Friday, September 9, 2016
An opossum in Durham. Courtesy Todd Selig
While attempting to catch a groundhog with this Have a Heart trap, the opossum pictured above wandered in to enjoy some delicious peanut butter and fresh vegetables on Nobel K. Peterson Drive. That rascal, the groundhog, was later spotted walking over to give the caged opossum a sniff — to the homeowner’s chagrin! The opossum was carefully released and walked slowly back into the woods unharmed.
A reminder that the All Church Fest/Yard Sale will be held this Saturday, Sep 10, 2016, 8:30AM - 2:30PM. Learn more in the Community Events section below.
Using the most recent FBI crime statistics from 2014, SafeWise calculated the total number of crimes committed in each American town with at least one academic institution of higher education. They then weighted those numbers in relation to population statistics and other factors. Finally, SafeWise researched safety, health, and educational programs that help make each “Safest College Town” safer and more secure.
Durham/UNH was ranked #4 across the United States behind Winona, MN, Charleston, IL, and Grand Rapids, MI. No other NH communities made the list.
View the complete listing and write up about Durham and UNH HERE.
Safewise is an on-line home and community safety educator and resource.
100 yrs. after opening its doors, Grant’s Café, now known as Young’s Restaurant, is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The two families responsible for the success of the establishment, the Grants and the Youngs, are coming together for the centennial celebration on Monday, Sept. 12 at noon and community members are invited to join them with a cake cutting followed by a week of “centennial specials,” offering favorites from the 1968 Young’s menu at their original prices. For instance, pancakes and bacon for $1.50 and freshly brewed coffee for 20 cents! Read a nice story about Young’s Restaurant in the Foster’s Daily Democrat HERE.
Members of the Durham/UNH community are invited to attend the annual 9/11 remembrance ceremony hosted by the Fire Department and the Durham Professional Firefighters Assn. on Sunday, September 11,2016. Participants will meet at the Durham Fire Station (51 College Road) at 8:30 AM, with the ceremony starting around 8:44 AM. Uniform of the day will be work uniform.
Anyone that may wish to speak on the 15th anniversary of 9/11, please contact Firefighter Steven Jautaikis (sjautaikis@ci.durham.nh.us) via email or in person on the day of the ceremony. College Road will be closed from 8:30-9:05 AM. Light refreshments will be served following the ceremony.
STATE PRIMARY ELECTION - Tuesday, September 13th
The State Primary Election in Durham will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Voters will park in reserved spaces along the front of the school and use the Multipurpose Room entrance.
Voter Registration Applications, Information & Sample Ballots can be viewed HERE.
Just what does the New Hampshire Executive Council do, and why should you be sure to vote for a District 2 candidate (who would represent Durham)?
The official website of the NH Executive Council provides an overview, noting: "The Executive Council of the State of New Hampshire has the authority and responsibility, together with the Governor, over the administration of the affairs of the State as defined in the New Hampshire Constitution, the New Hampshire statutes, and the advisory opinions of the New Hampshire Supreme Court and the Attorney General. Each of the five Executive Councilors represents one fifth of the population or approximately 263,000 citizens. Councilors are elected every two years, concurrently with the Governor. The Councilors participate in the active management of the business of the state."
Learn more HERE.
Library Trustees presented their budget to the Administrator this week. Councilors Jim Lawson and Diana Carroll also attended the budget meeting. Pictured above center, Trustee Chair Jenna Roberts explains aspects of the requested budget as Trustee Charlotte Ramsay looks on. Courtesy Todd Selig
Business Manager Gail Jablonski and Mr. Selig have been meeting with each of the Town’s departments to enable them to better understand budget requests, as well as departmental Capital Improvement Program needs.
Members of the Town Council have been notified of each of these meetings and have been invited to attend if they have an interest in doing so.
One of the Town’s Council’s approved goals for FY 2016-2017 states: “Task the administrator with developing a budget for 2017 that holds General Fund expenses at current levels except for contractual increases including wages and benefits and a cost of living adjustment for non-unionized personnel. Develop a Capital Fund budget using increases in revenue projected and any increase in the tax rate if necessary. Specific itemized expenses for initiatives or projects that exceed this budgetary threshold but are deemed by the Administrator to increase efficiencies over time, are consistent with other Council goals, or are important for the general welfare of the community as part of the proposed budget shall be highlighted and include itemized rationale, as well as offsetting revenue as appropriate, for the Council’s discussion and consideration as part of the annual budget process.”
The Administrator, Business Manager, and departments are endeavoring to accomplish this goal.
Per Town Charter, the Administrator is charged with the development of the annual budget and CIP program. The proposed annual budget must be submitted to the Town Council by the last business day in October. The Town Council by Charter then has until the last business day in December to adopt a budget or the Administrator’s budget becomes the budget of the Town by default.
The requested CIP projects will be presented to and discussed with the Planning Board during its meeting on September 28, 2016. Interested members of the public should view that meeting to learn more about requested projects from departments, boards, committees, and commissions.
So far this summer over one hundred community water systems have reported implementing water use restrictions to protect sources. The Durham/UNH Water System has been extremely proactive over the years in developing multiple above ground and below ground water resources, combined with more efficient fixtures on campus and off as part of new construction, such that while the region is in a drought situation, Durham/UNH are in a very good position and drought measures are not required at this time.
The most recent water resource to come on line to provide for the community is the Spruce Hole Well, which is permitted for approximately 1 million gallons per day with a limit of 63 million gallons per year PLUS the amount of artificial recharge added to the aquifer.
DURHAM POLICE SURVEY ARRIVING SHORTLY AT YOUR HOME - Every 3 years the department surveys homeowners on how it is doing.
Durham Police will be mailing their 6th survey to the Durham community using addresses to each tax paying entity in Durham. Chief Kurz is asking residents to take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire about your perceptions of crime and policing in the Town of Durham. The survey provides the Durham Police with an updated understanding of the perceptions and wishes of the community and allows the department to recognize if these attitudes are evolving. Chief Kurz and his staff truly use the results gathered from all the returned surveys to enhance policing services and to direct the department. All responses are completely confidential and your identity will not be known as the survey is sent to the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.
View the survey HERE.
NHDOT ROUTE 108 (NEWMARKET PROJECT) PAVING TO OCCUR - Tuesday & Wednesday, September 13 and 14
The NH Department of Transportation has notified the Town that paving operations for the Route 108 (Newmarket project) will begin on Tuesday, September 13 and Wednesday, September 14, 2016.
These 2 days will entail Milling of a 4000 foot area both lanes in the Flats approximately from the Row Boat Building to Bennett Road, as well as placing top on the project roughly from the row boat building to the beginning of the project near Hamel Brook.
Lane closures will be long and the delays will be excessive during these 2 days. Hours of work for these 2 days are scheduled for 6AM and will continue into the night and may be past Midnight for both days. After the paving for these 2 days the contractor will go back to its original work hours with minimal delays . This schedule may change due to weather as two clear days are required to complete the paving.
Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Town Council meetings in September will be held on Monday, September 12th and Monday, September 26th instead of the usual 1st and 3rd Mondays.
There is a new page on the Durham website devoted to State and Local regulations and information for owners of rental units and/or properties. If you are a landlord, please take a moment to review the information HERE.
Individuals who received a building permit this past year and have completed their project need to make sure they have had a final inspection and received a final Certificate of Occupancy/Certificate of Approval from the Building Inspector.
If you have not had a final inspection, please call Karen in the Building Inspector’s Office at 603-868-8064 to schedule this inspection as soon as possible.
Kyra and Dave Langley of Durham hand deliver their goats to LaRoche Farm for Durham Farm Day. Courtesy Theresa Walker
The 4th Annual Durham Farm Day, held on Saturday, August 20th, was a great success and the Agricultural Commission thanks Linden Woods Farm, LaRoche Farm, Tecce Farm, Emery Farm, Liberty Hall Farm, KaOs Farm, the Langley Family, the Community Gardens at Wagon Hill Farm, backyard gardeners and bee keepers that opened their yards for the Food Friendly Yard Tour, and the UNH organic garden, UNH Woodman Farm and UNH Fairchild Dairy for participating.
If there are farm-related activities you would like to see offered at Farm Day next year, please let the Agricultural Commission know by emailing Theresa Walker at theresawalker@comcast.net.
Many Oyster River and UNH students are seeking something with wheels that will transport them to and from school. If you have any bikes, razor scooters, longboards, mopeds, etc. in your house and they are not being used, please consider bringing them to Durham Bike & Sports. We accept equipment for donation or consignment.
Durham Bike is also getting a lot of interest in used skates and nordic skis. Referee training for hockey starts this weekend and Exeter, Dover, and UNH have began their pre season hockey. Clubs, recreation groups, and intramural teams are looking for used skates and equipment. Many of you have things in your basement that can be put to use for of a good cause. Please consider a donation. Their mechanics tune and repair used equipment and help financially challenged and international students. items must be in good to excellent condition.
The Lamprey River Advisory Committee has published its 2016 fall newsletter which is available for viewing HERE.
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY - Morning of Saturday October 1, 2016
The 2016 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive. As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only, between 8-11:30AM. To register, you must call the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 or e-mail publicworks@ci.durham.nh.us. Remember - The MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS FIVE GALLONS.
Consider reducing your purchase of products with hazardous ingredients; read labels thoroughly. Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accidents at home. Never store hazardous products in anything other than their original containers and never remove labels. Never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become un-recyclable. Remember to follow any instructions for use and disposal provided on product labels.
LATEX AND OIL BASED PAINTS , MOTOR OIL, AND ANTI-FREEZE ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY! These items can be brought up to the Transfer Station with your permit throughout the year. Latex paints must be dried out first, motor oil, anti-freeze and oil based paints can go up as is. Typically, hazardous waste is categorized as toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise hazardous. Please check the manufacturer’s label.
Common Household Hazardous Waste:
The Zoning Board of Adjustment currently has three vacancies as follows:
1 regular member - term expiration April 30, 2019
2 alternate members - term expirations April 30, 2018 and 2019
The Zoning Board of Adjustment, a quasi-judicial board, has the duty to hear and decide appeals in the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. The duties of the Zoning Board of Adjustment are outlined fully in RSA 674:33 and 674:33(a). The four categories of hearings that are brought before the Zoning Board of Adjustment are special exceptions, equitable waivers of dimensional requirements, appeals on an administrative decision, and variances.
The Board meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7PM in the Town Council chambers.
Interested residents may complete a board appointment application and submit it to Jennie Berry at jberry@ci.durham.nh.us. The form can be found HERE, then click on "Application for Appointment".
Questions concerning the ZBA may directed to Zoning Officer Audrey Cline, 603-868-8064, acline@ci.durham.nh.us
Durham's Agricultural Commission's has begun featuring a Mini Film Series in the weekly "Friday Updates". Each week a short video on an agricultural topic will be posted that Commission members hope subscribers will enjoy and find helpful.
This week's Mini Film is How One Man is Reviving the rare California Pipevine Swallowtail in his backyard.
Durham's Food Friendly Yard program encourages residents to make their properties nurturing places for people and wildlife. Even a small backyard can become a productive place and a haven for stressed species.
The following public meetings are scheduled for the upcoming week. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.
Town Council - Monday, September 12, 2016
Agricultural Commission - Monday, September 12, 2016 (Durham PD - 7PM)
Parks & Recreation Committee - Thursday, September 15, 2016
NOTE: The September 13th Zoning Board Meeting and the September 14th Planning Board meeting have both been cancelled. The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28th.
All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.
Perhaps you weren’t available to attend the very popular Durham Farm Day on August 20th. Well, no worries, DCAT Volunteer, Phil Kincade was there to capture the excitement for your viewing pleasure. Gardens, goats, sheep shearing, and much more are on display from many of the farms in your area.
Total run time: 26 minutes
DCAT 22 viewing times: Saturday & Sunday at 10AM, 12:00 PM & 7:00 PM
This video is also available On Demand. _______________________
DCAT 22 Studios & EDC Director, Mary Ellen Humphrey stopped by Durham Geeks to film the latest episode of “In the Biz” Durham Business Spotlight. The episode is currently in production and is expected to be released in the next few weeks. Pictured are: Louis Halle, Mary Ellen Humphrey, Kadhim Alrubaye, and Stanislav Mozolevskiy in background
DCAT 22 now has an aerial drone. The drone craft will be used in many different municipal capacities where an aerial view is necessary. The drone has HD video and HD still shot capability. Due to the size and weight of the drone, it’s necessary for it to be registered with the FAA, tail numbers: FA3ECN9RR3.
New video from DCAT 22 Studios
Learn a wee bit more about the Durham Farmer’s Market and the vendors that shelp their delicious wares from town to town on a weekly basis. This is a video short and runs a total of 7:00 minutes. Phil also recorded the most recent and ever popular “Music on the Lawn” series from the Durham Public Library’s green and comfy lawn. Performing artist, TJ Wheeler. TJ enjoys regaling his listeners with stories of the blues and jazz. Run time: 33:37 Both videos are available on our DCAT 22 On Demand site: dcat22.viebit.com (DCAT Studios folder). Thanks to DCAT 22 volunteer, Phil Kincaid for recording and editing these videos. ______________________
DCAT is Live Streaming
Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: live-stream.com and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions.
Dedicated volunteers have kept the Swap Shop at the Durham Transfer Station going strong now for 14 years! It is a fun, friendly, and free community place dedicated to diverting useful items from the landfill for creative reuse or re-purposing. Volunteers are always needed. Please speak to volunteer coordinator, Jane Lenharth, at 603-868-7598 to learn about volunteering opportunities that would suit your needs.
Unscheduled volunteers are needed tomorrow (Saturday, 9-10-16) afternoon at the Swap Shop once the annual church yard sales end. The Swap Shop is open from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Residents may get a Transfer Station entrance sticker for their vehicles at the Public Works Office or at Town Hall during regular working hours. More information is available HERE.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Fall Programs and Registration
Please visit us HERE for a full list of fall programs, including detailed information and online registration.
Durham Day at Wagon Hill Farm
Saturday, September 17th from 12:30-3:30pm. Enjoy a community celebration of Durham with FREE BBQ, live music, informational booths from community organizations and businesses, kayak & boat tours, kids activities and more!
Those interested in being an Exhibitor or volunteering for Durham Day please complete our Participant Registration Form.
Needed for Durham Day:
-Propane Grills
-Boat Drivers
-Face Painters
-Event Volunteers
Rain Date for Durham Day-Sunday, September 18th 12:30-3:30pm.
Sunset Yoga Hike Friday, Sept. 16th from 5-6:30pm. Celebrate the Harvest Moon by taking a yoga hike at Wagon Hill Farm. Instructor Colleen Kendall-Piel is sure to relax your muscles while the moon begins to rise. $15/for pre-registers/ $17 for drop-ins. Register HERE.
Historic Walking Tour Sunday, Sept. 18th from 1-2pm. Join the Durham Historic Association for insight into the history of Durham! This free tour begins at the Durham Parks and Recreation/ DHA building and includes many historic spots nearby. Some spots included are: The Chapel, 3 Chimney’s Inn, the oldest house in Durham, and the Raid on Fort William and Mary. The guided walk will conclude at Sullivan Graveyard. Register HERE.
Teeter TOTers Playgroup-Begins Sept. 16th
Teeter TOTers Playgroup is a partnership program with Oyster River Parents for Preschoolers (ORPP), which allows children and parents the opportunity to gather together for free play, time to socially interact, and the choice to participate in an age appropriate activity.
The Playgroup meets on Fridays at 10:00am at various locations throughout the year. Please visit us at: durhamrec.recdesk.com to see where to meet and what we have planned! Participation is FREE!
Pick-Up Pickleball at Jackson’s Landing/Churchill Rink
Join us Tuesday nights from 6-8pm at Churchill Rink at Jackson’s Landing for Pick-Up Pickleball. This is a low-impact doubles racket sport that blends tennis, badminton and ping pong. Pick-up style play for all levels and abilities. All equipment is provided, participation is FREE.
FREE Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm
Thursdays from 5-6pm. Bring a mat or a blanket and meet at the wagon. Participation is FREE. Class is canceled in the case of inclement weather.
Adult Fitness Classes
Durham Parks & Recreation offers a variety of weekly Adult Fitness Classes that are welcoming, affordable and fun! Our current class schedule includes, Bootcamp, Pilates, Strength & Stretch, Zumba, Traditional Tai Chi & Tai Chi Balance and Qigong, Yoga classes and Restorative Yoga Workshops. For details on class times and schedules, please visit us HERE.
Music with Benji- Wednesdays at 9:45am beginning Oct. 5th- DPR Building.
Tentative Churchill Rink Opening Day- Tuesday, October 11th.
Spooktacular Day- Friday, October 28th 4-6pm
Tree Lighting Celebration- Saturday, December 3rd
Durham resident Diane Freedman will read from her works during "A Walk in the Woods" event at Bedrock Gardens in Lee on Saturday, September 17th. Read more below.
All Church Fall Fest/Yard Sale - Saturday, Sep 10, 2016, 8:30AM - 2:30PM, Community Church of Durham, 17 Main St. Featuring Echo Community Thrift Shop, selling clothing and quality housewares; BBQ; cake walk, flower & veggie sale (including venus fly traps), face painting, live music, sale of books, puzzles, and furniture. Yard Sales also being held at St. George’s Episcopal Church & St. Thomas More. Contact Maggie Morrison, 603-659-6355, mgemorrison@comcast.net, or Audrey Drogseth, 603-868-1230, office@ccdurham.org
Active Retirement Association General Meeting, Monday, Sep 12, 2016, 1:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church (lower level). ARA offers programs reflecting the many interests of people 50+ years old, retired or not. Contact Carol Caldwell, 603-343-1004, info@ara-nh.org. Visit the ARA website HERE.
Diane Freedman, Durham resident, nature poet, and UNH Professor of English will read from her works, including from Midlife with Thoreau: Poems, Essays, Journals, Saturday, Sep 17, 2016, 2PM, at “A Walk in the Words,” a celebration of literature and nature at Bedrock Gardens in Lee NH. More information HERE.
ORCSD ensemble, students of Dave Ervin will perform a medley of songs from musicals based on literature, Saturday, Sep 17, 2016, 3PM, 45 Road, Lee, NH.
2016 Harvest Moon Music Festival, Sunday, Sep 18, 2016, 12 noon - 7PM, Redhook Brewery, Portsmouth. Sponsored by Oyster River Womenade.
Oyster River Chinese Program 2016-2017 Classes - Begin September 26. Visit http://orcsdcp.weebly.com/ for more information about new offerings. All ORCP classes are taught by professional teachers and are engaging, fun, and affordable. Register soon.
Emery Farm announces it is now a Friday pick up location for NH Community Seafood CSF. The Market & Café is open 7AM – 7PM DAILY. Apples and pumpkins are in as well as produce and local goods. Serving Annabelle’s Ice Cream and White Heron - Coffee, Cold Brew, Chai, and Teas. More information on Facebook. One World Language School classes begin in October. Spaces available for those interested in learning Chinese, French, and Spanish. Will be held at the Moharimet Elementary School. German and Chinese classes offered at the Oyster River Middle School. Classes held after school. More information, call Pranav Dadarwala, 207-370-8398, pranav@oneworldlanguageschool.org The Freedom Café “New England Patriots Big Game Raffle Fundraiser”. One winner receives two Putnam Club tickets with valet parking to the New England Patriots game against the Seattle Seahawks at Gillette Stadium, Sunday, Nov 13, 2016, 8PM. Raffle Tickets: $25 each; 5 for $100; 12 for $200. Maximum of 1000 tickets will be sold. Purchase on line HERE; The Freedom Café, Durham; and DSquared Java, Exeter. Drawing is Wednesday, Sep 14, 2016, 7PM, at The Freedom Café, 10 Mill Road. You do not need to be present to win. More information, contact (603) 815-4916, http://info@thefreedomcafe.org Durham Farmers' Market at Jackson's Landing - Every Monday now through October 3 (2:15 - 6PM)
A beautiful fall floral arrangement at the library
Children’s and Young Adult Programs: Storytimes Tues. Sept. 13th and Thurs. Sept.15th at 10:30 am. “Things That Go!”
Saturday Family Programs begin Sat. Sept. 10th at 10:30 am “Marble Mazes”
Baby Lap-sit begins Weds. Sept. 14th at 10:30 am Young Adult Drop-in Monday (ages 10 & up) starts Monday 2:45-4pm “Duct Tape Lab” New Jack & Annie Book Club (K-2) starts Tuesday, Sept. 20th 4-5 pm (register for this monthly book club at the Children’s Desk). Knitting Club is back for 3rd-5th graders and will start Weds. Sept. 21st 4-5 pm (register at the Children’s desk). Lego Club (K-4th grade) begins again on Thurs. Sept. 22nd at 3:30-4:30 pm!
Our monthly PJ Storytime with ORPP and the Durham Library begins Thurs. Sept. 22nd 6:30-7:30 pm “Fall Carnival!” Home-schooler’s Group will start on Friday, Sept. 23rd at 10:30 am. “Tall Tales!”
Meet us at Durham Day at Wagon Hill for a fun craft! Sat. Sept. 17th 12:30-3:30 pm Bookeaters, a middle school book group begins Weds. Sept. 28th 2:45-4:00 pm – Join us for our monthly book group. This month’s book is “23 Minutes” by Vivian Vande Velde. This group is led by Ruth Wharton-McDonald, UNH Professor of Education. Come discuss the book which is available at the library. Pizza is served and all are welcome. This group meets in the Young Adult Room. Tales for Tails – Read to a therapy dog, Cynder, North or Tango! Ages 1st-4th grade. Sign-ups have begun. Seacoast Reads – Sign-ups have begun. Read with a Seacoast Reads UNH tutor. 1st-4th grade. Will start in October. Raccoon Readers, 2nd-4th grade book group, Tues. Oct. 4th , 6:00-7:00 pm – Join us for our monthly book group. This month’s book is “Half a Chance” by Cynthia Lord. We talk about the book, play some games, make a fun craft and enjoy a snack. Books are available at the Circulation desk. YA Monthly TAB (Teen Advisory Board) for ages 10 & up, Group, Mon. Oct. 3rd, 6:30-7:30 pm – Join our monthly group where you decide what books and programs the library should have. This month: Come and make a stained glass mosaic with art teacher Kitri Doughtery from Ways of Color. Registration is required and space is limited. Pizza is served. YA Iron Chef (ages 10 & up), Tues. Oct. 4th, 6:00-7:30 pm – Join us for this new fun program. Will you be crowned the first DPL Teen Iron Chef? This month’s theme: School lunch. Choose from a selection of ingredients and prepare a prize-winning dish that fits the theme… Just don’t forget the Secret Ingredient. What is the Secret Ingredient, you ask? You’ll have to come to find out! Register in advance at the Children’s desk. Patch Program has started. Come and join and collect your patches! This program is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library.
Adult Programs: Adult Talk and Book Signing: The BIG Trip: A Family Gap Year by Martha McManamy with Evan, Conor, & Laura McManamy. Thurs. Sept 29, 6:30 pm
Documentary Film to air at DPL Tues. Sept 20, 6:30 pm - Thank You For Playing, is a documentary film, soon to be aired on PBS's show POV. When Ryan Green, a video game programmer, learns that his young son Joel has cancer, he and his wife begin documenting their emotional journey with a poetic video game. The film follows Ryan and his family over two years creating "That Dragon, Cancer" which evolves from a cathartic exercise into a critically acclaimed work of art that sets the gaming industry abuzz (from PBS website). Movie followed by a discussion facilitated by Nancy Miner.
In the Gallery Aug 25 thru Sept 17 - Debbie Mueller, Late Bloomer Artist View her work on display in the Durham Public Library Gallery. First Aid Class - Mon. Sept. 12, 6-8 pm - Offered by McGregor Memorial EMS. Contact Sean 603-862-3674 Register http://cprsafe.org Oyster River ASD Friends Tues. Sept. 13, 6:30-8:30 pm - Parent group for people with teens & young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Monthly topic and guest speaker TBA. Contact Julie jsmithnh@icloud.com Friends of the Library - Summer Big Read 2016 - Please join Jennifer Lee and other summer read stalwarts for a discussion of Our Mutual Friend by Dickens,Tuesday, September 20, 10:30.There will be no inquiry re completion. For more information, contact Luci Gardner lucigardner@comcast.net Trustee Board Mtg. Wed. Sept. 14, 6:45-8pm
From the Interim Director:
We like giving credit where credit is due, in this case for the beautiful floral arrangements that grace the circulation desk, entry, and display area of the Library; these tokens of loveliness are from the gardens of Mr. Carl Deame. The staff and I are grateful for these weekly reminders of the skills and talents of the many thoughtful individuals that dwell within the community.
Judy Haskell
Interim Director
The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology: computers, iPads & cell phones, eReaders (Nook, Kindle, etc.) Call to check on availability of the volunteers and set up an appointment. 868-6699 or email durhampl@gmail.com
For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.
*Academic year commenced August 26th and will be measured through graduation at UNH in May.
Have a nice weekend.
Todd I. Selig, Administrator t: 603.868.5571 m: 603.817.0720
a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA
Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?