Friday Updates - September 20, 2013



Friday, September 20, 2013

Great Bay - A Great Blue Heron takes flight. Courtesy Jen Sanders




DON'T FORGET to join Durham Parks & Recreation this Saturday, Sept. 21st (rain date 22nd) for Durham Day 2013. Jump in a kayak for a paddle tour, or hop on a boat for a trip around the bay.  Enjoy a FREE BBQ and live music provided by local band Bliss.  Take a tour of the community gardens or join in on the HoopFit, Jiu-Jitsu, or Tai Chi demonstrations. Kidz Corner will offer games, activities, hiking adventure, and crafts.  Coyote's Inkwell will also be on site providing folktales and interactive storytelling. 


There's something for everyone at Durham Day this year! For a schedule of the day's events, click HERE.


UNH, DURHAM:  A GOOD MARRIAGE TAKES EARNEST EFFORT ON EVERYBODY'S PART - An Open Letter by UNH President Mark Huddleston and Town Administrator Todd Selig

Earlier this week, UNH President Mark Huddleston and Town Administrator Todd Selig published an open letter regarding the town-gown relationship between the Town of Durham and University of New Hampshire. To view the letter, click HERE.



In last week's "Friday Updates" it was reported that the bids for the new Town Hall project came in high. Administrator Selig had hoped to bring a proposed bid award forward to the Council at the September 23, 2013 Town Council meeting so that the project could begin in earnest. However, at this time the design team is still working with the general contractor, Hutter Construction, to further trim costs. It is anticipated that the bid award will come before the Council at one of is October meetings.



On Wednesday this week the Town's negoiating team, consisting of Town Labor Attorney Joseph McKittrick, Business Manager Gail Jablonski, Police Chief David Kurz, and Town Administrator Todd Selig, sat down with representatives from the Durham Police Officers Association (DPOA) to begin collective bargaining negotiations. The contract between Durham and the NHPBA Local 21 representing Durham’s police patrol officers extends from January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013. The collective bargaining process is a very time-intensive process for both labor and management bargaining teams.


PRESENTATION OF THE 2012 AUDIT REPORT - Melanson Heath & Company     

At the Town Council meeting on Monday evening, September 23rd, members of the Council will receive a presentation from the Town's new auditing firm, Melanson Heath & Company, Nashua, NH, for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2012. Representatives from Melanson Heath will provide a brief presentation and to answer any questions Councilors may have relative to the audit report.


To view the 2012 Audit documents, click HERE.



At the Town Council meeting on Monday evening, September 23rd, members of the Town Council will discuss a proposed draft Water Ordinance presented by Town Engineer David Cedarholm.


This is the third recent presentation by Mr. Cedarholm on the subject of updating the Town of Durham’s Water Ordinance, Chapter 158 of the Durham Town Code and is another opportunity for the Town Council and residents to discuss the merits and concerns related to updating this section of the Town Code.  The first presentation, which took place on June 17, 2013, was an introduction of the general approach and provided an overview of the new sections being proposed.  The second presentation occurred on July 15, 2013 and included a lengthy discussion with the Town Council on various parts of the ordinance with particular attention paid to how the ordinance addresses water conservation, water use restriction authority, and emergency response.  Subsequent to the July 15th presentation the Mr. Cedarholm met with Councilors David Howland, Jim Lawson, and Robin Mower to discuss specific revisions to the proposed ordinance.  The revised Water Ordinance has now been significantly refined based on the comments received by Durham Town Councilors and the Town Administrator and was circulated to the Council by email on September 10, 2013 for consideration along with a updated Draft Water Conservation Plan.

This third presentation is also timely as it coincides with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services initiative to adopt a final Water Management Plan for the Lamprey River which includes recently refined Water Use and Water Conservation Plans for the UNH/Durham Water System and a Dam Management Plan for the Wiswall Dam.  These were circulated to the Durham Town Council by email in August 2013.  

If the Council is comfortable with the draft ordinance as presented, it will be placed on the Council’s October 7, 2013 meeting agenda for a First Reading, with a Public Hearing to be scheduled for October 21, 2013. Mr. Cedarholm will be present for both of these meetings to provide any further information or answer additional questions from the Council as well as members of the public.


To view the draft Water Ordinance and accompanying documents, click HERE.


Durham Police Chief David Kurz



Durham's Police Chief, David Kurz, is featured in this month's CALEA E-Communique. The Durham Police Department obtained its CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement) accreditation in July 1999. The purpose of CALEA’s accreditation programs is to improve the delivery of public safety services, primarily by: maintaining a body of standards, developed by public safety practitioners, covering a wide range of up-to-date public safety initiatives; establishing and administering an accreditation process; and recognizing professional excellence.

Specifically, CALEA’s goals are to:

  • Strengthen crime prevention and control capabilities;
  • Formalize essential management procedures;
  • Establish fair and nondiscriminatory personnel practices;
  • Improve service delivery;
  • Solidify interagency cooperation and coordination; and
  • Increase community and staff confidence in the agency.

The CALEA Accreditation Process is a proven modern management model.  Once implemented, it presents an agency’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), on a continuing basis, with a blueprint that promotes the efficient use of resources and improves service delivery—regardless of the size, geographic location, or functional responsibilities of the agency.

To read the leadership profile on Chief Kurz, click HERE.



Administrator Selig is attending the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Annual conference in Boston which runs September 22-25, 2013.  The ICMA Annual Conference is an educational and networking event for local government professionals in the world. Administrator Selig attends this conference annually which shifts from east coast to west coast.  In addition to professional development opportunities offered during the day, the conference offers evening social events that complement attendees learning experience by providing relaxing and convivial backdrops for networking, discovery, and exchange of new ideas among peers.



The initiative of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been a national success where the previous events have taken in an astounding 276 tons of unwanted or expired medications.  Chief Kurz has decided to provide this program on a continuous basis since a significant number of residents participated by dropping off at the police facility a significant amount of unwanted or expired prescriptions.  During any business day, from 8AM to 5PM, residents can drop off their unused, unwanted, or expired medications at the Durham Police facility on Dover Road for no cost and it’s all anonymous!

Doing so prevents prescription drug abuse as six out of ten teenagers who have taken prescription narcotics state that they get them from their parents or relative’s medicine cabinets.  Additionally, using this service keeps trace drugs out of our lakes, streams and estuaries as wastewater treatment plants cannot remove many compounds found in medications; so when flushed or put in a landfill, drugs are discharged into our surface and ground water and consumed by fish and wildlife.  If anyone has any questions about this service, please call the Durham Police during business hours Monday through Friday.



A reminder to residents that the new automated, solar powered parking meters downtown along Pettee Brook Lane and Madbury Road offer 15 minutes of free parking for a quick pick up or drop off, or time to pick up a muffin or cup of coffee.  IT IS STILL NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE FREE 15 MINUTE SLIP FROM THE AUTOMATED SOLAR-POWERED KIOSKS, THOUGH.


The automated meter program is intended to expand over time and will likely encompass all parking spaces downtown with premium locations garnering a premium price and with parking farther away costing less thereby better distributing parking use throughout the entire downtown core.  When new meters are installed along Main Street, we envision the first hour being free.


“Riding the Trash Truck with Arthur” - Sunday’s @ 8:30 PM

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride the trash truck….well, probably not, but over the summer months DCAT had the chance to ride the trash truck with Sanitation Worker Arthur Nutter.   You’ll have a new appreciation as to how difficult the job of Sanitation Worker really is.  Hear Arthur describe some of the difficulties he faces on a daily basis.   View part of Town Administrator Todd Selig’s day riding and working alongside of Arthur.  Todd describes his day and talks about some of the possible changes to trash collection.  Tune in this Sunday @ 8:30 PM.  This is an original DCAT Studios production.


Health Reform & Health Insurance Markets

2014 Changes in NH

Filmed at the Durham Public Library’s New Community Room!

Hey local residents, if you missed the Insurance presentation in the Community Room @ Durham Public Library on Wednesday September 11, no worries, DCAT Studios was there and recorded the entire presentation just for you.  Tune in this Sunday @ 2:00 PM as Tyler Brannen, Health Policy Analyst from the NH Insurance Department explains the changes in the Health Insurance Marketplace for 2014.  Hear residents questions about some of these changes and how it affects all of us.  This broadcast will not be available on DCAT’s On Demand site.


“Smith Chapel a Durham Treasure”

Join your host, Richard Belshaw as he chats with Historic District/Heritage Commission board member, Andrea Bodo about the history, renovations and interesting facts about our own little neighborhood treasure, the Smith Chapel.  Hear why it was built, view the beauty of the architecture and  get a peek at some of the treasures inside. Sunday’s @ 6:00 PM
. This production will also be available on the On Demand site, just click on the DCAT Studios folder.


“Smith Chapel Two Years of Restoration”

Join your host, Public Works Director, Mike Lynch as he shares more about the restoration and renovations of the Smith Chapel.  Hear Mike's story of a personal experience that took place in the Chapel some 32 years ago.  View the beautifully landscaped grounds, maintained by residents and the Public Works Department.  See and hear reactions from some of the Town Councilors that visited the Chapel for the first time after the restorations were completed.

Sunday’s @ 6:30 PM



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below.


Town Council - Monday, September 23, 2013. To view agenda and other information, click HERE.

Planning Board - Wednesday, September 27, 2013. To view agenda and other information, click HERE.

Parks & Recreation Committee - Thursday, September 26, 2013. To view agenda and other information, click HERE.


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at  by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at


Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.


DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.


Newly installed Monarch Butterfly habitat sign at Wagon Hill Farm. Courtesy Robin Mower



Take a walk at Wagon Hill Farm and you can't help but notice stretches of unmown field and new signs that mark areas for much-needed wildlife conservation. On the path toward the wagon one reads "Monarch Butterfly Habitat." Along the path toward the water, you will see a similar sign for the bobolink songbird.

DPW has committed to leaving two areas unmown for a few months each year to protect the breeding habitats for these two migratory visitors. (They fly thousands of miles to their winter homes.) Both are seen less and less in our area as grasslands give way to shrubs, forest, and development. The Monarch butterfly feeds and lays its eggs only on the milkweed plant, while the bobolink requires stretches of at least 5 to 10 acres of open high grass.

Be sure to keep your eyes open for the orange-and-black Monarchs in late August or September. Next May or June you may catch a glimpse of the bobolinks as they fly up from their nests in the ground.

Unfortunately, during this past winter unusually cold weather hit Mexico. A much smaller number of Monarchs than usual have made the journey back this year, so every butterfly given the opportunity to reproduce will help restore the population. For more about the monarch butterfly, pictures, and a video of the butterflies here and in their winter home in Mexico, check out the Journey North website.

To listen to a sample of the bobolinks' song -- a rolling, bubbling series of notes given in flight -- and to learn more about the this increasingly rare songbird, check out the Audubon Society website, HERE.


A photograph and history of Rear Admiral O'Kane hangs in the lobby at Town Hall.



The Durham Historic Association presents "Dick O'Kane, A Durham War Hero" on Thursday, October 17, 2013 beginning at 7PM at the Durham Public Library (Oyster River Room). This even is open to the public.


Rear Admiral Richard H. O’Kane is one of Durham’s most illustrious sons, serving his country with great distinction during World War II as one of its outstanding and most highly decorated submarine captains.  He was one of only seven submariners during the war to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in combat above and beyond the call of duty – this highest of military honors in addition to receiving the Legion of Merit, three Silver Stars, and three Navy Crosses.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Kids catch a glimpse of Humpty Dumpty from the footbridge at Town Landing during the Centennial Celebration. Courtesy Stefanie Frazee


HoopFit Classes - NEW!: Hooping is a fun cardio activity that burns up to 600 calories per hour. Using only hoops, you will work your entire core, hamstrings, glutes, and even arms!  Music and friends make the workout feel like a party!  Classes are drop-in for $10, and will meet every Tuesday, starting Oct. 1st.   

Tuesdays 5:30-6:30PM (starting Oct. 1st) @ Durham Parks & Rec. building.


Rock Climbing Club:  Now accepting names for Fall DPR Climbing Club Members (ages 12-18), don’t miss out!  Email:

with participant information to secure a spot.



HoopFit  (Starting Oct 1st):  Tuesdays - 5:30-6:30 PM

Yoga:   Mondays - 5PM; Tuesdays - 7:15PM; Thursdays - 6:00AM

Boot Camp:  Wednesday/Friday – 7AM
Pilates:  Monday - 8AM; Wednesday - 6:30PM; Saturday - 10AM

Zumba:  Monday/Wednesday - 5:30PM; Saturday - 9AM

Strength & Stretch:  Wednesday/Friday - 8AM

Tai Chi Beginner/AdvancedFriday – 4-5:30PM

Tai Chi Moving for Better Balance:  Tuesday/Thursday - 9-10AM


Find out more here:



Durham Day – September 21st (rain date September 22nd) @ WHF

A Spooktacular Day in Durham – October 25th



Maryse Searls McConnell, Enlightenment, 2011, intaglio, 12" x 17". One of the pieces of art available for auction during the UNH Museum of Art's Fine Art Fundraising Auction on Friday, Oct 4, 2013. More information below.


One World Language School International Film Festival, Saturday & Sunday, Sep 21 & 22, 2013 at UNH featuring award-winning films for children and adults from around the world. For more information and to register, contact Julie Reece at 603-866-0364 or

Sixth Annual Huntington's Disease Awareness Walk, Saturday, Sep 21, 2013, 10:00 AM, UNH Whittemore Center. 3-mile walk. Registration open 9AM at rear entrance of Whittemore Center. Parking available adjacent to the "Whitt" at UNH Alumni Center lot. Register online, HERE.

UNH Ocean Discovery Day, Saturday, Sep 21, 2013, 10AM - 3PM at the Chase Ocean Engineering Laboratory on UNH Campus and the Judd Gregg Marine Research Complex, New Castle. Free event open to the public. Day full of hands-on activities and learning opportunities related to marine science and ocean engineering. For more information, click HERE.

Nutcracker Auditions, Saturday, Sep 21, 2013, St. George's Church, Durham. Northeastern Ballet Theatre open auditions to perform in the company's Dec 7th & 8th performances at ORHS. For more information email or call Edra Toth, 603-834-8834. 

One World Language International Film Festival, Saturday, Sep 21 and Sunday, Sep 22, 2013, UNH Memorial Union Building. Films in French, Spanish, German, and Chinese. For schedule and film information, click HERE.

Oyster River 5th/6th Grade Football Games, Saturday, Sep 21, 2013, UNH Cowell Stadium, 8AM, followed by the 7th/8th grade games at 11:30 am.

Durham Garden Club, Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013, 6:30 PM, Durham Public Library community room. Open to the public. Workshop entitled Ikebana: The Disciplined Art of Japanese Flower Arranging held by Holly Harris, a 15-year member of the Kittery Point chapter of the Ikebana Society of America.

Oyster River High School Junior Class Hypnotist Show with Hypnotist Frank Santos, Jr., Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013, 7PM, ORHS Auditorium. Admission: $7. Event to support the Junior class and the junior prom.

Moharimet Elementary School Seeking Volunteers. The Moharimet Elementary School is gearing up for a major playground renovation Sep 26-28, 2013 and needs volunteers of all skill levels to rake, hammer, dig, and have fun constructing a playground. Contact Rebecca Kell at

Nobel Peace Laureate to speak at UNH, Monday, Sep 30, 2013, 10AM - 12:15 PM, UNH. World leader Muhammad Yunus speaks about the power of business to solve social and environmental problems at the statewide New Hampshire Social Business and Microfinance. Limited seating; registration required. Learn more and register to attend at

Oyster River Community Harvest Community Dinner, Thursday, Oct 3, 2013, 5-7:00 PM, ORHS Cafeteria. $7/individual, $15/parents & children. Presented by the Child Nutrition Services with assistance from the OR Sustainability Committee. Open to Durham/Lee/Madbury communities. Please RSVP to

Fine Art Fundraising Auction, Museum of Art, UNH, Friday, Oct 4, 2013, 6-8:00 PM, Paul Creative Arts Center. Advance reservations recommended. For more information or to register call 603-862-3712 or click HERE.

One World Language School Information and Registration Night, Thursday, October 19, 2013, 5-6:30 PM, Moharimet Elementary school. One World Language School offers French, Spanish, German, and Chinese classes for children ages 3 and up. Classes held each Thursday at Moharimet beginning  in October.

Durham Great Bay Rotary. Meets weekly on Wednesdays, 7:30 AM, Three Chimneys Inn. Sep 25: UNH Coach Umile; Oct 2: Fire Chief Corey Landry.



Durham Days at Wagon Hill Farm with Durham Parks and Rec, Sat. Sept. 21st, 12:30-4.  We will be there with a craft and nature walk.

Slide Presentation of Michael Behrendt's Trip to South Dakota Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation and the Black Hills, Tuesday, Oct 1, 2013, 6:30-8:00 PM, Durham Public Library. Mr. Behrendt's presentation will explore life (and struggles) on the reservation; Lakota Sioux culture; some history about the wars between Native Americans and our society; the Buffalo; the Badlands; the Black Hills; among other topics.

Chess and Board Game Afternoon (ages 10 & up), Monday Sept. 23rd 3:00-4:00 p.m. – Join us every Monday afternoon in the community room upstairs for a game of chess (or other board games).
Pre-school storytimes begin Tues. Sept. 24th and Thurs. Sept. 26th at 10:30 a.m. – The theme is Moose!
Parks & Rec Afterschool Games (K-4th Grade), Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 4 to 5 p.m. - Join the Parks and Rec for fun games after school.  This program will meet once a month (the last Tuesday of the month).
PJ Storytime: Fall!,Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 6:30 p.m. - Join ORPP and the Durham Library for this month's PJ storytime. Come wearing your Pajamas! This month we will read stories about Fall and make a fun Fall craft. Snack provided by ORPP.  All are welcome.  This is a fun way for parents and children to meet.
Silent, Still Meditation Class, Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 7 p.m - Feeling stressed? Need to unplug and achieve a higher level of relaxation in your life?  Join Jiong Jiong Hu, a Durham resident and practitioner of mindfulness meditation, for a free evening of guided relaxation. All levels of meditation experience are welcome.
Young Adult Author Visit: D.M. Cataneo and his book "Eggplant Alley", Thursday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. - Join us for this local Young Adult Author talk!  D.M Cataneo, a native of Yonkers, NY, graduated from Boston University and embarked on a 22-year career in Boston journalism. He currently lives in Durham, NH. where he teaches writing at the University of New Hampshire. “Eggplant Alley” is his first novel.
Lego Club (1st-4th graders), Thurs. Sept. 26 at 3:45-4:45 p.m. – Join us Thursdays to make Lego creations.
Crafternoon – Fri. Sept. 27th 3:00-4:30 p.m. – Stop by the Children’s craft room on Fridays for a fun craft.
Join the Raccoon Readers, a book discussion group for 2nd-4th graders on Tuesday, Oct. 1st at 6:00 pm.  This month’s books is “Call me Oklahoma!” by Miriam Glassman. We will discuss the books, play some games and make a craft.
Friends Book Discussion: “So Long, See You Tomorrow”, Thursday, Oct. 3 at 10:30 a.m. in the Heritage Room - Please don't miss the first Friends' book discussion in the quiet, lovely Heritage Room, led by Jennifer Lee. Your copy of “So Long, See You Tomorrow” by William Maxwell awaits you.
Join the Bookeaters, a middle school book discussion group on Weds. Oct. 16th from 2:45-4:00 pm.  This month’s book is “The Search for Wondla” by Toni DiTerLizzi.  
Young Adult Writing/Blog Group (ages 10 & up), Monday Oct. 7th, 7-7:45 p.m. -Like to write? Join us for this monthly writing/blogging group.  We do writing exercises, share book reviews, movie review, poetry...  whatever you like to write about.  Your writing can be a part of our blog "Write Away" on wordpress.
Libros Lovers, High School Book Group, Weds. Oct. 23rd, 2:45-4:00 p.m. – This month’s book is “Paper Towns” by John Green.
Patch Club! Earn patches and a library bag for your reading time.  Register at the children’s desk.
Digital Bookmobile is coming your way! Need help with eBooks, your eReader, how to use it, which one to buy? All questions will get answered on the Digital Bookmobile that will stop at Dover Public Library on September 26, 2013.  Check this out:

Visit the DPL website for more information.



*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.


FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association.

1675 - First clash of King Philip's War came when William Roberts and son were killed and several homes burned. William Beard was slain and his head cut off and set on a pole. Indians were spurred on by conflicts between the English and French for possession of the new lands.


Have a nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, New Hampshire

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


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