Planning Board Meeting (Workshop)

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 7:00pm



Wednesday, October 23, 2023

Town Council Chambers, Durham Town Hall

7:00 p.m.


I.          Call to Order

II.        Roll Call and Seating of Alternates

III.       Approval of Agenda

IV.       Amendment to Zoning Definitions.  Review of revised set of Definitions for posting for public hearing.   Recommended action:   Schedule public hearing if draft is acceptable.

V.        Planned Unit Development Ordinance.  Beginning the discussion about proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance.  PUD’s are special zoning tools which allow for flexible and innovative planning for large scale mixed-use projects.  A draft ordinance has been prepared to accommodate the potential development of The Edge project at UNH, located westerly of the intersection of Main Street and Mast Road.  Recommended action:  Start discussion.

VI.       State Planning Law.  Discussion about recently enacted and proposed state laws related to land-use planning.  Recommended action:  Discussion only.

VII.     Other Business

VIII.    Adjournment


The Town of Durham offers access to meetings with Zoom and Durham Cable Access Television (DCAT) as a convenience to the public. Zoom is generally reliable for watching meetings and offering comments when allowed.  However, due to factors outside our control, occasionally access on Zoom does not work properly.  We cannot guarantee that Zoom will always be available seamlessly and suggest that people who want to ensure being able to watch and participate attend the meeting in person.

To access any LIVE Zoom Public Meeting, you must be Registered.  This link will take you to the registration page:   If you have difficulty logging in, contact DCAT: 603-590-1383.


1)      Public hearings and public comments.  The public is welcome to speak at all public hearings and during the Public Comments time.  Comments on all matters, except those for which a public hearing is on the agenda, should be made during the Public Comments time (including comments on agenda items this evening).  The public may speak and submit written/email comments on any germane subject except active matters where the public hearing has been closed.   When a public hearing will be held soon for a specific item the board may require that comments be made at the hearing.

2)      Submission of comments in writing.  Send emails and letters to Michael Behrendt, Town Planner, at or at the address above. Substantive comments about current board matters, except where the public hearing is closed, will be a) emailed to the board;  b) mailed to the board if received by the Thursday before the meeting or given to members at the meeting if received later; and c) posted on the Town’s website.   

Any email, letter, or document that is pertinent to a decision which the Planning Board is expected to make at the upcoming Wednesday meeting, must be received in the Planning Office by the prior Monday at 5:00 p.m. or the board will consider the material only at its discretion (This limitation does not apply to comments made at the public hearing).

3)      Other information.  Files on the agenda items above are available for review on the Town website  Agendas marked as “Preliminary Agenda,” are subject to change.  The final agenda will be posted on the Town’s website on the Friday prior to the meeting. To see background documents related to specific agenda items, see the agenda on the website and click on any green highlighted items.

4)      Contacting us.   Call (603) 868-8064 or email Michael Behrendt, above, or Tracey Cutler, Administrative Assistant, at

5)      Recommended actions.   Actions recommended by the Town Planner are shown above.  The board may or may not take these actions and may take other actions not stated.

6)      10:00 pm.  The board will take up a new item of business after 10:00 pm at its discretion.

7)      Communication aids.  Please provide the Town 48-hours notice if any aids are needed.

8)      Next meeting.  The next regular board meeting will be on November 13, 2024.