Chapter 068: Fire Prevention

Article 01: Fire Prevention Code


68-1. Adoption of standards.

The Town of Durham recognizes and follows the codes and standards as adopted by the State of New Hampshire.

Article 02: Life Safety Code


68-11.  Scope

11.1     This article provides code requirements that support the Town’s overall goal of life safety.

68-12.  Definitions

12.1     Whenever the term “Authority Having Jurisdiction” or the abbreviation “AHJ” is used in the Life Safety Code, it will mean the Chief of the Durham Fire Department or his designated agent.

Article 04: Fire Alarm Systems


68-31.  Scope

31.1     To tailor the State’s fire alarm requirements to the specific needs of the community, and as described in the current adopted edition of NFPA 72.

68-32.  Definitions

32.1     This Article shall be known as the “Durham Fire Alarm Ordinance” and may be cited as such and may be referred to herein as “this Article” or “the Article”.

32.1     Whenever the term “Authority Having Jurisdiction” or the abbreviation “AHJ” is used in the this Article, it shall be held to mean the Chief of the Durham Fire Department or his designated agent.

Article 05: Appartatus Fees


68-41.  Scope

41.1     This article outlines the costs of apparatus, personnel and equipment to be used when billing responsible parties during hazardous materials spills or negligent forest or brush fires as specified in New Hampshire RSA 153-A:23-27  and RSA 154:8-aII-a and RSA 277 L:17 V.

68-42.  Fees

42.1     Fire apparatus and emergency response units (Engine, Tanker, Ladder, Rescue, Car, Medic, Forestry Watercraft and Rescue Trailer ) will be billed as established in the Master Fee Schedule, as amended on occasion.)