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Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee
On April 18 1988, the Durham Town Council voted to form a citizens committee, known as the “Recycling Task Force” for the purpose of studying recycling options. The committee drew its initial membership from the League of Women Voters which had been studying the problems of waste management for many years and had indicated to the Council its willingness to assist in establishing a recycling program for Durham. Six citizens volunteered to work on the task force, in addition to the three League members, to form a nine-member committee.
On January 9, 1989, the Town Council voted to have an advisory committee, referred to as the “Recycling Advisory Committee” to the Town administration composed of the people serving on the Recycling Task Force to continue until the committee itself felt it was no longer needed.
On June 18, 2001; the Durham Town Council voted to rename the Recycling Advisory Committee to the “Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee”; and stipulating “This committee shall consist of not more than seven (7) members as follows: Six (6) regular members and one (1) Council representative who shall serve a one-year term. In addition, there shall be one (1) alternate member. The charge for this committee is as follows:
1. Reduce the total amount of solid waste generated in Durham.
2. Incorporate a long-term community vision into the Integrated Waste Management strategy of Durham.
3. Increase community awareness and participation in integrated waste management issues.
4. Work with Durham Public Works to advance the waste management program.
5. Promote education and outreach while increasing community involvement.
6. Build partnership with the Durham Business Association, UNH, student groups and the Town of Durham involving solid waste issues.”
IWMAC, as it is most commonly referred to, is currently composed of representatives from the Town Council, the Oyster River Cooperative School District Sustainability Committee, the Planning Board, Durham Public Works and interested community members.
The Committee strives to be open, inclusive, and respectful of the diverse interests. Committee members currently meet twice a month. The purpose of the IWMAC is to:
- Develop goals, policies, and procedures that could be proposed to the Town Council, Durham Public Works, or other community organizations to improve sustainability efforts.
- Comment on and assist in the development of the town ordinances that support the most cost effective and sustainable practices in regards to waste management such as recycling, composting and landfill disposal.
- Recommend and coordinate the implementation of waste and disposal reduction programs, and to develop publications relating to such issues.
- Hear updates about recent Town policy or ordinance changes. Be informed of upcoming sustainability events and programs.
- To hear presentations from companies, individuals or agencies regarding waste management.
Interested community members, as with any public meeting, are welcome to attend.