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Article 04: Transfer Station
Municipal Code:
Chapter 118: Solid Waste
118-26 Authority to Operate
Pursuant to the authority granted to municipalities in RSA 31:39 and RSA 149-M:17, the Town operates the Transfer Station. This Transfer Station is operated under a permit issued by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Solid Waste Management Division. The Transfer Station supervisor or on-site attendant shall act as the agent for the Director.
118-27 Site Utilization and Hours of Operation
A. Access Regulated - Access to the Transfer Station shall require the display of a Durham Resident Sticker or Temporary Entrance Letter from Durham Public Works, either of which can be obtained at Durham Public Works.
B. Trespassing Prohibited – Public use of the Transfer Station during hours other than the posted hours of operation is prohibited.
C. Acceptance of Waste Limited by Geographic Boundaries - Only materials generated within the geographic boundaries of the Town shall be deposited in the Town’s Transfer Station. The materials may require a verification of material origin if requested by the Director.
D. Hours of Operation Regulated -The days and hours of operation shall be set by the Director.
E. On-Site Management of Waste Material –All material brought to the Transfer Station for disposal shall be deposited in the location and manner directed by the Transfer Station attendant. Transfer Station employees are not required to offload private vehicles.
F. Unauthorized Removal of Materials - Unauthorized removal of material from the Transfer Station is prohibited.
G. Electronics/Appliance Sticker – An electronics/appliance sticker will be required to dispose of items that require special handling and processing. Refrigerators, air conditioners and dehumidifiers contain toxins such as chlorinated fluorocarbons (freon) and shall be identified for proper disposal. Computer monitors and televisions require additional processing by an outside agency. This process, called “de-manufacturing,” is necessary because of the presence of lead and other metals that would otherwise contaminate landfills. One sticker per item is required. These stickers will be sold at Durham Public Works.
1. Electronics/Appliance sticker cost as stipulated in annual budget.
2. A Durham Resident Sticker is required to drop off items.
3. Disposal of computer systems will also include the monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and printer as one item.
A current list of items that require an Electronics/Appliance Sticker can be obtained on the Town Website, and at Durham Public Works.
H. Bulky Waste Coupon – A bulky waste coupon will be required to dispose of non-metallic bulky waste and construction/demolition debris. These coupons will be sold at Durham Public Works using the following fee schedule:
1. Single Item cost - as stipulated in approved annual budget
2. Regular Sized Pick-up Truck Load cost - as stipulated in approved annual budget
3. 1-Ton Sized Pick-up Truck Load cost - as stipulated in approved annual budget
4. Dump Trailer Sized Load cost - as stipulated in approved annual budget
Coupons or stickers in sections G and H above will be priced based on the current disposal rate stipulated in the Town’s municipal solid waste contract, and other related costs as approved within the annual budget. A list of these prices will be available on the Town Website, at the Transfer Station, and at the Durham Public Works office.
Mattresses and box springs require special handling. A bulky waste coupon described in (H) above will allow for disposal of one set, which includes either a mattress with its box spring or just a mattress or box spring alone. Each additional set will require its own “single item” coupon.
I. Unacceptable Materials - The Director shall provide information describing methods for disposing of unacceptable material. Unacceptable materials include, but are not limited to, asbestos containing materials, infectious waste, hazardous waste, sludge or septic waste, ash residue, or solid fill, unless specifically provided for by State Permit.
J. Other Material - Any material that constitutes a hazard to users of the Transfer Station, to the property of the Town, to adjacent property, to water sources, to the operation of the Transfer Station or is prohibited by Federal or State statute shall not be accepted at the Transfer Station unless provided for by the Town’s facility State Permit.
118-28 Burning at Transfer Station
The burning of brush shall be allowed at the Transfer Station by authorized personnel at the discretion of the Town’s Fire Department and regulated through a special permit issued by the State of New Hampshire’s Forest Protection Bureau.
118-29 Firearms
The discharge of firearms is prohibited at the Transfer Station.
118-30 Subsidized Transfer Station Disposal Fees
The Town Business Manager shall have the authority to provide disposal fees at reduced rates to residents who are otherwise eligible for assistance under RSA Chapter 165.
118-31 “Swap Shop”
The Town maintains a swap shop at the Transfer Station. Certain items may be left in the swap shop area for possible reuse. Holders of a valid Durham Resident Sticker as defined in Article VI are welcome to use this area to leave off or collect items, after checking in with the attendant and Swap Shop volunteers. Rules for the orderly operation of the swap shop are in place and implemented as needed with approval by the Director.
118-32 Bulky Waste Disposal for Certain Commercial Residential Properties
For a period of no more than four (4) days per calendar year as scheduled by the Director, the Transfer Station will accept bulky waste at no charge from apartment buildings and condominium style properties which contain three (3) or more individual dwelling units. The Director, or their designee, maintains discretion to limit quantity and type of material disposed at no charge by any one property per calendar year, including limitations on disposal of mattresses and boxsprings.