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Fire Prevention
The Fire Prevention Bureau of the department is responsible for the less glamorous functions of the fire department. The Division Chief and Fire Inspectors staff the fire Prevention Bureau. The role of the fire prevention bureau is to prevent fires or minimize the impact through 4 main functions:
This includes plan review for new construction and building renovations to ensure the buildings are constructed according to the fire code and the building includes the proper fire protection features. Review of plans begins with the site plan to ensure things like proper access to the site. The next phase of the project involves reviewing the plan for proper construction, exits, lighting, and fire protection systems. Finally, during the construction of the project various inspections are conducted to ensure the building is being built in accordance with the approved plans.
Educating the public how to prevent fire by avoiding high-risk behaviors, while teaching what to do to minimize the impact should a fire occur. Education efforts are generally targeted at members of the public who are at the highest risk from fire: the very young and the elderly. Other high risk groups may include people who are not capable of self-preservation due to a physical or mental impairment.
This includes conducting inspections and answering complaints about fire code violations and ensuring compliance. Fire codes are designed as a minimum standard. In other words, compliance with the code can be compared to passing with a "C". Code compliance can become an issue for the court if all other attempts fail to gain compliance. The court can order compliance as well as impose fines for violations of the fire code.
The fire prevention bureau enforces the State Fire Code; the State Fire Code includes the 2000 editions NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and NFPA1 Fire Prevention Code. The Code includes sections for new and existing construction. Existing buildings must comply with the sections that are applicable to existing buildings. There is no "Grand Father Clause" in the State Fire Code. In addition to the State Fire Code the Fire Prevention Bureau has specifications for the installation of fire protection systems, including fire alarms, sprinklers, standpipes, fire hydrants and fire lanes listed in the Durham Fire Department Specifications for the Installation of Fire Protection Systems, Fire Hydrants and Fire Lanes.
Fire Cause Determination
Determining the cause of the fire can lead to methods of preventing further similar fires and/or prosecution of those responsible for intentionally set fires. In many cases a fire cause is determined to be unintentional; the cause can range from a candle left unattended to a lightning strike. When a fire is intentionally set the Fire Department works with the appropriate police agency to build a criminal case and prosecute the responsible party.