Proposed 2018-2027 Capital Improvements Program

Table of Contents

2018-2026 Summary    Public Works Operations Division 62
  CIP Summary 2018 1   Road Resurfacing 63
  CIP Summary 2019 2   Sidewalk Improvements 75
  CIP Summary 2020 3   Dump Truck Replacement 82
  CIP Summary 2021 4   Main Street/ Pettee Brook Round-a-bout 83
  CIP Summary 2022 5   Oyster River Dam Repairs 84
  CIP Summary 2023 6   Dame Road Paving 85
  CIP Summary 2024 7   Mobile Air Compressor 86
  CIP Summary 2025 8   Backhoe Replacement (cost split w/Water & WW) 87
  CIP Summary 2026 9   Roadway Sweeper 88
  CIP Summary 2027 10   1/2 Ton Pickup Replacement 89
Proposed Debt Schedules 11   Aerial Bucket Truck 90
Business Department 15   Sidewalk Plow Tractor Replacement 91
  Statistical Update - Assessing 16 Public Works Sanitation Division 92
  Municipal Software Package 17   Recycling Collection Vehicle Replacement 93
Economic Development 18   Front End Loader 95
  Technology Drive Infrastructure        Improvement 19   Roll-off Truck 96
Fire Department Projects 20   Skid Steer 97
  Radio Simulcast Upgrades 21   Refuse Collection Vehicle Replacement 98
  Permitting Software Purchase 22 Recreation Department Projects 99
  Deputy Chief Vehicle Replacement 23   Vehicle Purchase 100
  Medic 1 Replacement 24 Water Fund Projects 101
  Defibrillator Replacement 25   Technology Drive PRV Station 102
  Washing Extractor/Dryer Purchase 26   Madbury Road Booster Pump Station 103
  New Fire Station 27   Town/UNH Shared Water System Improvements 104
  Asst. Chief Vehicle Replacement 28   Wiswall Dam Spillway 105
  Thermal Imaging Camera 29   Madbury Road Water Line Replacement 106
  Utility Vehicle Replacement (Silverado) 30   Backhoe Replacement (Cost Split w/Oper. & WW) 108
  Turnout Gear Replacement 31   One Ton Utility Truck Replacement 109
  Forestry Unit Replacement 32 Wastewater Fund Projects 110
  Replace & Update Microwave Link 33   Wastewater Facilities Plan 111
  Tanker Refurbishment 34   WWTP Major Components Contingency 112
  Chief Vehicle Replacement 35   Collection System Repair/Upgrade (Town/UNH) 113
  Fire Prevention Vehicle Replacement 36   Collection System Repair/Upgrade (Town Only) 114
  Engine 1 Refurbishment 37   3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 115
  SCBA Replacements 38   18" Force Main Replacement 116
  Airbags for Vehicle Extraction Replace. 39   WWTP Phase III 117
  Mobile Radio Upgrades - 3 Year Program 40   Backhoe Replacement (Cost split w/Oper. & Water) 119
  Rescue 1 Replacement 42   Commercial Lawnmower 120
Information Technology Projects 43 Churchill Rink 121
  IT Equipment Replacement 44   Renovations 122
  HD Studio Upgrade 45 Tax Increment Financing Projects 130
  GIS Program 46   Stone Quarry Drive TIF - Phase III - Infrastructure Imp. 131
Police Department Projects   47   Downtown TIF - Structure Parking 132
  Vehicle Replacement 48   Downtown TIF - Purchase of Parking Lot 133
  Radio Simulcast Upgrades 49    
  Evidence Management Software 50    
Public Works Buildings & Grounds 51    
  Downtown Holiday Decorations 52    
  Purchase Solar Panels at Town Facilities 53    
  3/4 Ton Pickup Replacement 54    
  Purchase of Solar Panels at Gravel Pit 55    
  One Ton Dump Truck Replacement 56    
  1/2 Ton Pickup Replacement 57    
  Commercial Lawnmower 58    
Public Works Engineering Division 59    
  Littlehale Pond Culvert Replacement 60    
  Culvert & Outfalls Program 61