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Article 03: Municipal Departments
Municipal Code:
Chapter 004: Administrative Code
4-10. Business Management Department.
A. There shall be a Department of Business Management headed by the Business Manager appointed in accordance with the Town Charter, who shall be responsible for the following functions
1. Budget development and oversight.
a. Prepare revenue estimates for initial budget deliberations.
b. Provide the Town Administrator and departments with information on prior and current year expenditure patterns.
c. Provide forms and worksheets to departments for budget development.
d. Perform other budget-related duties as required.
2. Financial accounting and control.
a. Preaudit and approve all purchases consistent with the town's purchasing policies.
b. Approve all authorized claims against the town before authorizing payment.
c. Postaudit all receipts and disbursements.
d. Maintain the financial accounts of the town and exercise accounting control over them.
e. Prepare financial reports as required by the Town Administrator.
f. Negotiate loans and borrowing of moneys upon the authorization of the Town Council and Town Administrator.
g. Maintain custody of all insurance policies.
h. Maintain employee personnel action records and sick leave records.
i. Perform other related duties as required.
3. Data processing.
a. Maintain close coordination with department directors to establish data processing requirements.
b. Determine data collection procedures.
c. Provide advice on feasibility of desired data processing products.
d. Perform system analysis and design, oversee computer software development, test and debug computer software and complete system documentation.
e. Ensure proper servicing of computer equipment, maintain computer software and oversee the storage and safekeeping of town software and data.
f. Schedule computer utilization.
g. Maintain the technical reference library.
4. Purchasing.
a. Monitor and ensure compliance with the purchasing policies established by Charter and this code.
b. Develop and distribute appropriate forms to implement centralized purchasing wherever possible.
c. Monitor competitive bidding and awarding processes for town purchases, services and contracts.
d. Perform other purchasing duties as required.
5. Personnel administration.
a. Maintain all town employee earning records, including records of all deductions from earnings for retirement, social security, health insurance, United States savings bonds and any other purposes.
b. Maintain and modify, as directed by the Administrator, a merit system of personnel administration, including the Personnel Plan specified by the Town Charter.
c. Develop and maintain an employee recruitment and selection process consistent with town, state and federal equal opportunity employment (EOE) requirements.
d. Develop and maintain an employee evaluation and compensation system.
e. Maintain all personnel records, including vacation, sick and other leave records.
6. Risk management.
a. Evaluate annually the town's insurance coverage and identify needed changes.
b. Solicit proposals for insurance as needed by the town and recommend action as appropriate by the Administrator and Council.
c. Receive, monitor and direct all insurance claims to town insurance carriers.
7. Welfare services.
a. Plan, budget, report on and control the town welfare program.
b. Investigate all requests for relief and authorize such relief aid as may be deemed necessary.
c. Exercise all powers and perform all duties conferred or imposed by law upon overseers of the poor.
d. Exercise appropriate actions to ensure repayment to the town of all reimbursable welfare expenditures.
e. Keep full and accurate records of the persons fully supported and lodged at the expense of the town, together with the amount paid by them for such support and relief, and make such reports as may be required by law.
8. Property assessment.
a. Carry out the duties relative to taking the inventory and the appraisal for taxation and the assessment and abatement of taxes and issuing warrants for the collection of taxes as required by law.
b. Prepare all assessments.
c. Check all property transfers and maintain all property records.
d. Prepare and maintain up-to-date Tax Maps, assessment records, cards and all other necessary records.
e. Assure that all taxable property is being accurately reported.
B. There shall be a Town Treasurer elected in accordance with the Town Charter who shall be responsible for the following functions:
1. Sign all checks, drafts, notes and bonds of the town.
2. Deposit in a timely manner all public moneys under his control in the depositories designated by the Town Council.
3. Maintain a register of all bonds and notes of the town, as required by law.
4. Perform other related duties as required.
5. Have all the statutory powers and perform all the statutory duties of Town Treasurers.
6. Have custody of all town funds, investments and securities, including the deposit, withdrawal and recording thereof, as required by law.
7. Carry out the duties of Treasurers of municipal corporations as set forth in RSA 33, the Municipal Finance Act, and any amendments thereto, relating to bonds, notes and records thereof and all other statutory requirements of Town Treasurers.
4-11. Fire Department.
A. The Fire Department, under the supervision of the Fire Chief, appointed as specified by the Town Charter, shall consist of such forces of permanent officers and firefighters and reserve officer and firefighters as may be recommended by the Chief and approved by the Town Administrator.
B. The Fire Department shall perform the following functions:
1. Maintain personnel, apparatus and equipment in a state of readiness, to respond to and deal with emergency situations
2. Enforce the laws and ordinances of the State of New Hampshire and the Town of Durham applicable to fire prevention, life safety and hazardous materials.
3. Provide fire protection and public education services to the community.
4. Prevent fires and other emergencies.
5. Protect life, property, and the environment.
6. Prepare and maintain all necessary records pertaining to the Fire Department.
7. Inspect buildings within the community to prevent fires and other emergencies.
8. Perform other related functions as required.
4-12. Health Department.
A. There shall be a Department of Health headed by a Health Officer appointed as specified by the Town Charter.
B. The Department of Health shall perform the following functions:
1. Investigate all complaints relating to nuisances that may be brought to his attention. He shall act as the executive officer of the Board of Health, shall serve all notices and orders issued by the Board and shall enforce all rules and regulations affecting the health and comfort of the public.
2. Procure, study and analyze data concerning public health.
3. Investigate all communicable diseases.
4. Investigate all sanitary hazards and enforce sanitary laws consistent with state law.
5. Prepare and maintain all necessary records required by laws of the state or the town ordinances.
6. Inspect all restaurants, cafes, other eating places and vendors of food as required by the town ordinances.
7. Issue licenses and perform any other functions required by the town ordinances or by the state laws.
8. Have and exercise the same power to make arrests as is, by law or ordinance, conferred upon the regular police of the town in all cases where there is a violation of the health laws of the state, town ordinances, orders or regulations.
4-13. Planning and Community Development Department.
A. There shall be a Department of Planning and Community Development, under the direction of the Director of Planning and Community Development and appointed by the Town Administrator as provided by the Durham Town Charter.
B. The Department of Planning and Community Development shall be responsible for the following functions:
1. Serve as technical advisor on planning and community development.
2. Serve as primary technical staff to the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission.
3. Develop, maintain and implement the Town Master Plan.
4. Assist in the annual preparation of the Capital Improvements Plan.
5. Develop and coordinate the site plan and subdivision review process.
6. Process all applications and matters before the Planning Board.
7. Investigate, study, report and recommend on all matters regarding land use, zoning, traffic, parking, transportation, public facilities, parks, playgrounds, subdivisions and other elements of community planning.
8. Direct and coordinate all community development activities.
9. Perform all work which may be assigned by the Town Administrator, Town Council and Planning Board.
4-14. Police Department.
A. The Police Department, under the supervision of the Police Chief, appointed as specified by the Town Charter, shall consist of such forces of permanent officers and men and reserve officers and men as may be recommended by the Chief and approved by the Town Administrator.
B. The Police Department shall perform the following functions.
1. Enforce the laws and ordinances of the State of New Hampshire and the Town of Durham.
2. Prevent crime and maintain peace and order.
3. Protect lives and property from malicious damage and injury.
4. Maintain and care for all property assigned to the Police Department.
5. Prosecute all violations of the law within its jurisdiction.
6. Prepare and maintain all necessary records pertaining to the Police Department.
7. Maintain liaison with the University of New Hampshire Security Department.
8. Perform all other related functions as required.
4-15. Public Works Department.
A. There shall be a Department of Public Works, under the supervision of the Public Works Director appointed as provided by the Town Charter.
B. The Department of Public Works shall be responsible for the following functions:
1. Public Works Administration.
a. Prepare annual reports, itemized expenditures of the approved budget plus an estimate for the next calendar year for use in preparation of the proposed budget for said year and submit both routine and special reports on the operation of the Department to the Town Administrator or to any state or federal agency as required.
b. Develop and maintain a capital improvement program (CIP) for the Department which shall be consistent with and be made a part of the town's adopted CIP.
c. Maintain liaison with University of New Hampshire facilities management staff regarding issues of mutual concern.
d. Perform all other related functions as required.
2. Engineering and inspection.
a. Design, lay out and map all town work projects, as required, and coordinate these functions with the Planning Department, Code Enforcement Officer and other departments as the projects affect.
b. Administer and inspect construction activities performed for the town by private contractors.
c. Maintain records of all sewer, storm drain and water locations for the town.
d. Assist the Assessor in maintaining current Tax Maps.
e. Care for and maintain other records pertaining to town engineering functions.
f. Care for and maintain all property and equipment assigned to the Engineering Section.
g. Issue all permits for blocking or excavation of sidewalks, streets or other public ways and erection of suitable warning signs and/or lights.
h. Perform all other related functions as required.
3. Street/road maintenance.
a. Construct, maintain and repair all roads, streets, bridges, sidewalks and storm drains, except where specific projects may be let to contractors.
b. Provide for winter maintenance of all highways, streets, bridges and sidewalks and other public ways, including the removal of snow and the distribution of salt and sand.
c. Perform all other related functions as required.
4. Water system.
a. Develop, maintain and operate the water supply systems of the town, including watershed areas, reservoirs, wells, pumping stations, standpipes, mains, hydrants and services.
b. Coordinate water supply planning and development efforts with the University of New Hampshire.
c. Read all water meters in an accurate and timely fashion and assist the Business Management Department in utility billing efforts.
d. Supervise the operations of satellite water systems in the rural areas of the town not served by central water.
5. Wastewater collection and treatment.
a. Operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant, except where specific work requirements may be let out to contract.
b. Maintain all sewer mains and lift stations appurtenant to the town's wastewater collection and treatment system.
c. Maintain and care for all property and equipment assigned to the wastewater treatment and collective division.
d. Prepare and maintain all necessary records pertaining to the sewage treatment plant.
e. Maintain liaison with University of New Hampshire officials regarding wastewater treatment plant operations and facilities.
f. Perform all other related functions as required.
6. Vehicle maintenance.
a. Repair and maintain all the motorized and other public works equipment and equipment for other departments as required.
b. Purchase, stock and charge to the using department parts and accessories as required.
7. Sanitation and landfill.
a. Collect, remove, recycle and transport all refuse as generated by the town.
b. Operate the solid waste management facility.
c. Coordinate sanitation and landfill operations with the Lamprey Regional Solid Waste Disposal District.
8. Buildings and grounds.
a. Maintain and care for all town-owned buildings, parks and recreation facilities.
b. Plant, maintain and remove trees and brush on or affecting town property.
c. Landscape and maintain town rights-of-way.
d. Maintain all town cemeteries and such other graveyards in the town for which funds are available or appropriated.
e. Perform all other related functions as required.
4-16. Zoning and Code Enforcement Department.
A. There shall be a Department of Zoning and Code Enforcement, under the direction of the Zoning Administrator and Code Enforcement Officer as appointed by the Town Administrator as provided by the Durham Town Charter.
B. The Department of Zoning and Code Enforcement shall perform the following functions:
1. Serve as primary technical staff to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
2. Administer and enforce the zoning, subdivision, building, plumbing and electrical ordinances, and all other ordinances regarding land use.
3. Process all applications and matters before the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
4. Perform all research work which may be assigned by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
5. Coordinate the review of all University construction, development and planning projects.
6. Administer, enforce and inspect all construction, buildings, and facilities in accordance with local and State ordinances.
7. Maintain adequate records for the issuance of permits, and provide same to the Business Management Department.
8. Exercise the powers and perform the duties of housing inspection conferred by RSA Chapter 48-A. To effectuate the purposes and provisions of RSA Chapter 48-A, this Department shall have the following powers in addition to others granted by said Chapter.
a. To investigate the commercial dwelling conditions in the Town in order to determine which dwellings therein are unfit for human habitation.
b. To administer affirmations, examine witnesses and receive evidence.
c. To enter on premises for the purpose of making examinations, provided that such entries be made in such matter as to cause the least possible inconvenience to the persons in possession, and to obtain an order for this purpose from a court of competent jurisdiction in the event entry is denied or resisted.
4-17. Recreation Department.
A. The Recreation Department, under the supervision of the Parks and Recreation Director, appointed as specified by the Town Charter, shall be responsible for planning, organizing and directing parks and recreation programs and services for the Town. This position reports directly to the Town Administrator. The Parks and Recreation Director will work closely with the Parks and Recreation Committee in support of parks and recreation programs and services.
B. The Recreation Department shall be responsible for the following functions:
1. Provide technical and resource assistance to the Parks and Recreation Committee.
2. Work with Town staff to implement recommendations for the Town’s parks and recreation areas as indicated in the Master Plan, Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan, Community Development Plan, Wagon Hill Farm Management Plan and other specific management plans. At least once annually, review and determine the need for revisions, rescissions or replacements of existing management plans and develop new plans when required.
3. Plan, organize and supervise community events, fund-raising activities and programs, and develop programs for community members of all ages. Review these activities and programs periodically and make recommendations to implement changes within the parameters of available financial resources.
4. Develop a strong, productive working relationship with the Oyster River Youth Association (ORYA), MainStreet Program, UNH, local community groups and citizens, neighboring towns and regional and state organizations on parks and recreation matters of relevance to Durham in order to promote and foster a sense of community.
5. Work with the Department of Public Works to plan, coordinate and budget for the maintenance and improvement of parks and recreation facilities.
6. Research and pursue funding and grant opportunities.
7. Provide quarterly reports on parks and recreation programs to the Town Administrator, and submit annual operating and capital budgets for parks and recreation.
8. Develop and coordinate a community newsletter.
9. Perform all other related functions as required.
(Section 4-17 amended by Ord. #2001-09 dtd 8/20/01 to create a Recreation Dept.)