
Taxpayers who believe their property is inequitably assessed may apply for a property tax abatement. The time period for filing a tax abatement application is AFTER the issuance of the final tax bill (generally sent out in October) and ON OR BEFORE the following March 1st. It is the taxpayer's responsibility to provide documentation in support of an abatement request. 

Filing an abatement application does not stay the collection of taxes.  Taxes must be paid.  If an abatement is granted, a refund with interest will be made.

Abatement forms are available at the Town Hall or at the link below.  A W-9 form must be submitted with the Abatement Application in case interest is paid to the homeowner as part of the abatement refund.

For more information regarding property tax appeal procedures, contact the Assessor's Office or refer to the following links: