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Article 01: General Provisions
Municipal Code:
Chapter 091: Packers Falls Bridge Site
91-1. Description of land.
The Packers Falls Bridge Site consists of two and one-tenths (2.1) acres of land situated on the southerly side of Bennett Road and the easterly side of Packers Falls Road, on the northerly and southerly sides of the Lamprey River. The land was formerly a part of Parcel 224-20, which was known as the "Lord Property."
91-2. Purpose.
Because of its public ownership, its location and its attractive natural features, the land will invite a high level of use by the public at large. Due to this anticipated use by the public, certain rules governing the conduct of persons entering upon the land and certain rules defining periods of public accessibility are hereby established.
91-3. Permitted uses.
The town will allow the land to be used for the following purposes:
A. Fishing in season.
B. Hiking and jogging.
C. Picnicking, sunbathing and other passive activities, except as prohibited within this chapter.
D. Canoe portage.
91-4. Prohibited uses.
It shall be a violation of this chapter to engage in any of the following activities on the land or from the land:
A. The possession or consumption of any liquor, wine or malt beverage, as defined by state statute.
B. Horseback riding.
C. Snowmobiling.
D. Trespassing after closing.
E. Nudity.
F. Any other activity prohibited by statute, ordinance or rule.
91-5. Parking; penalty.
The parking of a motor vehicle on the land in any location other than assigned parking spaces shall constitute a violation of this chapter and shall be punishable by a fine as set forth in Chapter 1, Article II, of this Code. In addition, parking anywhere on the property after closing shall constitute a similar violation. Motor vehicles in violation of this chapter shall be towed and stored at the risk and expense of the owner. Appropriate signs shall be posted.
91-6. Littering; penalty.
The disposal of any article other than into containers provided by the town, including but not limited to trash, garbage or refuse, shall constitute a violation of this chapter and shall be punishable by a fine as set forth in Chapter 1, Article II, of this Code. This shall include the affixing of any object, such as a rope or swing, to any tree, bridge, rock or other portion of the property.
91-7. Swimming.
The town will actively discourage swimming in the immediate vicinity, and the town will not be liable for any bodily injury sustained by anybody swimming, boating, floating on an inner tube or entering or leaving the water within the confines of the property.
91-8. Fires.
All fires, including those in charcoal grills, are prohibited at all times.
91-9. Hours of use.
The property shall be open to the public between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. from April 1 through September 30 and from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from October 1 through March 31.
91-10. Posting of rules.
The town shall post these rules in a conspicuous place upon the property.