Future Land Use Forum Questions & Answers

Let's Talk


I want to attend the forum but can’t be there for the entire day. May I come for just the morning (or just the afternoon)?

Yes! We want as many people to attend as possible, even if only for part of the day. Stop at the registration table for your name tag, and we’ll let you know where to sit.

I enjoy living in Durham very much, but I don’t know a lot about planning and zoning and how town government works. How can I participate if I have no expertise?

You may be surprised to find many others who feel the same way, but no worries! There will be reference materials available, as well as experts roaming around just hoping you will ask a question. By the end of the day, you will have learned a great deal, which we hope may inspire you to become more involved in town affairs in the future.

Are you offering child care during the forum?

Unfortunately, not this time.

I can’t attend the forum, but do want an opportunity to express my views on the issues you will be discussing. Will there be ways to do that going forward?

Absolutely, we want to hear from everyone. You can email your thoughts to the Land Use Forum address (durhamnhforum@gmail.com) or to the Planning Department (kedwards@ci.durham.nh.us). Soon after the forum, we will post a video of the day’s sessions and a summary of the topics we discussed to give you a context for your comments.

Following the forum, the Land Use Committee will meet on Thursday mornings every other week to evaluate what we learned from the forum, and with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission, will continue to gather input for the Land Use Chapter. These are public meetings, and you are most welcome to attend. The meetings are also available for viewing on DCAT.

Do I need to bring anything?

Just an open mind and your willingness to share your thoughts on future land uses in Durham. Everything you’ll need to take part in the day will be provided—newsprint for flipcharts, markers, stickers, beverages, lunch and more! Remember where you parked (town lots, spaces on the street and C Lot across from Mill Plaza are all free).

What about cellphones?

Please mute your phone inside the forum at all times, including lunch. If you need to respond to a call or make one, you should leave the room so as not to disturb others.

MORE QUESTIONS? Contact Karen Edwards or Michael Behrendt in the Planning Department or email durhamnhforum@gmail.com.