Article 02: Administrative Organization

Municipal Code: 
Chapter 004: Administrative Code


4-4.    Town Administrator.

The chief administrative officer of the town shall be the Town Administrator ("Administrator"), who shall be appointed by the Council based upon his training and experience. The Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Council, who will also establish his compensation and terms of employment.

4-5.    Powers and duties of Administrator.

The Administrator shall be responsible for the administrative and financial affairs of the town and shall implement the policies enacted by the Council. His powers and duties shall be:

     A.  To preserve the health, safety and welfare of persons and property and to see to the enforcement of town ordinances, the Town Charter and the laws of the State of New Hampshire.

     B.  To supervise the heads of all departments established by this code and appoint, remove and discipline and to perform or delegate the duties and responsibilities of such department heads, subject to the provisions of the Charter and this code.

     C.  To prescribe such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Town Charter and ordinances as he may deem necessary for the conduct of the various departments and to investigate and inquire into the affairs of any department at any time.

     D.  To keep the Council informed of the condition and needs of the town.

     E.   To recommend to the Council for adoption such measures as he deems necessary and to attend Council meetings with the right to take part in discussion but not to vote.

     F.   To recommend an annual budget to the Council, to administer the budget as finally adopted and to keep the Council fully advised at all times of the financial condition of the town.

     G.  To maintain accounting control over the finances of the town.

     H.  To superintend, manage and maintain all town facilities and property under his control.

     I.    To establish, subject to Council approval, appropriate personnel rules and regulations governing officers and employees of the town.

     J.  To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Town Charter, ordinance or resolutions or by direction of the Council.

4-6.    Departments.

The administrative service of the town shall consist of the following Departments, and the department heads shall be known by the titles shown:

           Department                                                                     Department Head

           Business Management                                                 Business Manager

           Fire                                                                                    Fire Chief

           Health                                                                               Health Officer

           Planning and Community Development                    Director of Planning and Community Development

           Police                                                                                Police Chief

           Public Works                                                                    Public Works Director

           Zoning and Code Enforcement                                    Zoning Administrator and Code Enforcement Officer

           Recreation Department                                                 Parks and Recreation Director

(Section 4-6  amended by Ord. #2001-09 dtd 8/20/01 to include a Recreation Dept.)

4-7.    Powers and duties of department heads.

A.  Each department head shall be responsible for the efficient operation of his department. He shall perform all the duties and exercise all the powers conferred upon his office by applicable laws, ordinances, resolutions and direction of the Town Administrator.

B.  Department heads may prescribe departmental rules and regulations not inconsistent with general law, the Town Charter and this Administrative Code for the administration of their various departments, the conduct of their employees and the proper performance of the department's business.

C.  Department heads may, with the approval of the Town Administrator, establish such departmental divisions and subunits as may be deemed desirable in the interest of economy and efficiency and in accordance with sound administrative principles and practices.

D.  Each department head shall be responsible for satisfactory maintenance and care of all town property and buildings assigned to his department.

E.   Each department head shall be responsible for preparing and submitting both routine and special reports on the operation of his department to the Administrator or to any state or federal agency as required.

F.   At such time as may be requested by the Town Administrator, each department head shall submit an itemized estimate of the expenditures for his department for use in preparation of the proposed budget for the next fiscal year and the six-year capital improvement plan (CIP).

G.  Each department head shall be responsible for following the provisions of this Administrative Code, which establishes a purchasing and control system, with respect to purchases and contracts for his department.

4-8.    Appointment of department heads; compensation.

A.  All department heads shall be appointed or elected, as provided by the Town Charter, for indefinite terms, on the basis of merit and fitness to perform their duties and may be removed by the Town Administrator for misconduct or inefficiency, subject to Town Charter provisions.

B.  The compensation of all department heads shall be fixed by the Town Council.

4-9.    Department staff.

A.  Department heads may establish subordinate positions and make appointments and removals as may be necessary, within the limitations of the appropriations provided and subject to the provisions of the Town Charter, the merit plan and the approval of the Town Administrator.

B.  All employees shall be under the immediate supervision of their respective department heads and shall be compensated on the basis of a uniform pay plan or collective bargaining agreement.