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Article 01: General Provisions
Municipal Code:
Chapter 027: Amusement Devices
27-1. Purpose and Intent.
RSA 31:41d establishes the authority for "Towns to adopt bylaws regulating and licensing the location and operation of coin operated amusement devices, including pinball machines".
27-2. Definitions.
A. Amusement Center: The term "amusement center" shall mean any premises having thereon available for use by the general public five (5) or more amusement devices as defined below.
B. Amusement Device: The term "amusement device" shall mean any machine which, upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate or disc, may be operated by the public generally for use as a game, entertainment, or amusement, whether or not registering a score and whether or not skill is used in its operation. It shall include but not be limited to such devices as electronic games, pinball machines, skill ball, mechanical grab machines, and all games, operations, or transactions, similar thereto under whatever name they may be indicated. The term does not include vending machines in which are not incorporated gaming or amusement features, nor does the term include any coin‑operated rides or devices which solely produce music.
C. Person, Firm, Corporation, or Association: The terms “person", "firm", "corporation" or "association" shall include any of those entities or combinations thereof owning an amusement device, or maintaining an establishment where one or more amusement devices are available for general use by the public, or having control over such an establishment.
27-3. Gambling Devices Not Permitted.
Nothing in this ordinance shall in any way be construed to authorize, license or permit any gambling devices whatsoever prohibited or regulated by New Hampshire Law.
27-4. Prohibited Practices.
A. Persons under the age of sixteen (16) years may operate amusement devices unaccompanied during non‑school hours but not later than 9:00 P.M. daily. During school hours, persons under sixteen (16) years of age shall not operate amusement devices unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. It shall be the duty of the manager and employees of an establishment where amusement devices are present to ascertain the age of each person operating or wishing to operate an amusement device.
B. No prizes of material value may be given or sold at a nominal fee for any reason whatsoever pertaining to a high score, matching number, or any other outcome of an amusement device game.
27-5. License Required.
A. No person, firm, corporation, or association may allow to be operated any amusement device without first obtaining a license from the Durham Town Administrator.
B. The Durham Town Council may establish from time to time reasonable licensing requirements, but in no event shall those requirements contain less than the following:
1. That the applicant or applicants are eighteen (18) years of age and of good moral character, as reasonably determined by the Chief of Police.
2. That a full description of the premises is submitted, with a statement that such premises will be operated in accordance with all applicable local ordinances.
3. That the applicant will report the number of proposed amusement devices, and that should such number exceed the original number, an additional fee shall be paid for each such device.
C. License Fee: The applicant shall pay fifty dollars ($50) per year or any part thereof per device, provided that the applicant may at his discretion remove and replace any device at will without further payment of a fee. In other words, the license fee shall be determined by the maximum number of devices present on any day of the year, and not by the total number of different machines present during the entire year.
D. Amusement Center Management Plan: Any application for an amusement center license shall contain a management plan containing at least the following:
1. The number of qualified employees to be present at all times;
2. Procedures for determining the ages of patrons;
3. A plan to control loitering and bicycle parking in the vicinity of the amusement center; and
4. A description of proposed operations to show proper control of noise, glare and overcrowding.
E. Duration: Licenses shall be effective from the date granted until December 31 of the year granted. Any amusement center now in operation must pay all fees and apply for a license within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this ordinance. Owners of establishments with fewer than five devices now in operation must file in a like manner and pay all fees.
F. Renewal: Each license will be reviewed annually by the Town Administrator and renewed upon payment of fees if the person, firm, corporation or association applying for renewal has been found to comply with the provision of the ordinance.
G. Revocation or Suspension: Such license may be revoked or suspended at any time upon a determination of the Town Administrator that repeated incidents of noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance have been committed by the license holder, his agent, or employee. Such revocation or suspension shall be carried out by the Town Administrator only after due notice and hearing.
H. Additional Requirements: The Durham Town Council may from time to time amend this ordinance to modify, add, or delete any provisions thereof. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to abrogate, limit, or contradict any State or federal law or regulation.
27-6. Penalty.
Any person, firm, corporation or association found to have violated this ordinance shall be guilty of a violation as defined by New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated.