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Parking at Depot Road
Can I park in the Depot Road Parking Lot?
Depot Road parking lot is reserved for permit holders, but now offers a 24/7 pay and display meter option too. Town of Durham Residents may contact the Durham Police Department for a temporary single-day pass to utilize the Downeaster Amtrak Train.
Can I park longer than a day on this permit?
While the intention is to provide Durham residents with day parking only, the Police Department will certainly entertain reasons for extending that time, which may for instance, involve an overnight trip to Boston or Portland. Day pass permits are limited to three (3) days per month.
What are my options for Pay and Display meters?
Pay and display hourly rate is $1.50 per hour for the first eleven hours. The daily rate per 24 hour period is $18.00 for up to five days. Please remember to park in the designated 24/7 metered spaces.
How can I purchase a Depot Road Parking Lot permit?
Those interested in purchasing a permit for the Depot Road Parking lot may apply for a permit at the Durham Police Department during normal business hours or by submitting the application via email. These permits are sold on a first come/first served basis.
Depot Road Parking Permits may be purchased for $450.00 per UNH academic semester or $800.00 per academic year and $150.00 for the summer. Town of Durham Residents may purchase permits for $200.00 per UNH academic semester or $300.00 per academic year and the permits are free for the summer. Generally, applications will be accepted on May 1st for permits valid the following August. If May 1st is on a weekend, they will be accepted the first Monday in May. Any applications submitted prior to this will not be accepted.
What are the consequences if I park in Depot Road Lot without a permit?
Your car may be subject to a $25 ticket or may be towed at the owners expense.
How do the Winter Parking Ban regulations apply to Depot Road Lot?
* Permit holders may park in Depot Road Lot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the life of the permit.
* When snowfall requires the lot to be plowed, the Town of Durham Department of Public Works will perform routine maintenance plowing.
* The Durham Police Department will send a notice by e-mail to all permit holders to move their vehicles when such action is necessary, with all necessary instructions.
* Any vehicle that has not been moved by the time snow removal operations begin will be subject to towing at the permit holders expense.
How do the Overnight Parking Ban regulations apply to Depot Road Lot?
Permit holders may park in Depot Road Lot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the life of the permit. Persons displaying a valid pay and display meter receipt may also park in the metered spaces as above.