:00 AM & 3:30 PM
Run time: 1:07
David Williams interviewed Durham Police Chief Dave Kurz at the Durham Police Station on Monday, September 8. Chief Kurz shared his experiences about the unique dimensions of providing police services in Durham, and reflected on many current and future policing issues before our town. This video is also available on the Town's On Demand site.
Tour the Durham Police Department with Chief David Kurz - Saturday & Sunday @ 1:00 PM & 5:00 PM
Run time: 13:00 Minutes
Join DCAT 22 Studios on a brief guided tour through the Durham Police Department. Take a walk through areas of the PD that you hope to only see on TV. Chief David Kurz gives an informative tour with a little history mixed in. This video is also available on the Town's On Demand site.
Studio Two – Beatles Tribute Band - Saturday & Sunday at 7:00 PM
Run Time: 1:45
If you missed the last of the Music by the Bay Summer Concert series, then have no fear, DCAT 22 Studios was there to capture the entire concert for you. Tune in to DCAT 22 to see Beatles live and in concert.
This video is currently not available on the Towns On Demand site.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Community members chat while enjoy a free BBQ at Durham Day 2013. Courtesy Stefanie Frazee
Durham Day 2014 - Join Durham Parks & Recreation next Saturday, September 27th (rain date 28th) for Durham Day 2014! The event includes a free BBQ lunch, kayak and boat tours of Great Bay, Live music by local favorite Jeannie Daniels Band, oyster shucking demonstrations and sales, nature walk, community garden tour, local historical artifacts display, smoothie bar, poetry readings, CPR station, financial fitness exhibit, information on upcoming nature-based volunteer opportunities, kids activities and demonstrations…. We will accept vendor/participant registration forms through Wednesday of next week.Find out more HERE.
Fall Hours: Please note that some class times and locations have changed for the fall. View our weekly calendar and class descriptions HERE! Drop in to most of our fitness classes for only $10!
Save the Date: Durham Day – Saturday, Sept. 27th (rain date September 28th). Click HERE to participate in Durham Day 2014
Claire V. Bloom, founder and Executive Director of the "End 68 Hours of Hunger" program, will discuss childhood hunger in America and New England on September 27th at the Durham Evangelical Church. See below for more information.
Folk Concert with The Bombadils from Canada, presented by Oyster River Folk, Saturday, Sep 20, 2014, 7PM, Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 20 Madbury Rd. Tickets at door. Kids free. More information: malcolmsmith@comcast.net Coastal Cleanup Comes to Durham, Saturday, Sep 20, 2014. Volunteers to meet at Durham Landing (Old Landing Road off Route 108 east of the lights) at 9:00 AM where various stretches of shoreline will be assigned. Bags and gloves will be provided. All materials that are collected will be tallied and brought to Durham Landing for weighing, recycling, and appropriate disposal. Volunteers should wear appropriate clothing for the activity and weather. Contact Dick Weyrick, 868-2862, dweyrick@comcast.net for more information.
Houston Ballet II, UNH Celebrity Series, Tuesday, Sep 23, 2014, 7PM, Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre, Durham. More information HERE.Tickets: $30 General, $10 UNH Student with ID and Youth under 18. Call 603-862-7222. Hours of operation: Mon-Fri, 10AM-5PM as well as one hour before each event.
AlleyFest Event, sponsored by Main Street Makery & The Candy Bar, Saturday, Sep 27, 2014, 11AM-4PM, to be held in alley between the Candy Bar and Durham House of Pizza. Activities include: A new community mural, live music, ice cream bar, chocolate dipping, henna, face-painting, and crafts. Atendees will be invited to help paint part of the mural.
End 68 Hours of Hunger Program, presented by the Seacoast Memorial Lecture Series (an affiliate of the Active Retirement Association), Saturday, Sep 27, 2014, 1:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church. Free and open to the public. More information, visit http://www.unh.edu/ara/ or contact Carol Caldwell, 603-343-1004
UNH Ocean Discovery Day, Saturday, Oct 4, 10AM - 3PM at the Chase Ocean Engineering Laboratory on UNH Campus and the Judd Gregg Marine Research Complex, New Castle. Free event open to the public. Day full of hands-on activities and learning opportunities related to marine science and ocean engineering. For more information, click HERE.
Mass in Blue by Will Todd, English composer and jazz pianist, Saturday, Oct 4, 2014, 7:00 PM, The Portsmouth Music Hall. Produced by The Community Church of Durham, United Church of Christ. Choral direction by David Ervin, band direction by Marc LaForce. Tickets: $15, can be purchased HERE.
Self Defense Classes at Wildcat Fitness, Mill Road shopping plaza, Monday & Wednesdays, Oct 6-Nov 19, 2014 (14 classes), 8:20 PM. Cost: $129 ($149 non-members). Open to the public, guys, girls, moms, dads, families. More information, call 603-397-3200.
UNH Celebrity Series Presents Gallery Voices, Sunday, Oct 19, 2014, 7PM, Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre. Prices: $30 General,, $10 UNH Student with ID and Youth under 18. Tickets can be purchased on line or by calling 603-862-7222(PCAC). Hours are Mon-Fri, 10AM-5PM, as well as one hour before each event. Lamprey River Advisory Committee Fall 2014 Newsletter. The LRAC Fall 2014 newsletter is available for viewing HERE.
Family Storytimes start weekly, Sat., Sept. 20th at 10:30 a.m. - "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie..." All about Laura Numeroff! Sat., Sept. 27th at 10:30 a.m. – “Dining with Dinosaurs & Dragons! Family Movies start monthly: Sat., Sept. 20th at 2:00 p.m. - "The Nut Job"!
Game Afternoon: ages 10 & up starts weekly, Mon., Sept. 22nd at 2:45 p.m. - "Ticket to Ride". Storytimes: Tues. Sept. 23rd at 10:30 a.m. Today: Feel Better/Ambulance! Join us for stories, fingerplays, feltboard and a craft. All are welcome.
Friends' Book Discussion – There are nine additional copies of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein awaiting nine additional readers who still have time to read before the Friends’ Book discussion September 23rd, led by Jennifer Lee at 10:30 a.m. “Spies in Time” Tues. Sept. 23rd, 7:00-8:30 p.m. lecture with Douglas Wheeler. "The P.C. is Mightier Than The Sword: Three Leakers of State Secrets in Historical Perspective." Special Storytime with McGregor EMS and their ambulance, Thurs. Sept. 25th at 10:30 a.m.!
Lego Club 1st-4th grade starts weekly, Thurs., Sept. 25th at 3:45 p.m. UNH WOODSMEN - Thurs. Sept. 25th 5:30-7 p.m. – Watch a demonstration by the UNH Lumberjacks as they put their skill to work with the single buck, vertical chop, bow saw, and more! Held in the Durham Public Library parking lot. Contact Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nu.us.
Homeschoolers Activity Hour starts weekly, Fri., Sept. 26th at 10:30 a.m. FRIDAY FILM @ 2:00 - Sept. 26th Movie SOME LIKE IT HOT 1959 Starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis & Jack Lemmon. Movie snacks provided. Audience: Adults Contact Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nh.us Pajama Storytime starts monthly, Tues., Sept. 30th 6:30 p.m. - Monkeys! Crafternoons start weekly, Sat., Sept. 25th 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct. 6th Mon. @ 7 p.m.- THE ROAD NOT TAKEN Artistic Interpretations of the Poetry of Robert Frost. Come and listen to the artists that have been touring over 30 libraries in NH, how they have been inspired by the poetry of Robert Frost, and view their magnificent works of art. Contact Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nh.us
Oct 7th Tue. @ 6:30 p.m. AUTHOR TOBY BALL to talk about his third thriller, Invisible Streets. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a local author. Contact Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nh.us Young Adult Writing Group: ages 10 & up starts Mon., Oct. 6th at 6:30 p.m.
Book Groups – Pick up your books at the library Raccoon Readers: 2nd-4th grade, monthly book group starts Tues., Oct. 7th at 6:00 p.m. Bookeaters: monthly Middle School book group starts Weds., Oct. 15th at 2:45 p.m. Libros Lovers: monthly High School book group starts Weds,. Oct. 22nd at 2:45 p.m. Sign-ups have started! Patch Club: reading incentive program for ages 2-12 years. Sign-up at the Children’s Desk! Tales for Tails: Read to a trained therapy dog K-4th grade - sign-ups have begun. Seacoast Reads: UNH Reading help for children in grades 1st-3rd (or beginning to read). Sign-ups have begun at the Children’s Desk. Join the Durham Public Library Birthday Book Club. Celebrate a child’s birthday in a unique way with a gift of a book to the library. Talk to the Children’s Librarian at the children’s desk for more details.
Oct. 8th Wed @ 6:30 p.m. 2ND WED. EVERY MONTH – ACOUSTIC OPEN MIC There will be music & food in the Café, led by Peg Chaffee & Cheryl Sager of Nice and Naughty. Come to listen, come to perform, come to sing or just come and relax! Live music is good for the soul. Contact Nancy Miner nminer@ci.durham.nh.us.
Visit the DPL website www.durhampubliclibrary.org for more information.
FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association 1825 - Gen. Lafayette came to town on his tour of the state. He was met at the town line at Lee and escorted to the Town Hall. Bills for his entertainment included "$2.00 for making cartridges for cannon" and for "spirits, Vituals etc. for from 150 to 200 for $150.00 to Benjamin Kelley, Dr."
*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.