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Article 01: General Provisions
Municipal Code:
Chapter 059: Fire Department Service Call Fees
59-1 Purpose and Intent.
It is the intent of this chapter to define non-emergency service calls and establish a service charge for all non-emergency service related calls for the following reasons:
A. The Town of Durham is cognizant of the fiscal impact of service calls; and
B. The Town of Durham wishes to improve the management of non-emergency service calls and their fiscal impact.
59-2 Definitions.
As used in this Article, the following term shall have the meaning indicated:
SERVICE CALL – A non-emergency response by the Fire Department covered in Section 5 of the National Fire Incident Reporting System as amended from time to time, including: lock-outs, alarm trouble signals, water evacuation, smoke/odor removal, domestic animal rescue, unauthorized burning and non-emergency medical/welfare responses. (Excluding cover assignment, standby at the Fire Station, and move-up to a mutual aid company.)
59-3 Administration.
A. TITLE. The title of this chapter shall be, “Fire Department Non-Emergency Service Call Fees.”
B. PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a service fee for all non-emergency service related calls by any one property or individual. Additionally, it is the intent of this chapter to reduce the fiscal impact Fire Department non-emergency service calls have on the community.
C. SCOPE. This chapter applies to all properties and/or residents within the Town of Durham, with the exception of Town of Durham and University of New Hampshire agencies, personnel and properties.
59-4 Application.
A. Any resident of the Town of Durham who in the course of the calendar year calls the Durham Fire Department for more than five (5) service calls, shall be assessed for all such excess service calls as provided in Paragraph D below.
B. The Fire Department will track service call responses in each calendar year. The Fire Department will inform the responsible property owner, resident or business owner in writing after the third (3rd) service call response within the calendar year. Such notification will include a copy of this ordinance. Service calls caused by an “act of God.,” such as electrical storms, storm related flooding, etc. shall not be counted for the purpose of this chapter.
C. An invoice shall be initiated by the Fire Department for fees due thirty (30) days of their occurrence. Fees will be due thirty (30) days from the billing date.
D. Service calls as described in Paragraph A above shall be assessed fees as outlined in the Town of Durham Master Fee Schedule for apparatus responses, as these fees may be amended from time to time.
(Established by Ord. #2000-12(A) dated 12/18/00. Amended by Ord. #2005-05 dated 08/01/05)