Spruce Hole Well & Artificial Recharge Project - Presentation by Emery & Garrett Groundwater

The groundwater development firm Emery & Garrett Groundwater, Inc. (EGGI) provided a presentation to the Town Council on October 1, 2012 on the status of the Spruce Hole Municipal Well (DGD-PW2) and Artificial Recharge Project.   EGGI has been working with Underwood Engineers, Inc. on the permitting and engineering of the Project since 2007.  EGGI gave an update on the status of the Large Groundwater Withdrawal Permit application and the Final Hydrogeological Investigation Report (Final Report) submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) on behalf of the Town and an overview of the work conducted to assess the artificial recharge component of the project.

EGGI's PowerPoint Presentation is provided below, along with other documents that were provided at the October 1st Council meeting relative to this item.