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Planning Board Fee Schedule
Town of Durham
Effective April 8, 2024
Multi-unit residential project: $200 base fee + $100 per dwelling unit (or $50 per resident, whichever is greater). Not to exceed $5,000
Nonresidential project: $200 base fee + $50 per 1,000 gross square feet (or portion) of building area, total of all floors. Not to exceed $5,000
Site work without any building: $200 for the first 1,000 square feet (or portion) of disturbed land + $25 for each additional 1,000 square feet (or portion) of disturbed land. Not to exceed $2,000
New buildings, additions, or alterations affecting less than 1,000 square feet of gross area; change of use without other significant changes: $200
Minor site plan review: $50
Subdivision without a new street: $200 base fee + $150 per lot
Subdivision with a new street: $600 + $100 per lot
(Town or private street)
Lot line adjustment: $150
Condominium conversion/creation: $100
The fee for subdivisions is based on the total number of final lots. A single lot cut into 3 lots is considered a “3-lot subdivision” and the fee is based on 3 lots.
Conceptual Consultation: $100
Design Review: $100
Conditional use where no other application fee is involved:
- Single family residence: $100
- Other type of use: $200
Modifications, amendments, extensions: No application fees other than notices, when required
Personal Wireless Service Facility: $1,000 for new freestanding structure. $400 for new alternative tower structure. $200 for co-location
For variances, special exceptions, equitable waivers, and appeals related to:
- Single Family residence: $100
- Multi-unit residential and nonresidential property: $200
- Abutter notices: $9 per abutter
- Legal notice in newspaper: $225
- Abutter notices for site plan, subdivision and conditional use applications: $5.00
- Legal notice in newspaper for site plans, subdivisions & conditional use applications: $0
Parking impact fee: $1,500 per space otherwise required (See Zoning Ordinance)
School impact fees: See impact fee ordinance and assessment schedule.
Historic District Commission: There are no application fees for HDC
Please note that additional fees may be assessed for reviews by outside consultants, legal review of documents, special studies and reports, special inspections, required off-site improvements, utility connections, administrative expenses, and other purposes, when appropriate.