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Article 02: Electrical Code
Municipal Code:
Chapter 054: Electrical Code
54-6. Permit required.
It shall be unlawful to alter, remove, demolish, or install electric conductors and/or electrical equipment in the Town of Durham, New Hampshire without first obtaining an electrical permit.
54-7. Permit requirements.
Applications shall be submitted in such form as the Code Enforcement Officer prescribes and shall be accompanied by the required fee as prescribed.
54-8. Permit applicant.
The permit for electrical work as required by this ordinance shall be procured by a Master Electrician that is currently licensed by the State of New Hampshire Electricians Board, or as provided for under RSA 319-C:15 II, or by a homeowner that is performing electrical work on his/her own house.
54-9. Wiring diagrams.
The Code Enforcement Officer may require wiring diagrams and/or job specifications to accompany permit applications if deemed necessary.
54-10. Permit fee.
A. Establishment of permit fees. The Town Council shall establish the electrical fee schedule and it shall be included within the Town-wide Master Fee Schedule.
B. Fee for work started without a permit: Any person who is found to have demolished, altered, removed or installed any electrical conductors or electric equipment without the benefit of an electrical permit shall, upon issuance of said permit(s), be assessed a permit fee of twice (2x) the normal rate the permit would be.
C. Payment of fee: The electrical permit fee (per fee schedule) is to be paid prior to any electrical permit being issued. The fee is to be paid to the Building Inspector’s Office or other centralized receipt agent as determined by the Town.
D. Fire suppression and detection systems: Installation permits shall be obtained from the Durham Fire Department.
E. Minor repairs and/or maintenance: No permit or fee shall be required for minor repairs or maintenance necessitated by ordinary wear and tear, such as replacing a switch, receptacle or breakers. This does not include changing panels, service entrance or replacing wiring.
(Section 54-10 amended by Ord. #2007-05 dtd 04/23/07).
54-11. Commencement of work.
If the proposed work also involves a building permit, then no work shall be started on the proposed site and no building shall be altered, remodeled or demolished until said building permit is first obtained from the Code Enforcement officer.
54-12. Issuance of permit.
A. An electrical permit will be issued after the Code Enforcement Officer has determined that there is a current building permit for the project or that only an electrical permit is required and the required fee has been paid.
B. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be given at least 48 hours notice that the work is ready for inspection. This may be waived if the work is emergency in nature.
54-13. Time limit of permits.
All electrical permits shall be valid for six (6) months from date of issuance after which the permit becomes null and void. A three (3) month extension may be granted by the Code Enforcement Officer for special circumstances, otherwise a new permit will be needed.
54-14. Assignability of electrical permit.
An electrical permit, once issued shall not be assignable. A change of electrical contractors will require a new permit.
54-15. Revocation or lapse of electrical permits.
A violation of, or variation from, the terms, conditions or authorization of an electrical permit by the holder thereof or his agent, architect or contractor shall be cause for the revocation of said permit. Such revocation shall be made at the discretion of the Code Enforcement Officer and an appeal from such action may be made to the Director of Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement.
54-16. Electrical permit action.
Should the Code Enforcement officer or Director of Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement fail to take action on an application f or an electrical permit within 30 days of the filing, the applicant may apply to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for an electrical permit.
54-17. Construction safety clause.
Any building site in the Town of Durham shall be left in a safe state at all times. The owner/contractors shall assume the responsibility for leaving the construction site so that no dangerous or hazardous conditions shall exist.