Article 01: General Provisions

Municipal Code: 
Chapter 023: Alcoholic Beverages


23-1.  Open containers prohibited.

It shall be unlawful for any person to consume or possess in an open can, bottle or other container any alcoholic beverage or liquor, as defined by RSA 175, while in a motor vehicle or standing in or upon a public place.

23-2. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

PUBLIC PLACE -- Any place to which the public or a substantial group has access. The term includes but is not limited to public ways as defined by RSA 259:125, sidewalks, University walkways and/or public areas, schools, municipal and government buildings or facilities, the lobbies of apartment buildings, the lobbies and hallways of buildings where business establishments are located and business establishments during time periods when the general public has access, except business establishments properly licensed by the New Hampshire Liquor Commission to sell alcohol or liquor for consumption on the premises.

23-3. Violations and penalties.

If any person shall violate the provisions of this chapter, he/she shall be punished by a fine of $200 with increasing fines for each additional violation..