Chapter 118: Solid Waste

Article 01: General


118.1       Authority to Establish Rules and Regulations.  

The Town Council hereby delegates to the Town Administrator the authority and responsibili

Article 02: Implementation of Policy


118.3  Recycling Policy

It shall be the policy of the Town to collect only recyclable and non-recyclable waste that is fully segregated.

Article 03: Curbside Collection Program


118.4      Curbside Collection

Curbside collection of recyclable and non-recyclable waste shall be provided to each non-commercial and non- multiunit residence within the

Article 04: Transfer Station


118.14      Authority to Operate

Pursuant to the authority granted to municipalities in RSA 31:39 and RSA 149-M:17, the Town of Durham operates the SWMF.  This SWMF

Article 05: Penalty and Prohibition


118.18      Penalty

(a)   Pursuant to RSA 31:39, III, any person guilty of violating this ordinance shall be fined as follows:

Article 06: Durham Resident Sticker


118-36 Transfer Station Entrance: Durham Resident Sticker or Temporary Entrance Letter

This Town issued sticker or temporary entrance letter allows a Durham resident or taxpayer to enter the Transfer Station and drop off items for disposal originating from the residential property in Durham from where they reside, in accordance with Article IV.

Article 07: Commercial Curbside Recycling Program


118-37 Commercial Recycling Program

A.  Commercial Properties shall have a recycling program provided and paid for by the Town in accordance with Article III as applicable.

B.  Each program participant shall be provided with up to two (2) eligible containers.