Amendment to Approved Site Plan for 49 Main Street

October 22, 2014 - APPROVED

Pauly’s Pockets – 49 Main Street.  Modification of approved site plan for Vehicular and Pedestrian Plan for Lane Closures and updated Construction Management Plan.  Commercial on the first floor with 6 residential apartments on the upper 2 floors.  Paul Eja, applicant;  Mike Sievert, MJS Engineering, engineer.  Tax Map 5, Lot 1-2.  Central Business Zoning District.

September 17, 2014 - APPROVED

Public Hearing - 49 Main Street – Pauly’s Pockets.  Amendment to approved site plan for redevelopment of a commercial site with a three-story mixed-use building.  Commercial on the first floor with 6 residential apartments on the upper 2 floors with a maximum of 34 beds.  The amendment involves changes to the construction management plan (including possible limited lane closure), creation of the proposed public park next to the site, utilities, grading, conditions of approval, and other items.  Paul Eja, proprietor of Pauly’s Pockets, applicant;  Michael Sievert, MJS Engineering, engineer; Clint Forrest, building designer.  Tax Map 5, Lot 1-2. Central Business Zoning District.