Proposed Expansion of Mei Wei Restaurant

June 22, 2016 - After much discussion and review of language in the Site Plan Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance, the board voted that the expansion would not be considered a significant change of use and thus not be subject to formal site plan review provided that: a) prior to issuance of any Town permits, the appropriate Town staff meet on site with the applicant to review exactly what is proposed, to clarify and address potential sound emanating from the building, and to address other potential concerns including building and fire code issues;  and b) the Building Official/Zoning Administrator determine that the proposed expansion is an accessory to the restaurant use; if it is not considered an accessory use then formal site plan review would be required.  However, the owner's of Mei Wei have decided to withdraw their application.

Mei Wei Restaurant – Proposed Expansion.  The owner of Mei Wei Restaurant, located in the rear building of the Mill Plaza, is considering expanding into the adjacent space recently vacated by New Hampshire Federal Credit Union.  The proposed use would be for restaurant expansion, a bar, dancing, and a private karaoke room.  This prospective plan is presented to the Planning Board for determination whether it should be reviewed administratively or as a site plan.  En Qing Lin, proprietor of Mei Wei.  Map 5, Lot 1-1.  Central Business District.