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Marriage Licenses
Applying for A Marriage License
If you are getting married in the State of New Hampshire, you must apply for a marriage license with the following:
- Both parties must appear before the clerk to complete the application form during the Durham Town Clerk’s normal business hours. No appointment is necessary.
- Applicants must present a government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport.
- If you have been married before, applicants must present a certified copy of the final divorce decree from the most recent marriage or a certified copy of the death record of the deceased spouse. Clerks cannot accept photocopies or working versions of a divorce decree.
- The cost of the marriage license is $50.00. The Town of Durham will accept cash, check, or a debit/credit card (fees apply for cards).
- The license is valid for 90 days from the date of application and may be used anywhere in the State of New Hampshire.
- As of January 1, 2025, the age to contract a valid marriage license has been raised from 16 years of age to 18 years of age. New Hampshire courts will no longer issue age waivers.
Marriage Ceremonies
To be legally married in the State of New Hampshire, you must have one of the following perform your marriage ceremony.
- Justice of the Peace commissioned in New Hampshire. The Durham Town Clerk may perform your ceremony, but you must make an appointment. For staff scheduling, we request that applicants schedule their ceremony at least 14 days in advance.
- A minister of the gospel in New Hampshire who has been ordained to the usage of his denomination, resides in New Hampshire, and is in regular standing with the denomination.
- A minister within his parish, residing outside New Hampshire but having a pastoral charge wholly or partly in New Hampshire.
- Jewish Rabbis who are citizens of the United States and reside in this state.
- Quakers, or the Religious Society of Friends.
- A deacon in the Roman Catholic Church ordained according to the usage of his denomination.
- Judges of the United States, a US magistrate judge residing in this state pursuant to federal law, clergymen who are not ordained, and non-resident Justices of the Peace, ministers, and Jewish Rabbis, after being licensed by the Secretary of State. See NH Secretary of State https://www.sos.nh.gov/special-marriage-officiant-licenses.