Friday Updates - September 28th, 2018


Friday, September 28, 2018


View of Crommet Creek this afternoon, Friday, 9/28/18. Courtesy Todd Selig


This past week at the ICMA conference in Baltimore, I traveled on a study tour with a local pastor and other city managers through an East Baltimore neighborhood where 40% to 45% of the homes are vacant shells, where crime/drugs are pervasive, where there is literally no local supermarket to purchase fresh groceries like fruit and vegetables (people eat fast food as a staple), where a liquor shop is on nearly every corner, and where local citizens are working to literally rebuild their neighborhoods against overwhelming odds. It’s good to take a moment to compare and contrast the extraordinarily nuanced concerns we focus upon here in Durham against such a context to realize that we are fortunate indeed to live in Durham, NH. Our quality of life here is exceedingly high. Schools are excellent. The town is safe and well-managed with excellent (and highly intelligent/thoughtful/committed) citizen volunteers on our boards and talented/dedicated employees working for the citizens they serve. We have a local grocery store and many others within a short driving distance. Our downtown is vibrant with an ever growing mix of offerings that appeal more and more to the full community. Real estate prices are very strong and vacancy is almost nil. It is still possible to see and enjoy much of Durham's beautiful history and natural surroundings around us. UNH remains a major employer/partner/economic driver locally with its students adding much to the vibrancy of our town (and of course some challenges as well). We are not mired in negative politics. People are open to differing ideas and it is still possible to change someone's mind through reason. It is because of these local realities that we have the privilege of being able to deal with the very nuanced issues we do deal with in Durham. We should take this moment to recognize and be thankful for what we have in this community on the Oyster River.

I was also able to speak with various subject professionals at the conference, including a team from CALEA (the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies), which provides professional accreditation services for the Durham Police Department. The CALEA staff referred to our own Chief Kurz as … “the Godfather” of police accreditation. It's good to have the Godfather in our town!


At Monday's Town Council meeting, UNH President James Dean will introduce himself to the board at 7 PM during Special Announcements.



Within the church’s early history, the town’s civic leaders often held positions of leadership within the church. Familiar names of Griffiths, Thompson, Ffrost and Mathes are among the families that regularly attended Sunday services.  As the town grew to include the University of New Hampshire, many of the university’s leaders also held positions within the church’s leadership. “Dad” Henderson. Carl Lundholm and Donald Babcock are familiar names within the university and church’s histories.  The public is invited to join the church as it celebrate this milestone in our shared histories. The following events are free and open to all:  

  • Saturday, October 20th 3:00 p.m. Historical Pageant “Our Church Story” - Written by Prof. Doug Wheeler, this dramatic narrative will feature Durham’s principal historical events and personalities in the church's 300th year history.
  • Sunday, October 28th 4:00 p.m. Organ Concert - Raymond Nagem, Associate Music Director at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC will play music selections that honor music within the church’s history. Reception to follow.


Kathryn’s last day at Durham Police is Sunday, October 14th, so the department is having an open house at the DPD with light refreshments on Friday, October 12th, from 11:30AM to 1:30PM. Kathryn is currently a Sergeant with the DPD. She has been hired to become the Police Chief in North Hampton, NH.

All residents, friends, and co-workers are encouraged to stop by to say hello and wish good luck to Kathryn. 


Administrator Selig, Police Chief Kurz, and Officer Katie Bolton discuss aspects of the Durham Police Department's 2019 proposed budget. Courtesy Gail Jablonski

FY 2019 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT UPDATE – Little growth in tax base, flat non-tax revenues, and numerous spending drivers make for a difficult budget development process. Initial requests would increase tax rate by 21%...

The annual budget process is in full swing. By Town Charter, all departments, boards, committees, commissions, and outside agencies must submit their budget requests to the Administrator for review so that s/he may review and develop a formal budget and Capital Improvement Program for presentation to the Town Council by the last business day in October. The Town Council then has until the last business day in December to adopt a budget of its own, or the Administrator’s budget becomes the budget by default.

At this time, Business Manager Gail Jablonski and Administrator Selig are actively reviewing budget submittals, meeting with departments, etc. to develop, finalize, and propose a formal FY 2019 (January 1st – December 31st) budget to the Council.

As part of its goal setting process, the Council established a budget goal to hold the municipal portion of the tax rate flat for the fourth year in a row (after taking into account the statistical revaluation update we've just completed).

The initial budget requests submitted by departments, boards, committees, commissions, and outside agencies to Mr. Selig would result in a General Fund budget of $17,176,235, an increase of $1.6 million or 10.34% over FY 2018. This would increase the local municipal tax rate by a whopping 21.28%. Such an increase is clearly unworkable from the outset!

The requested budgets include 5 new full-time positions at this point in time (DPW roadside trimming/brush removal, DPW highway dept., Fire captain, a second Fire Admin. Assistant, GIS Coordinator). While all of these positions are warranted and should be funded, spending constraints will simply make it impossible to do so.

On the revenue side, we have been fortunate over the last three years to hold the local municipal tax rate unchanged at $8.48. This was possible in large part because Durham had significant new taxable value through new development coming on line downtown and elsewhere. We also have worked diligently to hold the line on spending. With the last set of zoning changes a few years ago generally intended to prevent new student housing in the downtown or elsewhere, new development has stopped in its tracks leaving us with a virtually flat annual growth in our taxable valuation. Any new revenue from Riverwoods Durham through our PILOT at this time is simply offsetting losses in revenue with respect to our various agreements with UNH. In other words, there is little to no new value/revenue to absorb increases in spending, and for an organization that is already very flat, lean, and efficient, that means a strain on the tax rate.

Administrator Selig is working with the Business Manager Gail Jablonski, and departments at this time to chart a path forward. Meeting the Council’s budget goal for FY 2019, therefore, will be a real challenge and quite simply may not be possible. At the same time, that remains the goal.



Following approximately three years of negotiations, Durham and Comcast have inked a franchise renewal agreement. As part of the deal, Comcast will build a fiber link from Town Hall to the Durham Police Department, the cost of which shall be deducted from the franchise fee paid by Comcast to Durham. In addition, Durham has the option of increasing its franchise fee from 4% to 5% at the option of the Town Council. The new contract extends through June 5, 2025. 


Newly rebuilt bridge over Crommet Creek. Courtesy Todd Selig


This week, we received a very nice note from Durham Point Road resident Mike Hoffman regarding the recently completed Crommet Creek Bridge project. His note follows...

"I would like to express our collective appreciation for the attractive restoration of the Crommet Creek Bridge. We truly appreciate the careful scrutiny the Town Council gave the project. We all feel the pinch of a relatively high tax rate. At the same time, we appreciate the aesthetic qualities of the town we call home. Durham Point and Bay Roads are truly scenic byways in every sense. Roadside architecture matters… it builds pride in community. As I’m sure you all know, many artists have painted the landscape vista from the Crommet Creek Bridge. It is a treasure to preserve. April Talon deserves special recognition, as she not only reached out to the local residents for public comment, she truly listened to our concerns and provided reasonable options costed out for the Council to consider. We also would like to recognized Doug Bullen for his efforts to minimize the negative effects of required traffic control signage.

The finished product is to be appreciated and is testament to cooperative local government. I had hope to capture and share the beauty of the project in a photo, but it’s just not possible. I hope every Council Member takes the time to appreciate the project in person. Walking the bridge outside the confines of a car is a unique pleasure shared by many generations. As one of John and Maryanna Hatches favorite places, I’m quite confident they would be very happy to see the good work that was done. I can see John smiling now.

Many thanks for a job done well by all involved!"



Ready Rides is a volunteer driver program which assists the elderly and handicapped get to medical and dental appointments when they cannot drive themselves. Ready Rides serves the communities of Barrington, Durham, Lee, Madbury, Newfields, Newmarket, Northwood,Nottingham, and Strafford.

The organization provides free curb to curb transportation by volunteers, driving their own car.

Volunteers choose when they can provide rides, distance, and time of day. All volunteer drivers are vetted and trained for the safety of the clients. Drivers receive .35 cents reimbursement per mile to cover expenses. Help your neighbors stay in their homes as they age by improving their access to medical care.

Persons interested in becoming a Ready Rides volunteer driver may call (603) 244-8719, and check Ready Rides out on the web at


View of Mill Pond looking toward the dam. Courtesy Todd Selig


The 140-foot dam across the Oyster River is listed on the N.H. Register of Historic Places. Its impoundment creates Mill Pond, now transitioning to a marsh environment, which the state considers an impaired water body. The cost of dredging is in excess of $1 million, which the Town Council considered infeasible and rejected. Meanwhile, the state also considers the dam structurally deficient and in need of repairs. 

Those repairs will likely cost between $1 million and $5 million. The cost of removing the dam is not yet known, although it is likely grant money could offset much of the town’s costs.

Conversations are ongoing about whether the classification of the Dam could be lowered or a waiver provided, which would require additional feasibility study. 

Read a story about the dam in this past week's Foster's Daily Democrat HERE.



The Land Stewardship Subcommittee is spearheading volunteer work days, an Eagle Scout project, and fund-raising to improve public access, awareness, and enjoyment of Durham’s Doe Farm conservation area, based on a comprehensive trails and stewardship plan, complementing the 100+ years of forest management of this property. Planned improvements include: building bridges, creating new trails, adding a kiosk and signs, establishing new riverside day-use picnic areas, enhancing the stewardship campsite, and improving existing trails. The budget for these projects is $16,000 with additional labor, design work, and permitting contributed by volunteers and Town of Durham staff.

To reach these goals we are seeking volunteers to help with trail improvements and donations to support building of trail bridges, clearing trails, and related infrastructure. Two trail workdays are planned. If interested in helping, please sign up on Nature Groupie HERE.

  • Saturday, October 6, 2018   9:00 am – 1:00 pm
  • Saturday, October 27, 2018   9:00 am – 1:00 pm

To maintain healthy waters, habitats, and forests and improve public access and enjoyment on all Durham conservation areas—needs identified in property management plans--additional funds are needed to augment town funds and grants. The Town Council created the “Durham Town Land Stewardship Patron’s Trust” to meet these needs. Private donations to the Patron’s Trust are used for stewardship activities on Durham conservation areas, guided by the Land Stewardship Subcommittee in collaboration with the Trustees of the Trust Funds and Conservation Commission. Interested donors can learn more by checking out the following documents:

  • Patron’s Trust Pledge Form HERE
  • Help Improve Doe Farm Trails HERE.

Other conservation related events include:

  • Forest Bathing at Oyster River Forest and Doe Farm Tour: Sunday, October 14. Information HERE
  • Milne Nature Sanctuary Master Plan Concept – Public Input: Thursday, October 11 at 7:00 pm Durham Town Hall. View the concept drawing HERE.


The Durham Fire Department invites community members to participate in the commissioning of its newest fire apparatus, Durham Engine 2, on Monday, October 1, 2018, beginning at 6:00 PM at the fire station, 51 College Road.


OYSTER RIVER'S END 68 HRS OF HUNGER PROGRAM - Are you in need of assistance? OR Interested in donating toward the program?

The community of Oyster River offers a weekend food program for students, End 68 Hours-Oyster River. This program’s purpose is to send home a supply of food every Friday with any child who feels /whose parent(s) feel this would be helpful. This process will be done in a confidential manner. The food products are simply placed in bags on their bus Friday afternoon for take home. Students not transported by bus or who would prefer, may pick their bag up at their respective schools. You may opt into or opt out of this program at any time. For instance, if there is a loss of income in a home, you may contact one of the people noted below in person, via phone, note or email and the next week your child(ren) will receive a bag of food to take home from the school where they attend. The service will continue each week until the person states they no longer wish to receive this support.

Moharimet: 740-8585                   

Mast Way: 659-3001   

Middle School: 868-2820                

High School: 868-2375

If you feel this would help your family, fill in the bottom portion of the attached letter and have your child bring it to the nurse or counselor listed above. You can fill out one form or send information to one location even if you have children in more than one school. You may also call or email the information following the format below. Please contact Katherine Moore, Mast Way with any questions.

If you are interested in learning more about End 68, visit the main organization’s website HERE, or contact Katherine Moore RN Mast Way School at 659-3001,

If your family is able to help with a monetary donation, please make checks payable to ORCSD End 68 Hours of Hunger and send: c/o Nancy Clavette, SAU #5 36 Coe Dr. Durham NH 03824.


BUTTON UP NEW HAMPSHIRE - Learn how to be more energy efficient this Tuesday.

Button Up New Hampshire, the home energy savings workshop series, is coming to town. The Newmarket Energy and Environment Advisory Committee, The Newmarket Area Centennial Lions Club and Jonny Boston’s International are hosting this free workshop for residents and it will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 2 at the Newmarket Town Hall, 186 Main St. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the workshop starting at 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. The workshop is sponsored by NHSaves and coordinated by the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative.

View more information in the Foster's article HERE.


NEW HAMPSHIRE'S "HANDS FREE ELECTRONIC DEVICE" LAW - It's no longer legal to text, google, and drive your car!

The Hands Free law has been in effect since July 2015! The law was created for many good reasons due including the large number of fatal car crashes in New Hampshire that have been attributed to “distraction”. Research has concluded that a texting vehicle operator is 23 times more likely to crash.

New Hampshire’s law prohibits the use of hand held electronic devices capable of providing voice or data communication while driving or even when temporarily halted/stopped in traffic for a stop sign, traffic signal or other momentary delays. An electronic device includes cell phones, GPS, tablets, iPods, iPad or other devices that require data entry. Of course, any call being made to 911 or other public safety entity will not be a violation. 

It is important to understand that the ban would apply while drivers are stopped temporarily, such as at a red light, but not if they have pulled-over and are stopped off the side of the roadway. Vehicle operators can answer the phone but not holding it to the ear or typing emails or other messages. It also does not allow programming GPS systems unless drivers are pulled off the road.

Drivers can use a variety of ways to comply with the law and still talk on their phones. For example, drivers can attach a Bluetooth device to an older car’s sun visor and sync it to their cellphone. Many newer cars can also make hands-free calls through Bluetooth integrated into the car’s system. If anyone is confused or would like to speak with an officer about the law, please call the Durham Police @ 603-868-2324.


IT'S FLU SEASON - Please cough into your sleeve!

The influenza virus will no doubt return to NH in the near term so we recommend that residents 6 months and older get a flu shot. The NH State Epidemiologist says the flu season usually lasts from September through May.

And please...cough into your sleeve! View a humorous video that makes this point HERE.


On September 11, 2018, Brookdale Sprucewood invited local first responders for lunch at its facility and provided them with donated Teddy bears that Sprucewood collected to give to children during a crisis. Courtesy Brookdale Sprucewood


RULES OF THE ROAD -- Bicyclists & Motorists

Safety is on all our minds as we use the road. We may think it's the other person who doesn't know what he or she is doing as they drive or cycle on our shared roadways, but do we, ourselves, really know what's what?

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation has published a two-sided brochure that summarizes the rights and responsibilities of motorists and cyclists, as delineated and codified in the State statutes, the RSAs. This pamphlet has two sections, Bicycle Safety: What Every Cyclist Must Know and Sharing the Road: What Every Motorist Must Know. The brochure can be downloaded from the NHDOT website on Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic or from the Supporting Documents section of the Town's web page.

Please do take the time to read the brochure before you next head out. Also check out the NHDOT website to learn more about shared lane road markings ("sharrows"), which can be seen on Durham's Main Street and elsewhere in town.

A key point to remember: It’s the Law -- Bicycles Are Vehicles. New Hampshire law says bicyclists have the same rights and duties as drivers of motor vehicles.



Budget season is upon us in Durham and as such, Administrator Selig is actively working with the Business Office and our various department, boards, committees, and commissions in formulating a proposed budget for consideration by the Town Council. By Town Charter, Mr. Selig has until the last business day in October to propose a budget to the Council. The Council then has until the last business day in December to adopt a budget of its own, or the Administrator’s proposed budget becomes the FY 2019 budget by default.

At this time of year, Mr. Selig is in constant budget meetings, in additional to normal responsibilities, and as such responding to correspondence is typically delayed. Urgent matters should be sent to the attention of Administrative Assistant Jennie Berry,



A Durham resident shared a scam phone call that the Durham Police had not seen before.

"System that will put $10,000 or more in your pocket in the next 10 to 14 days and $10,000 or more every 10 to 14 days after that. This message will absolutely blow your mind so press one right now if you wanna find out exactly how to put $10,000 or more in your pocket every 10 to 14 days. I guarantee you have never seen anything like this up until now. So press one right now to get all of the details or press two and I guarantee you'll never hear from me again."

Once again, if it seems wrong ... it is!


Administrator Selig addresses Ukrainian youth workers from the Open World Leadership Center. Courtesy DCAT Studios


In partnership with Open World Leadership Center and FHI 360, Friends Forever International based in Durham is hosting its first delegation of Ukrainian youth workers from the Open World Leadership Center, a legislative branch agency.

Prior to their arrival in Durham, the delegates from Ukraine completed an orientation in Washington, D.C. on Capitol Hill and had the opportunity to meet with members of Congress.

On Sept. 27th, they met with Admin. Selig to discuss local government in NH and specifically in Durham.  

Learn more HERE.



All Town offices will be closed on Monday, October 8th for the Indigenous Peoples' Day holiday in Durham.

Although the offices will be closed, there will be NO CHANGES TO THE REFUSE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION SCHEDULE. PLEASE HAVE ALL ITEMS OUT BY 7AM AS ALWAYS. View the Holiday pick-up schedule HERE.


WEST NILE VIRUS - Update from the State of NH Health & Human Services Division

The Town has been informed by the State of NH Health & Human Services Division that mosquitos with the West Nile Virus have been positively identified in various parts of NH. 

View a reminder on the State website on how to prevent the spread of West Nile Virus HERE.



Discoveries during the dismantling and the craftsmanship revealed in the process. The house was dismantled, documented and preserved in its entirety. It is now offered for sale by Preservation Timber Framing. Arron Sturgis and Jessica MilNeil of PTF will present a program documenting the disassembly of the federal period farmhouse that stood for more than two centuries on what is now called O’Kane Farm at UNH. Presented by the Durham Historic Association on Sunday, October 21 at 1 pm at the Town Hall. Everyone is welcome.


LEE CIRCLE WATER EXPANSION PROJECT | D-UNH WATER SYSTEM – A Collaborative project between Durham, UNH, Lee, and NHDES

Since 2015, the Towns of Durham and Lee, along with the University of New Hampshire and the NH Department of Environmental Services, have been in discussions over supplying water to 7 MTBE contaminated sites at the Lee Traffic Circle where Routes 125 and 4 intersect. Beyond those locations, it is expected that water would eventually be supplied to the current zoned commercial district customers at their cost in Lee.

NHDES, working in close conjunction with Durham and UNH, contracted with Weston and Sampson Engineers to develop feasibility studies and water modeling to look at options and impacts if connected to the nearby Durham-UNH Water System. Various scenarios were modeled to determine the impact the full build out of the Lee Commercial District would have on the Durham-UNH water pressures and supplies. It was determined that the current Durham-UNH system could support the project, so long as a variety of improvements were made within the Durham-UNH system to be funded by NHDES using various water pollution control funds. NHDES has secured funding to support the necessary infrastructure improvements to the Durham-UNH system and the UNH Water Treatment Plant (now actively under construction). 

Conversations continue and Durham DPW staff and the Lee Town Administrator’s office are currently working out an agreement between the two communities, that will replace the current agreement between Lee and Durham. Durham and Lee have a decades old agreement dating to the original siting of Durham’s well in Lee near Lee Five Corners to provide a percentage of the supply to the Town of Lee if needed in the future.

MTBE is a gasoline additive and a potential human carcinogen. It is often introduced into water-supply aquifers by leaking underground storage tanks at gasoline stations or by gasoline containing MTBE spilled onto the ground, all of which likely occurred decades ago at the Lee Circle.

Many residents and UNH staffers may not realize that Durham and UNH partner in the provision of water supply, and effectively operate a combined single system. Water drawn by the UNH plant supports town and gown, as does water drawn from the Town’s Lee Well, etc. There are also jointly owned components of the shared system.

This project serves to be a win-win for all parties.


Durham the cat. Courtesy Cocheco Valley Humane Society


The Pet of the Week for the Cocheco Valley Humane Society (CVHS) is Durham the cat! Durham is a 9-year old black and white cat who came to CVHS as a stray back in June. This majestic lady has apparently come a long way since her arrival, and is patiently awaiting a home where she can receive the unlimited attention she craves. She is described as a "laid-back lady" and would prefer a family without young children. Are there Durham households that might have an interest in adopting Durham the cat? Contact the CVHS at (603) 749-5322. 



Pursuant to RSA 466:13, a $25.00 Civil Forfeiture will be assessed to owners of unlicensed dogs Monday, September 24, 2018. The regular license fee, associated late fees and the civil forfeiture fee will be due within 15 working days (October 12, 2018). Any person who fails to pay the forfeiture within the allotted time will be issued a summons to the District Court in Dover.

Please contact us if you have received notices from us if you no longer have the dog or have moved from Durham.



The Durham Swap Shop is located at the Transfer Station and open to all Durham residents. It has been used by a LOT of people this summer! Many amazing items have been dropped off on Saturdays, and sometimes it is just as many on Tuesdays!  With so many items to organize, volunteers have worked hard to keep it looking so nice and inviting.  The Swap Shop has become so successful that there currently just aren’t enough volunteers to cover the time and tasks needed to be completed. 

To keep the Swap Shop open, more volunteers are needed. Volunteers choose their own amount of time. It would be sad to not have our Swap Shop. Why not give volunteering a try?  It’s fun, you can chat with folks, and even brighten someone’s day!    

Call or text 603-969-4732 or  

With more volunteers the Swap Shop will continue for all residents!  

Drop off items in good condition on Saturdays and Tuesdays until 2:00.



The Town Clerk's Office is compiling a new list of volunteers to assist with elections. There are many opportunities to help; the major areas are voter check-in and voter registration. Training will be provided prior to elections and will try to pair novices with seasoned volunteers. The Polls are open from 7am – 7pm and shifts are generally 3-4 hours. Interested persons can schedule for one shift or more if they desire.

If you are interested in joining our Election Volunteer Team please call the Town Clerk’s Office at 603-868-5577, or contact Town Clerk Lorrie Pitt, Please let her know if you have a particular work preference or would work anywhere you were needed. Also let her know your availability--morning, afternoon, or no particular preference.

Since we are compiling a new list, we would like all former volunteers to contact us to confirm that you would still be available. Also, let us know your preferences as stated above.


Participants at this year's Durham Day event enjoy paddling along the waterfront at Wagon Hill Farm. Courtesy Parks & Recreation



At the request of Colonial Durham Associates, Mill Plaza property owner, the site plan review for the redevelopment of Mill Plaza originally scheduled for the Planning Board’s agenda for September 12, 2018, will be postponed to the board's October 10, 2018 meeting.



The University of New Hampshire is replacing a heat line and domestic water line to Zais Hall and to the ambulance building. The excavation stretches from the fire department building to Zais Hall and will be working around the emergency responders the entire time.

The work is expected to last 5 to 7 weeks in duration.



The Planning Board held a public hearing on various amendments related to zoning in the Central Business District on Wednesday. The board continued the public hearing to the meeting on September 26 so residents can still submit comments. 

View the proposed amendments, background information, and numerous written comments that have been submitted HERE.

Comments can be emailed to the Town Planner:



It’s hard to believe the October is just around the corner, but unfortunately it is quickly approaching. The 2018 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive. As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only, between 8-11:30AM. To register, you must call the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 or e-mail Remember - The MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS FIVE GALLONS. See more details in the spring newsletter located on the DPW's web page HERE.



This initiative of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been a national success with previous events occurring in New Hampshire taking in an astounding 276 tons of unwanted or expired medications! So resounding was the success to fill this void that Chief Kurz decided to provide the program on a continuous basis to the residents of Durham. Residents can drop off unwanted or expired prescriptions at the Durham Police facility Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM for no cost and it’s all anonymous!

Doing so prevents prescription drug abuse as six out of ten teenagers who have taken prescription narcotics state that they get them from their parents or relative’s medicine cabinets. Additionally, using this service keeps trace drugs out of our lakes, streams and estuaries as wastewater treatment plants cannot remove many of the compounds found in medications; so when flushed or put in a landfill, drugs are discharged into our surface and ground water and consumed by fish and wildlife. If you have a question about this service that is provided to Durham residents only, please call the Durham Police during business hours Monday through Friday @ 603-868-2324.


UNH's Kappa Sigma Fraternity was on site during Durham Day last Saturday for the entire event assisting with barbecuing food, supervising the parking, and other activity stations that were set up, as well as clean up detail after the event. The Kappa Sigma brothers were just outstanding! Courtesy Durham Parks & Recreation


Town of Durham Facebook and Twitter Accounts

Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.


Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Join us for a full day field trip on the upcoming Teacher Workshop Day to Bowl-O-Rama and Blitz Air Park. Grades K-5, $60/child. Pre-registreation required at



JOIN DURHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, 6 - 8 PM to welcome local author Keith O'Brien for a book talk and signing of his August publication, Fly Girls: How Five Daring Women Defied All Odds And Made Aviation History.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event.




*Academic year commenced August 24th and will be measured through graduation at UNH in May.


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1839 - Durham clay has a reputation for its tenacity. There were 40 brickyards on the banks of the Oyster and Cocheco Rivers. Gundalows and barges transported the fine bricks to Boston, where it is believed they were used for buildings on Beacon Hill.


For family's with school aged children, the big question around the dinner table these days is NOT politics, but rather what the kids will be for Halloween!

Have a very nice weekend.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T: 603-868-5571

Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?