Disability Accessible Parking

Handicap Sign

Where can I find disability accessible parking?

Two handicap accessible parking spots are found on Main Street by the intersection with Mill Road; four handicap accessible parking spots are found in the Pettee Brook Parking lot (commonly known as the Store 24 lot); one in the metered parking lot also on Pettee Brook Lane, and one across the street in the “permit only” lot; one handicap accessible parking spot is found in the United States Post Office parking lot on Madbury Road; one handicap accessible parking spot is found on Cowell Drive on the same side of the road as St. Thomas More Church; and, two handicap accessible parking spots are found behind Durham Town Hall on Newmarket Road. Additional handicap accessible parking can be found in the Mill Road Plaza parking lot and numerous locations on the University of New Hampshire campus; however, to use these spots you must be conducting business at the Mill Road Plaza or on the campus, as applicable.

Where can I park if the handicap spaces are full?

(NH RSA 265:74) Any motor vehicle carrying the special plates or hanging windshield placard issued to a person with a walking disability under RSA 261:88, or a similar license plate or card issued by another state or country displaying the international accessibility symbol shall be allowed free parking in any state or municipal parking areas where a fee is charged. Each city or town shall have the discretion to set the time periods using guidelines which shall be provided by the governor's commission on disability. The free parking shall only be allowed if the person who qualifies for the special plates or hanging placard is being transported in the vehicle to or from the parking place and will be exiting the vehicle.

In short, if there are no handicap spots available, you can park in any legal parking space.  If that space is metered, you do not need to pay at the meter.

Please note that the Town of Durham does not allow overnight parking on any downtown street or town lot.  Restricted hours are from 1AM-6AM.

Where can I get a Handicap Parking Permit?

The New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles issues handicapped vehicle permits to those persons who meet their criteria. New Hampshire and the Town of Durham also recognizes those handicapped vehicle permits issued by out of state governmental authority.

I only parked in the handicap parking spot for a minute to run into a business; why did I get a ticket?

Reserved handicap parking is strictly limited to those vehicles that have been properly registered to convey persons with disabilities. The Town of Durham, through the Durham Police Department, carefully guards those reserved parking spots to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access businesses and services, regardless of the day, time or circumstance.

A $100 parking ticket for parking in a handicap accessible spot? Isn’t that a bit unreasonable?

Actually, state law permits the Town of Durham to assess a $250 fine, but the Town chooses not to assess a fine that high for first time violators.

I left my hazard lights on. Why did I get a ticket?

It is a myth that by leaving hazard lights on a vehicle may be left for short periods in reserved and/or no parking areas. This is not true. If a vehicle is left in a reserved parking spot or a location that has parking prohibited for any amount of time, it can be ticketed or towed.

My friend was in the car. Why did I get a ticket?

Most parking laws and ordinances are not limited to parked cars that have no one in them, but also include “standing”. A vehicle left “standing” in a place that prohibits parking or standing, even with passengers or a licensed driver at the wheel, is in violation and a parking ticket or other enforcement action can be taken at the discretion of the officer.