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Durham Energy Committee
Global Covenant of Mayors
On January 13, 2021, Durham joined the Global Covenant of Mayors, a movement of more than 10,000 cities and local governments, from 6 continents and 138 countries, representing more than 800 million people intent on reducing our environmental impact upon the globe. On February 10, 2021, the Town's commitment was recognized with a welcome from
Benjamin Jance IV, Global Secretariat for GCoM.
By 2030, Global Covenant cities and local governments could account for 2.3 billion tons of CO2e annual emissions reduction, matching yearly passenger road emissions from the U.S., China, France, Mexico, Russia, and Argentina combined.
By joining GCoM, Durham has pledged to develop, adopt, use, and regularly report on the following:
- A community-scale Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission inventory, following the recommended guidance;
- An assessment of climate risks and vulnerabilities;
- Ambitious, measurable and time-bound target(s) to reduce/avoid GHG emissions;
- Ambitious climate change adaptation vision and goals, based on quantified scientific evidence when possible, to increase local resilience to climate change;
- An ambitious and just goal to improve access to secure, sustainable and affordable energy; and
- A formally adopted plan(s) addressing climate change mitigation / low emission development, climate resilience and adaptation, and access to sustainable energy.
Thanks to a partnership with UNH, Durham is already well on the way to fulfilling this commitment. Over the last several years, UNH Sustainability Fellows have undertaken research to meet our commitment.