Parking Information

Visitor Map
Visitor Parking

Downtown Parking:  The Town of Durham offers metered parking in our downtown areas.

Areas closest to our local businesses, 2 hour time restrictions are in place and enforced.  There are some areas where the first hour is free when displaying a receipt from the pay station.  Please pay close attention to signs that direct you to the pay station for the area you are parked. 

If you need longer than the 2 hour max, we offer long term parking in the areas closer to UNH.

Downtown Parking Permit Map
Police Department Master Fee Schedule

#1 (Metered Parking Area) Madbury Road (westerly side between Pettee Brook Lane and Garrison Avenue)
$1.75 per hour for 4 hours $2.00 per hour after 4 hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, Saturday 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excepted. Business Permits
* may be used between Madbury Commons entrance and Garrison Avenue
*Business Permit Business Permit parking between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. midnight daily. 

Handicap Sign
Where can I find disability accessible parking?

Two handicap accessible parking spots are found on Main Street by the intersection with Mill Road; four handicap accessibl

UNH Parking
Parking at UNH

All parking on the campus of the University of New Hampshire is regulated by UNH Parking Services and NOT the Town of Durham.

When is the Overnight Parking Ban?

The Overnight Parking Ban is a year ‘round ban.

When is the Winter Parking Ban?

Winter parking ban begins every November 1st and ends April 1st the following spring.