Vital Records: Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Certificates

Vital records include birth, death, marriage and divorce/dissolution certificates.  Certified copies of vital records can be obtained from any Town Clerk in the State of New Hampshire or the NH-Secretary of State's Office-Vital Records Division within specific date ranges.

  • Births 1935 to present​ (except 1949 & 1950)
  • Deaths 1965 to present
  • Marriages 1960 to present
  • Divorces 1979 to within 6 months from the present search date
  • Civil Unions 2008 & 2009​
  • Dissolutions 2008 to within 6 months from the present search date

Certified copies for events prior to these dates must be secured from the Town/City Clerk where the event occurred.  For births or deaths, the record would be held in the city/town where the hospital or home was located.  For marriages, the record would be held in the city/town where the original license was obtained.

IMPORTANT: Access is only granted to the individual the record belongs to, their immediate family members or someone who establishes a direct and tangible interest in the record. A notarized letter from an immediate family member may be required even if you can demonstrate a direct and tangible interest. Some older records may be exempt from this requirement. Please visit the NH Secretary of State's website for more information at:

Click the link below to access your records online.