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Article 07: Conduct of Officials
Municipal Code:
Town Charter
Sec. 7.1. Conditions for holding office.
A. Any person while in town office convicted of a Class A felony in New Hampshire or its equivalent under the law of any other state or federal law shall forfeit such office.
B. No full-time or regular employee of the town shall be eligible to serve as a Councilor.
C. Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, no department head nor regular employee of the town shall be appointed to a town office, board, membership, commission membership or trusteeship. They may, however, serve as advisors to such boards, committees or commissions. (Sec. 7.1C amended by Article 2 on the March 10, 2009 Town Election ballot)
D. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall not have any members who also serve on the Planning Board or Historic District Commission. (Sec. 7.1 (D) amended by Article 10 on the March 10, 2020 Town Election ballot)
Sec. 7.2. Conflicts of interest.
A. Any elected or appointed officer or employee of the town who has a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any planned or existing contract, job, work or service to be performed for the town or voluntary sale to the town of any land, materials, supplies, equipment or other property shall make full disclosure of such interest to the Council and Administrator prior to the town's deliberating on any such matter or transaction.
B. The person so financially interested in such matters or transactions shall not vote or advise on or otherwise participate in the town's and Council's consideration of such matter or transaction.
Sec. 7.3. Disqualification from decision-making process.
A. No elected or appointed officer or employee of the town shall take part in a decision concerning the business of the town in which he or a member of his family, directly or indirectly, has a financial interest, aside from his salary as such officer or employee, greater than any other citizen or taxpayer.
B. For the purposes of this section, the word "family" shall mean an individual's spouse, his or her spouse's lineal ascendants and lineal descendants and his or her spouse's siblings and their offspring.
Sec. 7.4. Private use of town property and personnel.
No elected or appointed officer or employee shall devote any town property or labor to private use except as may be provided by authority of the Council.
Sec. 7.5. Acceptance of gifts and gratuities.
No elected or appointed officer or employee of the town shall solicit or accept any gift or gratuity which could in any manner be construed to affect or influence the performance of his official duties.
Sec. 7.6. Disposition of fees.
No elected or appointed officer or employee of the town shall collect any fees, salaries or other payments in connection with his official duties for his own use, except as provided for by ordinance or state law.
Sec. 7.7. Misuse of information.
No elected or appointed officer or employee of the town shall utilize or dispense information gained through said office or employment for his or another's personal profit.