Lily Demarest 2024 Top Dog

The Town of Durham's Top Dog was created to motivate and remind dog owners to license their pets every year by April 30. Residents automatically register for the Top Dog raffle when they obtain a dog license before April 30. The winner of the Top Dog raffle and receives a gift basket donated by the clerk’s office and their dog’s biography is featured in the Durham Friday Update. Winners are chosen at random by a computer generated ap.


Contestants will automatically be entered into the raffle when they register their dog(s) before April 30 (only open to Durham residents).

Residents who DO NOT want to be included in the raffle may opt out by writing, calling, or emailing the clerk’s office.

Contestants must be 18 or older and be the owner of the dog on file with the clerk’s office. Town of Durham employees and elected officials are not eligible.

The contestant must have a current Town of Durham dog license by April 30. A current rabies vaccination will be required to obtain the license.

The raffle winner may submit a digital photo and brief biography of their dog. Photos of the winners are included in the Durham Friday Update and Town website.  

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

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