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Article 02: Election Officials; Conduct of Elections
Municipal Code:
Town Charter
Sec. 2.1. Composition of Board of Election Officers.
The Supervisors of the Checklist, the Moderator, and the Town Clerk shall constitute the Board of Election Officers. The Moderator shall be Chairman. The Town Clerk shall serve as the Clerk of the Board.
Sec. 2.2. Moderator.
There shall be a Moderator of the town who shall have all the powers and duties granted to him by this Charter and state law. He shall be elected on an at-large basis to a term of two (2) years at the town election. Without limitation to the foregoing, for election purposes, the Moderator shall have the power to appoint all election officials except those which must be elected or otherwise appointed. The Moderator shall determine whether all ballots from all polling places are to be counted in one (1) or more locations. Vacancies in the office of Moderator shall be filled by appointment made by the Supervisors of the Checklist.
Sec. 2.3. Supervisors of the Checklist.
A. There shall be three (3) Supervisors of the Checklist who shall hold office for six (6) years (and until their successors are elected and qualified) on a staggered basis so that one (1) Supervisor is elected at each even-year town election. The Supervisors of the Checklist, in accordance with state laws governing such responsibilities, shall designate the days, hours and places for the registration of voters. (Sec. 2.3A amended by Article 2 on the March 8, 1994 Town Election ballot and by Article 3 on the March 10, 1998 Town Election ballot)
B. Vacancies in the Supervisors of the Checklist shall be filled pursuant to RSA 669:64. The person so appointed shall hold office until the vacancy for the unexpired term is filled at the next town election.
C. The Supervisors shall elect a Chairman for a term of two (2) years.
Sec. 2.4. Duties and Sessions of Supervisors of the Checklist.
The Supervisors of the Checklist shall have such powers and duties as are specified under New Hampshire law.
Sec. 2.5. Conduct of elections.
A. The election of officers, whose duty it is to conduct regular elections, shall use a nonpartisan official ballot system as detailed in the election laws of the State of New Hampshire, on the second Tuesday in March, to choose three (3) Councilors and such other officials as are specified in this Charter, each of whom shall be elected by the voters of the entire town. (Sec. 2.5A amended by Article 4 on the March 10, 1998 Town Election ballot)
B. At all town elections, the polls shall be open not less than ten (10) hours and may be open not earlier than 6:00 a.m. of the day of the election nor later than 8:00 a.m. of the day of the election, nor closed earlier than 7:00 p.m., as the Council shall determine at least thirty (30) days prior to the election.
C. The election laws of the State of New Hampshire shall govern voter qualifications.
D. The Town Council shall specify the polling places of the town.
Sec. 2.6. Preparation of ballots.
The Town Clerk shall prepare separate ballots to be used at all local referenda and at elections at which town officers are chosen. The ballots shall contain in appropriate sections the names of all candidates, listed in alphabetical order, without party designation. Below the list of names of the candidates of each office, there shall be as many blank spaces as there are offices to be filled at the election. No titles, military, professional, or otherwise, shall accompany the name of any candidate on the ballot.
Sec. 2.7. Preservation of ballots.
All the ballots cast at each election shall be preserved, maintained and sealed as required by the election laws of the State of New Hampshire.
Sec. 2.8. Contested elections.
The election laws of the State of New Hampshire shall govern the resolution of any contested election. (Sec. 2.8 amended by Article 5 on the March 10, 1998 Town Election ballot)
Sec. 2.9. Display of campaign materials at polling place.
Persons as candidates for elected office or as representing or working for a candidate for office or promoting a petition, resolution, referendum or measure on the ballot may not solicit votes or display, exhibit or district any campaign materials within fifty (50) feet of the polling place building. The Moderator shall exercise his powers under state law relative to the conduct of elections, distribution of campaign materials and electioneering within the polling place.